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HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 06/22/1960 CITY OF KENT
Meeting called to order 8:05 P.M. JnTE 22, 1960
Chairman Ed Sipe presiding.
Members present: Bogard, Frazier, Wieser and Anderson.
Exofficio members : Sherwood and Wilke .
Minutes of previous meeting approved as printed.
The Secretary read a letter from Mr. Harlan Bull request-
ing zoning for a live stock auction sales yard at 6258
auction So. 212th Kent . He has a buyer who proposes to build an
sales yard administration building and sales yard, valued at approx.
-^equest $125,000.00. There will be ample off street parking. The
somplete operation will meet all State Department of
Agriculture specifications. They will need 40 to 60 pounds
of water pressure for fire protection and wash downs, as
all yards will be washed after every sale day.
Mr. Bull introduced Mr. Haynes, a represenative of the
company, and Mr. Hildenbrand, who will be the manager.
Mr. Hildenbrand read a few of the sanitation regulations
that they must comply with such as :
All floors cement and kept in good repair,
All floors must have a slop of at least I inch per foot,
All floors must be washed and disenfected not latter than
the day following a sale,
Water pressure of at least 40 pounds is a must.
He further stated they would also have a Federal inspector
present every working day. He didn' t fe^1 that the
operation would be as obnoxious as a dairy barn as live
stock would be here only approx. 3 days a week.
Mr. A. M. Anderson who lives in the vicinity was present
and objected to this as he felt the odor would be
objectionable .
Wieser moved, 2nd by Frazier to set a public hearing for
this matter at our next regular meeting July 13th.
Motion Carried.
Mr. Sherwood stated that he would like represenatives of
the Company to be :able to show a def inte plan for
drainage, sanitation, and a perculation test prior to the
public hoaring. This was agreed to.
Niel Pierce Niel pierce 1st . Addition preliminary plat was presented.
1st. add. Sherwood stated the street pattern is fine but a discus--
Prel. sion was had on the contours.
Approved Bogard moved and 2nd by Anderson to approve the prel.
plat but the final plat must show final contours .
Motion Carried.
3traints StrainIs final plat was presented. Sherwood stated that
Final Plat he had checked the plat and everything seemed to be in
approved order.
Frazier moved, 2nd by Wieser to approve Strain' s final
plat and direct the Chairman and Secretary to sign same.
Motion Carried.
Kentwood A revised preliminary plat for Kentwood Glen was presented
len Frel. Some discussion followed.
-'approved Yrieser Moved, 2nd by Bogard to approve the Kentwood Glen
June 22, 1960
preliminary plat subject to the recommendations of the
City Enginoer. Motion Carried.
A letter was read from King County Planning Commission
King County asking our recommendations on 3 requests for rezoning in
requests King County.
approved 1. Britt M. Smith, on SE 256th Street next to the Kent
Meridian Sr. High School. To be zoned for retail
business and business parking.
2. Merril Dean Marlatt, at the SE. corner intersection
of the Military and Kent-D-s moines Roads . To be
zoned for retail business and business parking.
3. Vernon L. Estes on the south side of the Kent-
Des Moines Road. To be zoned for retail business .
Frazier moved, 2nd by Wieser the Secretary should write
the King County Planning Commission indicating our
recommendations for approval of all three requests .
Motion Carried.
Some discussion followed about trampoline yards, and the
parking of travel trailers on private property in the
new ordinance.
The Chairman announced that there would be a joint
meeting of the Planning Commission and the City Council
Monday June 27th at 7 :30 P.M. Margaret Frische will also
be present. All should attend.
Bogard moved, 2nd by Frazier to adjourn.
Meeting adjourned 9:00 P.M.
Mrs . E. A. Sipe Secy.