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HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 06/08/1960 CITY OF K ENT
imm 3, 196 o
Meeting called to order 7:40 P M.
Chairman Ed Sipe presiding,
nambers present: Frazier, Kennedy, Wieser, Bogard, and Anderson.
2xofficio members : Sherwood and Wilke .
minutes of previous meeting approved as printed.
A request fro2t King County Planning Commission for our rec-
:ing omriend at;-en on the preliminary Rancho Linda plat rr e rea6 ,
aunty This ,la.. lies east of Valley Vista #f 2 along the _6'e'{ cr
;archo Jeffery Road.
-,`-nda Sherwood stated that due to the topography the ciurvsd street
tat. is necessary.
Frazier moved, 2nd by Wieser to recommend approval.
Motion carried.
A revised preliminary DZacyln plat was presented. After, ..ome
M.acyln discussion Bogard moved, 2nd by Kennedy to accept the
pro . revised plat. Motion Carried.
plat Frazier pointed out that the spit:; strip would have to be
«,pprov:;d taken care of before the final plat would be accepted.
This was agreed to by the oanor of the plat. Mr. Bruce
Walker and Mr. Ma, Boyker are the developers .
Mr. A. C. Andcrson presented a drawing showing an addition
A. C. to the back of his house cutting the back yard to 19 ft.
Anderson for a short distance .
back Sherwood stated that percentage wise he still would have
yard plenty of back y.ard.
vnrianco Frazier moved, 2nd by Wieser to grant the v^.rinnce .
granted Motion Carried.
Regular meeting recessed.
Public hearing oponed3 :00 P.M.
The Socretcry read the notice of public hearing for Ed Pike to cons-
truct a 10 unit apartment on the following described property:
Tr. G. The E. 75" of tee W. 259.3b' of the S. W. if of
the SWI of the SW4, Sec. 17 Twp. 22 N, Range 5 EF12r-i,
Tr.H: The E. 751 of the W. 334.36t of the S',T} of the
SWg= of the SWI, Sec. 17 Twp. 22N., Range 5 EW114.
23626-100th Ave . S. E.
Mr. Bogard disqualified himslef as a Commission member on t
this request ns he has drawn the over all plan.
Mr. Pike prusent.:d an overall plan for his entire property.
The plan was discussed and as no one present presented
objections the public herring was declarod closed 3 :20 P,M.
iogular meatir_g reconvened 3 :20 P.M.
June 8, 1960
F:!ieser moved, 2nd by Frazier to approve the 10 unit
Pikers Apt, apartment for Lir. Pike .
Approved Motion Carried.
Strain' s final plat was presented. The Chairman stated
Strain" s that !&. Strain had called him but w^s unablo to attend
final plat the r-GFting.
Sherwood stated that he had had no time tc study the
final plat.
Bogard moved, 2nd by Wieser to table this plat until
next roguLar meoting to allow time for study,
Motion carried.
Mr. L, F. Garbor wanted information on a trampoline
Trampoline yard, He would like to know what the requirments are .
yard He has a lot next to 415 So. Central approx, c --X 160r
•*+forma. ion ?cu ;'e he would like to out 8 or 10 trampoli,,:;L
This is something ±hla now to the Planning ^,mrr11._sion
they felt they should have some time to study Find a
detailed plan presented.
Bogard moved, 2nd by Wieser to table until next regula-
moutin„ for further study. Motion Carried,
The Secretary asked permission to have her typwritter repaired,
Bogard moved. 2nd by Wieser to have the typwrittur repaired.
+lotion Carried.
The Bo^rd of Adjustments in the new proposed ordinance was; discussed.
It was decided to present it to the Council as it now appears.
Mr. Pike st^.tcd that he had presented 2 sots of plans for his apt.
units and wanted to know which, plan h^.d been approved. He told
that approval was made on the 1 building 2 story l0unit plan,
v';onnedy moved, 2nd by 'Wieser to adjourn
Meeting adjourned 9,00 P.M.
;ass . L. A. Sipe &ecy�