HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 05/25/1960 CITY OF KENT FLANNING C015i:ISSION MAY 25, 196o Meeting called to order 7 :30 F .M. Chairman Ed Sipe presiding. Members present : Frazier, Kennedy, Wieser, Strain, Anderson, Turner, Bogard and Winbeckler. Exofficio members: Sherwood and Wilke . Minutes of previous meeting approved as prented. A letter was read from King County Planning Department Bing regarding a request for reclalssification of pre�:erty in County King County on So. 25eth adjacent to Kept Ci,y lii^its . t' o-_a Turner moved 2nd by Strain to recommend the arp-roval of r-.orrian the requ:;st . MOTION CARRIED. approved The secretary should also ask King County for a couple of copies of their new zoning ordinance . A. C . Sherwood presented a request for a back yard variance for Ande,_•son Mr. A. C. Anderson. Mr. Anderson' s property is on ! oodlanu var u : ''ay in Armscrest ;{2 . He would like to build an addit .on ­e-ased on the back of his house cutting his back yard to 20 ft . f�card. moved 2nd by Turner to refuse this request until a forYral application giving more details is presented. P.Zotion Carried. Dehnnrt ' s Sherwood presented a preliminary plat for Dehnert ' s Addition Addition. Sherwood stated th street plan was good but Fr-limiri7-y 'chat some evidcrce siaeuld b, shown that So 261st and plat 260th. can be pL_t throuh. A derson moved, 2nd by Frazier to reject these plans as shown and ask for a more detailed plan showing contours , specifically rega.ri?ir. streets . 1:10TION CARRIED. A meeting was scheC.uled for June 2nd, 7;30 P.M. at Si,e + s Fuel office to study the new revised ordinance . Th-; Chairman stated that it had been brought to his attention that peon_;e living; on the West Hill hav , Kent mail addresses and are list- ed _f-n the Des Moan-s phone d.irrctory malring it difficult to be located by visitors to the -^r3a. Bogard moved, 2nd by Vliaser directing the Secretary to write a letter to the Telephone Company making there aware of this situation. Motion Carried. REGULAR A"E'FTIA1^ RE";ESSED. FUBT:IC v7A't ING CALLED TO ORDER f :00 P.M. Arprox, : 30 present The Secretary reed the public hearin7 notice to rer-ride and establish a t .,Porary gravel nit operation with rock crusher on the following described property: Northwest quarter of southeast qunrt3r; also That portion cf the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter described as follows : Beginning; at the northwest corner of said h,ay 259 1960 northeast quarter of southeast quarter; thence south to the southwest corner thereof; thence east along the south line thereof to the westerly line of the O.H. Benson Road; thence northerly along said westerly line to its intersetion with th; westerly line of the Kent-Des Moines Short Line Road; Thence northerly alona- said westerly line to the north line of said subdivision; thence ,vest to the oint of beginning; All in section 22, township 22 N. range & E'VV. OR Along Reith Road on 'Nost Hill The Secretary also road letters from tray Construction Company, Atty. Jpne4 Currar. and. P. petition objecting to the request signed by people . The operation is to be tarred on by Bay Construction Company rep- resented by Mr. H. K. Wasson who gave an outline of the proposed operation and ste.ted that the crusher is an electrically driven one and would net be noisy at a distance of 500 ft. The dust would be controlled bar sprinkling and would only operate 1 shift a day. This is ni-lyr^rily a regrading job but, Mr. Wasson stated, that to make this operation financially feasable they would have to utilize the natural recourcos available . Mr & Mrs Eugene Menalia of 25038 Lk. Fen. Rd. Mr & Mrs Wilfred H. Gosnell owning property on 47th Ave . So. and Reith Road. Mr. & Yrs Neil Pierce of 252.22 Lk. Fen Rd. Mr. Lyle Sandelius 25626-4eth So . Mr. Don Knapp-25046-38th Ave . So . Mr. Ilatelich owning property at the corner of Reith & Kent-Dos Moines Road. All spoke objecting to the operation of rock crusher and the possibility of a gravel pit cparation being carried on for approxivatley two years and then finishing to tha contours . The genoral feeling; was that no new homes would want to build in this area '?ecause of noise and dust thus making it impossible for those owning property to sell for some time . However, they did not object to the removal of gravel to contour the land. Mr. James Curran, an attorney, representing Neil Pierce, Andy llatelich, Lyle Sandelius, and others, first stated that he had resigned his City Council pcsiticn and wanted to make it claar he tnrss acting as an Attorney for his clients and not as a Councilman. Mr. Curran presented the following things to consider; 1.The applicant is not the owner of the property. 2.This was considered by King County and turned down some time back but he was unable to find the record. 3 . This is a proposed R-1 area, a rock crusher or facilities of that nature is not compatible to R-1 zoning. 4. This request is for a two year period. A lot of gravel can be removed in that time and then a second request can be made . 5. The crusher would be located on the only entrance to the West Hill area. 6. The people in the area do not object to the regrading but do object to the crusher operation and asked that the crusher operation be denied. (3) M�9 25, 1960 rrtr �^• �san stated that they have agreed to n contract with the City ana r•c ;_ .<< a bond so that the City Council will have complete control. Mr. Curran further 54*n ;.:—a that Mr. Fierce had just recieved earnest money on 1P lets buL archaser stated that he would no complete the transaction if' pry c -cl. or vp9 allowed to go in h(r he re . Public hearing closed 9 ;15 P.M. Regular meeting reconvened. Frazier stated that it appears that the Bay Ccnstruc- Bay ticn Company, repr ser ted by Mr. Wa scan, is onl-,r the Construction morgage holder and not ' he of^mer of the rrooerty . Refused Therefore it !cull appe^r to ;t tL'_s ;.,Fes not signed by the legal owner. Fresier moved, 2nd b1T INinbeckler to refuse the request . Motion Carried. The Chairman stated that we had had another request for pu'oiic hearing tc' i ht but it was on Highway 99 and the Ceu.rts had deleted this annexation. Therefore it could not be ccn.sidered. Pike '—, proposed apartments were discussed. Airs.E.1 . Sipe Secy.