HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 05/17/1960 May 17, 1960
I called a meeting of the Planning Cc=ission at 9:00 this morning, .
in regard to the proposal presented by Paul P:;cKay on the East Valley
highway last night. It was our unanimous decision that we should
hold out, for the freeway route for the following reasons:
1-The proposed plan would be strictly a stop gap operation and
would not solve anything.
2-Our main traffic problem is between Kent and Renton and not
between Auburn and Kent.
3-Here is a partial list of events which i,rill generate consider-
able more traffic between Kent and Renton winthin the next two
A-The Boise Cascade Bldg. Co. in conjunction with the -7rays'lone
Cement Block Co, have purchased 40 acres on the Obrien Road.
B-Jorgensen Steel Co.
C-Fionaer Sand and Gravel Co.
All of these plants will be alonp, the Obrian Road.
D-The Kory PlasticIifg. Co. location north of Howard's P:'.fg.
plat will eventually require access to the Taylor Road.
E-Esco Steel Co. East valley Paul VJissor industrial park.
F'- its. Paul Wieser has plans corpleted ( a drawjng of h's
Industrial Park Development can be seen at my office.)
He is workin.7 with sev-ral industarial comrahies which show intsrost
in his d3v3l6pment, among them a tractor conpany which is now
employing 150 workers.
Also the Northern Pacific Rf�ilwav Co. have hinted th-t they h^.ve
several 1-!r-e industries which they expect to st•.rt, up on their
property south of the Obrien Road within two years.
I have also just recioved information that the WcJ stern Gear Co, is
still considering putting one of their slants on rrenerty they
purchased here, besides the one they may put in Everett.
These industries going in and starting the industrial developmont
in this area will in turn draw more. Therefore one does not need
a crystal ball to realize the traffic which will be �zenaratad in
this ar b trreen Kent and Renton.
At the prasont time there is no indication of any real d^v lopment
between Auburn and Kent.
I just talked with Yr. Sprague of Lambath & Sill, who represent the
Railway Co. would give us support on this, as the industrial
davelopr:ent ?will between Bent and Renton. He is going, to constact
me 1^ter on this to see how they can help. I have also talked with
Yr. Hunble of the Renton Planning Commission, he has assured me that
we can count on Renton giving us all the support they can. I!"r.
Humble will consolidate forces in Renton if we �r:> willing to make
a definite stand.
Vr. N.H. Nixson, of the Northern Pacific Railway is very much
opposed to the plan as presented by PicKsy and favors the freeway
route starting at Renton. Ha stated ha would contact the officers of
the Co. and contact me. in th next few days, to let me know just, how
far the railroad do. will ?o in backing Kent on this demand.
Therefore we f,?l th. City should make a definite stand for the
freetr2V route. With the support of the City of Renton and the Rail-
roads we should be able to muster all the pr ssure ne>ded, when it
is taken into consid ration that the Highway Dept. themselves have
classifiad the East Valley Highway as the 4th worst road in the
State (refer to editorial in the News Journal of a few months ago.)
It is rr, fe3-ling that we should take immediate action and not wait
any loner or we will suddely wake up and find that we have lost
out entirely.
EAS/ s E. A. Sipe Charm .n
Conies Kent Planning Commission
P9ayor and
K.-mbers of City Council
P'embers of Planning Commission
Chamber of Commerce