HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 05/11/1960 CITY OF KENT FLANATING C01YISSION mAY 11, 1960 YeetinE called to order 7:�5 F.P. Chairman Ed Sipe presiding. T:"embers present: -J eser, Frazier, ^urner, Bogard, Strain -& Anderson Exoff is io r:erbers: t"Jilke "inutes of rr_eetir._g held Parch 23d. read and. a.proved as read. T'inutes of the meeting held April 27th read. a should add: '.rle held no r:aeeting April 13th as not enough members *.ere present to form a quorum. F nutes a.Drroved with the added paragraph. 1'r. ^.Tclntvra presented a request to allow a vaeetabla Ve^stable warehouse with refrigeration to b built on the Pat stora -e Ricardo Prorarty south of th Obrien Road, whilch is warehouse unzonad at rresant. The building is to be of concrete arproved _block construction and used to stern vegetables .^sown on the rrcoerty ur_til they can be taken to Ta:-'Kat. The property consists of apprcx. 40 acres. There will be no retailing carried cn here. The Chairran reported that he had contactad tha City !=.ttorney on this m..tter and was told that to be absolutly lrzal we rust zono this area f_rst, but, duo to the fact that this would soon be taken care of i,n tha new proposes zoning, end this project wculd conform to our n,,,w prop.cs21 we could r7rant the permit on this basis. Aft-er sone discussicn T2rr_er r,ovrrd to approve on a rermit basis as to sit, only with r1nr_3 to he arprovcd b-,- the City Engineer, 2r_d by Bo-ard. ^ CTICP( EtI^D. Ed pike ^couasted ci date frr public hearingbo se.t for his Ed Fike epartrant units on East 'Fill. request Fr^zi :r ;-loved 2r_d by 6nd.rsor_ to sat June ath for T-,ub I. c pu.bl"c ....grin;; for :,r, ri.''.3. ? 'OTIO".? C�'.''�R=). hsrng The Chairmen stp.t=,d that through sore misunderstanding _. Bay his absence thti -ray Construction Corrrany was Tr=r_tcd Construct-aprrova.l of their request. No public heiring noticas ion having b.en rubl_ shad concerning this ratter. Turncr noved, 2nd by Vdiaso=r, tr_. res-i.nd th(; previous zction of the Planning Coe.---rission on the say Ccnstruetio: CcmeanjT Issue• P OTIuP, C`. l ). Str^.in mowed, 2nd by Turner to set ^: ay 25th for pudic hearing on this matter. I"OTICN CARnTED. Tha Chairman st^tad thft in talking to paople in the are they didn't seem to object to tlni r,lading but did obje to th crusher end asphalt jslant. Harlan Nelson mill be hers 23, 24, -.nd 25th. He will hev� rsvised ccr.iess of the proposed ordinance and maps. The Chairm.,n will get copies to aach merebFer ^s soon -s possible so that each may study it. If possible we should approve on May 25th cnd present to th;� City Ceunc June 6th. The Chairman asked that all members bo present ^bout 13 minutes ,nrl,; at our next me n meting, "ny 25th, s the press wants to take picturss. Anderson moved, 2nd by Fi.=.ser to adjourn. P1�eting adjourned F:30 F.":I. S.-,o-