HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 02/24/1960 C ly NT IT OF KE'l TLANNIN7Y FEPRTIARY 24" 1960 Meeting called to ord�r 7-30' Chairman Ed Sipe prw)sldlng. "a,-bers present: Frazier, '31aser, Fennedy and Turner. Exofficio mai-,,bers, Sherwood, Dent and "Vilkie. Ninutes of -.revlous masting rear.1 P-n-.1 is read. she Chairman rerlorted t,hat the necessary evidence In writing Arms rest has been pla3ed on file and Armserest, i"t' 3 rlat has ltJenn signed. # 3 s L-Ined A letter was read from Harler Nelson and Associates sty 4t'Lng that oor,les of t'ne revised zon:1.ng ordinance and dI -sat are now available for study. I A request w, s ra,�,'kd fror, Joe Rarwood to zone frrr,.ri unclassified Harwood to r-anufacturing rro-ert7 betTween P c 41 and 917 South , ozone Stnte . Purner moved 2nd by Kennedy to set March 23d. for a public hear *ng on tr -equQst . MOTTON CARRIED. The new schedule for public hear!lngs on the new ordinance and conprehansJ,ae clan was read. Starting the review of tie text of the zon ,ng ordinance , wi _Ich will h,, o;_-,en for -rubllc di­.cusslon, Yarch2, 196CS I 8:0 � F . U. in the Council ChAmbers at ,it the City Fall. ",arch 1l.th­zoning map end com- . to Winner east to Neat. Yarch 16th--- ­lUast of Es3t 11"' rcb 2Pth--- 11 11 if Valley Highway a _--Valley xzkkxz north of Winner March 30th--- ---Balance of valley south Hill Wilkie presented tl,-e -roVlem of fl.re escape on PerrIn's Perrin' s apartments, Canyon Drive. He had discussed the rroblem with fire escape the City Attornr1 find read an, oi,inion frc-,, him ri­Ich is varience p1sced on file. '}'llkis asked for tiia varik,,,nee to allow +-)ie gr r t 9 d fire escape to bto ; 1!,Iced or) the so,,it hest st end of the bullding. Turner mov.9d , 2nd by ',Yieser to mart vgrl^ncs as requested. Kentwood HlUs Sherwood i-rasel-lt9d t 'a fl -InAl ; I-lkt Por Yentwood Hills divislr,)n division i 11 _'q *1 The rlat haa been ep�roved and this is a Of the d i-()rt ir, Prel_lr-Jn4�XY7 let and does -oonforrm. Wieser r)oved to approve subject to the api.roval of the City Engineer for -minor corr-14tions . 2nd by Yennedy. ' OTION CARRIED. (2) orus r7 2, 1960 The form King, County uses for rr?zone was studied and Agreed that It Is a rr,00d Idea Sri-, we jl,�,cullrl h.1— so-, et Inz. 11'ke it. ReiNi.gr rceetlng r-_­ce-9s,,-.,d 8:100G F .M. Fublic 11> aring c� enod. ,t request fror; Vr. Lazzarini , wr,s rend to zone fro,- unclass- j to i-smulf5-cturing tl:e follo In-, ascribed pr 1,-:erty. Lazzarine That rortlon 171np J. 0 1 west of Northern Pao if ic Railroad 1 11 rezone N.W. 1- of N.E, of 13, Township, 22, Range 40 aT ProAlld less County Ro;.ad also known rs tax title lot -3. or 762t So. 22F- th 4 It's no one le"It -�. r­sen. ti, -kublic h9arIng was nlosed -- nd the requalp neat-Ini-, reopened P, :10 F .M. 76'laser ry:Oved. and 2nd by Frazier to va-Irrove the rezone . VOTT! N letter wa.-, rea.Al f1 :r Yr. J. P. Drown raquestin approval Mr Brown of r1ans for, all. flp unit cmartment court to b;-- constructe ' unit art . oil t-Ye cid Jr. Vigh site at Titus Straet. Ift, Brown and ",T) old Jr. 151. his xyJL%k nro"Itect Mr. O'Niel were present. Yr. rarsons of 525 Yenosla Ave , stntI7^d that he visa concerned aPproved. & ,uut the stc!nr bul.idin." along Titus Street. cutting oft 11's view. 'Mr. O'Niel stated that he had taken this Into consideration Prid. 'Uhley didn' t th.-Ink they would be cutting off an-yones view on Kernosia and vIcInIty. Mr. 'arsons also st,! t4ad he 41-1 :?ught that It w." s recesssry to hold a rublIc for an apsrtniert house. He was Informed that this ar>ia was &t,i. roved for tipartments tit a public hearing h ld December 26, 1958, with the stirulation that the plans for the build4n.-s be pmi3ented to end apT,-roved 7o7 the Y­1�.njjllng lo-mmlsslon. Mrs L"ZeIjsbe,,a1c of '535 Fenosia nslred Pbo!.1t the. garbpge cans. Mr. 'Brown otat�d thrt t -,ey wo-uld wither be well screened or sunken. This -lan wi.11 require sn expenditure of approximntly one rra1ll3cn do:'plars . Turner stated that he felt t1--.,!s is 91 Pood plan, would conform to R 4 zcnlng, and would, be a real asset to the City. Therefor- wo,lld 'cc c,11-1,rove these plans subject to working out details with tLle (; Ltj Snglneer. 2nd by Prazier. The question wits raised s bout b�cicing out, or. Titus Street. It was recommended that thl-Is be re erranged so peor1e could drive out . Motion Carried. Mr. Collins '� rpsented a Prellmlnary p1pt that is locrto)J CollIrs along Woodland 'Na,7 south red adjacent to the Arminsorest pl&ts. p ra I!m n ii ry Yr. Sherwood rerlor%-uiended thr�t a 50 ft. culd-sec would be xaffts plat np,l roved sufficient, a pervwnert epst-nent for sewer for lot be irade, the allev should ",,e Jnorea.sed to 2C ft. and an outlet be T.-rovided. Tiirn�er vroved. 2nd by V?,'ieser to aT;rrove th,.,) pretlimln�i:mr plat subject to t1he City Engineer' s recommendations. YOTION 3AIR""IED (3) February 24, 1960 Kennedy stated thvt tl,-tc Collints plat ,prorosed to v.lcatq I recovaaend 1:,rrt of Wv..lnut Streqt , and part of Lincoln anti Tilden vacation of Avenues . Ile roved that we reco-r-,u-,,end to the City Council streats In these streets b� Ps shores on th. plat. 2nd by Collins Plat Turner. A d1scus:..icn of typebye pmTos,��d or�',Inarze followed. I Turner -moved 2nd 771eser tc adjo-urn. M-W)ng & T,'urnedl 9 :30 P-Ike