HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 02/24/1960 (3) C1'1Y OF KENT FEBRUARY 24, 1960 7,47eating called to ord: r 7 :3" Chairman Ed Sipe rrasiding. '1�ambers prosent- Frazier,, Maser, Kennedy and Turner. E;xoffioia nerbers, Sherwood, Dent ent4 %Yllkie . Ninutes of previous vz3etinq rend. enU P-,-1 r.- 111ro­.a,3 as read. The Chairman reported t-hat t',,e necessary evidence in writing Armscrest has been pla-led on f.,,Je ana, Arrascrest 1i 3 T',Int has been signed. ii 3 a i,-,n e d A letter was Are8d from harlan Nelson, and Associates stating t1hat copies of t1ne revised zonIng ordinance and d! -est are now available for study. A request c =s rand fror, Joe Harwood to zone from unclassified Harwood to ranufacturirg ?,ro-erty -C-_In�- between F-41 8nd 917 South rezone Stnte . Turner moved 2nd by Kennedy to set March 23d. for as public hear ' -,- on t,,,- -equest. VOTION CARRIED. The new schedule for public hearings on the new ordinance and ortmr.rehensllk)e T.1an was road. Starting -alth the review of the text of ?;he zon 'ng ordinance , w-lah will. open for rubl1c 11 h 2,3cuss4cn, - I, I A` V'a r c 19 6 C M. An the Cuunch C,hnrnbers mf ant the C1t7 Hall. _.arch U.th---zonixag P,,,ap and corn; . dawn---W4llia to Winner east to west. Erarch 16th--- it if it it ---Pa 8 t 0 f Eq - 3t Yarch 2ftb­ Valley Hivhwa7 ---Valley X.MtkXM north of Winner March 3(.'th--- ---Baltence of valley south �prAl6th---- fl 71 IV I ­*A0st dill Wilkie presented t'le r r o':>I e m of 1".re escape on Perrin' s Parrin's apartments, Canyon Drive. Fie had discussed the problem with f Ire escaT-e the City horn y fi,_1­ read at, oulntor fron, "A.m which is variance ulsc9d On Me , i.lkia asked for t'lne var!_Fince to allow thie g r,7,r t 9 d fire escape to be j I!,,ced on the southeast end of the bu.11.ding. Turner moved ,E 2nd by YIlieser to grant vary nce Fui request�d. !-,'OTION �',ARRID. Yentrfood 'i'Ll1s Sherwood rr-sents:,)d tte flnnl f'cr Kentwocd Hills divis .1on d1visilon 01 Y 1. The bas' bu6n, evy. roved and this Is a in 1,rconform;... Wieser ap, rovizd. Tortlon of the Prell i-7 an3 ;foes Con moved to approve subject to the ap;.;roval of th City En;r-ineer for -,,Tnor corr-Idtions , end by Kennedy. y`OTION CARPIED. (2) of, -orunry, cam., I�ov The form King County uses for r4�zone was studied and a.-.-Pread that It 1,9 a idleg, sns.x-1 we F0h'ou_,., ,,egu' ar meat" 1-,ublic flearIng ol ened. A requnst fror,­, 'r'r, Lazzarini , wf's road to zone fro'., unclass- fJ tC) turin, t' follow, �&.- oi��scrlbed proT,"!ert • ! c-� J F�l ­_ r is Rallromd Lazzarine That portIr-in ly Ing west of Northern Vac if rezone N.W.. of N.E, 1 1 of 3-�cticr 13, - ovinship 22., Range 4. , i, � a.r pro-kro d less County Road t),lso IkMown Is tax title lot 3. or 761.0 1-> 0. 22fth 1;s rf, t'.) -ubl4c h-Rring %rrks r,losqd and the raqualr meatjn 7 roo-teased 8: 10 P.M. �Vlaser r,-ved and 2nd ' Frazier to aplpr�_ e thrs rezone . ,1-�OTI'IN Clk7illV% letter wa:'" Yr. J. P. Proven r,-:�questlkyi- arpm%'al mr Brown of -lairs for n ant apartt-,Fent court to ba collstructed F4unit a-Ft. o"'I tl-lle Jr. Righ site at Vitus Street. Ift. Brown rind on cld Jr. H1. his NXIxk nrc`ritact mr. O'Kiel were present. s1te S r. `ersans of 525 Kenosis Ave , statnd that he Yoss -oncet�ned approved. ct .Iuut the I stc-1- bi,.,1ld!nF,a along Titus Street. -uttlng oft, I ht�s vie Yr ONiel stated that he had taken this Into consideration Pnd. tbea dIdn' t th.-7,nk they would be cutting off ntnyones view on Kenosia and vicinity. Mr. Persons also stated he tl. .-,tight; that It w,-. s recessarry to hold a ;ublic hearlings _`or an apartment house. He wns informed that this ar-4a rates rah ii,roved for Rprirt­ents Rt a public hearing h.-ald Decamber 26, It) width. the stipulation that the plans for tl' e buil.11_nrs be presented to and approved b- the F'Iannlngg Oamm'_' sslon. ",',rs �lreiisbeek of 5535 Fenosla aslncll abo t the garb,9ge cans. 'Pr 0 4��..St t 1 ie� -ill e!tlher be well screened or Mr, own stat�,d 1 7 w c,�k sunken. 'This -lan will. rf-quire sn exT,,enditure of a proxi , tly one r!All.lcr. do .lars . Turner stated that he felt tl:".Is is 9, good 1,0-an, wculd norjfom to R 4 :,,(-,,n_;ng and would be s reel asset to the City*. Therefom woI,.3,d -love to &,.' �-,ro-vre theses planar subject to workIng, out -details with tie di-ty S"nglnear. 2nd by Frazier. The question ms ral sad a bout bacicinig out or Titus Street. It was re-lonimended that th)ls be re arranged so Peorle could drive out. Motion Carried. fir. Collins !,-resented a Y' i rellrt, nary plat that fs locsted along Woodland Via-, south rind adjacent to the Arrmserest plats . prelim-.*nary 1 11 ­r, Aed tl�rAt a `0 ft. culd-sno would be xaftla 'r. Sherwood rer,%,Or'm en pl,p,t a-,py mved sufficsent, a T%Orr,-.,P,nent eastrant for sewer for lot # 5' be nade, the alley sbould Increased to 20 ft. Rnd em outlast be rrovided. i"Urnier .1,oved, 2nd by to as :,_rove 151-,,o 1.,rellmlnary pint subject to the City Engineer' s rec ornmenda t ions . NOTION J'AR111ND (3) February 24., i96o P:er_ned stated that t',e Go! inas plat pr©rosed to vacate recowmend p8grt of Street , and part of Lincoln And Tilden vacation of Avenues. Ee T:oved that we recorl.,�.end to the City Council streets in these £greets b,i aaz shown on tt. r,1F;t. 2nd by Collins plgt Turner. 1A discus:.Jon of the Fro os ej followed.. r'ul-ner b"a.-rl-3d 2nd b; 'Tieser to ?:djo-.,,rn.