HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 09/28/1960 _ - V CITY OF KENT /, PLANNING C012AISSION r September 28, 1960 Meeting called to order 7 :40 P.P:i. Chairman Ed Sipe presiding. Members present: Strain, Wieser, Frazier and Kennedy. Exofficio members : Sherwood and Wilke. Minutes of the previous meeting read and approved as read. The Chairman reported that the City Attorney had stated that we would be working under the old zoning ordinance tonight as the new ordinance would not be in effect until 5 days after publication. It is being published this week. The City Engineer presented the final drawing for Pierce ' s Tierce ' s First Addition. He stated that some checking had been First Add. done. The boundary checks but there are a few minor approved discrepancies in lot demintions that should be corrected. Frazier moved, 2nd by Kennedy to instruct the Chairman and Secretary to sign Pierce ' s First iddition plat after the corrections are made and recommend its acceptance to the City Council. Notion carried. A letter was read from the Kent Chamber of Commerce expressing their appreciation for the work we have done on the new Cemprhensive Plan, Zoning map and Zoning Ordinance . Sherwood reported that a meeting on air polution would be held in Seattle October 6 & 7th. He will attend and suggested that some one from the Planning Commission should attend. Kennedy moved, 2nd by Wieser that Frazier attend the meeting and we pay his expenses . Motion Carried. Mr. Donald Reiswig asked a varianca be granted to allow Reiswig him to build a house on the following described property: variance Beginning at the N.E.corner of lot 3, Block '11 granted with I+.Iiller' s Northern View Second Addition to Kent. restrictions Thence 'iJest on the north line of said lot 3 fifteen feet; Thence North 2029132" E15' to true point of beginning, thence N 2029132" E 95' , thence N8802915111 W 951 , thence S 2°29132" !M 951thence S 88°29151" E 65' to point of beginning; together with an . easement over and across the following described property for road purposes only: Beginning at the NE corner of lot 62 Block 1, Miller's Northern View Second Addition to Kent, thence N 2029132" E 90t to true point of beginninp thence N 88°29t51" W 291,841 , thence S 2 29 ' 32' W 301 , thence S 88029t51" E 291.841 , thence N 2029t32" E 301 to point of beginning. V!Tilko stated that he couldn' t grant a building permit as the property has no frontage: on a street or alley. Mr. Miller stated that he had given Mr. Reiswig a permanent easement on the 301 driveway to his property. Mr. Miller further agreed to the restriction that he would not sell anymore property which would require the use of this en_s,�,ront. Strain ..: ed., 2nd by Wieser to grant the variance and the building permit be granted itith the following restrictions 1. This property adjoines the permanent easement which is across the complete track. 2. There will be no more building permits issued vihich would require the use of this easement. Motion carried. Strain moved, 2nd by Wieser to recommend to the Mayors Noel Bicknell be appointed to the Planning Cm m,:ission. Notion Carried. Names to be given to the Mayor for his consideration for Planning Commission and Board of Adjustment members . Hazel Buxton Vrcoman ( not for Board of Adj . ) Steve Dow Mayor Thornton City adminstrator Bowen Scarff. Chief Lee Fiori, an attorney Duncan Bonjorni, an attorney `'he Chairman stated that Bogard had asked to be relieved of the duty of chairman on the committee working on a new plating ordinance do o pressing work. Sherwood was appointed to fill this position. Strain moved, 2nd by Frazier to instruct the Secretary to write a letter of appreciation to Harold Anderson. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned 9 :05 P.M. �T,IrS E .A. Sipe Secy .