HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 11/12/1959 CITY OF RENT PLANNING COY"�ISSION • November 12, 1959 Meeting called to order 7:35 Pemo Chairman Ed Sipe presiding. Members present: Frazier, Strain, Wieser, 'Turner, Kennedy, Sherwood, and Herb Wilke. Minutes of previous me-tang read. Correction to be made reg rding the aeon6wsy on the Burst property. It should read a roadway to be left along the northwest property line. Minutos approved as corrected. A letter read from Carroll Mortgage Company and referred to the City Clerk, letter was reed frcr the hall®^ Industrial. Cur>:.ission. The ^hnlrn: n en..ked Mr. Wieser to brirg back a raport o^ this meeting. ," report was made bg the Chairman, rft: r ::or.;cotirC, the City °ttorney, regarding *aa,stricted t lats. In order to very from the restrictions put can: the plr:t b;, the subd'vider ap3 rovel crust be granted by ever,,- single property ocher in the plat. The continuation of the request cf b:r. Jensen. (1er-Gl description • Jensen+e Oct. 14-th minutes ra�,re 3) was considered. trailer t;Ieser Moved and 2rd by Kennedy to arr.rove the request subject court to the ron1wey b3ing worked out with the Cit^ Engineer, A approved perc, lrtion obt La at ue takers bofcre work can start. Regular meeting closed Publ io lie ring called E:( G P.M. ., re^quest was read for a variance to conx*ruct an apartment ~- Apt. house on the following described ;ro; erty: house on Helen St, Lots 5, b, 7, P. and 9, dock 7, Y.ernthur. st Additlon to the City of Yent. OR on Helen Street r t ae 1:enthurwt rj.At, "r. Tank, of Kent Bowl Realty, introduced Air. York and two other gentlemen as represenntives of the builder. Mr. York presented their plan. The Chairman asked if anyone else wanted to be heard. !`r. RIchord A . Davis of 1132 Winner Street presented a petition orposing an apartment i luse In the Kerntlaurat plat. The petition wan signed by eleven 1�roTe.rty owners in the plat and near • vicinity. The Chairman stated that Wyse Kenthurst plat is a plat restricted by the subdivider to s: ngle fawd:v dwellings. Mr. 'work, representing the bulldar, stated '.rat t�.ey were not aware of the feeling in this area and because of the restrictions on the ,^.Sat end the refiresentatinn present he would with draw the reque t. (2) 12, 1959 Frazier moved and 2nd by Kennedy to accept the verbal withdrawal. MOTION CARRIED. • A request was read to zone from unclassified to Flanufacturing to Cheese allow a cheese factory on the following described property: factory approved The South one-half of the Southeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 36, Township 23, Range 4, East W.M. ; lying Southerly of Spring Brook Creek. That portion of Government lot 4, Section 6, Township 22N, Range 5 East W,X. lying west of Drainage Ditch #1 and north ^i 'line of the south IF06 feet of the NW} 'of said section, and; Beginning 391,16, North of the SW corner of Section 31, township 23N. Range 5 East WB , thence South 314-9t ; thence East 256.3t ; thence N;Nh 4 degrees 06 minutes Bast 111,0.23t to C .L. of Spring Brook Creek thence Northwesterly along said C .L. To point of beginning--Less portion for Road and less Drainage Creek. . OR 192nd and 84th Ave. So. Motion was made by Strain and 2nd by Kennedy to zone this area Manufacturing and alloy the cheese factory. MOTION CARRIED. A request was read from the Pioneer Sand and Gravel Comr,any to •Pioneer permit the operation of a sand, 4ravel, and ready-mix concrete Sand & manufacturing and destributing plant on the following Gravel described property: approved The South 600 feet of the Northwest quarter (NWr ) of the Southeast quarter (SE}) of Section 12, Township 22 North, Range 4 East, W.M., Lying West of the railroad right-of-way of the Northern Pacific Railway Company, less 30-foot right of way along the west margin thereof. A motion was made by Turner and 2nd by Frazier to a,r>rove this permit. MOTION CARRIED. Frazier A request was read to allow construction of a 16 unit brick apt , apartment on the following described property= sp, roved Comnencing at the S.E. corner of the N.E. - of the N.W.4 Section 22-22-4- thence Northerly along the West line of the said NoE.1 of N.W.1 - 261 feet; thence easterly parallel to the South line of said N.E.; "o 11.': .4 t�_ the easterly margin of 36th Avenue South or new Military Road to the true point of beginning; thence easterly, parallel with said south line 100 Peet; thence Northerly parallel with the Easterly margin of 36th Avenue South 231 feet; thence Westerly • parallel with the South line of said S.E.1 - 100 feet; thence Southerly parallel with the Easterly margin of 36th Avenue South, 231 feet to the true "oint of beginning OR 24226 Military Road. (3) Nov. 12, 1959 A motion was made by Wieser and 2nd by Xenned7 to grant the • request. IOTIOL vARRIED& Fut:lio hearing closed 6:10 P.g. Regulpr meeting reor erred 8:10 P.M. The Chairman asked for amtheritntion to bug paste on plat maps. Turner moved to apj-rove the request. 2nd by Frasier HOTI")Y CAMi JI ;D. The Chairman str:ted that he vrcu2d tz",, to r*.pt the City Council to start work- on the new ordinance as soon as joasibla. Also, the City Cc- noil would hold P,, public gearing or the Wilson nuraSrg home atpeal Nov. 16th, 11r. Wieser introduced represenatives of Pioneer send and ^ravel who will operate ;;he r Cady-mix concrete = lant approved this evening. A motion was made by Kennedv 2nd by Strain to ad jcurn. UOTIOI: C„RRIED. Tlira, E, e 33e0Y.