HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 12/09/1959 C IT" L'NT DECWlf,', R 9,9 1959 eating ca-,led tc cr., er t t V to Chg ire:-an Ed Silo - roo' Jing. Members rresent: H. Andersor , re- ed,7, raasier, Wieser and Turner. -City '�rir1lnear,, Slierwcodj, :'test. En-Ineer, Dent and Building , — inspector, Wilkie. !,'1nutea of prey 7 , LB vectf-rg r- ed to &j . rc-,-ed as f%->Rd, Turner � ovel and 2':-.d by Frazier Lh&- t & quoru.-� for, the i1arining, Number COr--­56S?1_11 Sh'-,,Ad CL EASt Of P rjtjr-�rjty C,-7 the members of the fora wf't ii"Asslion ir-cL-"`ng t',-e chairman, quorum 1101110 ' 0'A1-,,RIBD0 Mr. WJI 'Llem Pothermal styt,,)d tb t to was Inter-ist it prox.orty at business 25 Saar Street, Flo oVeret>s as ore a-'an sew grindin.- shop at In the present 14 1113 hi ne and would went tc continue this business home at 425 Saar Street, At a latav "late he wt;uld I!ke to build a two car f.-,arege or the z rol-arty and have his shop In one end. A di SCUN X 4 C-11 followed 'r, whfth� it was determine"' -.T:at lie could o; orvt,Y 'a W610032 30 10rg as It wis In his totre or !n a building alksAx attached to the house but not in the double • or an unattached building. The Chairman gave a rerort on t!�e Ar-screst 3 Plat. AN we have nct dealt wl-t'- a al-,,Ilar situation the Chairman itifom-a- contacted,, Mr. Pumble,, Planning director of Renton, h'r. Goo tion on Schuler, City Engineer of Auburn, Vr, Bob Me Abee. Director spite of Reginal Planning and Kp.ng County Planning Corr-ilsalon,. They strip all gave I.raotically the same &AImix advise, ('eiftuge) where a so called spite st-Ply exists It Is the d-t7 of the Plannl� g Co=lssion to with b,,Ild ap roval of a Tlat until th'a strip Is alir"Inetedt r--s !t !a Our -1 ty -,;; s=oe to it ijmt a T I =-t will s,irve the best 1r.,torl-----st Of the ;,UL110 and V-0 Olt-y, State lew Sect. 7 of Sect, 15, Chapter 1"(,,-1937 laws states# "It is Line duty of Cities to a-,9 that the public Interest. is served. No 1:1st shg-L1d be a,- roved that d6n1es the adjoining propert-ly access to public lutilitles az;d roads." City Attorney Thatcher stcted that he felt we s'r..,uld have tb!s skits cleared u,- ttjforo we of rove the ;, LAt. He stated that W-. Tiauge wows infc;rr:ed that the City wcL;ld rrotect �,, !s Intere -t In the sewer and water 11r.es, said cost- to be verified. The sc called apAlte Otril, -If it exists sh, uld be ded1cal.ed to tile City. The Cl-alrman stated thst the City Council had set Wed* Dec. 160 1959 for a ineetl4mg to discuss the -rcjo*cd ordinaries, He wo 1d like to have as -r.!LnY sae, bars :attend that C0,11de • Turner nuvqd and duV,, seco-ded to , ,ijuurn., Meeting adjourns -4, Fi45 '*M* --IMrs. Swe SOOT*