HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 07/10/1958 CITY OF KE;NT J, PLANNING COhLISSION JULY lot 1958 PUBLIC HEARING PURPOSE-- To consider rezon from R1 & R2 to Commercial. Meeting called to order at 8:15. Chairman Roy Rugg presiding. Members present: H. Anderson, D. Anderson, Mc Dermott, Sipe Sherwood, & Wilson Also Mr. Jim Nildea representing Ivan Block & Associates. Rezone from The petition to rezone the following described property from R-1 & R-2 to R1 & R2 to Commercial was presented. Commercial along Smith St. Lots,10 & 11 in Block 14 Wash. Central Imp. Co. First Addition from R-2 to Commercial. Also, Lots 12, 139 14, 15, 160 17, and 18 in Block 14 Wash. Central Imp. Cots First Addition to Kent from • R-1 to Commercial. As no one voiced any objections Sipe moved we rezone this area to Commercial. 2nd Mc Dermott. MOTION CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED AT 8:25 REGULAR MEETING OFEr= 8:26 P.M. regular meeting minuets approved Minuets of last regular meeting read and approved. Sipe stated that some action should be taken to approve the Minuets of May lst ap. rov d minuets of the meeting for Mayl, 1958 and to clear up the after per. reffering to paragraph in question regarding Dolman Plat. Dolman plat deleted. Bic Dermott moved we delete said paragraph and approve the minuets. D. Anderson 2nd. MOTION CARRIED. The Planning Commission had recieved a petition which had been filed with the City Council to '6acate an alley south of Willis St. between fifth and sixth Ave. So. -2- July 10, 1958 Mo Dermott moved we recommend this application be turned • down. 2nd D. Anderson. During considerable discussion the following points were brought out. vacation of 1- The street dept. seemed to be opposed to vacating as they alley between 5th & bth Ave. felt this night be needed for garbage collection. rejected 2- No utilities have been installed such as curbs, gutters sewer lines etc . , and the alley should not be vacated until these plans were worked out. utilities 3- The City Engineer felt tfat these }LXJXX � would go in the streets rather than the alley. As their seemed to be a difference of opinion between the two departments of the City the Planning Commission voted to reject this application. MOTION CARRIED. • Letter read from King County Commission suggesting Kent Letter from King Co. on garbage Planning. Commission meet with Auburn to see if a garbage site. disposal site and plan could be worked out. Sipe reported that we had given considerable study to this in 1948 or 49. We had a plan where by the Cities of Kent and Auburn with King County for a Sanitary fill. This letter was filled and tabled for further study. latter from Letter read from Home Builders Association requesting to be Home Builders placed on our mailing list for all reaoning which might come up so that trey might help This letter was turned over to Mr. Sherwood to look into, change of Sherwood stated he was concerned about our present method policy of handling plats. A more realistic plan would be to specify • regarding plats . that if the. preliminary plat has been handed to us at least seven (7) days before our meeting for study then we could feel free to take action on the tenative plat at that meeting. -3- July 10, 1958 Then if the final plat has been presented to the City Engineer • at least two weeks before our next meeting we could possibly approve the final plat then providing everythign has met with the Engineerts approval, if not hen we could require up to 30 days for further study. As the final plat is the one which requires closer study. Sipe moved we change our policy to conforr, with Mr. Sherwood's suggestion. 2nd Mc Dermott MOTION CARRIED. Mr. Eckland presented a plan to sub divide his property on Mr.Eckland James St. into four lots, with a 20 ft. private road down the middle of the property to serve the four lots. It was pointed out that the City would not ac-ept such a road and the property owners would be faced with maintaining their own road, also a 20 ft. road would not be adequate for a service road for • trucks or garbage pick up. It was suggested that he contact the property owners to the east and get them to go in with him on a 60 ft. road, this plan would not only give Mr. Eckland►s property better axeess, it would also open up property to the east and south. Mr. Eckland stated he had no considered these points, but thought it a much betf.er plan than his and after thanking the Planning Comrission stated he would work out this plan and present it at our next meeting. Mr. Chuck Knudson requested a variance for his property line. Chuck Knudson at Scenic Nay. The City has agreed to vacate part of the . variance granted street subject to the approval of the Planning Commission for a variance of the front property line set back, as the Council did not want to vacate unless they were sure that a building was going to be built. Mc Dermott moved we grant the variance to a minimum of 10 ft. - - 0 July 10, 1958 from the front property line . Subject to the City vacating part of this street. 2nd. H. Anderson MOTION CARRIED. REGULAR MEETING ADJO'JRD 91D)P.M. Meeting opened for general discussion of zoning for the We3t Hill annexation. Public hearing discussion Chairman Rugg welcomed the people from this area and invited of zones for West Hill them to state their opinions in regard to the zoning problems J. R. Williams of 25209-38th Ave. So. oones 3.8 acres; would like to put in a trailer court. He faces on 38th Ave. So. and Military road. E. L. Maddox, stated he would like to see his property mfg. or left agricultural but he was willing to go along with what ever the adjoining property was zoned. • Don Knapp 252nd and 38th Ave. So. felt their should be some restrictions to protect residential property. Mr. Dolman stated he thought the area should be mainly residential on their property. He would like to have church and school sites. He stated their was some planning among people around Lake Fenewich to annex to the City. The Secretary read parts of the ordinance and explained there purpose of restricting and protecting properties in the various zones. E. W. Sundstedt 25100-38th So. ask regarding home occupation. Seeretary explained that this refered to a service type occupation as beauty parlors, hose radio & t.v. repairs etc. • but did not allow anng like manufacturing. F. J. Frazer 24228 Military Rd. requested information on lot sizes in a cert"e plat were of a large size could adjoining -� -5- 0 July 10, 1958 • property owners plat smaller lot sizes or would they be forced to conform to adjoining property. Mr. Mildes stated that where the majority of property is plated for large lots the ideal plan for zoning is to try and carry out this plan. Meeting adjourned 9:50 P.M. E, A.— ----Sect'. •