HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 11/25/1959 rZ CJ � L U4 f,'ZT.1 25, 1,959 14 - caed c order 7:415 tl e e t I z, ll t i A Chair-xnn Zld Sii-,e Member-zi 1- rasent : Frazler, ;Inderscr_ ari(i Strein. Also Znginear 3herwood a7id Building Ins actor 'Iilke. ,,Iinut-, s of previCus ie 't'ng rand and approved as read. Frazier _--1aJe a report oln the Jr.,uget Sol-Ind Regional Planners meeting. Thei-1, inf,_=r-3tj nt ti­e, seems ibo be rapid Lrqnslt and CroatLag inte'rast in wale before It is too late. Tkiey consider It a fou.- covInty Yrobleri.,x King, P-13ree, Snohomish and K4tsRT' co"ntIas. Thoy would like to see '.Rr;�e parking lots at each on an] -'I"f of freeray sc; that par,cInjrr ' ots would riot be a necossity In 3eattletbareby lenvinl- those areas for industrial and Commercial pur-oses . This will take a lot of work but of investigating the ',-cst of prof es-:-�Tonal sej*v!oe, their feel they have the tll-­e, by st.,lrtlng riewt and intend. to do the work them- selves . ''maser was unablie to attend because of the flood but ivii".1 give 1,Ss rarc,rt on the 1,4'idustrinl Comr.4-tee of tho VR'ley at otir next uleetfnvc. an �attorney rarrn3entIng A latter was r P-Q! frc,," -,-,ao r 'the Wilsoi-, 1.7urs-Ing lloco. A letter was rand frc- Coullacilman Curran. -ad by S.-main to " "le the two letters rend, ,ot�on Lande by Frazier e 'HE 1 rl 1 .0TIOP Ci _ M. ' A request was read, frc-ni gonald 1 OgF1rC Lrepr. �sent Ing, Ir. Kennedy NIrs Glen P. Kennedy, to erect 84 nprArtnient un'ts at 90'�l r1a_, -, n7on aTt. Drive. request A mot'-on wt?s b,;y T�razier 2nd by Straln to set Dec . 23d. as a ; ub I I(,- b3,,-r.J ntz; 1i�,ter providing: th a 0''1 T;y ',t to rney would a iq,,rove the 1 1 t,t3r�,'�9 y of 4 ziembirs present being a quorum.. Motion Carried. After contactin tY-e Clt-,T ttorney by phone, 'WIlke reported that the necelssary number of neLijbers present to xnxxtkxkK constitute a quoruT., was decided, by the flarnlinq Coransission. Fowev,�r, if no I - I previcus deolsion, has bean r,­Fide P, majority of the entire merbership Is Motion: mr-,le by Strein, 2nd. by ...,OT1017 CARRIED Meeting P_djC,_rned C) -CCI I e 73y,