HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Public Works/Planning - 07/06/2009Public Works Committee Agenda Councilmembers: Ron HarmonDebbie RapleeDeborah Ranniger, Chair Unless otherwise noted, the Public Works Committee meets at 5:00 p.m. on the 1st & 3rd Mondays of each month. Council Chambers East, Kent City Hall, 220 4th Avenue South, Kent, 98032-5895. For information please contact Public Works Administration (253) 856-5500. Any person requiring a disability accommodation should contact the City Clerk’s Office at (253) 856-5725 in advance. For TDD relay service call the Washington Telecommunications Relay Service at 1-800-833-6388. U:\PWCommittee\Agendas\2009\July 6 09.doc July 6, 2009 5:00 p.m. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MEETING Item Description Action Speaker Time Page 01. Approval of Minutes Dated June 15, 2009 YES NONE 03 01 02. Information Only/Recycling Olympics NO Gina Hungerford 05 05 03. Amendment No. 1 to Consultant Services Agreement between the City of Kent & Fehr & Peers, Inc. for the Transportation Master Plan Phase 2 YES Cathy Mooney 05 07 04. Interlocal Agreement relating to the transfer of Multiple County Owned Parcels YES Mike Gillespie 10 19 05. Green River Levee Status YES Mike Mactutis 10 75 06. Contract/NW Hydraulic Consultants, Inc. South 259th Street Raising Project YES Mike Mactutis 05 77 07. Update/Transportation Improvement Plan 2010 – 2015 Multimodal YES Larry Blanchard 10 89 This page intentionally left blank. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MINUTES June 23, 2009 Page 1 of 4 U:\PWCommittee\Minutes\PWMinutes 05 18 09.doc COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Committee Chair Deborah Ranniger and Committee Member Ron Harmon were present. Debbie Raplee had an excused absence. The meeting was called to order at 5:04 p.m. Committee members chose to move Item 2 to the end of the list and move all other items up. There were two citizens in the audience that asked to speak. Garry Stewart asked to speak on items (now 8 & 9) and Mel Roberts asked to speak on items (now 3 & 5). ITEM 1- Approval of Minutes Dated June 1, 2009 Committee Member Harmon moved to approve the minutes of June 1, 2009. The motion was seconded by Ranniger and passed 3-0, with councilmember Raplee’s concurrence. ITEM 2 – Transit Update/Information Only: Commute Trip Reduction Coordinator, Monica Whitman gave a brief update on the King County Metro Budget gap. King County is facing a $168 million budget gap for 2010 – 2011 and they will be submitting their draft budget the first week of July. Monica will be giving monthly updates as things develop. If they have to cut service by the entire 168 million, this would result in bus service going back to 1990 service levels. Metro is undergoing a performance audit. The auditors filed an interim report when they found $105 million surplus in the Fleet fund which they felt Metro could use now. At this point they are unsure if they will use it all at once or if they will spread it out over the 10 year Transit Now planning period. The Federal government has freed up $7 million in capital funds which Metro is able to use in their operating expenses. These two revenue additions could reduce cuts somewhat but they will still be significant. Metro has provided two scenarios: the Minimal Change Network and the High Ridership Network. The Minimal Change Network would decrease service on 136 of their 225 routes by an average of 25% each. The High Ridership scenario is completely changing the look of the overall transit system proposing to eliminate 104 of the 225 routes. Metro is asking for feedback from cities and is asking for input as soon as possible. City staff is recommending that we support the Minimal Change Network scenario because it continues to provide the most transit coverage to our City. A letter is being drafted for the Mayor’s signature. A copy will be sent for councilmembers’ and the Mayor for comments before it is sent to the Mayor for her signature it will then be sent to the King County Executive. Letters and comments need to be submitted to King County the first week of July. Information Only No Motion Required ITEM 3–Levee Update/US Army Corps of Engineers: Public Works Director, Larry Blanchard introduced Doug Weber, Gordon Thompson and Noel Gilbrough from the US Army Corps of Engineers who gave a brief PowerPoint presentation on the levee. Mike Mactutis and Tim LaPorte gave a brief introduction noting that City staff has been working with staff from the US Army Corps of Engineers on the different levee improvements. LaPorte noted that there is a problem with the FEMA mapping, the maps show that a large part of the valley floor will be in the flood zone. There is an issue with the Howard Hanson Dam that is going through repair considerations at this time. Damage to dam abutment will require water levels to be kept at lower levels than normal. There are existing problems with Frager Road portion of the levee is in need of repair. The Corps spoke specifically on the Horseshoe Bend levee. Information Only No Motion Required PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MINUTES June 23, 2009 Page 2 of 4 U:\PWCommittee\Minutes\PWMinutes 06 23 09.doc ITEM 4 –Contract with Shannon & Wilson to Perform Biological Assessment Study – 259th Street Raising Project: Environmental Engineering Supervisor, Alex Murillo noted that in September of 2007, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) issued Preliminary Flood Insurance Rate Maps which indicated much of the Kent Valley was mapped in the floodplain. In March 2008, King County, the City of Kent, along with other valley cities filed an appeal to FEMA on the Preliminary Flood Insurance Rate Maps. The goal of the South 259th Street Raising Project is to improve flood protection in the valley and remove about one-third of the valley from the FEMA floodplain. Federal Certification will enable this project to remove a large portion of the valley from the floodplain. As part of this project a Biological Assessment must be completed to evaluate the overall impact of our proposal to threatened or endangered species. The City’s contract with Shannon and Wilson Inc., will accomplish this effort. Harmon moved to recommend authorizing the Mayor to sign a contract with Shannon & Wilson, Inc. to perform a Biological Assessment Study for the South 259th Street Raising project, upon concurrence of the language therein by the City Attorney and Public Works Director. The motion was seconded by Ranniger and passed 3-0, with councilmember Raplee’s concurrence. ITEM 5 – Lease Renewal Agreement with Sprint Spectrum Realty Co. for Blue Boy Reservoir: Water Superintendent, Brad Lake asked committee members to authorize a Second Lease Agreement for five (5) years to lease a portion of the Blue Boy water tower located at 11228 SE 236th Place. It was noted that the original lease renewal did not go to Council. Harmon moved to recommend the City Council authorize the Mayor to sign a Second Lease Renewal from the City of Kent to Sprint Spectrum Realty Company, L.P., for a cell tower that is on the Blue Boy Water Tower, in a form acceptable to the City attorney and the Public Works Director. The motion was seconded by Ranniger and passed 3-0, councilmember Raplee’s concurrence. ITEM 6 – Contract for Design of Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) Upgrades to the Kent Traffic Management System: Public Works Director, Larry Blanchard introduced Transportation Engineering Manager, Steve Mullen noted that under this contract, the consultant will provide candidate system information and guidance to support the selection of a new traffic signal control system which will replace the present 1980’s concept system (syncing lights). Staff is exploring various alternative options. Added Item: Mel Roberts of the Kent Bicycle Advisory Board would like to see that the specs for this item include bicycle detection. Harmon moved to recommend the City Council authorize the Mayor to sign a Consultant Services Agreement with The Transpo Group, Inc. in the amount of $66,505.00 to provide assistance and guidance to Transportation Engineering staff to modernize the Kent Traffic Signal System and enhance it with ITS features, upon concurrence of the language therein by the City Attorney and the Public Works Director. The motion was seconded by Ranniger and passed 3-0, with councilmember Raplee’s concurrence. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MINUTES June 23, 2009 Page 3 of 4 U:\PWCommittee\Minutes\PWMinutes 06 23 09.doc ITEM 7 – Quit Claim Deed – Lake Meridian Outlet Project: Environmental Engineering Manager, Mike Mactutis noted that the City wishes to purchase a portion of the (WSDOT) Washington State Department of Transportation property using a quit claim deed on the southwest corner of State Route 516 (Kent-Kangley Road) and 152nd Ave SE for the Lake Meridian Outlet Project. The site is within the existing Lake Meridian Outlet project and contains approximately 0.9 acre of wetland within a 1.5 acre property. This is the final property purchase needed for the project to begin construction. Harmon moved to recommend approval of purchase of a portion of the Washington Department of Transportation property at 152nd Ave SE and State Route 516 using fair market value plus WSDOT review fee and closing cost upon concurrence of the language therein by the Public Works Director and City Attorney. The motion was seconded by Ranniger and passed 3-0, with councilmember Raplee’s concurrence. ITEM 8 – Contract Tetra Tech/Lake Fenwick Water Quality Improvement: Environmental Engineering Manager, Mike Mactutis explained that Lake Fenwick is currently not meeting water quality standards established by the Washington State Department of Ecology and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Specifically, the lake frequently exceeds the total phosphorus TMDL (Total Maximum Daily Load) threshold established for the lake in 1993. This contract would provide a re-design of the hypolimnetic aeration system (basically a large-scale fish- tank bubbling system) that is currently installed in the lake so that it can be up-sized to meet to meet current demands. Harmon move to recommend the City Council authorize the Mayor to sign a Consultant Services Agreement with Tetra Tech, Inc. in the amount of $35,046.80 to provide short and long-term measures to improve Lake Fenwick water quality and to comply with State- mandated water quality standards for the nutrient phosphorus, upon concurrence of the language therein by the City Attorney and the Public Works Director. The motion was seconded by Ranniger and passed 3-0, with councilmember Raplee’s concurrence. ITEM 9 – Revision to Kent City Code 9.38.020 Modify Parking Prohibition: Public Works Director, Larry Blanchard said that the City of Kent will meet with Sound Transit regarding the proposed code change. If Sound Transit has no objections to the code change, he requested that this item be taken directly to Council. The proposed code change would facilitate parking in the downtown area. The City finds lifting the parking prohibition on the west side of 1st Avenue North from West Temperance Street to West Smith Street to be in the City’s best interest. If Sound Transit has issues he will bring this item back to committee. Added Item: Garry Stewart pointed out to the committee that there are no sidewalks in the area. If the City doesn’t plan on finishing the area with curb, gutter and sidewalk Garry would prefer that the No Parking remain, as is. Harmon moved to recommend city staff pursue discussions with Sound Transit regarding the proposed amendment to Kent City Code (KCC) 9.38.020 which pertains to modifying a perking prohibition on the west side of 1st Avenue North from West Temperance Street to West Smith Street. The motion was seconded by Ranniger and passed 3-0, with councilmember Raplee’s concurrence. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MINUTES June 23, 2009 Page 4 of 4 U:\PWCommittee\Minutes\PWMinutes 06 23 09.doc ITEM 10 – Information Only/Flow-up Meridian Meadows Bollards: Public Works Director, Larry Blanchard noted that Garry Stewart asked at a previous meeting if bollards could be placed so vehicles couldn’t go on the trail. Two photos were shown of the bollards that were installed. Thanks go to Scott Schroeder’s crew for their good work. ADDED ITEM: Garry Stewart gave credit to his neighbor Larry Labelle for helping to maintain the area. He also thanked Public Works staff for installing the bollards so quickly. ITEM 11 – Discuss Upcoming PW Committee Dates & Times: Monday, August 3, 2009 change meeting time from 5:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Harmon moved to change to the meeting time for the Monday, August 3, 2009 Public Works Committee Meetings from 5:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday, August 17, 2009 change meeting time from 5:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Harmon moved to change the meeting time for the Monday, August 17, 2009 Public Works Committee Meeting from 5:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. There will be no meeting on September 7, 2009 due to Labor Day Holiday. There will be a Special Public Works Committee meeting in place of the September 7 meeting. Date and time to be determined at the July 6, 2009 Public Works Committee meeting. Adjourned: The meeting was adjourned at 6:26 p.m. Next Scheduled Meeting: Tuesday, July 6, 2009 at 5:00 pm ITEM 2 INFORMATION ONLY Recycling Olympics Gina Hungerford, Conservation Specialist 5 This page intentionally left blank. 6 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Larry R. Blanchard, Public Works Director Phone: 253-856-5500 Fax: 253-856-6500 U:\PWCommittee\ActionPage\2008\01 07 08 Item .doc Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent, WA 98032-5895 Date: June 30, 2009 To: Chair Deborah Ranniger and Public Works Committee Members PW Committee Meeting Date: July 6, 2009 From: Cathy Mooney, Senior Transportation Planner Through: Larry Blanchard, Public Works Director Subject: Amendment No. 1 to Consultant Services Agreement between the City of Kent and Fehr and Peers, Inc. for the Transportation Master Plan Phase 2 Motion: Move to recommend authorization for the Mayor to sign Amendment No. 1 to the Consultant Services Agreement between the City of Kent and Fehr & Peers, Inc. in the amount of $116,400 for completion of work on the Transportation Master Plan Phase 2, upon concurrence of the language therein by the City Attorney and the Public Works Director. Summary: Under the Transportation Master Plan Phase 2 Scope of Work, staff and consultants have begun working on revising the City’s Concurrency Ordinance; prioritized the bicycle system projects which were identified in the TMP; prioritized the sidewalk system projects which were identified in the TMP; prioritized the ADA compliance needs for curb ramp replacements and new installations citywide; have begun developing a process to incorporate the Operations and Maintenance costs into the City’s annual funding program; reviewed the street, bicycle, sidewalk and streetlight design standards; begun work on identifying traffic signal system deficiencies and developing strategies to update traffic signal timing at 58 intersections; begun developing a method of performance review as an Annual Transportation Report Card; and worked with the business community on the transportation funding process. Additionally, staff and consultants have continued to work on Transportation Impact Fees which are a carry-over of a TMP Phase 1 task. These tasks have taken longer than expected and have required more back-and-forth iterations than anticipated which has resulted in the need to extend both the funding and completion date. Some Phase 2 tasks are finished and some are still in progress. A detailed accounting can be found in Exhibit A of the Amendment No. 1. The completion date is extended from December 31, 2009 to March 31, 2010. Budget Impact: There will be no unbudgeted fiscal impacts as a result of this Amendment. This will still fall within the adopted budget of the Transportation Master Plan. 7 This page intentionally left blank. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 This page intentionally left blank. 18 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Larry R. Blanchard, Public Works Director Phone: 253-856-5500 Fax: 253-856-6500 U:\ PWC\ActionPage\2009\070609\Interlocal Agrmnt KC FGrewel.doc Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent, WA 98032-5895 Date: July 6, 2009 To: Chair Deborah Ranniger and Public Works Committee Members PW Committee Meeting Date: July 6, 2009 From: Through: Larry Blanchard, Public Works Director Subject: Interlocal Agreement between King County and the City of Kent relating to the transfer of multiple County owned parcels Motion: Move to authorize the Mayor to sign the Interlocal Agreement between King County and the City of Kent relating to the transfer of multiple County owned drainage parcels and easement rights to the City of Kent. Summary: King County will transfer to the City all drainage facilities and drainage property interests in exhibits A and B of the Interlocal agreement attached hereto. These ownerships are within the municipal boundaries of the City but were not transferred through past annexations. The properties being transferred will be managed under the City’s surface water management program. Budget Impact: There will be no unbudgeted fiscal impact as a result of this agreement. 19 This page intentionally left blank. 20 INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN KING COUNTY AND THE CITY OF KENT FOR THE TRANSFER OF DRAINAGE FACILITIES AND PROPERTY INTERESTS This Agreement is hereby entered into between the City of Kent ("City") and King County (collectively known as "the Parties"); to transfer from King County to the City ownership of and responsibility for drainage facilities and drainage property interests ("Agreement"). WHEREAS, the City has an established program of services to address the management of storm and surface water runoff, and WHEREAS, the City has annexed areas containing drainage systems, including facilities and property interests, previously owned and operated by the County but now serving areas incorporated into the City, and WHEREAS, The City and the County believe that it is in the best interest of the public that King County transfer to the City ownership of and/or responsibility for drainage facilities and drainage property interests within the municipal boundaries of the City to be managed under the City’s surface water management program; and WHEREAS, pursuant to RCW 39.34, the Interlocal Cooperation Act, the Parties are each authorized to enter into an agreement for cooperative action; NOW THEREFORE, the Parties agree as follows: 21 I. Purpose of the Agreement The purpose of this Agreement is to set forth the process by which King County will transfer to the City, in perpetuity, ownership of and/or responsibility for specific drainage facilities and drainage property interests located within the City limits. II. Administration A. The City and King County shall each appoint a representative to manage activities and to resolve any conflicts that arise under this agreement. ("Administrators"). The Administrators shall meet as needed to fulfill their duties. Either Administrator is authorized to convene a meeting with a minimum of ten (10) calendar days written notice to the other. B. Any management issue or conflict that is not resolved by the Administrators within ten (10) working days of the meeting held to discuss the same shall be referred for resolution to the City’s Public Works Development Manager, or his/her designee, and the King County Water and Land Resources (WLR) Division Director, or his/her designee. If the issue or conflict cannot be resolved by the Development Manager and the WLR Division Director, it shall be resolved by the City’s Public Works Director, or his/her designee, and the Director of the King County Department of Natural Resources and Parks (DNRP) within forty-five (45) working days. III. Responsibilities of the Parties A. King County Responsibilities 1. On the effective date of this Agreement, the drainage facilities identified and listed in Exhibit One, attached and incorporated to this Agreement, are transferred to the City, and the City shall assume full and complete responsibility for the operation, maintenance, repair, and any subsequent improvements to 22 these drainage facilities and all liability arising from such responsibilities. Responsibilities include all financial responsibilities, including but not limited to financial responsibility for materials, construction, personnel, payroll, and purchasing costs. The Parties acknowledge that prior to the execution of this Agreement the City had assumed operation and maintenance responsibility for the facilities listed on Exhibit One; such responsibility was assumed on the date of annexation of the land on or in which the facility is located or on the date of acceptance of the facility for maintenance and operation following upon construction completion, as applicable to each facility. 2. As soon as is practicable after the Parties have executed this Agreement, King County will convey to the City by quit claim deed in substantially the same form as Exhibit Two, attached and incorporated to this Agreement, the drainage facility property interests identified in Exhibit Three, attached hereto and incorporated herein and made a part hereof, subject to all rights, conditions, covenants, obligations, limitations and reservations of record for such property interests. The City agrees to accept the quit claim deeds and to abide by and enforce all existing rights, conditions, covenants, obligations, limitations and reservations for the drainage facility property interests. 23 3. To the extent known and available to King County, King County has furnished the City with a list of any and all contracts or other agreements, rights, obligations, restrictions, or dedications related to operations, conditions, ownership, or use of the conveyed property interests. King County has also provided the City a copy of each such contract, agreement, right, obligation, or restriction to the extent known and available to King County. 4. Within 180 days of the effective date of this Agreement, King County shall provide the City, copies of all warranties, maps, titles, "as builts," maintenance logs and records, maintenance and performance standards, and any and all other records related to the facilities and property interests listed in Exhibits One and Exhibit Three, to the extent known and available to King County. 5. In the event legal action is brought or threatened against the City or the City and King County jointly with regard to the facilities or property interests listed in Exhibits One and Exhibit Three, King County shall provide the City access to all relevant information that is maintained by the County in connection with such facilities and property interests. B. City Responsibilities 1. On the effective date of this Agreement, the City shall assume full and complete ownership of and responsibility for the operation, maintenance, repairs, and any subsequent improvements to the drainage facilities listed in Exhibit One, and all liability arising from such ownership and responsibilities. Responsibilities include all financial responsibilities, including but not limited to financial responsibility for materials, construction, personnel, payroll, and purchasing costs. 2. The City agrees to operate and maintain the drainage facilities listed in Exhibit One as designed, and, at a minimum, to the 24 same maintenance standards as those set forth by King County in the adopted King County Surface Water Design Manual or the City’s adopted surface water design manual to ensure that the local and watershed-wide effects of said facilities shall not be diminished from the level existing on the effective date of the Agreement. 3. Upon delivery of the quit claim deed(s) to the City, as provided for in III.A.2. of this Agreement, the City shall accept the full rights and responsibilities of ownership of the drainage property interests conveyed in such deed. 4. The City shall abide by and enforce all terms, conditions, reservations, restrictions, and covenants to title conveyed in the drainage property interests. 5. In the event that legal action is brought or threatened against King County or King County and the City jointly with regard to the facilities or property interests listed in Exhibits One and Exhibit Three, the City shall provide King County access to all relevant information that is maintained by the City in connection with such facilities and property interests. 6. The City accepts the facilities in “as is” condition. The County makes no warranty concerning such facilities other than as set forth in this Agreement. The City assumes full and complete responsibility for all operations, maintenance, repairs, and improvements, as performed by the City, for the drainage facility property interests. C. Both Parties 1. Shall make staff available to identify and review any County- owned property interests or drainage facilities in addition to those listed in Exhibit One and Exhibit Three that are to be conveyed to the City. Additional County-owned drainage facilities and/or drainage property interests shall be transferred to the City pursuant to this Agreement upon the County’s 25 approval, including, where required, the adoption of an ordinance authorizing the transfer of King County owned drainage properties. The transfer of responsibility for these drainage property interests and/or facilities shall be memorialized in a written Addendum to this Agreement which includes identification of the specific facilities and the date of transfer. The Addendum shall be signed by the City’s Mayor and the WLR Division Director or his/her designee. Such an Addendum, shall not constitute, nor be construed as requiring, an amendment to this Agreement. Copies of any deeds for drainage property interests that are conveyed to the City pursuant to the terms of this Agreement shall be attached to this Agreement as Addenda, but shall not constitute, nor be construed as requiring, an amendment to this Agreement. 2. The records related to matters covered by this Agreement are subject to inspection, review or audit by King County or the City at the requesting party's sole expense. Such records shall be made available for inspection during regular business hours within a reasonable time of the request. IV. Effectiveness, Termination and Amendment A. This Agreement is effective upon execution by both Parties. B. This Agreement is of indefinite duration and shall continue in existence until terminated by mutual written agreement of the Parties. C. Notwithstanding termination of this Agreement, all facilities and property interests transferred pursuant to this Agreement shall remain the City’s, unless the County consents to accept said facilities and property interests in writing, as approved by the King County Council. D. This Agreement may be amended, altered, or clarified only by written agreement of the Parties. E. This Agreement is a complete expression of the terms hereto and any oral or written representations or understandings not incorporated herein are excluded. The parties recognize that time is of the essence 26 in the performance of the provisions of this Agreement. Waiver of any default shall not be deemed to be a waiver of any subsequent default. Waiver of breach of any provision of this Agreement shall not be deemed to be a waiver of any other or subsequent breach and shall not be construed to be a modification of the terms of the Agreement unless stated to be such through written addenda approval by the Parties and attached to the original Agreement. V. Indemnification and Hold Harmless A. King County shall indemnify and hold harmless the City and its elected officials, officers, agents or employees, or any of them, from and against any and all claims, actions, suits, liability, loss, costs, expenses and damages, which are caused by or result from a negligent action or omission of King County, its officers, agents and employees in performing its obligations pursuant to this Agreement. In the event that any suit based upon such a claim, action, loss or damage is brought against the City or the City and King County, King County shall defend the same at its sole cost and expense and, if final judgment be rendered against the City and its elected officials, officers, agents and employees or jointly against the City and King County and their respective elected officials, officers, agents and employees, King County shall satisfy the same. B. In executing this Agreement, the County does not assume liability or responsibility for or in any way release the City from any liability or responsibility which arises in whole or in part from the existence or effect of City ordinances, rules or regulations. If any cause, claim, suit, action or administrative proceeding is commenced in which the enforceability and/or validity of any such City ordinance, rule or regulation is at issue, the City shall defend the same at its sole expense, and if judgment is entered or damages are awarded against the City, the County or both, the City shall satisfy the same, including all chargeable costs and attorney's fees. 27 C. The City shall indemnify and hold harmless King County and its elected officials, officers, agents and employees, or any of them, from and against any and all claims, actions, suits, liability, loss, costs, expenses and damages, which are caused by or result from a negligent act or omission of the City, its officers, agents and employees in performing obligations pursuant to this Agreement. In the event that any suit based upon such a claim, action, loss or damage is brought against King County or King County and the City, the City shall defend the same at its sole cost and expense and, if final judgment be rendered against King County and its officers, agents and employees or jointly against King County and the City and their respective officers, agents and employees, the City shall satisfy the same. In executing this Agreement, the City does not assume liability or responsibility for or in any way release the County from any liability or responsibility which arises in whole or in part from the existence or effect of County ordinances, rules or regulations. If any cause, claim, suit, action or administrative proceeding is commenced in which the enforceability and/or validity of any such County ordinance, rule or regulation is at issue, the County shall defend the same at its sole expense, and if judgment is entered or damages are awarded against the County, the City or both, the County shall satisfy the same, including all chargeable costs and attorney's fees. E. Each Party to this Agreement shall immediately notify the other of any and all claims, actions, losses or damages that arise or are brought against that Party relating to or pertaining to the sites identified in the Agreement Exhibits One and Exhibit Three. F. Each Party agrees that its obligations under this Section V extend to any claim, demand, and/or cause of action brought by or on behalf of any employees, or agents. For this purpose, each Party, by mutual 28 9 negotiation, hereby waives, with respect to the other party only, any immunity that would otherwise be available against such claims under the Industrial Insurance provisions of Title 51 RCW. G. The indemnifications provided for in this Section V shall survive the termination of this Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement on the last date signed below. Approved as to form: KING COUNTY: _________________________ _________________________ Deputy Prosecuting Attorney King County Executive Date: CITY OF KENT: _________________________ _________________________ City Attorney’s Office City of Kent Mayor Date: P:\Civil\Files\OpenFiles\0692\Kent drainage transfer ila.docx 29 This page intentionally left blank. 30 Drainage Property Interests for Transfer to Kent Tract B, Adrian Place, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 139 of Plats, Pages 078 - 079, records of King County, Washington. (Tax Account 005950-0390) Tract A, Chestnut Ridge Div. 2, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 145 of Plats, Pages 065 -066, records of King County, Washington. (Tax Account 156191-0320) Tract A, Chestnut Ridge Div. 4, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 142 of Plats, Pages 014 and 015, records of King County, Washington. (Tax Account 156193-0100) Tract A, Country Club Village, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 171 of Plats, Pages 099 - 101, records of King County, Washington. (Tax Account 178670-0370) Tract A, Countryside, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 110 of Plats, Pages 048 and 049, records of King County, Washington. (Tax Accounts 179030-0440) Tract D, Dover Park, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 171 of Plats, Pages 088 - 090, records of King County, Washington. (Tax Account 209550-0300) Tract A, Dravon, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 166 of Plats, Pages 007 - 010, records of King County, Washington. (Tax Account 210850-0320) Tract C, Echo Glen Heights, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 159 of Plats, Pages 098 - 101, records of King County, Washington. (Tax Account 222180-0410) Tract C, Greenfield Park, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 182 of Plats, Pages 051 - 054, records of King County, Washington. (Tax Account 290890-0270) Tract A, Heatherglen Estates II, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 138 of Plats, Pages 068 - 069, records of King County, Washington. (Tax Account 321158-0220) Tract A, Hycroft, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 119 of Plats, Pages 046 - 048, records of King County, Washington. (Tax Account 354600-0790) Tract A, Jane’s Place, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 149 of Plats, Pages 073 - 074, records of King County, Washington. (Tax Account 366240-0180) Tract B, Kangley Downs, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 168 of Plats, Pages 044 - 046, records of King County, Washington. (Tax Account 379070-0150) Tract B, Kenatco Estates, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 130 of Plats, Pages 021 - 022, records of King County, Washington. (Tax Account 381470-1120) Tracts A & B, Kensington High, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 103 of Plats, Pages 078 - 082, records of King County, Washington. (Tax Account 382650-1350) Tract A, Kentridge Estates Div. No. 4, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 131 of Plats, Pages 063 - 066, records of King County, Washington. (Tax Account 383063-0610 31 Drainage Property Interests for Transfer to Kent Tract A, Lake Meridian North Div. 1, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 105 of Plats, Pages 044 - 045, records of King County, Washington. (Tax Account 405110-0510) Tracts B & C, Lindental, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 159 of Plats, Pages 159 - 040, records of King County, Washington. (Tax Accounts 434500-0630, 434500-0640) Tract A, Lindental Meadows, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 166 of Plats, Pages 035 - 037, records of King County, Washington. (Tax Account 434530-0190) Tract B, Loe Estates Division No. 1, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 155 of Plats, Pages 052 - 056, records of King County, Washington. (Tax Account 439700-0520) Tract C, Loe Estates Division No. 2, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 160 of Plats, Pages 026 - 030, records of King County, Washington. (Tax Account 439701-0570) Tract B, Loe Estates Division No. 4, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 170 of Plats, Pages 071 - 073, records of King County, Washington. (Tax Account 439703-0170) Tract A, Madison Place, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 171 of Plats, Pages 019 - 021, records of King County, Washington. (Tax Account 501580-0140) Tract A, Meadow Hills, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 216 of Plats, Pages 033 – 033A, records of King County, Washington. (Tax Account 541230-0540) Tract B, Meadow Hills North, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 138 of Plats, Pages 056 - 057, records of King County, Washington. (Tax Account 541240-0220) Tracts A, B, C, D, Meridian Forest, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 162 of Plats, Pages 100 - 101, records of King County, Washington. (Tax Accounts 546635-0170, 546635- 0180, 546635-0190, 546635-0200) Tract A, Meridian Glenn, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 195 of Plats, Pages 030 - 033, records of King County, Washington. (Tax Account 546638-0240) Tract B, Meridian Park Vista, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 162 of Plats, Pages 043 - 045, records of King County, Washington. (Tax Account 546873-0340) Tract A, Meridian Place, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 152 of Plats, Pages 067 - 069, records of King County, Washington. (Tax Account 546875-0180) Tract B, Nancy’s Grove, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 174 of Plats, Pages 036 - 038, records of King County, Washington. (Tax Account 600450-0360) Tracts A and B, Oakhill, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 166 of Plats, Pages 051 - 053, records of King County, Washington. (Tax Accounts 630600-0220, 630600-0230) Lots 1 and 58, Rainier View Estates, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 108 of Plats, Pages 023 - 024, records of King County, Washington. (Tax Accounts 714020-0010, 714020-0580) 32 Drainage Property Interests for Transfer to Kent Tract C, Rosemary Glen, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 152 of Plats, Pages 034- 039, records of King County, Washington. (Tax Account 742900-0370) Tracts D and F, Roses Meadow, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 172 of Plats, Pages 095 - 098, records of King County, Washington. (Tax Accounts 743605-0300, 743605- 0310) Tract A, Seven Oaks Division II, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 130 of Plats, Pages 091 - 092, records of King County, Washington. (Tax Account 769786-0500) Tract C, Seven Oaks Division III, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 130 of Plats, Pages 071 - 073, records of King County, Washington. (Tax Account 769787-1050) Tracts A, B and E, Seven Oaks East Division I, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 146 of Plats, Pages 047 - 050, records of King County, Washington. (Tax Accounts 769791-0440, 769791-0450, 769791-0470) Tract A, Shamrock Park, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 172 of Plats, Pages 043 - 046, records of King County, Washington. (Tax Account 770825-0140) Tract B, Single Creek, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 109 of Plats, Pages 023 - 024, records of King County, Washington. (Tax Account 780080-0220) Tract A, Star Lake Highlands, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 115 of Plats, Pages 065 - 067, records of King County, Washington. (Tax Account 796770-0740) Tract D, Stillwaters, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 164 of Plats, Pages 058 - 060, records of King County, Washington. (Tax Account 801625-0180) Tract B, Sun Meadows, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 117 of Plats, Pages 023 - 024, records of King County, Washington. (Tax Account 809140-1040) Tracts B and D, Sun Meadows Div. 2, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 130 of Plats, Pages 061 - 062, records of King County, Washington. (Tax Accounts 809141-1140, 809141-1160) Drainage Ditch over the southeast ¼ of Section 3, Township 22, Range 4 East, W.M., King County, Washington (Tax Account 032204-9049) Tract A, Taylor’s Glen, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 163 of Plats, Pages 071 - 073, records of King County, Washington. (Tax Account 856765-0160) Tract A, Terra Heights, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 125 of Plats, Pages 007 - 009, records of King County, Washington. (Tax Account 858190-0420) Tract C, The Village at Soos Creek, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 149 of Plats, Pages 055 - 058, records of King County, Washington. (Tax Account 894432-0480) Tract A, Western View Estates, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 103 of Plats, Page 092, records of King County, Washington. (Tax Account 929290-0310) 33 Drainage Property Interests for Transfer to Kent Tract A, Whitney Heights, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 161 of Plats, Pages 063 - 066, records of King County, Washington. (Tax Account 937850-0240) Tract A, Wildberry, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 149 of Plats, Pages 094 - 096, records of King County, Washington. (Tax Account 940640-0340) Tract B, Willow Way, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 172 of Plats, Pages 057 - 058, records of King County, Washington. (Tax Account 943000-0150) Tracts A, B, C, D, E, Winsberg Haven, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 157 of Plats, Pages 012 - 015, records of King County, Washington. (Tax Account 948530-0600, 948530-0610, 948530-0620) The West ½ of the South ½ of the South ½ of the northeast ¼ of the Southeast ¼ of Section 28, Township 22, Range 5 East, W.M., King County, Washington, EXCEPT that portion thereof described as follows; Commencing at the southwest corner of the West ½ of the South ½ of the South ½ of the Northeast ¼ of the Southeast ¼ of Section 28, Township 22, Range 5 East, W.M., King County, Washington; thence South 88°57’14”East, along the south line thereof, 225.00 feet to the True Point of Beginning of said surveyed line: thence North 55°02’46” East, 75.00 feet; thence North 39°02’46” East, 40.00 feet; thence North 26°02’46” East, 30.00 feet; thence South 60°27’14” East, 80.00 feet; thence South 51°27’14” East, 75.00 feet; thence South 52°57’14” East 32.26 feet to the south line of said subdivision; thence North 88°57’14” West, along said south line, 253.89 feet to the True Point of Beginning. (Tax Account 282205-9312) The following declarations of covenant: Declarations of Covenant filed under recording number 20060213001408 The following storm drainage easements: Drainage easement filed under recording number 4589436 Drainage easement filed under recording number 5636174 Drainage easement filed under recording number 6147266 Drainage easement filed under recording number 6167632 Drainage easement filed under recording number 7503280124 Drainage easement filed under recording number 7607210537 Drainage easement filed under recording number 7803020762 Drainage easement filed under recording number 7907310965 34 Drainage Property Interests for Transfer to Kent Drainage easement filed under recording number 7907310966 Drainage easement filed under recording number 8101160553 Drainage easement filed under recording number 8101160554 Drainage easement filed under recording number 8104070656 Drainage easement filed under recording number 8106301148 Drainage easement filed under recording number 8106301149 Drainage easement filed under recording number 20030303001019 Drainage easement filed under recording number 20030619002658 Drainage easement filed under recording number 20030619002715 Drainage easement filed under recording number 20040917000191 The following easements: Easement for Drainage Construction over portion of 2222049051 and 2222049057 Access to Drainage Easement filed under recording number 7902020741 All drainage easements dedicated to King County or the public in the following recorded plats: ACCESS IND PARK BLDG B, as recorded in Volume 190 of Plats, pages 075 through 077, records of King County, Washington (002470-1111) ADAMS # 43, as recorded in Volume 905 of Plats, page 001, records of King County, Washington (000020-1111) ADRIAN PLACE, as recorded in Volume 139 of Plats, pages 078 through 079, records of King County, Washington (005950-1111) AHAMAY ESTATES, as recorded in Volume 139 of Plats, pages 043 through 044, records of King County, Washington (007400-1111) ALDERVIEW ADD, as recorded in Volume 063 of Plats, page 027, records of King County, Washington (011000-1111) ALLENBACH IV, as recorded in Volume 206 of Plats, page 023 through 026, records of King County, Washington (016300-1111) ALPINE VILLAGE ESTATES, as recorded in Volume 137 of Plats, page 008 through 009, records of King County, Washington (019330-1111) 35 Drainage Property Interests for Transfer to Kent ALPINE VISTA, as recorded in Volume 082 of Plats, page 073, records of King County, Washington (019350-1111) ALVIN'S POND, as recorded in Volume 219 of Plats, pages 051 through 052, records of King County, Washington (019650-1111) ALVORDS MOUNTAIN VIEW ACRES, as recorded in Volume 902 of Plats, page 011, records of King County, Washington (020000-1111) ANDREW'S LANDING, as recorded in Volume 196 of Plats, pages 042 through 043, records of King County, Washington (022790-1111) APPLEWOOD LANE, as recorded in Volume 115 of Plats, pages 094 through 097, records of King County, Washington (025135-1111) ARMSCREST ADD, as recorded in Volume 058 of Plats, page 071, records of King County, Washington (027350-1111) ARMSCREST NO. 02, as recorded in Volume 060 of Plats, page 029, records of King County, Washington (027370-1111) ARMSCREST NO. 03, as recorded in Volume 064 of Plats, page 005, records of King County, Washington (027380-1111) ARMSCREST NO. 04, as recorded in Volume 071 of Plats, page 085, records of King County, Washington (027390-1111) ARMSCREST NO. 05, as recorded in Volume 078 of Plats, page 086, records of King County, Washington (027400-1111) ARMSCREST NO. 06, as recorded in Volume 081 of Plats, page 079, records of King County, Washington (027410-1111) ASHLEY MEADOWS, as recorded in Volume 140 of Plats, pages 014 through 015, records of King County, Washington (029360-1111) ASPEN GROVE, as recorded in Volume 205 of Plats, pages 030 through 042, records of King County, Washington (029369-1111) AUTUMN GLEN, as recorded in Volume 219 of Plats, pages 033 through 037, records of King County, Washington (031839-1111) BATTISTI ADD TO KENT, as recorded in Volume 115 of Plats, page 064, records of King County, Washington (056515-1111) BAYBERRY CREST, as recorded in Volume 186 of Plats, pages 081 through 083, records of King County, Washington (058647-1111) BAYVIEW TOWNHOMES, as recorded in Volume 157 of Plats, pages 088 through 100, records of King County, Washington (059070-1111) 36 Drainage Property Interests for Transfer to Kent BELVA LANE ADD, as recorded in Volume 067 of Plats, page 009, records of King County, Washington (071300-1111) BENSON CREST ADD, as recorded in Volume 075 of Plats, page 045, records of King County, Washington (073800-1111) BENSON CREST NO. 02, as recorded in Volume 082 of Plats, page 017, records of King County, Washington (073810-1111) BENSON CREST NO. 03, as recorded in Volume 083 of Plats, page 093, records of King County, Washington (073820-1111) BENSON HIGHLANDS, as recorded in Volume 185 of Plats, pages 039 through 042, records of King County, Washington (073920-1111) BIG K ADD, as recorded in Volume 067 of Plats, page 066, records of King County, Washington (080780-1111) BIG K ADD NO. 02, as recorded in Volume 078 of Plats, page 016, records of King County, Washington (080800-1111) BIRDSONG MEADOWS, as recorded in Volume 220 of Plats, pages 026 through 029, records of King County, Washington (082700-1111) BLECKERS VALLEY VIEW ADD, as recorded in Volume 060 of Plats, page 040, records of King County, Washington (085510-1111) BOLT ADD, as recorded in Volume 101 of Plats, pages 018 through 019, records of King County, Washington (091040-1111) BOWERS R J ADD, as recorded in Volume 051 of Plats, page 029, records of King County, Washington (101100-1111) BRADLEY ESTATES, as recorded in Volume 082 of Plats, page 061, records of King County, Washington (103000-1111) BRENTWOOD PH 01(0005), as recorded in Volume 118 of Plats, pages 017 through 020, records of King County, Washington (106135-1111) BRIARMOUNT, as recorded in Volume 186 of Plats, pages 092 through 095, records of King County, Washington (107947-1111) BRIARWOOD ADD, as recorded in Volume 080 of Plats, page 091, records of King County, Washington (107960-1111) BRIDGEWATER, as recorded in Volume 083 of Plats, pages 084 through 089, records of King County, Washington (108565-1111) 37 Drainage Property Interests for Transfer to Kent BRIDGEWATER II, as recorded in Volume 088 of Plats, pages 045 through 050, records of King County, Washington (108566-1111) BRIDGEWATER III, as recorded in Volume 090 of Plats, pages 089 through 095, records of King County, Washington (108567-1111) BRIDGEWATER IV, as recorded in Volume 092 of Plats, pages 064 through 069, records of King County, Washington (108568-1111) BRIERE LANE, as recorded in Volume 112 of Plats, pages 032 through 033, records of King County, Washington (109150-1111) BROOKFIELD, as recorded in Volume 103 of Plats, page 057, records of King County, Washington (113760-1111) BROOKSIDE COURT, as recorded in Volume 222 of Plats, pages 083 through 085, records of King County, Washington (115270-1111) BROWN HILL ASSESSORS PLAT OF, as recorded in Volume 065 of Plats, page 085, records of King County, Washington (116400-1111) BURKHARDT HEIGHTS, as recorded in Volume 199 of Plats, pages 070 through 071, records of King County, Washington (125220-1111) BURKLANDS FIRST ADD, as recorded in Volume 061 of Plats, page 028, records of King County, Washington (125320-1111) BURLINGTON NORTHERN NORPAC NO. 01, as recorded in Volume 098 of Plats, pages 023 through 026, records of King County, Washington (125370-1111) BURLINGTON NORTHERN NORPAC NO. 02, as recorded in Volume 098 of Plats, pages 027 through 028, records of King County, Washington (125371-1111) BURLINGTON NORTHERN NORPAC NO. 03, as recorded in Volume 098 of Plats, pages 029 through 032, records of King County, Washington (125372-1111) BURROWS PLAT, as recorded in Volume 221 of Plats, pages 096 through 098, records of King County, Washington (126340-1111) BURROWS REPLAT OF LOT 1, as recorded in Volume 233 of Plats, pages 079 through 080, records of King County, Washington (126350-1111) CALVERTS TO KENT CORRECTION PLAT, as recorded in Volume 064 of Plats, page 006, records of King County, Washington (131010-1111) CAMBRIDGE NO. 01, as recorded in Volume 071 of Plats, pages 058 through 059, records of King County, Washington (131050-1111) CAMBRIDGE NO. 02, as recorded in Volume 077 of Plats, page 001, records of King County, Washington (131060-1111) 38 Drainage Property Interests for Transfer to Kent CAMBRIDGE NO. 03, as recorded in Volume 078 of Plats, pages 099 through 100, records of King County, Washington (131070-1111) CAMBRIDGE NO. 04, as recorded in Volume 080 of Plats, page 019, records of King County, Washington (131080-1111) CAMBRIDGE NO. 05, as recorded in Volume 081 of Plats, page 078, records of King County, Washington (131090-1111) CAMBRIDGE NO. 06, as recorded in Volume 089 of Plats, page 023, records of King County, Washington (131091-1111) CAMBRIDGE EAST DIV NO. 1, as recorded in Volume 100 of Plats, pages 098 through 099, records of King County, Washington (131096-1111) CAMBRIDGE EAST DIV NO. 2, as recorded in Volume 105 of Plats, pages 006 through 007, records of King County, Washington (131097-1111) CAMBRIDGE EAST DIV NO. 3, as recorded in Volume 109 of Plats, pages 074 through 075, records of King County, Washington (131098-1111) CAMBRIDGE HIGHLANDS, as recorded in Volume 113 of Plats, pages 042 through 043, records of King County, Washington (131099-1111) CANTERA, as recorded in Volume 240 of Plats, pages 007 through 011, records of King County, Washington (132930-1111) CANTERBURY, as recorded in Volume 158 of Plats, pages 031 through 032, records of King County, Washington (133025-1111) CANTERBURY GLEN, as recorded in Volume 209 of Plats, pages 045 through 047, records of King County, Washington (133028-1111) CANTERBURY GREENS, as recorded in Volume 185 of Plats, pages 062 through 064, records of King County, Washington (133029-1111) CANTERBURY PLACE, as recorded in Volume 160 of Plats, pages 007 through 008, records of King County, Washington (133065-1111) CANYON CREST ESTATES, as recorded in Volume 179 of Plats, pages 015 through 017, records of King County, Washington (133220-1111) CANYON CROSSING, as recorded in Volume 186 of Plats, pages 077 through 080, records of King County, Washington (133230-1111) CAR LINE ADD TO KENT, as recorded in Volume 010 of Plats, page 083, records of King County, Washington (134930-1111) 39 Drainage Property Interests for Transfer to Kent CARAVELLE APTS, as recorded in Volume 003 of Plats, pages 029 through 030, records of King County, Washington (135300-1111) CARAVELLE NORTH, as recorded in Volume 030 of Plats, pages 005 through 006, records of King County, Washington (135400-1111) CAROW ADD, as recorded in Volume 088 of Plats, page 015, records of King County, Washington (139780-1111) CARRIAGE ROW, as recorded in Volume 060 of Plats, pages 062 through 071, records of King County, Washington (140245-1111) CARROLL ESTATES, as recorded in Volume 090 of Plats, page 006, records of King County, Washington (140300-1111) CECILIA HILLS, as recorded in Volume 101 of Plats, page 029, records of King County, Washington (144070-1111) CEDAR MEADOWS, as recorded in Volume 167 of Plats, pages 072 through 074, records of King County, Washington (145090-1111) CHANCELLOR CREST, as recorded in Volume 156 of Plats, pages 045 through 048, records of King County, Washington (150950-1111) CHANCELLOR PARK DIV 1, as recorded in Volume 193 of Plats, pages 033 through 036, records of King County, Washington (150970-1111) CHARDOT MANOR, as recorded in Volume 094 of Plats, page 011, records of King County, Washington (152280-1111) CHATEAU 13, as recorded in Volume 045 of Plats, pages 020 through 022, records of King County, Washington (153010-1111) CHELMSFORD, as recorded in Volume 213 of Plats, pages 063 through 065, records of King County, Washington (154170-1111) CHERRY HILLS ESTATES ADD, as recorded in Volume 063 of Plats, page 052, records of King County, Washington (155280-1111) CHERRY PARK ESTATES DIV A, as recorded in Volume 070 of Plats, page 098, records of King County, Washington (155520-1111) CHERRY PARK ESTATES DIV B, as recorded in Volume 074 of Plats, page 004, records of King County, Washington (155530-1111) CHERRY WOOD LANE, as recorded in Volume 184 of Plats, pages 003 through 005, records of King County, Washington (155870-1111) CHESTNUT RIDGE DIV NO. 01, as recorded in Volume 140 of Plats, pages 037 through 038, records of King County, Washington (156190-1111) 40 Drainage Property Interests for Transfer to Kent CHESTNUT RIDGE DIV NO. 02, as recorded in Volume 145 of Plats, pages 065 through 066, records of King County, Washington (156191-1111) CHESTNUT RIDGE DIV NO. 04, as recorded in Volume 142 of Plats, pages 014 through 015, records of King County, Washington (156193-1111) CITY VIEW ADD TO KENT, as recorded in Volume 014 of Plats, page 050, records of King County, Washington (159860-1111) CLARK LAKE ESTATES DIV NO. 01, as recorded in Volume 230 of Plats, pages 066 through 069, records of King County, Washington (160800-1111) CLARK LAKE ESTATES DIV 02, as recorded in Volume 233 of Plats, pages 076 through 078, records of King County, Washington (160801-1111) CLARKS 1ST ADD TO KENT, as recorded in Volume 005 of Plats, page 062, records of King County, Washington (161200-1111) CLARKS 2ND ADD TO KENT, as recorded in Volume 015 of Plats, page 072, records of King County, Washington (161250-1111) CLARKS VALLEY VIEW ADD, as recorded in Volume 054 of Plats, page 011, records of King County, Washington (161590-1111) CLEMENTS ADD TO KENT, as recorded in Volume 063 of Plats, page 022, records of King County, Washington (162250-1111) CLIFFORDS ADD TO CITY OF KENT, as recorded in Volume 092 of Plats, page 007, records of King County, Washington (162660-1111) COATES ADD, as recorded in Volume 078 of Plats, page 076, records of King County, Washington (165700-1111) COLONIAL SQUARE TOWNHOMES, as recorded in Volume 227 of Plats, pages 001 through 010, records of King County, Washington (169910-1111) COLONY PARK (0005), as recorded in Volume 031 of Plats, pages 055 through 057, records of King County, Washington (169995-1111) COOPER # 38, as recorded in Volume 905 of Plats, page 010, records of King County, Washington (000200-1111) COSBEYS ADD, as recorded in Volume 060 of Plats, page 021, records of King County, Washington (176510-1111) COTTONWOOD, as recorded in Volume 204 of Plats, pages 028 through 029, records of King County, Washington (177642-1111) 41 Drainage Property Interests for Transfer to Kent COUNTRY CLUB NORTH, as recorded in Volume 189 of Plats, pages 086 through 088, records of King County, Washington (178663-1111) COUNTRY CLUB NORTH DIV 2, as recorded in Volume 184 of Plats, pages 018 through 020, records of King County, Washington (178664-1111) COUNTRY CLUB VILLAGE, as recorded in Volume 171 of Plats, pages 099 through 101, records of King County, Washington (178670-1111) COUNTRY CLUB VILLAGE DIV 2, as recorded in Volume 195 of Plats, pages 075 through 077, records of King County, Washington (178671-1111) COUNTRY ESTATES PH 01, as recorded in Volume 068 of Plats, pages 036 through 039, records of King County, Washington (178695-1111) COUNTRY VIEW ESTATES II, as recorded in Volume 181 of Plats, pages 029 through 030, records of King County, Washington (178961-1111) COUNTRYSIDE, as recorded in Volume 110 of Plats, pages 048 through 049, records of King County, Washington (179030-1111) CROSS ADD TO CITY OF KENT, as recorded in Volume 018 of Plats, page 009, records of King County, Washington (184970-1111) CROSSINGS AT RIVERVIEW, as recorded in Volume 192 of Plats, pages 011 through 013, records of King County, Washington (185310-1111) CROW STREET, as recorded in Volume 180 of Plats, pages 029 through 031, records of King County, Washington (185580-1111) CROWES, as recorded in Volume 902 of Plats, page 072, records of King County, Washington (185860-1111) CROWS 1ST ADD TO KENT, as recorded in Volume 004 of Plats, page 029, records of King County, Washington (186390-1111) CYPRESS COVE AT THE LAKES, as recorded in Volume 136 of Plats, pages 033 through 035, records of King County, Washington (187670-1111) DANAL ADD, as recorded in Volume 077 of Plats, page 032, records of King County, Washington (188800-1111) DAON ADDITION, as recorded in Volume 116 of Plats, pages 057 through 059, records of King County, Washington (189570-1111) DEHNERT'S ADD CORRECTED PLAT OF, as recorded in Volume 071 of Plats, page 057, records of King County, Washington (194140-1111) DEL MAR ADD NO. 08, as recorded in Volume 055 of Plats, pages 099 through 100, records of King County, Washington (195090-1111) 42 Drainage Property Interests for Transfer to Kent DEL MAR ADD NO. 09, as recorded in Volume 060 of Plats, page 048, records of King County, Washington (195110-1111) DEL MAR ADD NO. 10, as recorded in Volume 059 of Plats, page 047, records of King County, Washington (195130-1111) DEL MAR ADD NO. 11, as recorded in Volume 059 of Plats, page 060, records of King County, Washington (195140-1111) DEL MAR ADD NO. 12, as recorded in Volume 061 of Plats, page 020, records of King County, Washington (195150-1111) DEL MAR ADD NO. 13, as recorded in Volume 061 of Plats, page 093, records of King County, Washington (195160-1111) DELNOR ADD, as recorded in Volume 062 of Plats, page 099, records of King County, Washington (195260-1111) DERBYSHIRE ADD, as recorded in Volume 060 of Plats, page 052, records of King County, Washington (200530-1111) DERBYSHIRE NO. 02, as recorded in Volume 062 of Plats, page 062, records of King County, Washington (200540-1111) DERBYSHIRE NO. 03, as recorded in Volume 067 of Plats, page 006, records of King County, Washington (200550-1111) DERBYSHIRE NO. 04, as recorded in Volume 070 of Plats, page 016, records of King County, Washington (200560-1111) DERBYSHIRE NO. 05, as recorded in Volume 069 of Plats, page 035, records of King County, Washington (200570-1111) DERBYSHIRE NO. 06, as recorded in Volume 069 of Plats, page 093, records of King County, Washington (200580-1111) DERBYSHIRE NO. 07, as recorded in Volume 070 of Plats, page 075, records of King County, Washington (200590-1111) DOVER COURT TOWNHOMES, as recorded in Volume 177 of Plats, pages 062 through 066, records of King County, Washington (209530-1111) DOVER PARK, as recorded in Volume 171 of Plats, pages 088 through 090, records of King County, Washington (209550-1111) DOVER PLACE, as recorded in Volume 154 of Plats, pages 065 through 067, records of King County, Washington (209560-1111) 43 Drainage Property Interests for Transfer to Kent DRAVON, as recorded in Volume 166 of Plats, pages 007 through 010, records of King County, Washington (210850-1111) EAGLE CREEK, as recorded in Volume 228 of Plats, pages 048 through 055, records of King County, Washington (214090-1111) EAGLE LANE, as recorded in Volume 091 of Plats, pages 027 through 031, records of King County, Washington (214124-1111) EAST COFIELD, as recorded in Volume 235 of Plats, pages 053 through 054, records of King County, Washington (215495-1111) EAST HILL GARDENS ADD, as recorded in Volume 051 of Plats, page 077, records of King County, Washington (216140-1111) EAST HILL VILLAGE BSP, as recorded in Volume 225 of Plats, pages 005 through 007, records of King County, Washington (216152-1111) EAST POINTE (KENT), as recorded in Volume 224 of Plats, pages 028 through 035, records of King County, Washington (216450-1111) EASTRIDGE DIV NO. 01, as recorded in Volume 098 of Plats, page 040, records of King County, Washington (221220-1111) EASTRIDGE DIV NO. 02, as recorded in Volume 107 of Plats, pages 068 through 069, records of King County, Washington (221221-1111) EASTRIDGE DIV NO. 03, as recorded in Volume 113 of Plats, page 019, records of King County, Washington (221222-1111) EASTRIDGE PARK DIV NO. 02, as recorded in Volume 090 of Plats, pages 065 through 066, records of King County, Washington (221291-1111) EASTWIND, as recorded in Volume 139 of Plats, pages 063 through 065, records of King County, Washington (221500-1111) EASTWOOD, as recorded in Volume 158 of Plats, pages 029 through 030, records of King County, Washington (221545-1111) EASTWOOD NO. 01, as recorded in Volume 031 of Plats, pages 077 through 078, records of King County, Washington (221570-1111) ECHO GLEN HEIGHTS, as recorded in Volume 159 of Plats, pages 098 through 101, records of King County, Washington (222180-1111) EMERALD RIDGE, as recorded in Volume 198 of Plats, pages 036 through 037, records of King County, Washington (233154-1111) EMERALD RIDGE DIV 2, as recorded in Volume 189 of Plats, pages 001 through 002, records of King County, Washington (233155-1111) 44 Drainage Property Interests for Transfer to Kent ERIN GLADE, as recorded in Volume 193 of Plats, pages 067 through 069, records of King County, Washington (237930-1111) EVERGREEN HILLS, as recorded in Volume 133 of Plats, pages 080 through 082, records of King County, Washington (241650-1111) EWING'S PLACE, as recorded in Volume 108 of Plats, pages 073 through 074, records of King County, Washington (243120-1111) FAIRFIELD ADD, as recorded in Volume 078 of Plats, page 042, records of King County, Washington (245900-1111) FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADD, as recorded in Volume 030 of Plats, pages 001 through 002, records of King County, Washington (250060-1111) FEROES FIRST ADD TO KENT, as recorded in Volume 040 of Plats, page 014, records of King County, Washington (252830-1111) FISHER ESTATES, as recorded in Volume 087 of Plats, page 027, records of King County, Washington (256950-1111) 524 WEST MEEKER STREET, as recorded in Volume 199 of Plats, pages 092 through 094, records of King County, Washington (256996-1111) FLOWER COURT, as recorded in Volume 230 of Plats, pages 075 through 078, records of King County, Washington (258700-1111) FOSTER INDUSTRIAL PARK, as recorded in Volume 133 of Plats, pages 008 through 011, records of King County, Washington (261100-1111) FOURTH AVENUE, as recorded in Volume 182 of Plats, pages 020 through 021, records of King County, Washington (261767-1111) FOX RIDGE, as recorded in Volume 176 of Plats, pages 100 through 102, records of King County, Washington (262140-1111) FOX RIDGE ADDITION 1, as recorded in Volume 186 of Plats, pages 043 through 044, records of King County, Washington (262142-1111) FOX STELLA H ADD, as recorded in Volume 051 of Plats, page 030, records of King County, Washington (262160-1111) FRAMAR ADD, as recorded in Volume 065 of Plats, page 014, records of King County, Washington (262400-1111) FRANKFORD TRS, as recorded in Volume 045 of Plats, pages 025 through 026, records of King County, Washington (263200-1111) 45 Drainage Property Interests for Transfer to Kent FRED LANG TRACT, as recorded in Volume 089 of Plats, page 052, records of King County, Washington (264020-1111) FUGATE ADD TO KENT, as recorded in Volume 063 of Plats, page100, records of King County, Washington (266200-1111) GAGE'S GROVE, as recorded in Volume 230 of Plats, pages 001 through 004, records of King County, Washington (267650-1111) GARRISON CREEK NO. 02, as recorded in Volume 157 of Plats, pages 001 through 002, records of King County, Washington (270840-1111) GARRISON GREENS, as recorded in Volume 226 of Plats, pages 093 through 096, records of King County, Washington (270845-1111) GARRISON HEIGHTS, as recorded in Volume 160 of Plats, pages 086 through 088, records of King County, Washington (270850-1111) GLENBROOK, as recorded in Volume 103 of Plats, pages 089 through 095, records of King County, Washington (278710-1111) GRAND DESIGN, as recorded in Volume 213 of Plats, pages 058 through 059, records of King County, Washington (286480-1111) GREEN MEADOWS TOWNHOMES, as recorded in Volume 185 of Plats, pages 051 through 053, records of King County, Washington (288797-1111) GREEN RIVER ESTATES, as recorded in Volume 019 of Plats, pages 002 through 009, records of King County, Washington (289060-1111) GREEN RIVER TOWNHOUSES(0005), as recorded in Volume 036 of Plats, pages 056 through 058, records of King County, Washington (289150-1111) GREEN VALLEY HEIGHTS DIV NO. 01, as recorded in Volume 061 of Plats, page 029, records of King County, Washington (289460-1111) GREEN VALLEY HEIGHTS DIV NO. 02, as recorded in Volume 062 of Plats, pages 038 through 039, records of King County, Washington (289470-1111) GREEN VALLEY HEIGHTS DIV NO. 03, as recorded in Volume 078 of Plats, page 031, records of King County, Washington (289480-1111) GREEN VALLEY HEIGHTS DIV NO. 04, as recorded in Volume 080 of Plats, page 018, records of King County, Washington (289490-1111) GREEN VALLEY HEIGHTS DIV NO. 05, as recorded in Volume 104 of Plats, pages 062 through 063, records of King County, Washington (289500-1111) GREEN VALLEY HEIGHTS DIV NO. 06, as recorded in Volume 085 of Plats, pages 059 through 060, records of King County, Washington (289510-1111) 46 Drainage Property Interests for Transfer to Kent GREEN VALLEY HEIGHTS NO. 06 RPLT OF POR, as recorded in Volume 108 of Plats, pages 001 through 002, records of King County, Washington (289511-1111) GREENFIELD PARK, as recorded in Volume 182 of Plats, pages 051 through 054, records of King County, Washington (290890-1111) GRESHAMS STAR LAKE TRS, as recorded in Volume 048 of Plats, page 008, records of King County, Washington (293660-1111) GUIBERSONS ADD TO KENT, as recorded in Volume 014 of Plats, page 049, records of King County, Washington (295190-1111) HAMPTON EAST, as recorded in Volume 180 of Plats, pages 073 through 082, records of King County, Washington (306614-1111) HARBOR REACH AT THE LAKES, as recorded in Volume 144 of Plats, pages 024 through 027, records of King County, Washington (311072-1111) HARVEY, as recorded in Volume 170 of Plats, pages 063 through 065, records of King County, Washington (314875-1111) HAUGE-ARMSTRONG ADD, as recorded in Volume 056 of Plats, page 040, records of King County, Washington (315910-1111) HAVEN COURT ADD, as recorded in Volume 080 of Plats, page 014, records of King County, Washington (315950-1111) HAWKRIDGE, as recorded in Volume 152 of Plats, pages 023 through 024, records of King County, Washington (317190-1111) HAYASHI LONG PLAT, as recorded in Volume 121 of Plats, pages 030 through 031, records of King County, Washington (318500-1111) HAZELWOOD MEADOWS, as recorded in Volume 195 of Plats, pages 078 through 079, records of King County, Washington (320485-1111) HEATHER RIDGE, as recorded in Volume 021 of Plats, pages 005 through 008, records of King County, Washington (321153-1111) HEATHERGLEN ESTATES, as recorded in Volume 137 of Plats, pages 092 through 093, records of King County, Washington (321156-1111) HEATHERGLEN ESTATES NO. 02, as recorded in Volume 138 of Plats, pages 068 through 069, records of King County, Washington (321158-1111) HEATHERWILD, as recorded in Volume 118 of Plats, page 023, records of King County, Washington (321159-1111) 47 Drainage Property Interests for Transfer to Kent HEIGHTS AT RIVERVIEW, as recorded in Volume 181 of Plats, pages 004 through 006, records of King County, Washington (322470-1111) HEMLOCK ACRES NO. 17, as recorded in Volume 153 of Plats, pages 045 through 046, records of King County, Washington (323539-1111) HEMLOCK ACRES NO. 19, as recorded in Volume 160 of Plats, pages 080 through 082, records of King County, Washington (323541-1111) HIGH MEADOW, as recorded in Volume 120 of Plats, page 008, records of King County, Washington (327697-1111) HIGH MEADOW NO. 02, as recorded in Volume 134 of Plats, pages 043 through 044, records of King County, Washington (327698-1111) HIGH RIDGE PLACE, as recorded in Volume 168 of Plats, pages 049 through 053, records of King County, Washington (328380-1111) HIGHLAND CROSSING, as recorded in Volume 183 of Plats, pages 059 through 063, records of King County, Washington (329575-1111) HIGHLAND ESTATES SOUTH, as recorded in Volume 239 of Plats, pages 058 through 062, records of King County, Washington (329595-1111) HIGHLAND PARK I, as recorded in Volume 220 of Plats, pages 017 through 022, records of King County, Washington (329871-1111) HIGHRIDGE, as recorded in Volume 095 of Plats, page 021, records of King County, Washington (330800-1111) HIGHRIDGE NO. 02, as recorded in Volume 097 of Plats, page 093, records of King County, Washington (330801-1111) HIGHRIDGE NO. 03, as recorded in Volume 099 of Plats, page 021, records of King County, Washington (330802-1111) HIGHRIDGE NO. 04, as recorded in Volume 104 of Plats, pages 039 through 040, records of King County, Washington (330803-1111) HIGHWAY HOME GARDEN TRS, as recorded in Volume 902 of Plats, page 108, records of King County, Washington (331060-1111) HILL-RAAUM KENT SUBDIV, as recorded in Volume 118 of Plats, pages 062 through 063, records of King County, Washington (331900-1111) HILLSIDE MANOR, as recorded in Volume 201 of Plats, pages 008 through 010, records of King County, Washington (337580-1111) HOLLY GLEN, as recorded in Volume 037 of Plats, pages 062 through 071, records of King County, Washington (339420-1111) 48 Drainage Property Interests for Transfer to Kent HOLLYWOOD ADD TO LAKE MERIDIAN, as recorded in Volume 059 of Plats, pages 067 through 068, records of King County, Washington (340030-1111) HORSESHOE ACRE TRS TO KENT, as recorded in Volume 015 of Plats, page 010, records of King County, Washington (346280-1111) HUGHES ULLE-LAND NO. 02, as recorded in Volume 075 of Plats, page 020, records of King County, Washington (351200-1111) HUGHES ULLE-LAND NO. 03, as recorded in Volume 078 of Plats, page 098, records of King County, Washington (351210-1111) HYCROFT, as recorded in Volume 119 of Plats, pages 046 through 048, records of King County, Washington (354600-1111) INLAND PARK NO. 04 - VACATED, as recorded in Volume 070 of Plats, page 033, records of King County, Washington (358510-1111) INTERURBAN HEIGHTS 3RD SEC, as recorded in Volume 017 of Plats, page 087, records of King County, Washington (360180-1111) INTERURBAN HEIGHTS 4TH SEC, as recorded in Volume 017 of Plats, page 086, records of King County, Washington (360240-1111) INTERURBAN HEIGHTS 5TH SEC, as recorded in Volume 017 of Plats, page 085, records of King County, Washington (360300-1111) INTERURBAN HEIGHTS 6TH SEC, as recorded in Volume 017 of Plats, page 088, records of King County, Washington (360360-1111) JACOBSENS THIRD ADD, as recorded in Volume 078 of Plats, page 075, records of King County, Washington (365300-1111) JAMES COURT, as recorded in Volume 101 of Plats, pages 006 through 008, records of King County, Washington (365740-1111) JANE'S PLACE, as recorded in Volume 149 of Plats, pages 073 through 074, records of King County, Washington (366240-1111) JEFFRIES 1ST ADD TO KENT, as recorded in Volume 902 of Plats, page 118, records of King County, Washington (368690-1111) JOHNSON NELS ADD TO LAKE MERIDIAN, as recorded in Volume 045 of Plats, pages 076 through 077, records of King County, Washington (372880-1111) JOSEY GLENN, as recorded in Volume 144 of Plats, pages 019 through 020, records of King County, Washington (374700-1111) 49 Drainage Property Interests for Transfer to Kent JULIE'S ADD, as recorded in Volume 172 of Plats, pages 070 through 072, records of King County, Washington (377500-1111) KANGLEY DOWNS, as recorded in Volume 168 of Plats, pages 044 through 046, records of King County, Washington (379070-1111) KARA, as recorded in Volume 184 of Plats, pages 006 through 007, records of King County, Washington (379140-1111) KENATCO ESTATES, as recorded in Volume 130 of Plats, pages 021 through 022, records of King County, Washington (381470-1111) KENNEDY LANE ADD, as recorded in Volume 077 of Plats, pages 026 through 027, records of King County, Washington (382100-1111) KENNEDYS ADD TO KENT, as recorded in Volume 063 of Plats, page 051, records of King County, Washington (382300-1111) KENSINGTON HIGH, as recorded in Volume 103 of Plats, pages 078 through 082, records of King County, Washington (382650-1111) KENT ADD, as recorded in Volume 002 of Plats, page 165, records of King County, Washington (382800-1111) KENT ACRES, as recorded in Volume 902 of Plats, page 123, records of King County, Washington (382900-1111) KENT FIVE-ACRE TRS, as recorded in Volume 010 of Plats, page 019, records of King County, Washington (383000-1111) KENT HIGHLANDS ADD, as recorded in Volume 078 of Plats, page 019, records of King County, Washington (383020-1111) KENT HIGHLANDS DIV NO. 02, as recorded in Volume 102 of Plats, pages 078 through 079, records of King County, Washington (383021-1111) KENT PAIR, as recorded in Volume 047 of Plats, page 063, records of King County, Washington (383040-1111) KENT RIDGE ESTATES DIV NO. 01, as recorded in Volume 097 of Plats, pages 094 through 095, records of King County, Washington (383060-1111) KENT RIDGE ESTATES DIV NO. 02, as recorded in Volume 097 of Plats, pages 096 through 097, records of King County, Washington (383061-1111) KENT RIDGE ESTATES DIV NO. 03, as recorded in Volume 104 of Plats, pages 052 through 053, records of King County, Washington (383062-1111) KENT RIDGE ESTATES DIV NO. 04, as recorded in Volume 131 of Plats, pages 063 through 066, records of King County, Washington (383063-1111) 50 Drainage Property Interests for Transfer to Kent KENT RIDGE ESTATES DIV NO. 05, as recorded in Volume 131 of Plats, pages 059 through 062, records of King County, Washington (383064-1111) KENT SCENIC PARK, as recorded in Volume 077 of Plats, page 065, records of King County, Washington (383080-1111) KENT SHIRES AMENDED, as recorded in Volume 063 of Plats, pages 001 through 005, records of King County, Washington (383081-1111) KENT SHIRES AMENDED, as recorded in Volume 064 of Plats, pages 069 through 074, records of King County, Washington (383082-1111) KENT SHIRES AMENDED, as recorded in Volume 067 of Plats, pages 043 through 048, records of King County, Washington (383083-1111) KENT SHIRES AMENDED, as recorded in Volume 069 of Plats, pages 017 through 020, records of King County, Washington (383084-1111) KENT SHIRES AMENDED, as recorded in Volume 076 of Plats, pages 063 through 066, records of King County, Washington (383086-1111) KENT SHIRES AMENDED, as recorded in Volume 079 of Plats, pages 023 through 026, records of King County, Washington (383087-1111) KENT SHIRES AMENDED, as recorded in Volume 081 of Plats, pages 070 through 073, records of King County, Washington (383088-1111) KENT SHIRES AMENDED, as recorded in Volume 081 of Plats, pages 086 through 090, records of King County, Washington (383089-1111) KENT SHIRES AMENDED, as recorded in Volume 083 of Plats, pages 007 through 010, records of King County, Washington (383091-1111) KENT SHIRES AMENDED, as recorded in Volume 084 of Plats, pages 034 through 037, records of King County, Washington (383092-1111) KENT SHIRES AMENDED, as recorded in Volume 084 of Plats, pages 038 through 041, records of King County, Washington (383093-1111) KENT SHIRES AMENDED, as recorded in Volume 087 of Plats, pages 086 through 090, records of King County, Washington (383094-1111) KENT SHIRES AMENDED, as recorded in Volume 085 of Plats, pages 010 through 013, records of King County, Washington (383095-1111) KENT STATION DIV 01, as recorded in Volume 233 of Plats, pages 072 through 075, records of King County, Washington (383097-1111) 51 Drainage Property Interests for Transfer to Kent KENT STATION DIV 2, as recorded in Volume 238 of Plats, pages 040 through 043, records of King County, Washington (383098-1111) KENT SUMMIT, as recorded in Volume 041 of Plats, pages 015 through 019, records of King County, Washington (383085-1111) KENT VALLEY INDUSTRIAL PARK, as recorded in Volume 097 of Plats, pages 030 through 035, records of King County, Washington (383090-1111) KENT VIEW ADD, as recorded in Volume 041 of Plats, page 001, records of King County, Washington (383100-1111) KENT VISTA, as recorded in Volume 109 of Plats, pages 027 through 028, records of King County, Washington (383120-1111) KENTARA, as recorded in Volume 238 of Plats, pages 036 through 039, records of King County, Washington (383125-1111) KENTBROOK(0005), as recorded in Volume 034 of Plats, pages 074 through 083, records of King County, Washington (383127-1111) KENTHILL TOWNHOME, as recorded in Volume 019 of Plats, pages 011 through 016, records of King County, Washington (383150-1111) KENTHURST ADD, as recorded in Volume 057 of Plats, pages 058 through 059, records of King County, Washington (383200-1111) KENTVIEW HEIGHTS, as recorded in Volume 116 of Plats, pages 006 through 007, records of King County, Washington (383215-1111) KENTWOOD GLEN NO. 01, as recorded in Volume 070 of Plats, page 045, records of King County, Washington (383220-1111) KENTWOOD GLEN NO. 02, as recorded in Volume 081 of Plats, page 042, records of King County, Washington (383230-1111) KENTWOOD GLEN NO. 03, as recorded in Volume 110 of Plats, pages 088 through 091, records of King County, Washington (383231-1111) KENTWOOD HILLS DIV NO. 01, as recorded in Volume 064 of Plats, pages 062 through 063, records of King County, Washington (383250-1111) KENTWOOD HILLS DIV NO. 02, as recorded in Volume 085 of Plats, page 009, records of King County, Washington (383260-1111) KENTWOOD HILLS DIV NO. 03, as recorded in Volume 085 of Plats, page 010, records of King County, Washington (383270-1111) KENTWOOD HILLS DIV NO. 04, as recorded in Volume 091 of Plats, pages 049 through 050, records of King County, Washington (383271-1111) 52 Drainage Property Interests for Transfer to Kent KIMMELS MERIDIAN ESTATES, as recorded in Volume 117 of Plats, pages 016 through 017, records of King County, Washington (386500-1111) KING COUNTY SHORT PLAT NO. 387028, as recorded in Volume 80 of Plats, page 61, records of King County, Washington (072205-1111) KING COUNTY SHORT PLAT NO. S89S0245, as recorded in Volume 77 of Plats, pages 46 and 46A, records of King County, Washington (182205-1111) KINGS PLACE, as recorded in Volume 118 of Plats, pages 053 through 054, records of King County, Washington (387240-1111) KINGSLEY GLEN, as recorded in Volume 217 of Plats, pages 100 through 105, records of King County, Washington (387657-1111) KINGSSTONE, as recorded in Volume 175 of Plats, pages 024 through 027, records of King County, Washington (387676-1111) KIRKLAND # 40, as recorded in Volume 905 of Plats, page 022, records of King County, Washington (000440-1111) KREGER ADD, as recorded in Volume 062 of Plats, page 091, records of King County, Washington (393700-1111) LAKE FENWICK TRS, as recorded in Volume 902 of Plats, page 132, records of King County, Washington (401680-1111) LAKE FRONT ESTATES ADD, as recorded in Volume 071 of Plats, page 091, records of King County, Washington (403050-1111) LAKE MERIDIAN, as recorded in Volume 145 of Plats, pages 008 through 009, records of King County, Washington (405000-1111) LAKE MERIDIAN GROVE ADD, as recorded in Volume 035 of Plats, page 017, records of King County, Washington (405080-1111) LAKE MERIDIAN NORTH DIV NO. 01, as recorded in Volume 105 of Plats, pages 044 through 045, records of King County, Washington (405110-1111) LAKE MERIDIAN NORTH DIV NO. 02, as recorded in Volume 107 of Plats, pages 042 through 043, records of King County, Washington (405111-1111) LAKE MERIDIAN RIDGE, as recorded in Volume 125 of Plats, pages 061 through 069, records of King County, Washington (405117-1111) LAKE MERIDIAN SHORES (0005), as recorded in Volume 078 of Plats, pages 043 through 056, records of King County, Washington (405120-1111) 53 Drainage Property Interests for Transfer to Kent LAKE MERIDIAN VILLAGE, as recorded in Volume 103 of Plats, pages 043 through 044, records of King County, Washington (405130-1111) LAKE MERIDIAN VILLAGE, as recorded in Volume 038 of Plats, pages 095 through 098, records of King County, Washington (405170-1111) LAKES AT KENT DIV NO. 01 THE, as recorded in Volume 136 of Plats, pages 041 through 045, records of King County, Washington (414095-1111) LAKES TOWNHOMES THE, as recorded in Volume 138 of Plats, pages 004 through 007, records of King County, Washington (414163-1111) LAKESIDE AT CYPRESS COVE, as recorded in Volume 145 of Plats, pages 046 through 048, records of King County, Washington (414190-1111) LANDINGS AT RIVERVIEW, as recorded in Volume 164 of Plats, pages 056 through 058, records of King County, Washington (418016-1111) LANDMARK, as recorded in Volume 207 of Plats, pages 031 through 033, records of King County, Washington (418040-1111) LAUREL COURT TOWNHOMES, as recorded in Volume 212 of Plats, pages 017 through 022, records of King County, Washington (421452-1111) LAVENDER HILLS, as recorded in Volume 148 of Plats, pages 092 through 093, records of King County, Washington (422410-1111) LE BLANC GARDENS, as recorded in Volume 103 of Plats, pages 023 through 028, records of King County, Washington (423860-1111) LEEORA ESTATES, as recorded in Volume 124 of Plats, pages 095 through 096, records of King County, Washington (425200-1111) LEXINGTON PARK, as recorded in Volume 130 of Plats, pages 019 through 023, records of King County, Washington (429835-1111) LEXINGTON SQUARE, as recorded in Volume 171 of Plats, pages 022 through 023, records of King County, Washington (429880-1111) LINDA HEIGHTS REPLAT, as recorded in Volume 062 of Plats, page 049, records of King County, Washington (432450-1111) LINDENTAL, as recorded in Volume 159 of Plats, pages 033 through 040, records of King County, Washington (434500-1111) LINDENTAL MEADOWS, as recorded in Volume 166 of Plats, pages 035 through 037, records of King County, Washington (434530-1111) LINK ADD, as recorded in Volume 071 of Plats, page 063, records of King County, Washington (435910-1111) 54 Drainage Property Interests for Transfer to Kent LITTLE BEND, as recorded in Volume 166 of Plats, pages 071 through 072, records of King County, Washington (436320-1111) LITTLES ADD TO KENT, as recorded in Volume 053 of Plats, page 086, records of King County, Washington (436960-1111) LOE ESTATES DIV NO. 01, as recorded in Volume 155 of Plats, pages 052 through 056, records of King County, Washington (439700-1111) LOE ESTATES DIV NO. 02, as recorded in Volume 160 of Plats, pages 026 through 030, records of King County, Washington (439701-1111) LOE ESTATES DIV NO. 03, as recorded in Volume 162 of Plats, pages 051 through 053, records of King County, Washington (439702-1111) LOE ESTATES DIV NO. 04, as recorded in Volume 170 of Plats, pages 071 through 073, records of King County, Washington (439703-1111) MACK PARK, as recorded in Volume 192 of Plats, pages 008 through 010, records of King County, Washington (500360-1111) MACLYN ADD TO KENT, as recorded in Volume 065 of Plats, page 059, records of King County, Washington (500380-1111) MADISON PLACE, as recorded in Volume 171 of Plats, pages 019 through 021, records of King County, Washington (501580-1111) MALLORY MEADOWS, as recorded in Volume 188 of Plats, pages 038 through 039, records of King County, Washington (505790-1111) MAPLE LANE COURT, as recorded in Volume 037 of Plats, pages 019 through 023, records of King County, Washington (509760-1111) MAPLE WYLDE, as recorded in Volume 117 of Plats, pages 095 through 096, records of King County, Washington (511500-1111) MARINA POINTE AT THE LAKES, as recorded in Volume 148 of Plats, pages 079 through 090, records of King County, Washington (514897-1111) MARLOWES 1ST ADD TO KENT, as recorded in Volume 044 of Plats, page 094, records of King County, Washington (516370-1111) MARSHALL ADD, as recorded in Volume 083 of Plats, page 061, records of King County, Washington (516800-1111) MC HUGH ADD, as recorded in Volume 066 of Plats, page 080, records of King County, Washington (533570-1111) 55 Drainage Property Interests for Transfer to Kent MC HUGH ELIZABETH ADD, as recorded in Volume 064 of Plats, page 045, records of King County, Washington (533600-1111) MCKENNA MEADOWS, as recorded in Volume 211 of Plats, pages 083 through 085, records of King County, Washington (534400-1111) MC MILLINS ADD TO KENT, as recorded in Volume 007 of Plats, page 058, records of King County, Washington (538560-1111) MC NALLY ADD, as recorded in Volume 087 of Plats, page 064, records of King County, Washington (538760-1111) MEADOW HILLS, as recorded in Volume 114 of Plats, pages 043 through 044, records of King County, Washington (541230-1111) MEADOW HILLS NO. 02, as recorded in Volume 120 of Plats, pages 093 through 094, records of King County, Washington (541231-1111) MEADOW HILLS NORTH, as recorded in Volume 138 of Plats, pages 056 through 057, records of King County, Washington (541240-1111) MEADOWGROVE, as recorded in Volume 120 of Plats, pages 053 through 055, records of King County, Washington (542030-1111) MEADOWLAND EAST, as recorded in Volume 143 of Plats, pages 034 through 036, records of King County, Washington (542080-1111) MEADOWS AT RIVERVIEW, as recorded in Volume 192 of Plats, pages 089 through 095, records of King County, Washington (542290-1111) MEDALLION OF KENT, as recorded in Volume 240 of Plats, pages 090 through 094, records of King County, Washington (542410-1111) MEEKERS SUPL PLAT 1ST ADD TO KENT, as recorded in Volume 005 of Plats, pages 096, records of King County, Washington (543620-1111) MERIDIAN EAST, as recorded in Volume 150 of Plats, pages 044 through 045, records of King County, Washington (546600-1111) MERIDIAN ESTATES ADD, as recorded in Volume 080 of Plats, page 088, records of King County, Washington (546610-1111) MERIDIAN ESTATES NO. 02, as recorded in Volume 086 of Plats, page 045, records of King County, Washington (546620-1111) MERIDIAN FIRS, as recorded in Volume 120 of Plats, pages 070 through 073, records of King County, Washington (546630-1111) MERIDIAN FIRS NO. 02, as recorded in Volume 124 of Plats, pages 083 through 086, records of King County, Washington (546631-1111) 56 Drainage Property Interests for Transfer to Kent MERIDIAN FOREST, as recorded in Volume 162 of Plats, pages 100 through 101, records of King County, Washington (546635-1111) MERIDIAN GLEN, as recorded in Volume 195 of Plats, pages 030 through 033, records of King County, Washington (546638-1111) MERIDIAN GLEN DIV NO. 01, as recorded in Volume 120 of Plats, pages 037 through 040, records of King County, Washington (546640-1111) MERIDIAN GLEN DIV NO. 02, as recorded in Volume 125 of Plats, pages 042 through 046, records of King County, Washington (546641-1111) MERIDIAN GLEN DIV NO. 03, as recorded in Volume 125 of Plats, pages 047 through 049, records of King County, Washington (546642-1111) MERIDIAN HEIGHTS ADD, as recorded in Volume 083 of Plats, page 068, records of King County, Washington (546650-1111) MERIDIAN HILLS, as recorded in Volume 124 of Plats, pages 036 through 039, records of King County, Washington (546675-1111) MERIDIAN LAKESHORE TRS, as recorded in Volume 051 of Plats, page 013, records of King County, Washington (546720-1111) MERIDIAN MANOR ADD, as recorded in Volume 073 of Plats, page 083, records of King County, Washington (546790-1111) MERIDIAN MANOR NO. 02, as recorded in Volume 080 of Plats, page 001, records of King County, Washington (546791-1111) MERIDIAN MEADOWS ADD, as recorded in Volume 061 of Plats, page 046, records of King County, Washington (546800-1111) MERIDIAN PACIFIC, as recorded in Volume 202 of Plats, pages 018 through 019, records of King County, Washington (546860-1111) MERIDIAN PARK VISTA, as recorded in Volume 162 of Plats, pages 043 through 045, records of King County, Washington (546873-1111) MERIDIAN PLACE, as recorded in Volume 152 of Plats, pages 067 through 069, records of King County, Washington (546875-1111) MERIDIAN RIDGE DIV 1, as recorded in Volume 207 of Plats, pages 061 through 064, records of King County, Washington (546877-1111) MERIDIAN RIDGE DIV 02, as recorded in Volume 221 of Plats, pages 001 through 003, records of King County, Washington (546878-1111) 57 Drainage Property Interests for Transfer to Kent MERIDIAN SOUTH, as recorded in Volume 126 of Plats, pages 049 through 050, records of King County, Washington (546880-1111) MERIDIAN VALLEY, as recorded in Volume 006 of Plats, pages 071 through 075, records of King County, Washington (546940-1111) MERIDIAN VALLEY FAIRWAY 5, as recorded in Volume 011 of Plats, pages 086 through 089, records of King County, Washington (546945-1111) MERIDIAN VALLEY COUNTRY CLUB, as recorded in Volume 090 of Plats, pages 092 through 106, records of King County, Washington (546950-1111) MERIDIAN VALLEY "NINE", as recorded in Volume 013 of Plats, pages 093 through 095, records of King County, Washington (546960-1111) MERIDIAN VIEW, as recorded in Volume 168 of Plats, pages 079 through 081, records of King County, Washington (546965-1111) MERIDIAN VILLA ESTATES, as recorded in Volume 081 of Plats, pages 009 through 010, records of King County, Washington (546970-1111) MERIDIANA ADD, as recorded in Volume 081 of Plats, pages 028 through 029, records of King County, Washington (547000-1111) MERIDIANA NO. 02, as recorded in Volume 083 of Plats, pages 020 through 021, records of King County, Washington (547010-1111) MERIDIANA NO. 03, as recorded in Volume 088 of Plats, pages 069 through 070, records of King County, Washington (547011-1111) MERRIE HILL ADD, as recorded in Volume 057 of Plats, page 016, records of King County, Washington (547830-1111) MERRIE HILL NO. 02, as recorded in Volume 061 of Plats, page 082, records of King County, Washington (547850-1111) MICKELSONS S G SUNNYSIDE TO KENT, as recorded in Volume 045 of Plats, page 023, records of King County, Washington (550270-1111) MILLBROOK HEIGHTS, as recorded in Volume 238 of Plats, pages 073 through 076, records of King County, Washington (553035-1111) MILLERS NORTHERN VIEW ADD, as recorded in Volume 044 of Plats, page 006, records of King County, Washington (553930-1111) MILLERS NORTHERN VIEW 2ND TO KENT, as recorded in Volume 044 of Plats, page 007, records of King County, Washington (553980-1111) MILLERS NORTHERN VIEW 3RD ADD, as recorded in Volume 060 of Plats, page 068, records of King County, Washington (554000-1111) 58 Drainage Property Interests for Transfer to Kent MORFORD GLEN, as recorded in Volume 202 of Plats, pages 049 through 051, records of King County, Washington (563500-1111) MORGAN'S PLACE, as recorded in Volume 228 of Plats, pages 001 through 005, records of King County, Washington (564140-1111) MULDER PLAT, as recorded in Volume 239 of Plats, pages 087 through 089, records of King County, Washington (571420-1111) NADEN E H GARDEN TRS, as recorded in Volume 902 of Plats, page 190, records of King County, Washington (600000-1111) NANCY'S GROVE, as recorded in Volume 174 of Plats, pages 036 through 038, records of King County, Washington (600450-1111) NANCY'S GROVE DIV II PH 01, as recorded in Volume 180 of Plats, pages 055 through 058, records of King County, Washington (600451-1111) NANCY'S GROVE DIV III, as recorded in Volume 184 of Plats, pages 069 through 071, records of King County, Washington (600453-1111) NEELY # 37, as recorded in Volume 905 of Plats, page 030, records of King County, Washington (000620-1111) NORTH PARK ADD TO KENT, as recorded in Volume 018 of Plats, page 010, records of King County, Washington (614660-1111) NORTH PARK 2ND ADD TO KENT, as recorded in Volume 019 of Plats, page 050, records of King County, Washington (614760-1111) NORTHPEAK CREST, as recorded in Volume 115 of Plats, pages 009 through 010, records of King County, Washington (618710-1111) NORTHWEST BUILDING THE, as recorded in Volume 132 of Plats, pages 030 through 031, records of King County, Washington (619530-1111) NORTHWEST BUSINESS PARK PHASE 01, as recorded in Volume 128 of Plats, pages 058 through 061, records of King County, Washington (619540-1111) OAKDALE, as recorded in Volume 148 of Plats, pages 061 through 063, records of King County, Washington (630590-1111) OAKHILL, as recorded in Volume 166 of Plats, pages 051 through 053, records of King County, Washington (630600-1111) O BRIEN STATION GARDEN TRS, as recorded in Volume 012 of Plats, page 054, records of King County, Washington (631440-1111) 59 Drainage Property Interests for Transfer to Kent O BRIEN STATION GARDEN TRACTS NO. 02, as recorded in Volume 015 of Plats, page 066, records of King County, Washington (631500-1111) OLYMPIC ESTATES, as recorded in Volume 118 of Plats, pages 024 through 025, records of King County, Washington (637900-1111) OLYMPIC ESTATES, as recorded in Volume 058 of Plats, pages 035 through 036, records of King County, Washington (637920-1111) OLYMPIC SKYLINE PH. I, as recorded in Volume 042 of Plats, pages 025 through 028, records of King County, Washington (638550-1111) OLYMPIC VIEW ESTATES ADD TO KENT, as recorded in Volume 082 of Plats, page 094, records of King County, Washington (638630-1111) ORILLIA GARDEN TRS, as recorded in Volume 026 of Plats, page 007, records of King County, Washington (640760-1111) PACIFIC GATEWAY DIV IV - BSP, as recorded in Volume 233 of Plats, pages 060 through 067, records of King County, Washington (660007-1111) PACIFIC CREST TOWNHOMES, as recorded in Volume 193 of Plats, pages 057 through 058, records of King County, Washington (660010-1111) PACIFIC GATEWAY BUSINESS PARK, as recorded in Volume 197 of Plats, pages 062 through 071, records of King County, Washington (660021-1111) PACIFIC HEIGHTS, as recorded in Volume 187 of Plats, pages 043 through 044, records of King County, Washington (660024-1111) PACIFIC PARKE, as recorded in Volume 199 of Plats, pages 026 through 027, records of King County, Washington (660035-1111) PACIFIC TERRACE, as recorded in Volume 181 of Plats, pages 017 through 019, records of King County, Washington (660079-1111) PANORAMA PLACE, as recorded in Volume 027 of Plats, pages 039 through 044, records of King County, Washington (662070-1111) PARK MAR, as recorded in Volume 109 of Plats, pages 025 through 026, records of King County, Washington (664825-1111) PARK MERIDIAN, as recorded in Volume 106 of Plats, pages 090 through 091, records of King County, Washington (664850-1111) PARKS AT KENT THE, as recorded in Volume 221 of Plats, pages 071 through 074, records of King County, Washington (666710-1111) PARKSIDE DIV NO. 01, as recorded in Volume 102 of Plats, pages 025 through 026, records of King County, Washington (666901-1111) 60 Drainage Property Interests for Transfer to Kent PARKSIDE DIV NO. 02, as recorded in Volume 106 of Plats, pages 040 through 041, records of King County, Washington (666902-1111) PARKVIEW TOWNHOMES PH 01, as recorded in Volume 109 of Plats, pages 016 through 019, records of King County, Washington (666918-1111) PARKVIEW, as recorded in Volume 239 of Plats, pages 071 through 075, records of King County, Washington (666924-1111) PARSONS ADD, as recorded in Volume 058 of Plats, page 022, records of King County, Washington (667310-1111) PAY N PAK DISTRIBUTION CENTER, as recorded in Volume 118 of Plats, pages 084 through 086, records of King County, Washington (669300-1111) PENNY LANE, as recorded in Volume 149 of Plats, pages 006 through 007, records of King County, Washington (670590-1111) PHILLIPS FAIRVIEW ADD, as recorded in Volume 067 of Plats, page 097, records of King County, Washington (675670-1111) PIERCES FIRST ADD, as recorded in Volume 065 of Plats, page 075, records of King County, Washington (677780-1111) PIERCES SECOND ADD, as recorded in Volume 069 of Plats, page 057, records of King County, Washington (677790-1111) PINE TREE FARMS, as recorded in Volume 043 of Plats, page 030, records of King County, Washington (679220-1111) PINERIDGE, as recorded in Volume 219 of Plats, pages 038 through 042, records of King County, Washington (679930-1111) PLEMMONS CLARK LAKE TRS, as recorded in Volume 073 of Plats, page 062, records of King County, Washington (682980-1111) PLEMMONS CLARK LAKE TRACTS NO. 02, as recorded in Volume 074 of Plats, page 073, records of King County, Washington (682990-1111) POINTE AT RIVERVIEW THE, as recorded in Volume 169 of Plats, pages 025 through 037, records of King County, Washington (683810-1111) PROMENADE AT THE LAKES, as recorded in Volume 137 of Plats, pages 021 through 026, records of King County, Washington (689995-1111) PROMENADE NORTH AT THE LAKES, as recorded in Volume 143 of Plats, pages 050 through 064, records of King County, Washington (689997-1111) 61 Drainage Property Interests for Transfer to Kent PUNJAB PLAT, as recorded in Volume 240 of Plats, pages 029 through 032, records of King County, Washington (693370-1111) RACHAEL PLACE, as recorded in Volume 173 of Plats, pages 069 through 070, records of King County, Washington (710180-1111) RAINIER VIEW ESTATES, as recorded in Volume 108 of Plats, pages 023 through 024, records of King County, Washington (714020-1111) RAMSAY WAY COMMERCIAL, as recorded in Volume 208 of Plats, pages 070 through 074, records of King County, Washington (714200-1111) RAMSAYS ADD TO KENT, as recorded in Volume 016 of Plats, page 089, records of King County, Washington (714280-1111) RANDALL PARK DIV NO. 01, as recorded in Volume 091 of Plats, page 051, records of King County, Washington (714940-1111) RANDALL PARK DIV NO. 02, as recorded in Volume 106 of Plats, pages 023 through 024, records of King County, Washington (714941-1111) RASK EDWALL A ADD, as recorded in Volume 053 of Plats, page 011, records of King County, Washington (716220-1111) RASMUSSENS ADD TO KENT, as recorded in Volume 014 of Plats, page 010, records of King County, Washington (716520-1111) REEVES ADD TO KENT, as recorded in Volume 063 of Plats, page 034, records of King County, Washington (720900-1111) REGATTA AT THE LAKES, as recorded in Volume 121 of Plats, pages 019 through 030, records of King County, Washington (721222-1111) REGATTA TOWNHOMES, as recorded in Volume 111 of Plats, pages 027 through 036, records of King County, Washington (721225-1111) RESERVE AT RIVERVIEW, as recorded in Volume 172 of Plats, pages 039 through 041, records of King County, Washington (723757-1111) RHODODENDRON ESTATES, as recorded in Volume 193 of Plats, pages 037 through 039, records of King County, Washington (724810-1111) RICHARDS HY-LINE ACRES, as recorded in Volume 902 of Plats, page 234, records of King County, Washington (726020-1111) RIDGE AT GARRISON CREEK, as recorded in Volume 240 of Plats, pages 001 through 006, records of King County, Washington (729780-1111) RIDGE AT RIVERVIEW THE, as recorded in Volume 165 of Plats, pages 031 through 038, records of King County, Washington (729790-1111) 62 Drainage Property Interests for Transfer to Kent RIVERFRONT PARK, as recorded in Volume 018 of Plats, pages 003 through 006, records of King County, Washington (733690-1111) RIVERPLACE AT THE LAKES, as recorded in Volume 128 of Plats, pages 005 through 007, records of King County, Washington (733810-1111) ROBERTS-WILLIAMS ADD, as recorded in Volume 053 of Plats, page 030, records of King County, Washington (736660-1111) ROSEMARY GLEN, as recorded in Volume 152 of Plats, pages 034 through 039, records of King County, Washington (742900-1111) ROSES MEADOW, as recorded in Volume 172 of Plats, pages 095 through 098, records of King County, Washington (743605-1111) ROSS FAIR ADD, as recorded in Volume 044 of Plats, page 082, records of King County, Washington (744400-1111) ROYAL WOODS MANOR, as recorded in Volume 164 of Plats, pages 095 through 097, records of King County, Washington (745940-1111) RUSSELL # 41, as recorded in Volume 905 of Plats, page 032, records of King County, Washington (000660-1111) SALT BREEZE ADD, as recorded in Volume 087 of Plats, page 006, records of King County, Washington (752255-1111) SALTAIR HILLS ADD, as recorded in Volume 059 of Plats, pages 039 through 041, records of King County, Washington (752370-1111) SALTAIR HILLS CORRECTION PLAT, as recorded in Volume 059 of Plats, page 058, records of King County, Washington (752380-1111) SANCTUARY NO. 02, as recorded in Volume 136 of Plats, page 076, records of King County, Washington (753300-1111) SANCTUARY NO. 03, as recorded in Volume 141 of Plats, page 086, records of King County, Washington (753301-1111) SANDWICKS ADD, as recorded in Volume 059 of Plats, page 081, records of King County, Washington (755740-1111) SCENIC VIEW CONDOS, as recorded in Volume 047 of Plats, pages 049 through 052, records of King County, Washington (758070-1111) SCOTTISH HIGHLANDS, as recorded in Volume 111 of Plats, pages 045 through 046, records of King County, Washington (761410-1111) 63 Drainage Property Interests for Transfer to Kent SEACOMA PARK NO. 01, as recorded in Volume 063 of Plats, page 032, records of King County, Washington (763340-1111) SEACOMA PARK NO. 02, as recorded in Volume 066 of Plats, page 011, records of King County, Washington (763350-1111) SECOMA HI-WAY TRS, as recorded in Volume 037 of Plats, page 042, records of King County, Washington (768280-1111) SELBOURNE LANE, as recorded in Volume 216 of Plats, pages 046 through 051, records of King County, Washington (769060-1111) SEVEN OAKS DIV NO. 01, as recorded in Volume 127 of Plats, pages 003 through 004, records of King County, Washington (769785-1111) SEVEN OAKS DIV NO. 02, as recorded in Volume 130 of Plats, pages 091 through 092, records of King County, Washington (769786-1111) SEVEN OAKS DIV NO. 03, as recorded in Volume 130 of Plats, pages 071 through 073, records of King County, Washington (769787-1111) SEVEN OAKS TERRACE, as recorded in Volume 142 of Plats, pages 042 through 043, records of King County, Washington (769790-1111) SEVEN OAKS EAST DIV NO. 01, as recorded in Volume 146 of Plats, pages 047 through 050, records of King County, Washington (769791-1111) SEVEN OAKS EAST DIV NO. 02, as recorded in Volume 150 of Plats, pages 055 through 058, records of King County, Washington (769792-1111) SHAMROCK PARK, as recorded in Volume 172 of Plats, pages 043 through 046, records of King County, Washington (770825-1111) SHINNS CLOVERDALE ADD TO KENT, as recorded in Volume 006 of Plats, page 052, records of King County, Washington (775780-1111) SHINNS GARDEN ADD TO KENT, as recorded in Volume 008 of Plats, page 001, records of King County, Washington (775880-1111) SHINNS VALLEY HOME ADD TO KENT, as recorded in Volume 007 of Plats, page 022, records of King County, Washington (775980-1111) SHORE LANE ADD, as recorded in Volume 059 of Plats, page 062, records of King County, Washington (776340-1111) SIERRA HOMES ADD NO. 03, as recorded in Volume 055 of Plats, page 032, records of King County, Washington (779000-1111) SINGLE CREEK, as recorded in Volume 109 of Plats, pages 023 through 024, records of King County, Washington (780080-1111) 64 Drainage Property Interests for Transfer to Kent SKY HILL ADD, as recorded in Volume 062 of Plats, page 032, records of King County, Washington (780630-1111) SKYLINE PARK, as recorded in Volume 075 of Plats, pages 021 through 024, records of King County, Washington (780970-1111) SMITH BRITT REPLAT, as recorded in Volume 102 of Plats, pages 036 through 037, records of King County, Washington (782050-1111) SMITHS R O ORCHARD TRS TO KENT, as recorded in Volume 012 of Plats, page 027, records of King County, Washington (783080-1111) SOUND TRUSTEE COS 3RD ADD, as recorded in Volume 013 of Plats, page 100, records of King County, Washington (786700-1111) SOUTH BEND, as recorded in Volume 174 of Plats, pages 030 through 032, records of King County, Washington (787900-1111) SOUTH RIDGE ESTATES, as recorded in Volume 202 of Plats, pages 024 through 030, records of King County, Washington (788580-1111) SOUTHCENTER CORPORATE PARK, as recorded in Volume 114 of Plats, pages 036 through 042, records of King County, Washington (788880-1111) SPINNAKER POINTE AT THE LAKES, as recorded in Volume 127 of Plats, pages 076 through 093, records of King County, Washington (792268-1111) SPRINGWOOD TOWNHOMES, as recorded in Volume 128 of Plats, pages 034 through 046, records of King County, Washington (794175-1111) SQUIRE HEIGHTS ADD, as recorded in Volume 081 of Plats, page 093, records of King County, Washington (794230-1111) STAR LAKE HIGHLANDS, as recorded in Volume 115 of Plats, pages 065 through 067, records of King County, Washington (796770-1111) STAR VIEW ESTATES, as recorded in Volume 085 of Plats, page 005, records of King County, Washington (796850-1111) STAR VIEW ESTATES NO. 02, as recorded in Volume 088 of Plats, page 012, records of King County, Washington (796851-1111) STAR VISTA ADD, as recorded in Volume 055 of Plats, page 039, records of King County, Washington (796860-1111) STARMEADOW, as recorded in Volume 221 of Plats, pages 048 through 049, records of King County, Washington (797080-1111) 65 Drainage Property Interests for Transfer to Kent STARWOOD, as recorded in Volume 221 of Plats, pages 060 through 061, records of King County, Washington (797190-1111) STILLWATER GREENS, as recorded in Volume 153 of Plats, pages 022 through 024, records of King County, Washington (801620-1111) STILLWATER SHADOWS, as recorded in Volume 179 of Plats, pages 012 through 014, records of King County, Washington (801623-1111) STILLWATERS, as recorded in Volume 164 of Plats, pages 058 through 060, records of King County, Washington (801625-1111) STILLWATERS DIV NO. 02, as recorded in Volume 173 of Plats, pages 021 through 023, records of King County, Washington (801626-1111) STONE WOOD, as recorded in Volume 190 of Plats, pages 062 through 065, records of King County, Washington (802990-1111) STONEBRIDGE VILLAGE, as recorded in Volume 228 of Plats, pages 024 through 027, records of King County, Washington (802995-1111) STONECREST, as recorded in Volume 056 of Plats, page 057, records of King County, Washington (803520-1111) STONECREST NO. 02, as recorded in Volume 070 of Plats, page 088, records of King County, Washington (803530-1111) STRAINS ADD, as recorded in Volume 065 of Plats, page 093, records of King County, Washington (804080-1111) STRAWBERRY LANE, as recorded in Volume 085 of Plats, page 011, records of King County, Washington (804600-1111) STRAWBERRY PLACE DIV NO. 01, as recorded in Volume 202 of Plats, pages 012 through 014, records of King County, Washington (804700-1111) STRAWBERRY PLACE DIV NO. 02, as recorded in Volume 202 of Plats, pages 015 through 017, records of King County, Washington (804701-1111) SUBURBAN VIEW ADD, as recorded in Volume 050 of Plats, page 092, records of King County, Washington (807540-1111) SUMMIT AT RIVERVIEW, as recorded in Volume 176 of Plats, pages 015 through 022, records of King County, Washington (808095-1111) SUN MEADOWS, as recorded in Volume 117 of Plats, pages 023 through 024, records of King County, Washington (809140-1111) SUN MEADOWS DIV NO. 02, as recorded in Volume 130 of Plats, pages 061 through 062, records of King County, Washington (809141-1111) 66 Drainage Property Interests for Transfer to Kent SUN VISTA (0005), as recorded in Volume 026 of Plats, pages 072 through 073, records of King County, Washington (809170-1111) SUNNYSIDE ADD TO KENT, as recorded in Volume 018 of Plats, page 066, records of King County, Washington (811210-1111) SUNSET MANOR, as recorded in Volume 072 of Plats, page 093, records of King County, Washington (813330-1111) SUNSET VISTA, as recorded in Volume 043 of Plats, pages 061 through 064, records of King County, Washington (813885-1111) SWAN COURT, as recorded in Volume 181 of Plats, pages 020 through 022, records of King County, Washington (815575-1111) SWAN COURT 2, as recorded in Volume 192 of Plats, pages 093 through 095, records of King County, Washington (815576-1111) SWAN COURT III, as recorded in Volume 204 of Plats, pages 052 through 053, records of King County, Washington (815577-1111) SYLVIA, as recorded in Volume 195 of Plats, pages 073 through 074, records of King County, Washington (816790-1111) TAHOMA VISTA, as recorded in Volume 233 of Plats, pages 097 through 099, records of King County, Washington (855570-1111) TAYLOR'S GLEN, as recorded in Volume 163 of Plats, pages 071 through 073, records of King County, Washington (856765-1111) TERESA TERRACE ADD, as recorded in Volume 079 of Plats, pages 099 through 100, records of King County, Washington (858100-1111) TERRA HEIGHTS, as recorded in Volume 125 of Plats, pages 007 through 009, records of King County, Washington (858190-1111) TERRACE AT RIVERVIEW, as recorded in Volume 174 of Plats, pages 060 through 068, records of King County, Washington (858285-1111) TERRACE PARK 10-ACRE TRS, as recorded in Volume 015 of Plats, page 056, records of King County, Washington (858640-1111) THOMAS # 42, as recorded in Volume 905 of Plats, page 033, records of King County, Washington (000680-1111) TIMBER RIDGE, as recorded in Volume 144 of Plats, pages 079 through 081, records of King County, Washington (864980-1111) 67 Drainage Property Interests for Transfer to Kent TOP OF THE HILL, as recorded in Volume 175 of Plats, pages 045 through 047, records of King County, Washington (866250-1111) TUDOR SQUARE DIV NO. 01, as recorded in Volume 137 of Plats, pages 028 through 030, records of King County, Washington (870010-1111) TUDOR SQUARE DIV NO. 02, as recorded in Volume 137 of Plats, pages 031 through 033, records of King County, Washington (870011-1111) TUDOR SQUARE DIV NO. 03, as recorded in Volume 137 of Plats, pages 034 through 036, records of King County, Washington (870012-1111) TWIN CREEKS, as recorded in Volume 090 of Plats, pages 042 through 043, records of King County, Washington (873173-1111) TWIN FIRS, as recorded in Volume 097 of Plats, pages 073 through 079, records of King County, Washington (873178-1111) ULLE-LAND NO. 01, as recorded in Volume 065 of Plats, page 094, records of King County, Washington (880100-1111) UNEEDAN ORCHARD TRS, as recorded in Volume 902 of Plats, page 270, records of King County, Washington (880240-1111) UNREC PLAT OF PART SEC 29-22-05, as recorded in Volume 902 of Plats, page 508, records of King County, Washington (883040-1111) UPLAND CORPORATE PARK, as recorded in Volume 108 of Plats, pages 038 through 039, records of King County, Washington (883480-1111) UPLANDS WEST VALLEY IND PARK, as recorded in Volume 095 of Plats, pages 085 through 087, records of King County, Washington (883660-1111) VALLEY CREST, as recorded in Volume 074 of Plats, page 010, records of King County, Washington (885650-1111) VALLEY HEIGHTS REPLAT, as recorded in Volume 062 of Plats, page 050, records of King County, Washington (885760-1111) VALLEY HIGH, as recorded in Volume 025 of Plats, pages 031 through 041, records of King County, Washington (885763-1111) VALLEY VIEW HEIGHTS ADD, as recorded in Volume 071 of Plats, page 041, records of King County, Washington (885830-1111) VALLEY VIEW HEIGHTS ADD NO. 02, as recorded in Volume 077 of Plats, page 003, records of King County, Washington (885840-1111) VALLEY VIEW HEIGHTS ADD NO. 03, as recorded in Volume 077 of Plats, page 004, records of King County, Washington (885850-1111) 68 Drainage Property Interests for Transfer to Kent VALLEY VISTA ADD, as recorded in Volume 056 of Plats, pages 042 through 043, records of King County, Washington (886000-1111) VALLEY VISTA NO. 02, as recorded in Volume 057 of Plats, page 036, records of King County, Washington (886020-1111) VAN TOWN OF, as recorded in Volume 003 of Plats, page 183, records of King County, Washington (886700-1111) VAN DE VANTERS TEN-ACRE TRS, as recorded in Volume 012 of Plats, page 084, records of King County, Washington (887900-1111) VAN DOREN'S LANDING, as recorded in Volume 158 of Plats, pages 071 through 075, records of King County, Washington (887980-1111) VIEW POINT ADD TO KENT, as recorded in Volume 045 of Plats, page 083, records of King County, Washington (891400-1111) VILLAGE AT SINGLE CREEK, as recorded in Volume 127 of Plats, pages 001 through 002, records of King County, Washington (894429-1111) VILLAGE AT SOOS CREEK THE, as recorded in Volume 149 of Plats, pages 055 through 058, records of King County, Washington (894432-1111) VILLAGE AT SOOS CREEK DIV NO. 02, as recorded in Volume 156 of Plats, pages 059 through 061, records of King County, Washington (894433-1111) VILLAGE CREEK ESTATES, as recorded in Volume 223 of Plats, pages 065 through 071, records of King County, Washington (894446-1111) VILLAGE ON JAMES STREET, as recorded in Volume 115 of Plats, pages 050 through 057, records of King County, Washington (894450-1111) VISTA PARK ADD TO LAKE MERIDIAN, as recorded in Volume 053 of Plats, page 012, records of King County, Washington (895580-1111) WALKERS ADD TO KENT, as recorded in Volume 053 of Plats, page 085, records of King County, Washington (912240-1111) WALKERS SECOND ADD TO KENT, as recorded in Volume 062 of Plats, page 080, records of King County, Washington (912250-1111) WALMSLEYS ADD TO KENT, as recorded in Volume 045 of Plats, page 015, records of King County, Washington (914710-1111) WALNUT GROVE, as recorded in Volume 157 of Plats, pages 082 through 083, records of King County, Washington (914900-1111) 69 Drainage Property Interests for Transfer to Kent WALNUT PARK 1A (0005), as recorded in Volume 095 of Plats, pages 012 through 017, records of King County, Washington (915110-1111) WALNUT PARK 1B (0005), as recorded in Volume 095 of Plats, pages 018 through 025, records of King County, Washington (915111-1111) WALNUT PARK 2 (0005), as recorded in Volume 095 of Plats, pages 026 through 030, records of King County, Washington (915112-1111) WALNUT PARK 3 (0005), as recorded in Volume 095 of Plats, pages 031 through 037, records of King County, Washington (915113-1111) WALNUT PARK 4 (0005), as recorded in Volume 095 of Plats, pages 038 through 044, records of King County, Washington (915114-1111) WALNUT PARK 5 (0005), as recorded in Volume 095 of Plats, pages 045 through 050, records of King County, Washington (915115-1111) WALNUT PARK 6 (0005), as recorded in Volume 095 of Plats, pages 051 through 056, records of King County, Washington (915116-1111) WALNUT RIDGE, as recorded in Volume 170 of Plats, pages 043 through 044, records of King County, Washington (915150-1111) WASHINGTON CENTRAL IMP COS 1ST TO KENT, as recorded in Volume 003 of Plats, page 097, records of King County, Washington (917960-1111) WASHINGTON CENTRAL IMP COS FRUITLAND-KT, as recorded in Volume 007 of Plats, page 040, records of King County, Washington (918060-1111) WASHINGTON CENTRAL IMP COS KNOB HILL-KT, as recorded in Volume 005 of Plats, page 097, records of King County, Washington (918370-1111) WATERMANS ACRE TRS TO KENT, as recorded in Volume 012 of Plats, page 011, records of King County, Washington (919710-1111) WELLINGTON TOWNHOMES, as recorded in Volume 149 of Plats, pages 030 through 042, records of King County, Washington (923940-1111) WEST BAY AT THE LAKES, as recorded in Volume 138 of Plats, pages 022 through 032, records of King County, Washington (926370-1111) WEST CREST ADD, as recorded in Volume 079 of Plats, page 087, records of King County, Washington (926590-1111) WEST CREST NO. 02, as recorded in Volume 080 of Plats, page 050, records of King County, Washington (926600-1111) WEST MEADOW, as recorded in Volume 167 of Plats, pages 017 through 018, records of King County, Washington (926978-1111) 70 Drainage Property Interests for Transfer to Kent WESTERN FARMERS REPLAT, as recorded in Volume 101 of Plats, pages 014 through 015, records of King County, Washington (929160-1111) WESTERN VIEW ESTATES, as recorded in Volume 103 of Plats, page 092, records of King County, Washington (929290-1111) WESTRIDGE TOWNHOMES PH 01, as recorded in Volume 077 of Plats, pages 030 through 033, records of King County, Washington (931600-1111) WESTVIEW TRACE, as recorded in Volume 102 of Plats, pages 020 through 021, records of King County, Washington (932087-1111) WHITNEY HEIGHTS, as recorded in Volume 161 of Plats, pages 063 through 066, records of King County, Washington (937850-1111) WIGTON STAR LAKE ADD, as recorded in Volume 060 of Plats, page 054, records of King County, Washington (939220-1111) WIGTONS SECOND ADD, as recorded in Volume 064 of Plats, page 020, records of King County, Washington (939250-1111) WILDBERRY, as recorded in Volume 149 of Plats, pages 094 through 096, records of King County, Washington (940640-1111) WILDWOOD RIDGE ONE, as recorded in Volume 226 of Plats, pages 070 through 072, records of King County, Washington (941470-1111) WILDWOOD RIDGE TWO, as recorded in Volume 226 of Plats, pages 022 through 024, records of King County, Washington (941471-1111) WILLOW POINT, as recorded in Volume 206 of Plats, pages 015 through 017, records of King County, Washington (942935-1111) WILLOW WAY, as recorded in Volume 172 of Plats, pages 057 through 059, records of King County, Washington (943000-1111) WILMINGTON OFFICES, as recorded in Volume 214 of Plats, pages 043 through 045, records of King County, Washington (944300-1111) WILSONS ADD TO LAKE MERIDIAN, as recorded in Volume 036 of Plats, page 015, records of King County, Washington (945420-1111) WINDWARD COVE AT THE LAKES, as recorded in Volume 153 of Plats, pages 061 through 067, records of King County, Washington (947787-1111) WINSBERG HAVEN, as recorded in Volume 157 of Plats, pages 012 through 015, records of King County, Washington (948530-1111) 71 Exhibit Three Drainage Property Interests for Transfer to Kent WINTERBROOK II, as recorded in Volume 158 of Plats, pages 065 through 066, records of King County, Washington (948578-1111) WOODMONT PLACE, as recorded in Volume 121 of Plats, pages 056 through 059, records of King County, Washington (953820-1111) WYNWOOD PARK ADD, as recorded in Volume 080 of Plats, page 038, records of King County, Washington (957820-1111) YESLER'S 1ST ADD TO KENT, as recorded in Volume 005 of Plats, page 064, records of King County, Washington (982570-1111) YORKSHIRE ADD, as recorded in Volume 081 of Plats, pages 022 through 023, records of King County, Washington (983580-1111) YORKSHIRE SOUTH, as recorded in Volume 092 of Plats, page 054, records of King County, Washington (983610-1111) 72 Federal Way Auburn Covington Renton SeaTac Tukwila Des Moines Kent Burlington Northern Railroad Union Pacific Railroad 167 99 181 515 516 516 516 5 BOWLAKE ANGLE LAKE PANTHERLAKE LAKEJOLIE CLARKLAKE LAKEFENWICK LAKEMERIDIAN STARLAKE SE 192 ST EAST VALLEY HWY JAMES ST W SMITH S T S 212 ST SW 43 ST S 228 ST S 259 P L 132 AVE SE 4 AVE S SE 248 ST S 240 ST 116 AVE SE SE 288 ST SE 240 ST S 272 ST 124 AVE SE S 188 ST 94 AVE S SE 256 ST S 2 3 1 W y S 246 ST S 196 ST S 298 ST 5 1 AV E S 140 AVE SE REITH RD S E 2 7 4 WAY SE PETROVITSKY RD 80 PL S 37 ST NE SE 304 ST I - 5 37 AV E S TALBOT RD S S 277 S T SE 208 ST S 2 7 2 WAY SE 200 ST SE 196 St 65 AVE S 15 ST NW 116 AVE S S 200 ST 104 AVE SE 34 AVE S S 18 0 ST S 296 ST W VALLEY HWY N S E CA R R R DS 178 ST 37 ST NW 112 AVE SE MILITA R Y R D S 64 AVE S S 288 ST AUBURN WAY N ORILLIA RD S 144 AVE SE CENTRAL AVE 108 AVE SE 152 AVE SE 76 AVE S RUSSELL R D 148 AVE SE 83 AVE S WEST VALLEY HWY S E 2 0 4 W A Y 5 5 A V E S 0 0.75 1.50.375 Miles Printed 07-01-09 gen09-8.mxd King County Drainage Parcels 73 This page intentionally left blank. 74 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Larry R. Blanchard, Public Works Director Phone: 253-856-5500 Fax: 253-856-6500 U:\PWCommittee\ActionPage\2009\07 06 09\Green River Flood Levee Status.doc Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent, WA 98032-5895 Date: July 2, 2009 To: Chair Deborah Ranniger and Public Works Committee Members PW Committee Meeting Date: July 6, 2009 From: Michael Mactutis, PE, Environmental Engineering Manager Through: Larry Blanchard, Public Works Director Subject: Green River Levee Flood Protection Motion: Authorize the Public Works Director to execute a contract to purchase water-filled flood protection structures to be used to protect the City of Kent from flood threats up to a maximum of $1,500,000. Summary: The Howard Hanson Dam controls the stormwater runoff from the Upper Green River Watershed, an area 220 square miles in size, and protects the valley area of the City of Kent through its control of the flows in the Green River. During the storm event in January, 2009, there was excessive seepage through the right abutment on the dam. The US Army Corps of Engineers is working to determine the path of that seepage. However, it is likely the Howard Hanson Dam will not be able to be operated to hold full capacity in its reservoir for at least one upcoming winter rainy season. A bond sale was recommended for approved by the Public Works Committee on June 1, 2009 and the Operations Committee on June 2, 2009 and this bond sale included $1,500,000 to be used for temporary flood protection from the Green River. However, due to the length of timing of the process of the bond sale, the funding will not be available until late in the summer of 2009. In order to begin purchasing the large quantities of flood protection materials which will be needed along the Green River Levees this winter, the Public Works Department is requesting approval to begin purchasing water-filled flood protection structures in advance of the bond funding being available in City accounts. 75 This page intentionally left blank. 76 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Larry R. Blanchard, Public Works Director Phone: 253-856-5500 Fax: 253-856-6500 Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent, WA 98032-5895 Date: June 26, 2009 To: Chair Deborah Ranniger and Public Works Committee Members PW Committee Meeting Date: July 6, 2009 From: Mike Mactutis, P.E., Environmental Engineering Manager Through: Larry Blanchard, Public Works Director Subject: South 259th Street Raising – Contract with Northwest Hydraulic Consultants, Inc. to Prepare a Conditional Letter of Map Revision Motion: Recommend authorizing the Mayor to sign a contract with Northwest Hydraulic Consultants, Inc. to perform technical work required to obtain a Conditional Letter of Map Revision for the South 259th Street Raising project upon concurrence of the language therein by the Public Works Director and City Attorney. Summary: In September 2007, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) issued Preliminary Flood Insurance Rate Maps which indicated much of the Kent Valley was mapped in the floodplain. In March 2008, King County, the City of Kent, along with other valley cities filed an appeal to FEMA on the Preliminary Flood Insurance Rate Maps. The appeal maps showed less area in the floodplain compared to FEMA’s preliminary maps; however much of the Kent Valley remained in the floodplain. The goal of the South 259th Street Raising Project is to improve flood protection in the valley and remove about one-third of the valley from the proposed FEMA floodplain. The project will raise South 259th Street an average of 4 feet, from 88th Avenue South to 3rd Avenue South. The project also includes setting back the existing levee from 3rd Avenue South to SR 167. By raising South 259th Street and setting back the existing levee, the new road will act as a secondary levee to the existing levee at Horseshoe Bend. The City will also work to obtain certification from FEMA for this new levee. Federal certification will enable this project to remove a large portion of the valley from the floodplain. The proposed contract with Northwest Hydraulic Consultants, Inc. is to create a hydraulic model to assess the effectiveness of the South 259th Street Raising Project. The maps and report from this model are required to obtain a FEMA Conditional Letter of Map Revision (CLOMR). The CLOMR will provide that the protection provided by the S. 259th St. Levee will be sufficient so that, once the project has been completed, a revision to the FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Map can occur to remove those protected areas the Flood Insurance Rate Maps. 77 This page intentionally left blank. 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 ITEM 7 UPDATE Transportation Improvement Plan 2010 - 2015 Larry Blanchard, Public Works Director 89