HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Public Safety (Committee) - 06/10/2008 •
June 10, 2008
COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Debbie Raplee, Les Thomas, and Ron Harmon, Chair
• The meeting was called to order by Chair Ron Harmon at 5:00 PM.
• D. Raplee's absence was excused. R. Harmon had her concurrence on action items.
• Chair called for additions or changes to the agenda, items #7-11 were added.
1. Approval of Minutes
L. Thomas moved to approve the minutes of the May 13, 2008 meeting.
The motion was seconded by R. Harmon and passed 3-0, with Raplee's
2. Washington Traffic Safety Commission $3,000 grant award - ACCEPT
Police Chief Steve Strachan stated the funds would be used to purchase a LIDAR unit
and introduced Sergeant Rafael Padilla who brought a LIDAR and explained its use.
L. Thomas moved to recommend that Council authorize the Kent Police
Department to accept the Washington Traffic Safety Commission grant not to
exceed $3,000.
The motion was seconded by R. Harmon and passed 3-0, with Raplee's
3. Washington Traffic Safety Commission $7,500 grant award - ACCEPT
Chief Strachan stated the funds would be used for special emphasis patrols to deter
street racing activities.
L. Thomas moved to recommend that Council authorize the Kent Police
Department to accept the Washington Traffic Safety commission grant not to
exceed $7,500 for street racing emphasis patrols.
The motion was seconded by R. Harmon and passed 3-0, with Raplee's
4. Police Marine Unit Boat $42,471 grant award from Washington State Parks and
Recreation Commission — ACCEPT and AUTHORIZE
Chief Strachan stated the funds will be used toward the purchase of a new boat and
motor for patrols on Lake Meridian.
L. Thomas moved to recommend that Council authorize the Kent Police
Department to accept the Washington State Law Enforcement Boating
Equipment Grant not to exceed $42,471, place this on the June 17, 2008
Consent Calendar and authorize the Police Chief to sign the agreement.
The motion was seconded by R. Harmon and passed 3-0, with Raplee's
S. FY 2008 OJJDP Gang Prevention Coordination Assistance Program grant
application -AUTHORIZE
Chief Strachan and Debra LeRoy, Research and Development Analyst, gave an overview
of the proposed use of funds if the grant is awarded.
L. Thomas moved to authorize the Kent Police Department to apply for the FY
2008 OJJDP Gang Prevention Coordination Assistance Program grant up to the
amount of $200,000.
The motion was seconded by R. Harmon and passed 3-0, with Raplee's
6. FY 2008 OJJDP Strengthening Youth Mentoring Through Community
Partnership grant application — AUTHORIZE
Chief Strachan and Debra LeRoy gave an overview of the proposed use of funds if the
grant is awarded. Pastor Jimmie James and Alice James were introduced and spoke
about the community partnership portion of the application.
L. Thomas moved to authorize the Kent Police Department to apply for the FY
2008 OJJDP Youth Mentoring Through Community Partnership grant up to the
amount of $500,000.
The motion was seconded by R. Harmon and passed 3-0, with Raplee's
7. Justice Assistance Grant FY 2008 application - AUTHORIZE
Chief Strachan and Captain M. Painter explained how the funds would be used.
L. Thomas moved to authorize the Kent Police Department to apply for the
FY 2008 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant in the amount of
The motion was seconded by R. Harmon and passed 3-0, with Raplee's
8. Boat Patrol on Lake Meridian — INFO ONLY
Chief Strachan stated that a plan is being developed to integrate residents on Lake
Meridian as volunteers for patrol on the lake when police officers are unavailable. The
volunteers will go through an application and training process.
9. Cornucopia Days — INFO ONLY
Chief Strachan introduced Lt. John Pagel who stated that scheduling efforts will provide
police patrol for the event, as well as the City, while keeping overtime costs down.
10. Police Physical Agility Test (PAT) — INFO ONLY
Chief Strachan explained that the police officers' contract included a PAT this year,
offering a small financial incentive for those who passed. The test was held on June 6th
at French Field, with over 50% of the officers participating. In addition to working
toward physical fitness, peer support, teamwork and leadership values were evident.
11. National Night Out — August 5t" — INFO ONLY
Chief Strachan invited the community to participate in this year's event and that Sara
Wood is the Department's contact person for additional information. Committee
members also encouraged the citizens to participate in the annual event.
Chief Strachan mentioned that Kent Firefighter Mary Hauer's memorial service was held
earlier today and that on behalf of the Kent Police Department, he extended
condolences to family, friends and Kent Fire personnel.
The me ing adjourned at 5:30 PM.
J hompson, ubety Committee Secretary
Public Safety Committee Minutes 2
June 10, 2008