HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Operations - 02/05/2008 �•• KEN T WASH I N O T O N OPERATIONS COMMITTEE MINUTES FEBRUARY 5, 2008 Committee Members Present: Debbie Raplee, Les Thomas and Tim Clark The meeting was called to order by Chair Tim Clark at 4:06 p.m. I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES DATED JANUARY 15, 2008, 2007 Les Thomas moved to approve the minutes of the January 15, 2008, Operation Committee meeting. Debbie Raplee seconded the motion, which passed 3-0. 2. APPROVAL OF VOUCHERS DATED JANUARY 15, 2008 AND JANUARY 31, 2008 Finance Director Bob Nachlinger presented the vouchers for January 15, 2008 and January 31, 2008, for approval. Debbie Raplee moved to approve the vouchers dated January 15, 2008 and January 31, 2008. Les Thomas seconded the motion, which passed 3-0. 3. COPIER FLEET REPLACEMENT - LEASING AGREEMENT W/RICOH BUSINESS SYSTEMS Information Technical Support Manager Paul Dunn presented the Copier Fleet Replacement - Leasing Agreement with Ricoh Business Systems. Mr. Dunn advised that the City's leased copier fleet is now 5 years old and is ready for replacement. During 2007, the Information Technology Department conducted a City-wide survey of computer printers, copiers, and facsimile machines. Based on the results of this survey, it was estimated that the City spends approximately $440,000 per year in printing/copying, and faxing activities. Following this research, an "anticipated state" was developed. This "anticipated state" represents a modified printer/copier fax machine profile that when adopted, will save the City an estimated $120,000 per year in printing/copying/and faxing charges. Based on the "anticipated state", the Information Technology Department issued a Request for Proposals from vendors to supply the City with its replacement fleet. We received 10 proposals from 8 vendors. We conducted in- depth interviews with 4 finalist vendors, and settled on Ricoh Business Systems as the chosen vendor. The leasing costs are billed back internally to departments, and the overall costs are already budgeted by the City. Operations Committee Minutes February 5, 2008 Page: 2 Les Thomas moved that the City Council authorize the Mayor to enter into leasing agreements with Ricoh Business Systems to supply the City with Multi-Function Copier, Printer and Facsimile devices under the KCDA (King County Director's Association) Master Contract. Debbie Raplee seconded the motion, which passed 3-0. 4. WORKERS COMPENSATION CLAIMS ADMINISTRATION AGREEMENT W/BERKLEY RISK ADMINISTRATORS, LLC Risk Management Officer Chris Hills presented the Workers Compensation Claims Administration Agreement with Berkley Risk Administrators, LLC, was in Minnesota with a local office in Tukwila. For the past eight (8) years, the City has used Sedgwick Claims Management Services, Inc., formerly Johnston & Culberson, Inc., for workers' compensation claim administration services, based in Memphis, TN. Due to proposed cost increases in the current contract and perceived decreases in service responsiveness, Risk Management requested proposals in August 2007 from a number of national and regional firms to evaluate their ability to serve the City's claims administration needs. After evaluating and scoring the proposals, the City invited the top three proposers, and Sedgwick, to participate in interviews in October 2007. At the conclusion of the interviews, the interview panel determined that Berkley Risk Administrators, LLC best served the City's needs based on its overall pricing, service approach, and proximity. Mr. Hills advised that the budget impact is within established budget and below the cost of the proposed 2008 contract with Sedgwick CMS. Debbie Raplee moved to recommend council authorize the Mayor to sign the Workers' Compensation Claims Administration Agreement with Berkley Risk Administrators Company, LLC in the annual amount of $51,250, per year for 3 years, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney. Les Thomas seconded the motion, which passed 3-0. S. COMPREHENSIVE COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGY INFRASTRUCTURE MASTER PLAN Information Technology Director Mike Carrington presented the Comprehensive Communication Technology Infrastructure Master Plan. Carrington advised that as a critical contributor to the 2008 multiyear Technology Plan, the Comprehensive Communications Technology Infrastructure Master Plan assesses the City's current state of connectivity, telecommunications capability and associated requirements. From that assessment a strategic set of telecommunications goals will be established for executive and Council consideration. Assessment, evaluation and planning for multiple related technology considerations include focus in the following areas: Communications Infrastructure & Engineering Assessment, Information System Solutions with technologies like VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) and others, Communications Deployment Feasibility, Fiber and Wireless Master Planning, Fiber and Wireless Building Operations Committee Minutes February 5, 2008 Page: 3 Code Composition, and Telecommunications Technology Aggregation. Carrington advised that final deliverable will include, but not be limited to a Kent specific Comprehensive Communications Technology Infrastructure Master Plan and Report and that funding for this multi-phase initiative was budgeted as a component of the 2007 Interim Technology Plan and adopted as part of the City of Kent 2007 Final Budget. Les Thomas moved to recommend the Council authorize Mayor Cooke to sign purchase orders supporting the completion of the City's Comprehensive Communications Technology Infrastructure Master Plan, for a total amount not to exceed $98,000. Debbie Raplee seconded the motion, which passed 3-0. 6. DIGITAL UPGRADE AND MULTIMEDIA WORKFLOW MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS Information Technology Director Mike Carrington presented the Digital Upgrade and Multimedia Workflow Management Systems. Carrington advised that the City is seeking authorization for IT Multimedia's set of technology related projects focusing on the following broadcast and workflow/requisition improvements: Digital Capture, Cable TV Broadcast System, Video Bookmarking, Digital Audio & Video Editing Systems, Workstation and Equipment Rack Replacements, Multimedia Requisition and Services Support System, Agenda & Minutes Software, and Audio Features and Improvements. Carrington further advised that funding for these projects fall within the 2007 Interim Tech Plan, adopted as part of the City of Kent 2007 Final Budget. Debbie Raplee moved to recommend the Council authorize Mayor Cooke to sign purchase orders supporting the completion of the City's Digital Upgrade and Multimedia Workflow Management Systems, for a total amount not to exceed $288,000. Les Thomas seconded the motion, which passed 3-0. 7. JAIL COST STUDY Chief Administrative Officer John Hodgson presented the Jail Cost Study. Hodgson advised that some of the cities in South King County have been meeting for several months to consider building a regional jail. The City of Kent has been asked to participate in the regional jail study cost. Kent's portion of the jail study cost will not exceed $40,000. Les Thomas moved to recommend that Council authorize the Kent Police Department to participate in the cost of a regional jail study, not to exceed $40,000, and to place this item on Other Business. Debbie Raplee seconded the motion, which passed 3-0. Operations Committee Minutes February 5, 2008 Page: 4 8. CAPITAL ASSET REPLACEMENT FUND POLICY RESOLUTION Finance Director Bob Nachlinger presented the Capital Asset Replacement Fund Policy Resolution. Nachlinger advised that the City, in its annual budget adoption process, included specific financial policies as part of its adopted budget. The City Council's 2008 budget, adopted by Ordinance 3867, incorporated the 2008 preliminary budget, which sets forth the 2008 financial policies. The adopted financial policies are intended to establish "best practices" in the areas of public debt, cash management and investments, budget development and adjustment, and revenue collection. Although not specifically addressed in this policy, the city has applied this same reserve fund practice for its capital assets, including, without limitation, fleet vehicles, street overlays, equipment, building maintenance, a reserve fund for replacement and refurbishment for the Kent Event Center. On the recommendation of the city's Finance Director, the city council has determined that this reserve fund practice helps keep the city in a sound fiscal position. Accordingly, the city council has determined to restate its financial policy to clarify that the city's reserve fund protocol should apply generally to the city's capital assets in 2008 and in the future. Debbie Raplee moved to recommend Council adopt the proposed resolution which relates to establishing an expanded Capital Asset Replacement Fund policy. Les Thomas seconded the motion, which passed 3-0. 9. CONTINGENT LOAN AGREEMENT-KENT EVENTS CENTER PUBLIC FACILITIES DISTRICT Finance Director Bob Nachlinger presented the Contingent Loan Agreement-Kent Events Center Public Facilities District. Nachlinger advised that upon the advice of bond counsel, the City has been asked to amend the existing Contingent Loan Agreement between the city and the Kent Special Events Center Public Facilities District. These changes are recommended after more detailed review of state and federal taxation and securities laws in order to obtain the best interest rates and returns on the Kent Events Center bond issues. Les Thomas moved to recommend Council authorize the Mayor to sign all documents necessary to amend the Form of Contingent Loan Agreement between the city and the Kent Events Center PFD, previously authorized by Ordinance No. 3863, and to amend the Ordinance, if necessary, subject to approval of final terms and conditions by the Finance Director and the City Attorney. Debbie Raplee seconded the motion, which passed 3-0. -=The"meting adjogrned at 5:04 p.m. Renee Cameron Operations Committee Secretary