HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Public Safety (Committee) - 10/09/2007 KENT
October 9, 2007
COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Ron Harmon, Bob O'Brien, and Les Thomas, Chair
• The meeting was called to order by Chair Les Thomas at 5:00 PM.
• Ron Harmon's absence was excused and Debbie Raplee attended in his place.
1. Apuroval of Minutes
Debbie Raplee moved to approve the minutes of the September 11,
2007 meeting.
The motion was seconded by Bob O'Brien and passed 3-0.
2. Homeland Security Sub-grant, $2,200 - ACCEPT and AUTHORIZE
Fire Chief Jim Schneider reviewed the proposed use of grant funds for a
moulage training class.
Debbie Raplee moved to accept the Homeland Security Sub-grant and
authorize the Mayor to sign.
The motion was seconded by Bob O'Brien and passed 3-0.
3. Homeland Security Sub-grant, $50,000 - ACCEPT and AUTHORIZE
Chief Schneider reviewed the proposed use of grant funds for the CERT "bulk
buy" program.
Bob O'Brien moved to accept the Homeland Security Sub-grant and
authorize the Mayor to sign.
The motion was seconded by Debbie Raplee and passed 3-0.
4. King County Community Organizing Program mini-grant, $2.000 -
Police Chief Steve Strachan reviewed the proposed use of grant funds for the
Game of Life Youth Conference.
Debbie Raplee moved to recommend that Council accept the King
County Community Organizing Program mini-grant in the amount of
$2,000 and place this on the Consent Calendar of the October 16,
2007 Council Meeting.
The motion was seconded by Bob O'Brien and passed 3-0.
S. Amendment No. 1. Renton Technical College Consultant Services
Agreement — AMEND and AUTHORIZE
Chief Strachan introduced Research and Development Analyst Debra LeRoy.
She reviewed the services provided to inmates at the City of Kent Corrections
Facility by RTC.
Bob O'Brien moved to recommend placing the Amendment No. 1 of
the Consultant Services Agreement between the City of Kent and
Renton Technical College on the Consent Calendar of the October 16,
2007 Council Meeting, amending the budget, and authorizing the
Mayor to sign the Amendment.
The motion was seconded by Debbie Raplee and passed 3-0.
6. School zone safety, Flashing beacons in school zones, Walk to School
event 10/3 — INFO ONLY
Chief Strachan and Debra LeRoy reported that 7 of 10 flashing beacons to aid
in school zone safety have been installed to-date and they talked about
participating in the Walk to School event.
7. Police Recruitment and Hiring Update — INFO ONLY
Chief Strachan introduced Lt. Lisa Price who reported on the hiring status for
entry level and lateral police officers, a transitional process for corrections
officers who want to become police officers and a proposed cadet program.
Both of them expressed appreciation for council members' support of the
hiring process for police officers, to include hire-ahead approval.
S. Special Olympics of Washington Red Robin Tip-a-Coo event — INFO
Chief Strachan shared information about the annual fund-raising event held
at the Kent Red Robin restaurant on 9/29. Kent Police Officers served meals
to customers in a successful effort to raise funds for Special Olympics of
The meeting adjourned at 5:45 PM.
T o
ublic Safe Committee Secretary
Public Safety Committee Minutes 2
October 9,2007