HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Public Safety (Committee) - 07/14/1998 4 MINUTES FROM PUBLIC,SAFETY COMMITTEE MEETING JULY 14, 1998 PRESENT: Connie Epperly, Chair Captain Chuck Miller Sandy Amodt Lieutenant Lorna Rufener Tom Brotherton Police Chief Ed Crawford Fire Chief Norm Angelo Meeting called to order by Connie Epperly, Chair, at 5:05 p.m. Purchasg gf Hydraulic Ram Uged on Rescue Tool with Money Received.ft-om Qrant Fire Chief Norm Angelo explained that it is not uncommon to respond to calls where vehicles are entangled and one of the major tools that they use is what many people call the jaws of life"which is a rescue tool. Over time a lot of these rescue tools have had additional equipment adapted to them that gives further capabilities in the field. When their last tool was replaced, they were not able to buy all the components and extensions that went with it due to costs and budget considerations. They applied to different sources for grants and have received a grant from the State Trauma Council related to emergency medical services to be used to add a ram exteOsion. This is used to extend the jaws of the tools and further push apart the metal which gives a ghat advantage in getting in and working with patients. Chief Angelo advised that the Fire Department requests the Public Safety Committee to accept the $1200 grant from the State. It will be about$1700 to purchase the full extension, the adapters and the components that go with it. The Fire Department will pick up the difference out their own budget by re-prioritizing other items. The advantage that it gives in survival rate in baying time is significant. Councilmember Sandy Amodt asked what Amkus means. Chief Angelo advised that he thinks it's a trade name that was chosen by the people of the company, but he does not have the background on why the name was chosen. Councilmember Sandy Amodt moved to place this item on the Consent Calendar for the July 21,1998, Council meeting, recommending that the grant funds in the amount;of$1200 received from the State of Washington be accepted, and that the Fire Department be authorized to apply said funds towards the purchase of an Amkus ram and ram extension. Motion seconded by Tom Brotherton. Motion passed unanimously (3-0). US West Pay Telephone Contract Amendment Captain Chuck Miller explained that this issue has already been to the Operations Committee for action, but he wanted to bring this committee up to date. For the last couple,,of years he has been trying to increase revenue from the inmate telephone system. Inmates either have to call collect or they can use credit cards. He was not happy with the 15% that the City was receiving, particularly when he found out that there were other jurisdictions receiving as high as 450/o from US West, Following a recent meeting, they agreed to increase it to 30%, as well as upgrade the system. The upgrade of the system will be at no cost to the City because of the continued contract with them. In response to a question by Councilmember Brotherton, Captain Miller explained the inmate system has a lot of checks and balances. For example, on domestic violence issues where there is a no contact order, they have the ability to block that phone number from usage Or even going outside the facility. With the upgrades they will be able to record certain conversations. a Right at the beginning of the conversation there will be a warning that the telephone call is subject to monitoring and/or recording. When the connection is made with the person that receives the pall, the same warning MINUTES FROM PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE MEETING July 14, 1998 Page 2 of 3 will be given to them. This could be very beneficial in some cases such as nprcotics. These upgrades basically bring the system up to current technology. Brotherton explained that at his company they had a warning about a telephone scam where inmates would call up some number and pretend to be an AT&T repairman and ask the person receiving the call; to dial *90 and then hang up to complete the test. What this did was give them access to make a long distance call from the number they had called and bill it to those individuals. He asked if this type of trick would be prohibited through this. Captain Miller advised they would be able to accon-Vlish part of this by giving out these warnings ahead of time. Besides the warning about recording and monitoring , they also every so often interrupt the conversation to remind them that this is being placed from inside the City of Kent Corrections Facility. This way the person receiving the call has;no doubts as to where the call is coming from. Brotherton asked if this would be on every call and Paptain Miller advised that yes, it would. Miller did advise that they would have the capability to dioconnect that feature on certain calls such as when an individual might be contacting some other involved party on a drug violation where they would not want the other party to know where the call is doming from. Sandy Amodt asked whether an operator comes on the line when inmates are making collect calls. Miller explained that this is all done by recording now, advising where the call is coming from and who is making the call. Acceptance of Law Enforcement Education Partnership (LEEP) and Depggaof Community. Trade and Economic Development(CTED)Grant and Kent Drinking Driy,@E ggul3termeasure Program DDTF)Washington Traffic Safety Commission (WTSCO Federal 4 2 Transportation/Highway SafetFunds/Establish Budget Chief Ed Crawford explained that the Police Department applied for these orants with previous approval of the Public Safety Committee. The first one is the Law EnforcoRrent Education Partnership (LEEP) grant for$30,000 for the Youth Conference. The conference has been expanded. It includes eight south county school districts, with junior and senior high students. There are probably 150 to 300 kids and it's put on by kids. It's really quite an event and quite a valuable leaming experience. Formal invitations will be sent later. The other grant funding is $28,012 from the Washington State Traffic Safety Commission to help fund the Drinking Driver Task Force. Kent's Drinking Driver Task Force is one of the few city task forces left around the State. They actually incorporate more than just the 0ity of Kent. The do a lot of good things with seatbelt awareness, schools, school speeds and of core the constant awareness with the drinking driver. Chief Crawford indicated that they arel,uyery proud to still be able to keep the Drinking Driver Task Force going. Councilmember Brotherton moved to recommend to the Council to accept;,the LEEP and WTSC grants and establish the budget documents as required, and that the issu% a placed on the Consent Calendar for July 21, 1998. Motion seconded by Sandy Amodt. Notion passed unanimously (3-0). Acceptance of South King County Narcotics Task Force Grant/Establish Budget Lieutenant Lorna Rufener passed out attachments to committee members, She advised that the AG's office is holding up distribution of the actual grant documents, but v*bal confirmation has been received. This is the 11"'year of the Byrne grant from the federal governrmlent. The Kent Police Department currently administers the grant for the South King County Na tics Task Force. , MINUTES FROM PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE MEETING July 14, 1998 Page 3 of 3 Referring to the attachments, Rufener explained that$232,145 is the actual amount that was requested, however the amount they are actually receiving is $220,862. Tha;;total amount for the grant will be $264,782 rather than $276,065 as indicated on the document. 'therefore the city local matches for Renton, Auburn, Tukwila, and Kent will be $283,981 which is about$11,000 more than it indicates on the grant form. The entire budget will be $548,763, and Finartoa has advised that a budget for that entire amount has to be set up. The balance of the funds mq$t come from the seizure fund. For clarification, Brotherton asked if the city pays $31,500 and each of the oer cities pay the same amount, the federal government contributes the most towards this, and the task force is going to essentially expend $140,000. Rufener advised that was correct. Brotherton further asked if this places any undo strains on our manpower to participate in this. Rufener explained that we have one officer assigned to the task force and she serves as the commander while ctfknuing her duties as a manager at Kent Police Department. Sandy Amodt asked for clarification on the seizure fund. Rufener explained that the seizure fund would not be on the grant form itself, it is on the budget documents. The seizure fund can fall or rise depending on how many cases are going at any given time. To complete out obligations, the seizure fund needs to be at about$158,000 during this next year. Rufener provided further clarification on the number differences on the actual documents. Councilmember Tom Brotherton moved to accept the South King County Natics Task Force grant, to authorize a budget to be established in the amount of$548,763, anq to approve that this item be placed on the July 21, 1998, Consent Calendar for acceptance by full Council. Motion seconded by Sandy Amodt. Motion passed unanimously (3-0). Meeting adjourned by Connie Epperly, Chair, at 5:22 p.m. Minutes prepared by Kelli Rogers. a' 4 I I' • k I'