HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Public Safety (Committee) - 09/16/1997 1'4 -
SEPTEMBER 16, 1997
PRESENT: Christi Houser, Acting Chair Roger Lubovich
Tim Clark Ed Crawford
Leona Orr Norm Angelo
Meeting called to order at 5:22 p.m. by Acting Chair Christi Houser.
Sewer Reimbursement from "Latecomers"/Budget Change
Chief Angelo explained that through the Public Safety Bond, the fire station, the police/fire
training center and a couple other facilities were built on the east hill. To put in those
facilities, they were required to bring in sewer lines. Part of that catstruction was to
require a latecomer agreement, which means when others develop and hook onto the line
they then have to accept some of the cost of the extension of that lime. It happens over a
period of time and this will not be the last one. Because of the structure of the bond issue
its important that these funds go back to the point from which they dame and be spent on
items that were identified in the public safety bond issue. To that end, there are two
accounts set up for items such as this. Half will go into the fire portion of the public safety
bond issue and half would go into the police portion. Through the regular budget and the
capital improvement budget you then determine which projects you,allow these funds to
be spent on. Angelo requested to place this issue on consent calendar for the next
council meeting.
Orr moved to follow fire administration's recommendation that the budget change for the
distribution of funds from the October 24, 1996, receipted sewer connection in the amount
of$2,492.14 be placed on the Council Consent Calendar for approval at the next Council
meeting. Motion seconded by Tim Clark. Passed unanimously (3�,Q).
Jail Health Services Contract with Valley Medical Occupational HgaIt rvices
Chief Crawford explained that for the past several years the police department has
contracted with Valley Medical Center for health services at the jail and they have done an
excellent job. Crawford requested approval to extend the contract with galley Medical
Center Occupational Health Services for an additional three years. In addition, they are
requesting to increase the work hours of the nurse practitioner by four hours per week
which will require an additional $25,000 over the life of the contract.
Clark moved to approve the request for contract extension with Valley Medical Center
Occupational Health Services. Orr seconded the motion, clarifying that does include the
changes in the budget. Clark specified the motion does include the budget changes that
go with it. Passed unanimously (3-0).
Minutes from Public Safety Committee Meeting
September 16, 1997
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Jail Food Services Contract with Consolidated Food Mana eg ment
Chief Crawford explained that the Kent Corrections Facility has contracted with
Consolidated Food Management for the past several years and they too have done an
excellent job. Crawford requested approval to extend the contract with Consolidated Food
Management for another year, advising there would be no additional costs associated with
the extension.
Orr moved to approve the extension of the Kent Corrections Facility contract with
Consolidated Food Management through December 31, 1998. Motion seconded by Tim
Clark. Passed unanimously (3-0).
Washington State Criminal Justice Trai ig_ng_Commission Contract&— ervices
Chief Crawford explained that Corrections Sergeant Sheila Knapp has been asked to, in
essence, take at least a two year leave of absence from the police department to instruct
at the State Criminal Justice Training Center. They instruct basic corrections classes for
jails, corrections facilities, and state institutions from throughout the Otate. The police
department currently has two employees there, Lieutenant Mike Paiter who is the
commander of the police side of the academy and Officer Pat L ,iwho is an instructor
with the basic police classes. The State of Washington will reimbijoe the City of Kent for
their wages during the period of time they are assigned there. CraWord explained that
this gives the individual officers an opportunity for a lot of training ItTterms of their own
upward mobility for skills in teaching and it also allows Kent to be a flood partner with the
State of Washington by supplying instructors because Kent is so clW. They look upon
the closer agencies to help them out so they don't have the per diem costs associated
with people travelling from other parts of the state. Crawford also eelained that it is an
honor to help out and assist with these training processes at the Criijirial Justice Training
Center. And, because the State reimburses the City for their wage%,,,in essence, there is
no cost to the City. Houser asked if there would be somebody to replace Sergeant Knapp
during her absence. Crawford advised yes, they would be backfillirt the position.
Tim Clark moved that the contract for services with the Washington;0tate Criminal Justice
Training Commission be approved. Motion seconded by Leona Orr,, Passed unanimously
Update on Seniors for Seniors Program
Chief Crawford explained that prior to the next public safety commite meeting, the
Seniors for Seniors program would be up and running, and at a later date he would like to
have one of the senior volunteers come in to talk about the program,., The Seniors for
Seniors program is designed to have volunteers go out on an assigt�,*d route every day to
check on the safety and well-being of seniors or other people that my need it throughout
Minutes from Public Safety Committee Meeting
September 16, 1997
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the community. Right now the police department is in the process o+ signing up both
volunteers and program participants.
Clark indicated that clearly as the population ages here, there will bo more and more
people living in unassisted-type situations and advised that he thinks,the idea is great, but
advised the issue will be the ability to get the message out to the p4 biic of what is
available. Clark asked if advertising for this program is being fed through the normal
outreach channels. Crawford advised yes, they have gone through the Senior Center,
Channel 28, word of mouth, etc. Crawford further explained that tho program will be built
upon as it evolves, but in the beginning they will have a directory tor.lbandout with city
services available for people throughout the city. Clark advised that,one of the main
contact points is the Home Repair staff and asked that they also be lfriotified of the
Orr stated that she looks forward to having someone come in later and talk more about
the program.
Crawford further indicated that they have a car that's marked and it Will be out going
around the city, stating that they are very proud of the program.
Ordinance Relating to Warrant Checks
Roger Lubovich passed out an ordinance indicating that it was drd in response to a
State Supreme Court decision that was issued August 28, 1997. Foos of that case are: A
Seattle police officer observed the defendant walking across the street jaywalking,
stopped the defendant for the infraction, did a warrant check and found he had an
outstanding warrant. The officer took him to jail on that warrant an ';,as a result of going to
jail and incident to the jailing, a search revealed that he possessed! in on him. He
was actually charged and convicted because of the heroin -- he wq ,clever cited for the
jaywalking offense. He challenged the conviction based on the fact%that he was detained
for the warrant check which got him to jail in the first place and rested in the heroin
charge. The court agreed, saying basically that the officer had no Written authority
authorizing a detention on an infraction of a pedestrian for a warrant check. Lubovich
explained as he reads the case, you can do a warrant check as lon as you are not
detaining the individual for the warrant check. In other words, if)A ,�e,doing a check
incident to issuing a citation like on a traffic stop and it shows up a j ant while you're
processing that citation, that's probably okay. But just to detain so ®body for the purpose
of doing the warrant check is an unreasonable detention or search:-an unauthorized
detention and therefore any evidence collected would not be able to be introduced in the
trial. Lubovich advised that he drafted this emergency ordinance tylauthorize police
officers to do warrant checks, but if the Legislature acts on it, obvio4sly the ordinance
won't be needed. If the Legislature does not act on it, however, Lubovich advised that he
would like to propose the ordinance so that we are authorized and our own code to go
ahead and perform warrant checks.
Minutes from Public Safety Committee Meeting
September 16, 1997
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Clark asked if it would be best served that this Committee to go and;and adopt the
ordinance pursuant to action taken by the Legislature. Lubovich eined that he's just
not sure what they're going to do with it. He assumes they are going to authorize it, but if
they come out with some other bill, he would have no way of knowi6g what the conditions
would be. Clark indicated that the language of the ordinance could,read that it is in
conformance with State law. That way even if they do nothing we' i,got the ordinance
and its ready to go. Lubovich clarified that basically what they weroi looking for is to
authorize the emergency ordinance subject to conformance with State law.
Clark moved to authorize the emergency ordinance subject to conformance with State law.
Motion seconded by Orr. Orr clarified that Lubovich would be bringing this ordinance to
the Council meeting this evening for emergency action. Lubovich prised that was
correct. Orr stated that was not a problem, she agrees with it. Pas$ed unanimously (3-0).
Houser advised that she thinks it is a good choice because we donli, want to leave any
Meeting adjourned at 5:36 p.m.