HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Public Safety (Committee) - 07/15/1997 MINUTES FROM PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE MPTING j JULY 15, 1997 � PRESENT: Jim Bennett, Chair Pat Fitzpatrick Leona Orr Glenn Woods Tim Clark Ed Crawford Roger Lubovich Norm Angelo Meeting called to order by Chairman Bennett at 5:12 p.m. AMENDMENT TO SOAP ORDERS ORDINANCE Senior Prosecutor Pat Fitzpatrick advised that this amendment to a SOAP ordinance, which stands for Stay Out of Areas of Prostitution, has been requNtd to accommodate the Del Mar annexation area. The Del Mar annexation encompas* an area of high problems with prostitution related activities and crime. Since the $OAP ordinance was originally enacted, some of these crimes have south on Pacific Highway. This amendment will encompass the new area of Pacific Highway incorporated in the City of Kent limits. It basically prohibits people who have been convictediof prostitution related crimes or who have prostitution related crimes pending, from being in this area which has been determined to be a high area of prostitution activity. Furthermore, there are a couple iof roads that are not part of the Del Mar annexation but are adjacent to the current SOAP ordinance area, there are a number of apartments in that area anthe apartment managers have expressed a need and an interest in having those areas SOAPED (letters are attached to the ordinance for review). Fitzpatrick added that, a SOAP ordinance as it stands has been a very effective deterrent in keeping prostitution; Wed crime down in the areas. Clark commented that in reading the letters, he was a little surprised that he saw South 3 240th and asked exactly where that location was. Fitzpatrick explained it is coming back down toward the hill, east of Pacific Highway and then it runs rightinto 30th Avenue which basically branched off 240th. Clark further commented that we certainly want to encourage citizens to take their own active interest and they have. k Leona Orr moved to approve the amendment to Section 9.02.31i f the Kent City Code relating to prostitution loitering to add areas encompassed by theifty Out of Areas of Prostitution" orders. Tim Clark seconded the motion. Motion paled unanimously (3-0). ACCEPTANCE OF DONATION TO D.A.R.E. PROGRAM Lieutenant Glenn Woods explained that on June 29 the DARE pgram was fortunate enough to enter into a fundraising event with DARE America andihe Kmart Corporation. Kmart has recently taken on DARE projects across the country by basing corporate sponsors. The event was a lawn mower race, souped-up, sit do and ride-em style lawn mowers for kids who raced around a track at the Kmart parking I The plan was for every child that crossed the finish line, the Kent DARE program; Id receive $5.00. At that end of the event, the amount of$5,000 was awarded to the ,t DARE program from Minutes from Public Salty Committee Meeting ! July 15, 1997 Page 2of3 the Kmart Family Foundation. This was presented immediately aftor the event on June 29 to supplement funding of Kent's DARE program. Clark commented that he had an inquiry as to the costuming of the Panda bear. There was apparently significant wear and tear to the costume and asked what the capability of getting it repaired was. Woods advised that they have already explored that and have found a costume maker in Portland, Oregon, the same costume maker that makes and designs costumes for Disneyland. They have given a price of approximately $3,300 to $3,500 to update the Panda costume and make it wearable even in,the hot summer months. Woods advised they are in the process of identifying whey those funds are going to come from right now as it is not within the current budget. !,lark asked to be kept updated. Clark further asked Chief Crawford to insure that a letter js written to Kmart to express Kent's appreciation, commenting that its really nice to see'llocal merchants take a hand in a program as important as this. Crawford advised that it hod already been done. Orr commented that it looked like a lot of fun. Bennett commented1hat he and his grandson drove by and were able to participate. And, if the weathst had been anything but inclement (like maybe a little sunshine) he was sure the numbers would have been higher. The two times he drove by it was pouring down rain. Wood's commented that they • hope to participate in it again next year. Leona Orr moved to formally accept the $5,000 donation from Kmart Corporation, a DARE America sponsor. Clark stated that he enthusiastically seconds thi motion and Bennett agreed. Motion passed unanimously (3-0). OTHER Bennett asked if either chiefs had anything to add to the agenda. Cblef Angelo advised that he did not. Chief Crawford advised that he would like to respond,to questions from last meeting regarding sight distances. He advised that they had checked on the areas and informed the appropriate people. Bennett stated he would like to,thank whoever Chief Crawford persuaded to clear the vegetation from those inters ic ions. Its made a remarkable difference. Leona Orr asked Chief Crawford what the police department's polio on speeding vehicles was -- can any police officer stop a speeding vehicle? Crawford ahead yes. Orr asked why a police officer would follow a speeding vehicle very closely wi*°both vehicles speeding, never attempt to stop the vehicle and then go a different direction from the speeding vehicle, no sirens, or anything. Crawford answered that rot knowing the exact circumstances, he could only give a hypothetical answer. Orr advised that it was on • Friday, July 11 th, on SE 248th Street, which happens to be along a;school, which is why it really concerned her. Orr stated that her husband came home and �om,pilained that he was behind the police officer's vehicle and both the police vehicle aid the car in front of it were doing over 45 MPH. He had intended to follow the police ofl r'intb the fire station because he thought that's where the police officer was headed, but 0y continued down Minutes from Public Saf0ty Committse Meeting ; July 15, 1997 Page 3 of 3 the street. Orr stated that speeding on that street is always periodiQ dIly a problem and she hates the idea that drivers are getting in the habit of whizzing c ► n the street when it won't be long before school starts up again. Crawford advised that�everal things could have happened 1) the officer himself could have been speeding an4 not even noticed that the car in front was speeding; 2) the car in front could have been 9ppeding and the officer behind could have been trying to go to a call that did not require lig is and sirens; 3) the officer could have been trying to get a pace on the car and then be galled off to go to something else and not made the stop; or any of ten other things. Orr stated that she felt it was important to bring it up because it is on a street with a schootrp sometimes they do have summertime programs for kids there, and its not a real safe slit. Crawford stated that they too should be accountable and he would take the messag�j.back to make sure they try to communicate better. Orr stated that on the flip side, in the recent past one of her neighbprs' homes was broken ' into and it was handled very efficiently and very quickly. Unfortun for the burglar everyone in the neighborhood was home and looking out for each Cher. Orr stated that they not the most active Block Watch group in the city, but they do 1pok out for their neighbors and in this instance, it worked just like its supposed to. awford asked if the • burglar was caught; Orr advised that he was. Crawford stated that- hr's comments were very valid and that's why they consistently ask people to just pleas , ,cell 911 if they see suspicious people, suspicious cars, etc. so the police can get them'Jantd check it out. Meeting adjourned at 5:27 p.m. kir •