HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Public Safety (Committee) - 05/20/1997 MINUTES FROM PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE MEETING May 20, 1997 PRESENT: Jim Bennett, Chair Chief Norm Angelo Leona Orr Chief Ed Crawford Tim Clark Captain Dave Everett Tom Brubaker Officer Frank Connelly Pat Fitzpatrick Other unidentified citizens Meeting called to order at 5:08 p.m. by Chairman Bennett. Penal Code Amendment/Emeraengy Ordinance— Law Tom Brubaker explained that this is a major housekeeping measuro. Recently there was a change in State law, which required cities to prosecute all misdemeanor and gross misdemeanor charges under their own city code. With help from the police department, they have gone through the State RCW penal code and made sure every violation that we want to include and that our police officers need are included. Tim Clark questioned whether these include jail time. Pat Fitzpatrick advised that all the crimes listed in the ordinance do carry jail time. They are either simple misdemeanors • with a maximum sentence of 90 days in jail and a $1000 fine or a gross misdemeanor with a maximum of a year in jail and a $5000 fine. There is no new law being created, these are already existing RCW's. They have been on the books for a number of years. The reason we need to adopt them is because County will no longer file any of our charges that are misdemeanors and gross misdemeanors. Tom Brubaker clarified that this is an emergency ordinance because we are now having occasional citations that are being kicked out of the district court and we don't have a charge in our local ordinance that can be imposed. It does pose a threat to the public health and safety. If passed by Public Safety, it will go to City Council at tonight's meeting, and will be come effective upon passage. Tim Clark moved for adoption of the penal code amendment as spFfed in the handouts; seconded by Leona Orr, adding a friendly amendment to,make gender neutral. Leona Orr further stated that it recently came to her attention that there is a State law regarding crosswalks. She has talked to Roger Lubovich,and he said that a crosswalk, whether marked or implied, a vehicle should stop if a pe0on is attempting to cross the street in that crosswalk. She had a citizen contact her'w W said she had been told by Kent police officers that it's a State law and it does not appl Ito the City of Kent. Fitzpatrick advised that there is nothing in what was presented here that would address that issue. Fitzpatrick advised that he believes this type of issue would be included in the Model Traffic ordinance and the City has adopted the Model Traffic ordinance. Orr asked that someone look into it this and clear up the confusion. Motion passed unanimously (3-0). Sole Source Vendor for Protective (Clothing — Fire Minutes from Public Safety Committee Meeting • May 20, 1997 Page 2of3 Chief Angelo explained the issues concerning protective clothing and advised that only one vendor could meet all the specs. They have checked with otheO fire departments and the results are the same. Leona Orr moved to approve; seconded by Tim Clark. Motion passed unanimously (3- 0). ADDED ITEMS: Street Legal Draa Racing Program — Police Chief Crawford explained that due to problems they have had in the,northend of town with drag racing, the police department has initiated a new programaat Seattle International Raceway (SIR) to get them off the streets and onto the',,race track. All operating expenses for the program will be covered by donations received from local sponsors. The police department will need to set up an accounting process to track expenditures that will be made. Leona Orr moved to approve; seconded by Tim Clark. Motion passed unanimously (3- • 0). Lake Meridian Update — Police Jim advised that he had asked Chief Crawford to speak about activities of police department activities on Lake Meridian last year(see attached memorandum). They basically spent 25 hours per week on the lake and in the park during last year's boating season which runs from Memorial Day to Labor Day. There are generally two people assigned to the function; one person is on the bicycle and patrols the park and around the lake, and the other person is in the boat. This year they have started earlier. They contacted about 250 people on the lake and with about 25 complaints about boaters. This is from the operation on the lake, not from 911 calls. There were 40 citations issued. Crawford stated that the police department agrees there is the need for strict and consistent enforcement within the law. Leona Orr asked if someone is found consistently breaking the rule, is there any way of banning them from the lake and not allowing them back or do w&just continue to issue them tickets. Crawford advised that they have not run into p"09 like that, but would be an easy fix. Tickets are pretty expensive and with the cou#ts on the second time around, they won't be doing it. • Jim Bennett indicated that at an Operations meeting a couple months,ago, they were discussing the annexation of Meridian Valley. He asked how the police department was going to interface with their security since it was a gated community., Crawford advised that they have already had discussions with the security people at Lske Meridian Country Club and already have a good relationship with them. Basieliy the rules of the Minutes from Public Safety Committee Meeting May 20, 1997 Page 3 of 3 road in terms of traffic offenses are not enforced on private property]which the Meridian Valley Country Club is composed of, except for drunk driving and rkless driving which is enforced on all roadways around the State. Criminal offenses art enforced like they are any other place. The police department will make patrol rounds through the country club just like they do in every other community. Crawford asked to go back to the crosswalk issue, he read the statute to the committee, and then explained it. This is a law that is enforced throughout the state of Washington and it's enforced in the City of Kent. The officers who said it were wt'ong. Leona Orr related that she had read an article about delays at railroad crossings which indicated because the City does not have an ordinance that restricto the amount of time a train can block a cross street there is nothing anyone can do. Chief Crawford advised that he has found that the railroad tries to be very efficient and get through the intersections as quickly as possible. Chief Angelo advised that he fools the railroads are doing the best they can. From their perspective, however, it is I�ecoming more of an issue and a concern. He feels discussions on funding for overpassgs, underpasses, etc. are very important. They do have procedures for asking for units to respond from another area. However, time can be critical. Tom Brubaker clarified that no, an ordinance cannot be passed. The City has regulatory authority ovet the railroads. Meeting adjourned at 5:48 p.m. kir �l b