HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Public Safety (Committee) - 01/21/1997 MINUTES FROM PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE MIJETING
• January 21, 1997
PRESENT: Jim Bennett, Chair Chief Ed Crawford
Leona Orr Chief Norm Angelo
Tim Clark Roger Lubovich
Tom Brotherton
Meeting called to order at 5:05 p.m.
Ordinance Related to Disabled Parking
Roger Lubovich explained that current City code provides for a penalty of$50. The
State law changed to reflect a penalty of$175. City code needs to be amended to be
consistent with State law.
Leona Orr asked if there are other cities with higher fines. Lubovich indicated that he
was not aware of that and he didn't know how that would be possible because of State
Leona Orr moved to recommend adoption of the amendment; Tim Clark seconded the
• motion. Motion passed unanimously (3-0).
Request for Proposals for Medical Physicals — Fire
Chief Angelo explained that every three years the fire department goes out for RFP for
medical physicals. After reviewing the RFP's for services, responsiveness, flexibility,
scheduling, cost and program management, Valley Occupational Health Services is
being recommended mainly due costs.
Tim Clark moved to forward to Council for approval; seconded by bona Orr. Motion
passed unanimously (3-0).
Bureau of Justice Assistance Grant Award — Police
Chief Crawford explained that the police department had received„previous approval to
apply for a Bureau of Justice grant in the amount of approximately$60,000. The police
department has been awarded the monies to assist in training opembons, software to
track training records, and visual aids. A requirement of the grant was to develop an
advisory board, which has been done. This is presented as inforrtional only, no
action necessary at this time.
Added Items:
iLEEP Grant Acceptance-- Police
Chief Crawford explained that an additional $8,038 has been allocipted from the State
Department of Community Trade and Economic Development for Youth Conference
Minutes from Public Safety Committee Meeting
January 21, 1997
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follow-up staffing and/or goods and services. This is the 10t" year of the Youth
Conference which is held at the Kent Commons and has participation from several
hundred young students from the different schools.
Leona Orr moved to recommend acceptance; seconded by Tim Clark. Motion passed
unanimously (3-0).
Jet Skis on Lake Meridian
Tom Brotherton explained some of the history of jet skies on Lake Meridian and noise
concerns. They recently had a community meeting to discuss the concerns and would
like to recommend a limited season and days and hours of operation. Brotherton asked
for discussion on the issue. After some discussion and questions concerning already
established studies and stats, Chief Crawford was asked to provide Information at the
next meeting. Brotherton explained that he has done a lot of checking, basically
through the Internet and there really aren't any studies or stats. Lub;ovich expressed
that noise enforcement would probably be impractical.
. Tim Clark moved to bring the issue back to the next Public Safety Committee meeting;
seconded by Leona Orr. Motion passed unanimously (3-0).
Misc. Updates:
Chief Angelo explained that the President has declared this county,4fa one of the
Presidential declared disaster areas which makes us eligible to recve funds to assist
people and small businesses. Will keep the committee updated a&they find out more.
Fire department will be coming back to committee at a later date concerning National
EMS six year levy coming up for renewal and should be hearing q,ite,a bit about it.
Approximately three weeks from now will be holding a small cell „ ,� n for new medic
unit. p
Meeting adjourned at 5:3Q p.m.