HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Operations - 11/16/2004 I <e KENWT W18'NIMOtON My'" OPERATIONS COMMITTEE MINUTE . NOVEMBER 16,2004 Committee Members Present: Chair Tim Clark,Julie Peterson,Bfuce White The meeting was called to order by Tim Clark, Chair at 4:06 p.m. APPROVAL OF MINUTES DATED NOVEMBER 2,2004 Bruce White moved to approve -the minutes of the Noveq*er 2, 2004, Operation Committee meeting. The motion was seconded by Julie Peterso# seeanded the motion, which passed 3-0. APPROVAL OF VOUCHERS PAJED NOVEMBER 15,2©04 Finance Director Bob Nachlinger presented the vouchers for Novel 2,2004, for approval. Julie Peterson moved to approve the vouchers dated November.'�, 2004. Bruce White seconded the motion,which passed 3-0. KING COUNTY JOURNAL COOPERATIVE PARKING AGREJ NT 3 Development Superintendent Lori Flemm presented King CQg4ty ,Journal Cooperative Panting Agreement. Ms. Flemm advised the Operations Coma at the King County Journal has offered to design, engineer, permit and construct gP„;ll `stall parking lot on undeveloped park property at Hawley Road South 253rd Street and�j ttse of the parking lot. The Journal will use it on Monday through Friday from, 8;00 aa.m, to 5:00 p.m. for employee parking and pack users will use it from 5:00 p.m. until d* weekdays and from dawn to dusk on weekends. The, erations Committee was Qp ad4hi 'Abat the King County Journal was moving its headquarters from Bellevue to Kent. Bruce White moved to recommend approving the Cooperntl! Agreement with the King County Journal and to place this item on Other B" „jhe November 16, 2004,Kent City Council. Julie Peterson second the motion,w O13.0. LID BOND ISSUE Finance Director Bob Nachlinger presented the LID Bond Issue, Mr. Nachlinger advised that the City Council has approved the assessment roles;off+ nr Local Improvement Districts (Districts 353, 355, 356,and 357). These Districts are pl*w ,tu be consolidated into a single,bond issue covering all four of the Districts. By combinip i e issues into a single T •1 2 Operations Committee Minutes November 16,2004 Page: 2 bond issue it will save on the issuance bosts of the bonds and be able to spread those costs proportionally over the four Districts. Mr. Nachlinger advised that all of the prepayment periods for these Districts have expired;the balances have been confirmed in the assessment roles, and there is no budget impact on the tax supported funds of the City from the issuance of these bonds. After the sale of the bonds,,the City will have to adjust the budget of the Special Assessment Debt Service Fund to provide for the receipt of the assessments and their payment. Bruce White moved to recommend th .`tht- Operations Committee approve the issuance of the Local Improvement Bonds for Districts 353,355, 356 and 357 and forward the item to the City Council agenda of Decerttr 14, 2004. Julie Peterson seconded the motion, which passed 3-0. DRAFT BUDGET PROPERTY T LEVY AND BANKED PROPERTY TAX — PUBLIC SAFETY ORDINANCE, P&A&QSALS Finance Director Bob Nachlinger presented the Draft Budget, and Property Tax Levy Ordinance Proposals, as were previously discussed at the November 2, 2004 Operations Committee meeting. City Attorney Tom'Brubaker distributed a new Banked Property Tax — Public Safety Ordinance for the Committees,review and consideration. Chair Tim Clark discussed his concerns about balancing the City's budget off reserves. Chair Tim Clark proposed to entertain.4 motion to direct Administration to drop out of the Administrative section all funding f6ir a position of Communications Director. Julie Peterson made the motion and Bruce WiAte seconded, The motion passed 3-0 Assistant Finance Director Cliff Craig addressed the Operations Committee and provided information as to what purpose and intent should the City lift the lid on the property tax. Mr. Craig advised that for the City to take the .nked capacity would add revenue to the extent of $970,000.00 to the general fiord budget whh would allow the City to fill frozen Public Safety positions. Tim Clark addressed overtira,,boncerns in the Public Safety departments. Chief Administrative Officer Mike Martin disused Mr. Clark's concerns. Deputy Chief Chuck Miller also addressed the Operations C661mittee as to what difference the staffing change would make as to utilization should the:Aced Property Tax — Public Safety Ordinance be approved. Julie Peterson requested City Attorney Torn°Brubaker provide a brief summary of the property tax levy ordinances and the new resolution the Committee has before them. Mr. Brubaker advised that the ordinances provide two draft property tax levy proposals (each property tax levy proposal consisting of two separate mantes, as required by law). One proposal uses the City's "banked" property tax capacity,tnd the other does not. Next is the proposed 2005 budget ordinance (which will reflect whether or not the Council_ elects to use its banked property tax capacity). Mr. Brubaker advised that the Mayor requested that staff put together a - 2-- 3 Operations Comrnitlee Minutes November 16,2004, Page: 3 y resolution for consideration that sets aside the additional banked t94 capacity under Council's direction to only use it for funding of salaries and benefits for,pu4l safety positions. Tim Clark verified that should the Committee entertain approval Option 2 ordinance on Pages 48 and 52 of the agenda packet would be the ordinance Oent� to full Council for consideration and questions regarding the impacts of I-747 on the mW ar tax collections. Bob Nachlinger advised regarding the impacts. Bruce White addressed'his, questions and concerns regarding public safety. Fire Chief Jim Schneider answered quest s' regarding hiring of firefighters and overtime issues. Julie Peterson discussed the CiV% high expectations of the City's public safety officers and the moral of staff and her hope.,t6,' move this item out of Operations Committee tonight. She stated that many of her colli*es feel strongly about public safety and the banked property tax resolution exclusively forOu"b"iic Isafety positions. Tim Clark addressed the issue of streamlined sales tax which would 1 ;dev!astating to the City. Julie Peterson moved to recommend approve the Banked Property Tax — Public Safety Resolution requiring that the City apply the additional revenui riceived from use of the City's banked property tax exclusively for hiring and mainliag additional public safety positions. Bruce White seconded the motion,which passed 30. The Operations Committee then proceeded with the actual banked u�city as proposed in the Option 2 ordinances provided in the agenda packet. ; Chair Tim Clark entertained a motion specifically to adopt the or,4lnance on Page 48 of the agenda packet, Option 2, Tag,Levy Adjustment Authorized-$ torily Allowed 1% Plus Banked Capacity. Julie Peterson so moved. Tim Clark at ded the motion, which passed 2-1. Chair Tim Clark entertained a motion specifically to adopt the oridin;ance on Page 52 of the agenda packet, Option 2, Property Tax Levied-Statutor0 A_*od 1% Plus Banked Capacity 2005 Budget. Julie Peterson so moved. Tim Clark p,&-d the motion, which passed 2-1. KENT POOL FUNDING REQU t1�ST Parks, Recreation and Community Services Director John Hodgsgq advised that Aquatics Management Group is seeking $20,000.00 in additional operatioaal;0sidy for the swimming pool agreement for 2005 and beyond, which would increase t�p,`operational subsidy to $40,000.00 annually. Mr. Hodgson provided the Operations Comn�tlse With a Memorandum and advised that he wanted the Operations Committee to be ate,that this issue is being considered and will be brought back before the Operations Commute at the next meeting of December 7. 2004. Ij; 3 ;, s AL ,1. Operations Committee Minutes November 16,2004 Page:4 3"QUARTER FINANCIAL REPU The 2004 3r Quarter Financial Report which was scheduled to be presented was continued to the December 7,2004,(Operations Committee Agenda Jt The meeting was adjourned at 5:11 p.m.' , Renee Cameron Operations Committee Secretary iy A 4 ,' 4z