HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Civil Services Commission - 06/28/1989 CITY OF KENT
1UNE 281 1989
Members present: Bob Jarvis, Chairman
Robb Dreblow
Alex Thornton
Candi Faupell, Secretary/Chief Examiner
Others present: Ed Chow, City Administrator
Sandra Driscoll, City Attorney
Cpt Jim Miller, Police Department
Cpt. Dennis Byerly, Police Department
Lt. Mike Sweeney, Police Department
Bat. Chief Don Fronsdahl, Fire Department
Tom Shepard, Fire Department
Don Winters, Police Department
Kathy Holt, Police Department ,
Steve DiJulio, Attorney
The meeting was called to order at 8: 14 a.m. by Chairman Jarvis.
Steve DiJulio, counje1 opened the meeting by relating the history
and Council actions Wwhich he had been hired bythe City to
work with the Civil Service Commission. He had been requested to
implement quickly interim rules under which Civil Service
coverage could be extended to non-uniformed members of the Police
The Emergency Provision was recommended in order to complete this
process as soor%,.As possible due to the fact that under current
Civil Service Rules and Regulations a 30-day period must pass
before any changes became effective. The provision was so worded
as to allow a 30-day period after adoption in order to receive
comments from employee representatives regarding their concerns.
Cpt. Miller of the Police Department asked for clarification - as Z
"non-uniformed" being the same as "non-classified.."
Lt. Mike Sweeney, of the Police Department, representing Chief
Frederiksen, in commenting on the proposed rules stated that at
this point in time, the Police Department did nQt see a need for
the Emergency Provision. At the time of City Council action, Ed
Chow, City Administrator authorized the Police Department to hire
temporary employees for the interim, with the uncrstanding that
once the rules were in place, all temporary employees would have
to retest for permanent positions. This, therefoke alleviated
the need for emergency action.
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Minutes-Special Meeting (continued)
June 28, 1989
Battalion Chief Fronsdahl of the Fire Department, representing
Chief Angelo reiterated the written comments submitted by Chief
Angelo, saying that at this time the Fire Department did not see
a need for the Emergency Provision.
Steve DiJulio clarified for the union representatives and
departments that the Emergency Provision was not for the use of
the departments and the required 30-day review period after
enactment was to afford employees and employee groups input to
the process; since the parties were no longer concerned, then
there would be no need for the Emergency Provision.
Commissioner Dreblow commented that i$' was manifestly clear at
this point that the emergency situation had been adequately
addressed and there appeared to be no eminent need, for further
decisions on the Emergency provision.
Chairman Jarvis proposed a more thorough review of the other
proposed changes, with input from Steve DiJulio and address those
changes at a regular meeting.
CommissiontkThornton questioned Steve DiJulio as to other cities,
if they were experiencing such problems, or had taken other
actions. Mr. DiJulio commented that this action was unique as
most cities were moving away from covering non-uniformed
personnel under Civil Service.
Chairman Jarvis questioned Mr.DiJulio as to how long this process
might take.
Steve DiJulio commented, possibly months especially when having
considered writing the classified descriptions within the rules.
He suggested the Commission consider putting the classified ranks
and descriptions in a separate document (Classific4tion
Description) ; the personnel Department has current, job
descriptions which could be used in the interim until the
Commission finalized such.
Sandra Driscoll, City Attorney asked Lt. Sweeney as to
clarification on the Police Department's position. Lt. Sweeney
was only able to clarify the Department's position,;on the
Emergency Provision - no need a$7this time and temporary
personnel had been hired until formal provisions were adopted.
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Minutes-Special Meeting (continued)
June 28, 1989
Chairman Jarvis questioned the union representatives and Mr.
DiJulio as to any problems there might be in revieewing and
g an acting on the rules at a later date.
Mr. DiJulio saw no additional concerns in union bargaining at
this time.
Kathy Holt, Police Union representative comment , as ,to the
Temporary Appointment provisions in the existingItg1es and
Regulations; further explanation was that this particular section
allowed for appointment with in the ranks, not temporary hiring.
Mike Webby, Personnel Director noted that the authorization to
hire temporary positions did not address the concerns of
employees and bargaining.
Ed Chow, City Administrator clarified the authorization and
understanding as to which the temporary hiring was done.
Don Winters, Police Union representative questioned Mike Webby,
Personnel Director for clarification on employee a4 to bargaining
Mike Webby said the issue of extension of Civil Se3qvice coverage
has impacted the bargaining process.
Commissioner Dreblow stated that there had been three issues
before the commission.
1. long term - rewrite the rules and regulations.
2. sh Wt term - the need for additional personnel for
the department.
3. short term - response by the affected employees; the
response received in the formal costs is
expressed as a tone of concern that t4ings
were moving too fast, not being com$�a*e with the
Kathy Holt of the Police Union stated that the pppsd rules as
presented were acceptable.
Cpt. Mitchell asked the whether the rules could be looked at
the next Commission meeting and set in place.
Chairman Jarvis questioned the Union representat vos 'as to impart
of reviewing the proposal another two weeks. ;
a ,
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Minutes-Special Meeting (continued)
June 28, 1989
Don winters, Police Union representative stated, he felt there
would not be a problem in bargaining with the City„ in the next
two weeks; his concern was as to what would happe# "if problems
were to arise during that time and how it would be handled. The
Union requests the Commissionr6
take a fair and unbiased look at the proposal, look at all sides;
2 weeks time d se not stem too much to accept for a fair review.
Steve DiJulio commenting that collective bargaining and Civil
Service 49o08 not mesh therefore if all parties are ,+agreeable, two
weeks would not be a problem.
Commissioner Thorton asked Steve DiJulio if we could learn
anything from other cities.
Steve DiJulio will be contacting other �tcharter ,cities to
request copies of job classifications.
The Personnel Department has already received copies fdtm
Chairman Jarvis asked i;u there was any further disqu4sion. There
being none, the meeting was adjourned at 8:45 a.m. ,
The next regular meeting will be July 20, 1989 at 8:00 a.m. in
the City Council chambers.
Respe 'vely Subm'tted
Candi L. Faupe 1
Secretary and Chief Ixaminer
Robe a