HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Civil Services Commission - 10/22/1987 ✓ d x y,�+. ,gin
October 22, 1987 CITY CLERK
The regular meeting was called to order by Chairman T. Richard, Ri#4, at 8 a.m.
In attendance: Commissioners Michele G. Hinz and Joseph `Street.
Also in attendance: Administrative Assistant Webby, Chief Angelo, Chief
Frederiksen, Capt. Byerly, and Battaliop}, ref Fronsdahl.
Assistant Chief Aldridge arrived durino Imola;tter part of
the meting. r
Mr. Street moved to approve the minutes of the meeting of September 1117, 1987 as
submitted. Ms. Hinz seconded, and the motion carried.
Chief Angelo reported that the three recruits in the academy 4rv,Ooing well and
will complete their course in three weeks. In addition, Chief ''Anoelo invited the
Commission members and their spouses to the Department's appreciation night on
November 14 at the Cypress Inn, between 7 and 12 p.m.
Capt. Byerly noted that inasmuch as the current lateral entry e'Ii+giaility list
expires on January 16, 1988, and in anticipation of new positions,. ip 1988,
requested authorization to commence the second lateral entry exA14'process to have a
new list certified in January. Chairman questioned if it wi]1 14.tYe the same
procedures as the last exam. Chief Frederiksen responded it w f with two
exceptions. He requested a written test and an assessment ce"I*r•, in place of the
oral interview. Advertising will begin November 1 and end Noviop
Mr. Street moved to approve the Department's request to prepare a ,literal entry
exam with an eligibility list to be in effect upon the expiration of the current
list. Chairman asked the sequences concerning the two exceptions,. Chief
Frederiksen responded that he would like to conduct a writteW to to screen to an
acceptable number those who will proceed to the assessment cents . The sequence
will be: accept applications, review applications for qualific�� ons, written
test, physical fitness, and assessment center. Mr. Street anthdad the motion to
include the two additional tests and delete the oral interview*,. '.MsT Hinz seconded,
and the motion carried.
Mr. Street reported on the Civil Service conference held on '64 0,er' 15, that it was
an extremely worthwhile conference, but noted that the Commis s brpp his not been
following the requirements by not physically going over the Poijgq and Fire
examinations. Mr. Webby, who also attended the conference, sf# , hat while the
Commission has to approve and certify the testing process, th6, eu 1 physical
examination and evaluation of test questions seems to be buroiontgr,e and offered to
research with the Secretary. Chairman instructed Mr. Webby and secretary confer
with the City Attorney and obtain a determination. Chairman— r� ,411ed, before
approving the lateral entry process, the Commission went ov@rr , eail, each phase
of that process.
Chief Frederiksen also commented on the conference and said hp,`,jT0und the conference
to be very valuable and beneficial to him and,his staff. Mr.' y' noted it is the
most popular conference that L.G.P.I. sponsors.
Battalion Chief Fronsdahl reported that they Fire Administration has reviewed the
physical agility test events to make the test more job related, and has modified
the upper body strength portion of that test. The revised test was conducted on
all duty shift personnel with the slowest ,time being 4 minutes, 56.25 seconds. The
total test time to be allowed for the firighter test will be 5 minutes. The
physical agility will be conducted on October 31 and November 1. Mr. Street moved
to approve the physical agility test as "rented. Ms. Hinz seconded, and the
motion carried.
The letter dated September 21, 1987,- from thief Frederiksen, regarding the
termination of probationary police Officer Robert Hobdy, effective September 21,
1987, was read. Ms. Hinz moved and Mr. Street seconded to accept the letter into
the record. Motion carried.
The question was asked by Chairman whether ,a pretermination hearing is necessary
for a probationary employee. Mr. Webby responded that it is not. However, Chief
Frederiksen responded that he did go' thro"h due process with Mr. Hobdy, giving him
the opportunity to present any informatioP.
A letter, dated September 22, 1987, from the Kent Disability Retirement Board in
regard to the granting of a disability retirement to Larry Jilbert, effective
October 8, 1987, was read. Mr. Street moved, Ms. Hinz seconded, to accept the
letter into the record, and motion carried,.
The request to take an early 1st Class Fit'if., ighter exam from Mitch Snyder was
read. Also submitted was a letter and a doloma attesting to his experience and
schooling in fire service training. A mew from the JATC committee giving their
approval for Firefighter Snyder to take his 1st Class test on or about October 28,
1987, was also read. Ms. Hinz moved, Mr. ,�treet seconded, to accept the
correspondence into the record, and the motion carried.
The memo of October 1, 1987, from Battalittht,Chief Fronsdahi, was read. It informed
of the hiring of three probationary fireff0ters, effective September 16, 1987:
Clifton Oleszko, Russell Albertson, and R6b rt Backstein. Mr. Street moved, and
Ms. Hinz seconded, to accept the memo into one record. Motion carried.
The memo of September 28, 1987, from Nanc, ,Woo, Community Events Coordinator,
informing of a town hall meeting on November 19 at the Kent Senior Activity Center
was read. Commission members will notify,;,tlie Secretary by November 12 if they plan
to attend.
The letter of September 15, 1987, from Chl : Frederiksen, requesting the removal of
Gary E. Miller from the lateral entry elft ility list as a result of his
background investigation, was read. Ms. f0ez moved, Mr. Street seconded, to accept
the letter into, the record, and the motloll-I led.
The memo of October 8, 1987, from Assista i�°Chief Aldridge, requesting Firefighter j
Dennis Young be approved to take his lst Cless test early inasmuch as he has
satisfied all of the ATC requirements was read. A copy of L.H. Bates Vocational
Technical Institute certificate was attapl A memo, dated October 19, 1987, from '
JATC granting approval for early'lst Clas,M.�„ esting was also read., Mr. Street
moved, Ms. Hinz seconded, to approve FireOl titer Young's request. Motion carried.
The correspondence and docugm?nts from,firefighter applicant, 0I L. Green, of
Rockland, Maine, was sent previously to the Commission member, r;� , � Green requested
a waiver of our physical agility exam, substituting his docutt n s"from the Main State
Fire Academy Assessment Program, NFPA 1001 requirements, his modical certificate, and
competency record. When asked for the Department's recommendatio;n, ,Chief Angelo
replied he felt comfortable with the written exam being conductedbyr a responsible
and competent proctor, but said he has extreme difficulty in evaluating a substitute
physical agility, assessment lab, or oral board, and be able to offer equal treatment
to all candidates. He recommended that beyond the written test$ that procedure not
be used, that all candidates take the same testing process here as other candidates
to be equally assessed. Chief Angelo also recommended that exam, including
psychologi'cai and medical, be done by the Department's psychologist and physician.
Mr. Street moved to accept the Fire Chief's recommendation, that',;W. Green's request
not be allowed, and that he should take his physical agility exaO, assessment lab,
and oral board, here under the supervision of the Civil Service $ectetary. Ms. Hinz
seconded, and the motion carried.
Mr. Street also moved to have all exams, beyond the written exam, be conducted here
under the direction of the Kent Civil Service Commission. Ms. Hinz seconded, and the
motion carried. Secretary is to obtain an opinion by the City .A*torney on this item.
Chief Frederiksen reported that Ernest R. Snodgrass reported for employment with the
Police Department on October 12, 1987, to fill one of the vacancies created by the
resignation of Patrice Gionson and the termination of Robert Hdboy.' Ms. Hinz moved,
Mr. Street seconded, to accept his statement into the record. ,Motion carried.
The memo of October 19, 1987, from Assistant Chief Aldridge,lia' forming that Fire-
fighter Eric Pedersen has successfully completed his probationary period, effective
October 16, 1987, was read. The memo of October 19, 1987, froO 'thiof Angelo, infor-
mation of the promotion of Gary Read to 1st Class Firefighter, effective October 1,
1987, was read. Also read was the memo of October 19, 1987, from JATC recommending
Firefighter Kennedy be promoted to lst Class Firefighter. Ms. Hinz moved, Mr. Street
seconded, to accept the correspondence into the record. Motion harried.
The next regular meeting is scheduled for Thursday, November 19,, 1987, at 8 a.m. in
the Council Chambers.
At 8:45 a.m. the meeting recessed to go into executive session-to discuss a
firefighter applicant.
Meeting reconvened at 9:30 a.m. No action was taken and meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
. -6 '
. Ka
Secretary and Chief Exainer
T. Richard Ried