HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Civil Services Commission - 12/18/1986 DOCIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION MEETING MINk3S : ��
December 18, 1986 � `CITY OF.
C1ry T
The regular meeting was called to order by Chairman T. Richard Ried. ��n+i
attendance: Commissioners Michele G. Hinz and Joseph A. Street, Assistant
City Administrator Webby, Acting City Attorney Williamson, i`ire 'Chief Angelo,
Police Chief Frederiksen, Assistant Fire Chief Berg, Poli�tjCa+ptain Byerly,
Fire Battalion Chief Fronsdahl and Acting Police Captain Everett.
Mr. Street moved to approve the minutes of the November 20;'1186 meeting as
submitted. Ms. Hinz seconded, The motion carried.
At the request of Chief Frederiksen, the meeting adjourned to executive
session for the purpose of discussing a disciplinary action.
The meeting reconvened at 9:33 a.m. Chief Frederiksen left *d attend another
meeting. Acting City Attorney Williamson referred to Rule XV, Section V,
which he had reviewed with the secretary under Revised Code 41.t ,08O. There
appears to be some need for the State Legislature to addre ,vhart' appears to
be an error in grammar, in particular, paragraph 6, "Conviirtion, of a felony,
or a misdemeanor, involving moral turpitude." He believes,i,the paragraph can
be read so that a conviction of a felony which does not involve any element of
moral turpitude would not itself constitute grounds for di'scharge, or
termination or other disciplinary action and he believes the! State Legislature
should look at it during the next legislative session. OulP*ftles repeat what
the state statute provides. In response to Ms. Hinz's question, he said his
Office would bring it to their attention through the WashihoU League of
The matter of the new firefighter eligibility list was t 4iext�item on the
agenda. Chief Angelo asked if there is a date the old -Ti4 bkpires or if it
automatically expires with the certification of the new l t. It was read
that the "eligible list shall become effective upon approvAV thereof by the
Secretary and Chief Examiner. " 'Though not defined by rul ,•gfor protocol ,
Mr. Street moved, Ms. Hinz seconded, to accept the firef ' r;list as follows:
James G. Merritt
Conrad V. Matsuoka '
Robert A. Venera
Christopher A. Kroha ,k° {
Christopher 0. Lindahl '
John K. Peiguss
Kenneth R. Heintz
Robert W. Johnson
Robert A. Stubblefield
John P. Nohr ;
Robert G. Vel1ais
Andre M. Yoakum
Michael A. Mixon i ,
David Johnson
Richard E. Elliott
Clifton T. Oleszko
James M. Swift
Russell W. Albertson
Robert S. Backstein
Scott W. Howard
Steven W. Parsons
Sven L. Schievink
Adam T. Wingert
John D. Stoll
Jeffrey D. Gilbertson
Grant A. Lander
Edward D. Anderson
Christopher J. Piper
Scott D. Ervin
Jeffery A. Meagher
James V. Matthews
David J. Doll
Joseph P. Krempl
Aaron C. Loudenback
David H. Hegre
Duane S. Keyes
Jerry L. Thibodeaux
Steven R. Smith
Motion carried.
Mr. Williamson confirmed for Chief Angelo that the new list is effective upon
approval of the new list.
Captain Byerly reported that with the Conclusion of the second phase of the
police officer exam, the following names have been deleted from the police
officer eligibility list for failure of the physical assessment portion: Karl
E. Calhoun, William R. Adair, Jr. , Kurt E. Siltman, Larry F. Davis, Melinda I.
Irvine, Curtis N. Lutz, Edward E. Collins, Alex P. Lewandowsky, Darren D.
Rawie, Ronald K. Bell , Theodore E. Da,
i Jr. , Charlene A. Smith, Jeffrey A.
Foster, Beth A. Mulcahy, Richard S. 44rdner and Michael S. Lancaster. The
following names were removed for no-fir: Michael R. Neeley, Marlene K.
Goodman, Robert L. Miller, Brian T. Moberg, Jim R. Dorian, Jeffrey P. McLane,
Richard W. Michelsen, Tam D. Guthrie, Kathy M. Mare, Randy L. Olson, Marc D.
Durand, Douglas J. Harris, Charles V. Kuzmer, Gerald E. Casey, Kelly D.
Jenkins, Richard S. LaMonica, Sheri L. McMahon, Nikki N. Nisco, Paul D.
Winters, Carla A. Michaelis, Wesley K„ Smith and Mark J. Carman. Captain
Byerly also reported that an oral boar4 will be held on January 12 and 13,
1987 at the Police Department. Mr. Street moved to accept the revised list
and to approve those who will be going ,on to the oral board, Ms. Hinz
seconded, motion carried.
As a point of information, Acting Captain Everett mentioned that one of the
candidates in the physical assessment is a body builder and spends a lot of
attention to body fat. He was measured seven days before our exam in a
hydrostatic tank at 15.2 percent and the next day had an ultrasound at 15.3,
which is a normal variance. After taking our exam, in which his measurement
was 15.2 percent, he told Captain Everett that our calibers were that close.
Copies of the memo of October 21 , October 24 and November~., a 11i6 from Chief
Frederiksen regarding temporary personnel changes were rah the Commission
members prior to the meeting. They told of the temporary assignments of the
following: Lieutenant Ken LaBelle to Acting Captain, Lieuten4nt-Dave Everett
to Acting Captain, Sergeant Brian Jones to Acting Lieutenant and Officer Alan
Emerson to Acting Sergeant. Ms. Hinz moved, Mr. Street soc*ffded, to accept
the memos into the retard. Motion carried.
The names on the eligibility list for the position of Batt4,T-jin ,Chief were
read by the Secretary:
Kenneth S. Weatherill
Larry A. Webb
Michael P. Scott
Dale E. Robertson
John R. Evans
Robert A. Johnson
Mr. Street moved to approve the Battalion Chief eligibility List as
submitted. Ms. Hinz seconded. Notion carried.
The memo from Mary Ann Kern of the Police Department regar4itiq request for
revision of Rule VII was read. Chief Frederiksen requested that in Rule VII,
Section 3, Paragraph 4; Section 4, Paragraph 4; and Section 5, Paragraph 3,
delete "Applicant's personnel file will be scored only in case of a tie on the
final examination grade." When asked by Chairman, Mr. Williamson responded
that this request had not yet been received by his Office and he had no
recommendation at this time. Chairman asked if there are any, appointments
coming up which would be affected by the present rule. Captain Byerly
responded that there is a selection process which will be commencing in early
1987 for the positions of Lieutenant and Sergeant. He explai.neO that the
Chief has the option of a rule of three, and with the existing rule, he can
use the candidate's personnel file only in the event of a tie on the final
examination grade. Chairman expressed his opinion that the Chief should be
allowed to review the personnel file without any rule applyaigg to it.
Chairman inquired of the Fire Department's recommendation Of the deletion in
Rule VIII pertaining to the Fire Department. Chief Angelo,,agreed with the
recommendation, but had concerns about adequate notice to the bargaining
units. Chairman assured him that rules adopted are not effective until 30
days after adoption. Ms. Hinz moved to delete the paragraphs noted in
Ms. Kern's memo and corresponding paragraphs in Rule VIII, ,Section 5,
Paragraph 3; Section 6, Paragraph 3; Section 7, Paragraph $; 'and Section 8,
Paragraph 3. Mr. Street seconded. Motion carried.
The Commission members had received copies of the letter of December 19, 1986
to Andrew Speier from the Secretary informing him of the a*p1ration date of
the eligibility list with his name as of January 23, 1987. ' 14s. Hinz moved to
accept the letter into the record. Mr. Street seconded. Nation carried.
The memo of December 17, 1986 from Chief Angelo informing of the discharge of
Firefighter Troy Nutter, effective December 15, 1986 at 2400 hours, was read.
Mr. Street moved, Ms. Hinz seconded, to accept the memo into the record.
Motion carried.
Chief Berg requested approval of a protional exam for the position of Fire
Lieutenant during January of 1987. He- gave a brief description of the exam
process for which 42 to 43 firefighte are eligible to take the exam. The
written exam will be administered on January 6 and the top 18 scorers (70
percent or higher) will proceed to an Viral resume on January 8 and 9. Using a
combined score between written and oral resume, the top nine scorers will go
to an assessment center which is tentatively scheduled for January 15. There
will be three exercises: (1 ) to tesi3OMergency scene management, (2) to test
ability to conduct training session, 'and (3) a personnel problem. Chief Berg
confirmed for Chairman that this test is specifically for an employee of the
Kent Fire Department who wishes to become a first line supervisor. Mr. Street
moved to approve the promotional exam for Fire Lieutenant. Secretary's
question that deletion of paragraphs of sections in Rule VIII which were
approved in the previous motion would not apply was confirmed. Chief Angelo
also proposed to have Chief Berg review the written test with the Secretary
prior to administration. Ms. Hinz seconded the motion and motion carried.
Because the first Thursday is January 1 , a holiday, and to accommodate the
Fire Department's exam, the next regular meeting will be held on the fourth
Thursday, January 29, 1987 at 8:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers.
The meeting adjourned at 9:10 a.m. to ' o into executive session requested by
the Fire Department, and concluded at :30 a.m.
, Respectfully submitted,
Amy E. Kato
Secretary and Chief Examiner
T. Richard Ried