HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Civil Services Commission - 03/20/1986 y+r .;.:, r' ,�� r�' �•- � Mkt`, f1 CIVIL SERVIC94OMMISSION M E.TU ,MIl T' March 20, 1986 � The regular meeting was called to order by Chairman T. Ri ch4rd,,jBled. In attendance: Commissioners Michele G. Hinz and Joseph A.' Strt. Chief Angelo, Acting Police Chief Byerly, Battalion Chief Bond and PersonnOUAnalyst Peggy Powell . Also present: Firefighter Tom Shepard Mr. Street moved that the February 27, 1986, meeting minut#st,4# approved as submitted. Ms. Hinz seconded, motion carried. Chief Angelo reported that the firefighter recruits have start*d the Fire Academy and the Department will host graduation exercises on April 26,, at Kentwood High School , the time to be announced later. Acting Chief Byerly invited the Commission to a reception to,-;b ,,rhpld on Monday, March 31 in the lunch room from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. to welcome oief Frederiksen. Due to the absence of the City Attorney, the pre-employment,. ,reement for the Fire Department is still pending. z The letter of February 24, 1986, from Firefighter R. Kevin,,,!,*_Vns,, requesting early First-class testing was read. It stated he had completed bi 6-ftnths apprenticeship program and is qualified due to previous fir4lobting experience. Secretary stated that the JATC had not had an opportunity ,to,"4research the experience portion. Chairman suggeksted approving the regpast,,peniding receipt of JATC approval. Chief Angelo recommended same. Mr. Street moved 'to accept the letter from Firefighter R. Kevin Kearns. Ms. Hinz seconded.,,,, ,,Notion carried. Mr. Street expressed his desire to await the approval from JATC before giving approval by the Commission. The memo of March 5, 1986 from Assistant Chief LaBore, was 'read. It told of the reclassification of John Willits to Firefighter 1st Class,,, effbctive March 1 , 1986. Mr. Street moved to accept the memo into the record. Ms. 'Hinz seconded. Motion carried. Assistant Chief LaBore's memo of March 11 , 1986, informing of the following probationary firefighters successfully completing their probationary period and passing their exams: Kent Knight John Robbins Keith Kepler Gary Read Kevin Garling Dennis Wilson Brian Bratz Roger Kacmarcik Mr. Street moved, Ms. Hinz seconded, to accept the memo into the record. Motion carried. Acting Chief Byerly introduced and explained a new concept, Master Track", which is an attempt to identify and recognize Patrol Officers for theie achievements and reward them. A criteria for advancement, which would be established may include educational and training requirements, physical fitness, perfoarma►nce evaluation, I and length of service. Qualifications f9r each level of the Master Track Plan will be established with a pay schedule. Chef Byerly acknowledged that there are many issues that have to be resolved yet. To address Mr. Street's concern, Acting Chief Byerly assured him that both Mr. Webby and Mr. DiJulio are involved in the development of the plan. In response to, Ms. Hinz' question, he responded that there is a new performance evaluation that is in the final stages of development. He said copies of the plan have been seat to the new Chief to familiarize him with the process. Miss Powell reported that the new Police Chief, Rodney Frederiksen, has been scheduled for his medical exam on Marcf ,41 and his official starting date is April 1 . Tom Shepard, representing the Firefighters Union, distributed copies of the Union's proposal to proposed amendments to Rule XVI, Section 4.1 .1 , which inserts at the end of the paragraph "including seniority from the date of' original hire, less the period of resignation," or When asked by Chairman Ried for the Fire Department's recommendation, Chief Angelo responded, as he recollected, the City Attorney's intent was exactly as what is proposed in this latest proposal . He said he can understand both sides of the issue, but he feels what is submitted by, the Union is workable. Mr. Street asked that should this matter be' postponed until the next meeting, if there is even one person who would be affected. Firefighter Shepard responded that there is none to his knowledge. Mr. Street moved this, 04oposal be brought up at the next regular meeting when the City Attorney is present. Ms. Hinz seconded. Motion carried. Secretary reported research is being done to find a new source for entry-level firefighter exams. The next regular meeting date is April 17, 1986 at 8 a.m. in the Council Chambers. Miss Hinz moved to adjourn the meetings "`Mr. Street seconded. Meeting adjourned at 8:30 a.m. respectively submitted, E. Kato 5 ,cretary and Chief Examiner Approved: T. Richard Ried Chairman 0105V-01V -2M