HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Civil Services Commission - 03/21/1985 v � � � IvJLSU U APR 4 1985 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION MEETING MINUTE$, CITY OF K ENT 'March 21 , 1985 CITY CLERK The regular meeting was called to order at 8:00 a.m. by Chairman T. Richard Ried at 8:00 a.m. Also in attendance were: Commissioners Joseph A. Street and Michele G. Hinz; City Attorney Di Julio, Chief Angelo, Chief Skewes, and Assistant Chief LaBore. Also present: Peggy Powell representing Assistant City Administrator Webby. The Chairman noted that in the minutes of the February 21 , 1985 meeting, Page 2, where Rule X, Section 11 , is quoted, the word "who" should be inserted to read: "reexamination: no person who has failed to pass an examination ." Mr. Street moved to approve the minutes as corrected. Ms. Hinz seconded. Motion carried. The City Attorney updated information in the current litigation status as follows: 1. The City has appealed the Superior Court's decision to the local Court of Appeals in the Nirk case and is now in the process of certifying the record for the Court of Appeals review. Also being considered is whether to retain outside counsel for purposes of briefing on that case. 2. On the Towne case, the City has petitioned the Superior Court's review, only at the procedural level , on that decision. 3. Another matter of interest, Mr. DiJulio stated, is a recent United States Court decision involving the right to a pretermination hearing. He said there has been a number of decisions in past years that have given different directions on the statut' of pretermination hearings, the most recent in Seattle regarding 4 police officer. The Supreme Court has determined that a post determination proceeding is not entirely sufficient to provide a tenured employee with due process, that there must be an opportunity for the employee to respond prior to his formal termination action. Mr. DiJulio' informed that he will be able to report later after receipt of a copy of the decision, but he said there will not be as much a burden on the Commission as much as it will be on the o0erating department to assure the employee has an opportunity to respond to the charges prior to a termination decision being made. In the absence of such action, he said such challenges would probably be brought to the Commission with one of these issues raised on the basis of setting aside disciplinary action. Mr. Street inquired if a change in the Civil Service Rules and Regulations is necessary to have the department conduct a pretermination hearing. Mr. Di Julio responded that upon receipt of the decision, he would study it and prepare an analysis and, if necessary, draft a rule covering the change. The subject of Job Descriptions was the next issue before the Commission. Copies of job descriptions for the various ranks of Police and Fire Departments were distributed to the members of the Commission. Mr, DiJulio explained the purpose of the job description, not only for the Disability Board, but to be consistent as to what the job entails and the classification system to be consistent with those j ob ,descriptions. The Commission is requested to review those job descriptions, but no formal action is being requested at this meeting and advised to set it on the agenda for the next meeting. Chief Skewes said he disagreed with Mr.,: DiJulio and presented his side of the issue. He explained that the City adopted the Performance Evaluation System over a year ago and it was clear that job descriptions were needed so the Department started working on this projoct. The job description from the Police are basically what he gave to Personnel a few months ago with the exception of the two beginning paragraphs. In regards to when action is taking place, he said he has filed an appeal with the State Board of Disability but currently there is no job, description for his position because job descriptions or conditions of employment are set for him, as a member of the Classified Service, by the Civil Service Commission. He said there is a need for some decision on his job description sooner because after an appeal is filed, the State Board has to make its decision within a specified time. Z Chief Angelo also explained how the Fire Department had th�i job descriptions done about a year ago and worked ,on their final draft whichi4includes input from all personnel involved as to their job descriptions. He said he is not in the same time bind as Chief Skewes, so there is no imriedtate action necessary. The Chairman asked Mr. DiJulio his recommendations. Mr. DiJulio said he had not reviewed or received a copy of the job description-and. was not in a position to give direction to the Commission at this time.. ,Upon questioning by Mr. DiJulio, as to Administration's review and approval of the Chief's job description, Ms. Powell replied that Mr. Webby had not reogived the finalized version of the job description, but he will be back in ths; office on Monday. It was determined to hold a special meeting to make a decision on the job description for the position of Chief of Police on Tuesday, March 26, at 8:00 a.m. The Secretary will obtain a meeting room and natify those involved. Chief Angelo reported he will be going to North Bend for evaluations of the new recruits at the Academy this coming Monday at 1 :00 pwm;. -,and invited anyone to attend. He also issued an open invitation to the graduation ceremony hosted by Kent at Kentwood High School on April 26, at 7:30 p.m. He also reported that the Department is in the process of sending 4he next three candidates on the Firefighter List for physical and psychological examinations to replace two who are possibly leaving employment. Chief Skewes explained his current situation to the Commission regarding his disability. He said as it stands now, his understanding is that the Disability Board has not really made a determination whetheel .ha is qualified for the job. He does not feel , on the basis of the Locallftard's decision, that he can get a job anywhere else as Police Chief as the question has not been resolved. Even though he has Civil Service protection, he feels if there is a change in the Mayor or City Council , there would be'la probability he would be replaced, so he said the issue will be pursued as far as needed until the question of his qualification is answered. 3 b r Letters, dated March 1 , 1985, to the -following new Firefighters from Chief Angelo to commence employment on March 11 , 1985, was the next item on the agenda: Edward M. Barnes, Brian D. Bratz, Kevin W. Carling, Roger E. Kacmarcik, Keith D. Kepler, Kent D. Knight, Gary R. Read, John M. Robbins, Dennis W. Wilson. Mr. Street moved, Ms. Hinz seconded, to accept the letters into the record. Motion carried. The memo received March 12, 1985 from Tom W. Smith, Secretary of JATC, was read. It stated that Firefighters Gerald L. Stoumbough, David J. Stargel , and Kenneth T. Ewell have the permission"-of JATC to take the Firefighter First Class examination. Mr. Street moved,' Ms. Hinz seconded, to approve the First Class exams for the three firefighters. Motion carried. Mr. Street moved, Ms. Hinz seconded;-.to approve the Law Enforcement eligibility list as shown on Attachment A: Motion carried. The Secretary noted that there had been no correspondence received opposing the amendments to Rule VII and Rule X, Section 11 , making it effective today. The Secretary also reported that Officer Miller has been unable to locate a "Rugged Ron" to purchase for the Commission for the Physical Agility Exam. The company that makes them in New York no longer manufactures them. He is still pursuing the search. The Chairman stated that he may have a few sources and he will provide the Secretary with some company names. A letter, dated February 22, 1985, to Officer McVicar from Chief Skewes, informing him of his successful completion as a Probationary Police Officer and his appointment to permanent status, was read. Mr. Street moved, Ms. Hinz seconded, to accept the letter into the record. Motion carried. The memo March 1, 1985 from Battalic " Chief Bond, regarding the Fire Fighter Eligibility List, was read. At this dime the meeting went into Executive Session. When the meeting reconvened; Chief Angelo withdrew the request in the memo. It was determined no further action on this issue is necessary at this time. 4 The letter of March 14, 1985 from Kip E. Ware requesting, , , 'fission to take an early First Class exam was read. Also read was a letter 1!Xarch 18, 1985 from Tom W. Smith, JATC Secretary, granting permission to Firefighters Ware and Richardson to take the First Class exam. Mr. Street-moved to accept the letter from Firefighter Ware and approved the First Class exam for the two firefighters, Ms. Hinz seconded. Motion carried. The memo of March 12, 1985 to Chief Angelo from William C. Kennedy requesting leave-of-absence without pay was read. Also read was the response dated March 12, 1985 to Firefighter Kennedy from Chief Angelo granting the leave-of-absence without pay, effective March 18, 1985 and until Worker' s Compensation Claim is processed or for a period of four months, whichever occurs first. Mr. Street moved, Ms. Hinz seconded to accept both, correspondence into the record. Motion carried. The next meeting date is scheduled for Thursday, April 18, 1985, at 8:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers. Mr. Street moved, Ms. Hinz seconded to adjourn the meeting. Meeting adjourned at 8:55 a.m. Meeting reconvened to accept another piece of correspondence. Mr. Street moved, Mr. Ried seconded, to accept the memo from Assistant Chief LaBore informing of the promotions to First Class Firefighter effective April 1 , 1985 of the following: Gerald Stoumbough, Brian Kruml , Kenneth, Ewrell , and David Stargel. Motion carried. Meeting Adjourned. Respectfully Submitted Amy E. Kato, Secretary and Chief Examiner Approved: T. Richard e Chairman 55V-1 V r ;a 1 ATTACHMENT "A" CITY OF � CIVIL- SERVICE COMMISSION March 21, 1985 TO: THE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION The following names represent the Eligibility List for the position of Law Enforce- ment Officer: Joseph H. Campeau Terrence J. Smith Jon S. Huntsberry David A. Hess ) tie Gail L. Hoirup ) John A. Pagel Philip D. Kulage Robert Venters Kelly R. Grimm ) Sally J. Knight tie Mark D. Lucke Randall K. Wong Sheila P. Knapp ) Patricia A. Reed tie Russell L. Walker Michael P. Cummings ) David D. Lindsay ) tie Kenneth B. Stickney ) Eugene M.Wright John W. Mapp II ) tie Daniel J. Morgan John 0. Fladgard ) Gerald A. Hermes ) tie James G. 0!'Weill Alice M. Avenson ) Mark A. Ridgeway ) tie Michael A. Strozyk ) George E. Miller John Laverty Craig A. Caswell ) Duane H. Hendrix ) tie Peter T. Knight ) Donald L. -Ramsdell ) Fernando Martinez Alex J. Elder (5-18-84) ) Timothy L. Modine (5-18-84) ) Roger R. Phillips (5-18-84) ) tie Kenneth K. Quirin ) John W. Stoner (5-18-84) ) Vernon L. Tolson (5-18-84) ) 4oh 6VE Law Enforcement Officer ligibility List - Page 2 �`� a March 21, 1985 ton L. Brossel (5-18-84) Teresa A. Hansen ) Randy L. Olson (5-18-84) t Eric A. Proctor Barbara Stewart ) Larry P. Williams Robert C. Andrews (12-15-83) ) Paul M. Barnhart Jeffrey A. Foster ) Lawrence D. Goodwin (12-15-83) ) Curtis N. Lutz (12-15-83) ) tie Bradley J. Martin ) Michael J. McKissen (5-18-84) } Darren D. Rawie (5-18-84) ) Donald K. Scherck (5-18-84) } Tex E. Clark (5-18-84) ) Russell E. Dunham ) Erik S. Bakke (12-15-83) ) Robert J. Hoffman (5-18-84) ) Kathy A. McAlpine ) tie Mariano T. Orgeles ) Timothy W. Smith ) Kenneth A. Evans ) Michael J. Howard (12-15-83) ) Clifford L. Maynard ) tie Donna M. Meshke (12-15-83) ) Richard A. Wells ) Thomas M. Bacon ) Ronald L. Coleman (5-18-84) ) tie Kevin B. Murray ) Donald A. Bryant (12-15-83) ) Randy P. Edwards ) Denise M. Giuntoli ) Steven G. Huskamp ) Jeffrey J. inabnit ) tie Paul E. Necco (12-15-83) ) Brett R. Nelson (5-18-84) ) Colin K. Pang ) Jeffry A. Steadman ) Scott M. Brown (5-18-84) ) Jeffrey L. Cannon (5-18-84) ) Michael M. Chin (5-18-84) ) Thomas E. Dickerson (5-18-84) )' Ronnie W. Hall (12-15-83) } John R. Hamilton (12-15-83) ) Gerald B. Healy (12-15-83) ) tie Paul Pendergrass (12-15-83) ) Thomas W. Pierce (5-18-84) ) David W. Rookaird (5-18-84) ) Jeffrey L. Shipp ) William J. Suudgvist (5-18-84) ) Colin W. Williamson (5-18-84) ) Stephen F. Albright ) Kelly P. Flynn ) Michael A. Fortin (5-18-84) ) E.P. Scott Johansen (5-18-84) ) Mark J. Liburdi (5-18-84) ) Michael A. McMullen 5-18-84) Alan D. Miller (12-15-83) Cynthia A. Sundvall ) Robert S. Thompson (12-15-83) ) Y _ T Law Enforcement Officer igibility List - Wage 3 March 21, 1985 William J. Fishel (5-18-84) ) Dean I. Hood (12-15-83) ) Timothy R. Lopez ) tie Matija Petrovich (12-15-83) ) James M. Alden Russell 'D. Allelx ) Roland W. Day (12-15-83) ) Burton A.Dezihan ) Daniel E. Duff ) tie Ricky J. Franzen. (12-15-83) ) Charles J. Sided ) Aubrey A. Smith ) Todd B. Smith (5-18-84) ) James R. Dahl )' Robert A. Johnsen (5-18-84) ) Gary F. Plattner (5-18-84) } tie Martin A. Splinter ) Robert J. Jones ) Mark Larson ) tie Kenneth F. Putman (5-18-84) ) Michael L. Compston ) Darryl D. Monton ) Michael L. Pool¢,(12-15-83) ) David F. Reed ) tie Derrick Rountree (5-18-84) ) Victor Vargas ) John M. Warford (12-15-83) ) Tim D. Gratzer ) Tam D. Guthrie ) Raymond Melendez '(12-15-83) tie Robin S. Reichert Richard Stewart (12-15-83) ) Scott C. Whaley, (5-18-84) } Erich V. Schwartz Wayne A. Brown (5-18-84) ) Arthur T. Centoni ) Edward E. Christian ) Clark M. Fromon*,'`(12-15-83) } tie Gary E. Holt ) Steven A. Solt ($-18=84) } Dwight D. Howe (12-15-83) ) Tami J. Kampbelf'. ) Michael D. Guthfi-e ) Ronald L. Nortolo,,,(5-18-84) ) tie Christopher P. 44ntos (5-18-84) ) David D. Christsen (5-18-84) ) Douglas M. Gunter (5-18-84) ) tie Michael A. Stod4da:rd (12-15-83) ) David E. Cory (I -15-83) ) Frederick W. Lerman ) tie Gregory C. Stevenson (5-18-84) ) James J. Loukides David W. DelPozzi ) tie Dwayne M. McBrods (12-15-83) } Bruce A. Aigner (12-15-83) William K. Gray