HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Civil Services Commission - 02/21/1985 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES,*
February 21 , 1985
The regular meeting was called to order at 8:00 a.m. by Commissioner Street in
the absence of Chairman Ried. In attendance: Commissioner, Hinz, City
Attorney DiJulio, Assistant City Administrator Webby, Assistant Fire Chief
LaBore, Battalion Chief Bond, and Captain Byerly.
Ms. Hinz moved, Mr. Street seconded, to approve the minutes of the January 17,
1985 meeting. Motion carried.
Mr. Webby reported that Chief Skewes is back on duty on a trial period of 90
days as determined by the Disability Board.
Mr. DiJulio gave an update on 'the appeal of the Kent Police ,Officers and
reported that the City Council has given authorization to petition to the
Superior Court to seek review of the decision.
On the Nirk matter, Mr. DiJulio reported that judgment was entered on January
24, and that decision will also be appealed to the Court of Appeals.
Mr. DiJulio noted for Mr. Street that the Court of Appeals will be reviewing
the case fresh from the Civil Service Commission and not from the Superior
Court decision.
The memo from Tom W. Smith, JATC Secretary, was read. It stated that Brian
Lee Kruml , has the JATC permission to take the Firefighter First Class exam.
Ms. Hinz moved, Mr. Street seconded, to accept the memo into the record.
Motion carried.
Ms. Hinz moved, Mr. Street seconded, to approve the Probationary Firefighter
Eligibility List as follows:
Dennis W. Wilson
Brian D. Bratz
Roger E. Kacmarcik
Edward M. Barnes
February 21 , 1985
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Kent D. Knight
John M. Robbins
Garret C. Smith
Keith D. Kepler
Gary R. Read
Kevin W. Garling
Mitchell H. Snyder
Patrick R. Pawlak
Robert L. Jackson
Brett 0. Gregory
Thomas M. Renner
Allen Jay Vadney
Gordon R. Fredricks
Motion carried.
Secretary reported that a refund check ,:of $565. was received yesterday from
IPMA for the return of unused Firefighter tests.
The City Attorney distributed copies of amendments to Rule VII regarding
Police Clerks, which amends Sections 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 to delete references
to qualifications for the position of Police Clerk and to renumber Rule VII,
Section 12 to become Section 7. Ms. Hthz moved and Mr. Street seconded, to
accept the changes. Motion carried.
The second amendment to clarify the "date of failure" regarding Rule X,
Section 11 ,
"reexamination: no person has failed to pass an examination shall be
reexamined for the same or higher grade of service within six (6) months
from the date of such failure. The "date of failure" shall be the date of
final certification of the ell ible re ster or which t e erson not
ua i as a result of examination failure. No examiner shall isc ose
the results of any examination MINE Se consent of the person examined,
except to the Chief of the Department and the Civil Service Commission."
February 21 , 1985
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Ms. Hinz moved to accept the amendment to Rule X, Section l.1 Mr. Street
seconded, motion carried. w ,
Letters of request to take early Firefighter First Class exams, were received
from Ken Ewell , Gerald Stoumbaugh, David Stargel , and Mike Richardson.
Assistant Chief LaBore informed the Commission that the JATC has verbally
approved the request and he will send written approval to the Secretary.
Ms. Hinz moved to approve the early Firefighter First Class exams of Ewell ,
Stoumbaugh, Stargel , and Richardson pending receipt of JATC approval .
Mr. Street seconded, motion carried.
The letter of February 6, 1985, from Ed Barnes, Firefighter applicant who had
completed the testing process, was read. Mr. Barnes thanked ,the Secretary,
the Commission and the Fire Department for "excellent testing format."
Ms. Hinz moved, Mr. Street seconded to accept the letter ini6,the record.
The letter dated January 28, 1985 from Officer Allan Emers*n4',submitting his
resignation from the Police Department was read. He requestdd a leave of
absence for four months without pay with an effective resignation date of
June 28, 1985, which would allow him to return to his position if necessary.
If the request is denied, his effective date of resignation is February 28,
1985. Captain Byerly reported that he has responded to Offiver� Emerson
denying his request for the four month leave of absence because, it' has been
the policy not to authorize this type of request. Mr. DiJ�Iio clarified for
the Commission that the rules (Rule XVI ) provides for the,,Phief ,to- make the
decision to be filed with the Commission. He advised a-rejs nsie to Officer
Emerson by the Secretary. Ms. Hinz moved to direct the Secretary to respond
to Officer Emerson advising him that it is the Chief's dectsftni pursuant to
Rule XVI regarding Leave Without Pay. Mr. Street secondedj, motion carried.
Captain Byerly noted that he had responded to Officer Emerson,j denying his
request and also referred him to Rule XVI, Section 4, concerning reinstatement.
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The memo of February 8, 1985 from Battalion Chief informing of the following
promotions was read:
First Class: Phil Palady, Effective 2-1-85
Second Class: James Carr6l'l Effective 2-16-85
Kevin Kearns Effective 2-16-85 •
John Keizer Effective 2-16-85
Chris Martin Effective 2-16-85
Michael Moore Effective 2-16-85
Patrick O'Hetn Effective .2-16-85
John Willits Effective 2-16-85
Jeff Barsness Effective 4-16-85
Third Class: Phillip Herrera Effective 2-6-85
Greg Markley Effective 2-6-85
Ms. Hinz moved, Mr. Street seconded to accept the memo and to approve the
promotions. Motion carried.
The memo of February 15, 1985 from Assistant Chief LaBore advising of William
Kennedy's promotion to Second Class Ftrefighter, effective February 16, 1985,
was read. Ms. Hinz moved, Mr. Street 'seconded, to accept the memo and approve
the promotion. Motion carried.
Secretary reported that the physical d flity and written exam for Police
Officer will be conducted on Saturday,, March 2, 1985.
Ms. Hinz moved to enter into the agret with W.S.C.J.T.C. to utilize their
reading and writing exams-nations. Mr.,-,,Strleet seconded. Motion carried.
Assistant Chief LaBore reported the Firefighter candidates are in the final
phase of the testing process. The ps*hological and medical exams should
conclude by March 1 , with a hiring dat*` of March 11 , of nine recruits. They
are scheduled to start the Fire Academy- on March 18. He also requested, in
case the eligibility list is exhausted, to reserve the right, if necessary, to
February 21 , 1985
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pick up the next 50 who passed the physical agility.
Captain Byerly also reported that Chief Skewes has returned to his job and he
also gave an update on Ann Newcomb's status, that she has filed for State
Medical Retirement.
The next meeting is scheduled for 8:00 a.m. on Thursday, Larch 21 , 1985 in the
Council Chambers.
With no further business, Ms. Hinz moved to adjourn the meeting, Mr. Street
seconded, motion carried.
Meeting adjourned at 8:45 a.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
C� �l r
Amy E. Kato
Secretary and Chief Examiner
50V-1 V