HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Operations - 11/29/1993 BUDGET COMMITTEE MEETING November 29, 1993 PRESENT: Jon Johnson - Chair, Leona Orr, Jim White, Tony McCarthy, May Miller, Cliff Craig, Chief Angelo, Chief Crawford, Patrice Thorell, Lin Ball, Ken Chatwin, Cheryl Fraser, Connie Epperly, Don McDaniel, Bill Doolittle, Arthur Martin The meeting was called to order at 4:03 p.m. by Chairman Johnson. PUBLIC HEARING COMMENTS - KAWASAKI Y. HARLEY DAYIDSON MOTORCYCLES Chief Crawford noted that his memo included in the packet, explains everything. He informed the Committee that he's talked to the individual who raised a question, at the last Council meeting, regarding the purchase of three Kawasaki motorcycles for the Police Department. He explained that the individual felt the Council should support American industry and purchase Harley Davidson motorcycles instead of foreign ones. He also explained to the individual that Kawasaki motorcycles are made in Nebraska which is in the center of the U.S. heartland. OCTOBER FINANCIAL REPORT Acting Finance Director Miller reviewed the summary financial report for the period ending October 31, 1993. REPORT OF YEAR END FINANCIAL ACTIVITY Acting Finance Director Miller explained that some housekeeping ordinances were scheduled for the last meeting in December, but wasn't sure there would be a meeting. McCarthy clarified that it just needs to be on record that the Committee discussed the issue, and then it can be brought to Council sometime in January, 1994. Miller explained the things to be included in the ordinances, and noted that this is an information item only. POSSIBLE CHANGES TO 1994 PRELIMINARY BUDGET Acting Finance Director Miller noted that recommended changes to the 1994 Preliminary Budget are as follows: 1) Changes to fund balance - based on October Financial Report; 2) Increases due to reclassifications approved by Council on 10/19/93; 3) Reallocating emergency housing budget to emergency cold weather program; 4) Moving water quality program from general fund to drainage fund, and reducing the cost allocation for no net dollar impact; 5) Reducing the criminal justice grant for Project Lighthouse from $80,060 to $50,677 per State information received on 11/23/93; 6) Increasing workers compensation rates to our self-insurance fund to cover $20,000 for safety equipment and $100,000 more for increased claim costs based on the October report and November trend; 7) Miscellaneous minor balancing adjustments. She noted that adoption of the 1994 Budget is scheduled for December 7, 1993, and that the property tax levy needs to be adopted also, but the information from the State may not be received until 12/6 or 12/7/93. Upon Johnson's question, Miller explained that an itemized list 1 0 0 with dollar amounts for miscellaneous minor balance adjustments, as recommended by staff, is included in the packets on pages 2, 3, and 4. She further explained that a list of adjustments recommended by Council and the Golf Advisory Board, not currently included in the 1994 Preliminary Budget, is on Page 9. Johnson suggested each item be taken separately and acted upon with White and Orr concurring. (A) Harrison House rental assistance program - $5,760. Johnson recommended that this item be included in the Human Services Budget rather than putting it into an interest-bearing checking account. ORR SO MOVED. White seconded and the motion carried 3.0. (B) Third Fire Chief position - $62,628. Johnson explained that this position was recommended by the Public Safety Committee and the Civil Service Commission. ORR MOVED to include the addition of a third Assistant Fire Chief position into the 1994 General Fund Budget. Johnson seconded and the motion carried 2-1, with White opposed. (C) Public Safety Program - requested by Councilmember Bennett. Johnson noted that the program consists of the following: (1) adding two additional police officers 1/l/94; (2) adding grant revenue and cost of 4 officers 7/1/93; (3) adding two patrol vehicles 7/1/93; (4) deleting diversity training; (5) moving part of General Fund portion of Fire Equipment to CIP; (6) reducing ending fund balance. Orr explained that she is in support of adding the police officers, but her concern is with the funds chosen to use for these positions. She explained that deleting the parking garage study is fine, but it's a one- time only situation and then where to go from there. It was the consensus of the Committee to defer this item until the grant comes through. (D) Capital Improvement Fund - deleting parking garage study. WHITE MOVED to delete the parking garage study for $75,000; add $25,000 to the sidewalk improvement fund; and put $50,000 into the fund balance of the CIP. Orr seconded and the motion carried 3-0. (E) Two items to be included in the CIP 1994 Budget Plan for the Golf Course are: (1) Riverbend Golf Course master plan; and (2) Par 3 irrigation. Patrice Thorell, Acting Parks Director, explained that as part of the transition .from City to contractor management of the golf course, it was agreed to increase revenues and reduce expenditures with some proceeds and buy out monies going to capital improvements at the Course. She noted that the Golf Advisory Board recommends these two items. McCarthy clarified that the $20,000 recommended is golf course money from buy out funds, and not CIP or General Fund money. Miller noted that $81,000 is left from the buy out funds, and recommends a fund balance of about 8% be put into the Golf Course Fund, kept frozen unless an emergency comes up and by next year there will be approximately $200,000 available. It was the consensus of the Committee to defer this item until a Golf Superintendent is on board next year. McCarthy noted that on the bottom of Page 9, in the packet, it states that the preliminary budget included full funding for Project Lighthouse of$70,254; and a 1% permanent funding proposal for Economic Development Fund of $63,997; and that both items need to be corrected. Upon Johnson's question, McCarthy clarified that the diversity training for$50,000 can be either spread evenly between all departments or put into one account for all city-wide training in the Human Resources Department budget. - It was the consensus of the Committee to put the $50,000 for diversity training into an all city-wide training account in Human Resources. ORR MOVED to recommend adoption of the preliminary budget with the changes as listed above. Johnson seconded and the motion carried 2-1 with White opposed. The meeting was adjourned at 5:17 p.m. 2