HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Operations - 11/15/1993 0 BUDGET COMMITTEE MEETING November 15, 1993 PRESENT: Jon Johnson - Chair, Jim White, Judy Woods (came in at 3:25 p.m.), Tony McCarthy, Roger Lubovich, May Miller, Cliff Craig, Chief Angelo, Chief Crawford, Alana McIalwain, Don Wickstrom, Jim Harris, Fred Satterstrom, Kevin O'Neill, Patrice Thorell, Lin Ball, Jed Aldridge, Betsy Czark, Bill Doolittle, Don McDaniel, Barbara Simpson, Ron Forest, Jean Parietti The meeting was called to order at 3:02 p.m. by Chairman Johnson. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL Don McDaniel, Chamber of Commerce President, explained where the requested money from the 1994 Budget would be used. He noted that a large part would be used for international trade activities and expanded business opportunities for the short and long terms. He explained that regional partners are needed along with a team concept in approaching new prospective clients, relocation expansion assistance needs to be provided, coordination of efforts to retain and expand existing businesses, recruitment of new businesses and development projects, assistance for small and mid-sized companies focusing on financial and management skill training, facilitate low-cost loan pools under the Community Reinvestment Act, and joint participation in planning for new capital investments. McDaniel noted that the Chamber of Commerce is proposing that economic development become a line item expense in the City's budget and that it be funded at 2/10 of 1% which is approximately $63,000 a year. He explained that the line item, if approved, would give the City an opportunity to be more actively involved on a day-to-day basis, give the community the ability to do more long range planning, and the Chamber of Commerce wouldn't have to come to the City each year requesting money. McDaniel noted that if you look at the money that is going to be allocated to this effort, it is a good investment that provides for longer term benefits to the City in the revenues that it will receive by taxes, additional growth and development, and it will provide some stability to the people who are in the Kent Valley. EIS FOR GROWTH MANAGEMENT Kevin O'Neill of the Planning Department explained that on July 20 Council authorized the staff to proceed with a request for proposal (RFP) for the Environmental Impact Statement for the City's comprehensive plan. He noted that nine responses were received, five firms were interviewed, and that two firms were identified as finalists. He noted that the Planning Committee requested staff to identify a cost figure for the Budget Committee and that a not-to- exceed budget of $50,000 should be allocated for this project. He explained that $40,000 is presently allocated in the 1994 Capital Improvement Program budget ,but, due to time constraints, the consultant should be selected and begin work in 1993. O'Neill stated that staff recommends $50,000 be allocated from the 1993 Capital Improvemeni"Program contingency fund for the Comprehensive Plan Environmental Impact Statement. He explained that it would then enable staff to complete the selection process, negotiate a contract with the consultant, and begin work in 1993. 1 WHITE MOVED approval of$50,000 from the 1993 Capital Improvement Program contingency fund for the Comprehensive Plan Environmental Impact Statement. Johnson seconded and the motion carried 2-0. HARRISON HOUSE RENTAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM Lin Ball, Human Services Manager, and Betsy Czark, Housing Planner, were present to explain Councilmember Houser's concern regarding the Harrison House. Ball explained that Houser requested some investigation into rental assistance on two 1-bedroom units, and distributed a copy of the results from some scenarios and analysis regarding subsidized room and board. She noted that Houser is specifically asking the City allocate $5,760 in 1994 and subsequent years to pay the rent for two units at the Harrison House for very low-income residents of Kent. Ball outlined the qualifications and criteria that must be met presently at the Harrison House and noted that if Houser's proposal is accepted by the Council and approved for the 1994 budget then a need would exist to advertise and re-solicit applicants. McCarthy noted that this item is not currently included in the 1994 Budget and if the Committee requests the $5760 to be set aside, it should be added. THIRD ASSISTANT FIRE CHIEF POSITION Ron Forest, Chairman of the Civil Service Commission, explained that the Commission was petitioned by the Firefighters Union in regard to the third Assistant Fire Chief position that was eliminated. He noted that an investigation has been completed and that the determination/ suggestion of the Commission is that the Fire Department stay with 3 Assistant Fire Chiefs because training is a very important part of the Fire Department as well as the community. McCarthy explained Administration's position regarding the elimination of the 3rd Fire Chief position. He explained that the combined staffing from the two Assistant Chief positions, Fire Prevention and Training, have decreased from 26.5 to 15, and Administration felt that with the 11.5 position reductions it could be handled by one Assistant Fire Chief like it was done in 1990. Chief Angelo distributed a copy of his memo noting that the Assistant Chief in Fire Prevention has a significant number of responsibilities which are diverse and complex which include the following: continued involvement in the permit process, annual inspections, arson and fire investigations, complaint resolution, SARA Title III and disaster planning to public education. He noted that the physical presence of the Assistant Chief at the location of Fire Prevention is more essential than ever given the recent reorganization of Code Enforcement. He further noted that the role of public education is not the same as the technical and manipulative training, ongoing evaluation and coordination of training that also requires a Chief Officer over that function. He explained that the Asst. Chief in Training is responsible for more than 124 personnel in Suppression, and for complex and numerous programs including: basic firefighting;complex rescue and hazardous materials training; the Joint Apprenticeship Program; testing; evaluation and ongoing certifications required by law; and the record keeping which is behind due to lack of staff. He noted that there is an increased demand for training to meet Federal and State safety and operation requirements as well. He also noted that many senior officers and firefighters will be retiring making delivery of existing and needed programs more critical if we are to make safe and efficient use of the existing personnel while facing an increasing demand for service. He requested approval to retain and fill the position of the third Assistant Chief in order to be able to deliver critical Fire Prevention and Emergency Response services to this community. 2 CRIME FIGHTING PROPOSAL Acting Finance Director Miller explained that Councilmember Bennett had asked her to bring his proposal to the Budget Committee for consideration regarding the adding of 10 Patrol Officers and 4 vehicles in 1994 through a federal anti-crime grant and consolidation of fire equipment purchases in the capital improvement fund. She noted that four officers have been already included in the budget but that 6 more should be added along with 2 more cars. She noted that his proposal is to move Fire equipment funding for 1994 to the CIP fund, deletion of funding for diversity training, and the parking garage study, with the balance of the fire equipment coming from the CIP ending fund balance. She explained that there are two ways to apply for the Federal Grant of which the City chose a 50-50 shared grant which is a 3 year grant and that it will go to the Public Safety Committee for a recommendation first. PROTECT LIGHTHOUSE FUNDING PROPOSAL Cheryl Fraser, Facility Manager of the Parks Department, noted that she along with the Steering Committee are present to request Project Lighthouse funding. She noted that the packet includes their 1993 budget as well as the proposed 1994 budget, and, upon the request of Council, included in the packet is a list of funding from other agencies involved in Project Lighthouse. She explained that each agency has contributed their services in the form of service delivery rather than dollars. Lt. Sue Rohr, Steering Committee and King County Anti-Gang Unit Officer, gave a brief overview of the project, the missions, the goals, and how the dollars will be spent. Upon White's question, Fraser noted that the request is for$70,254 to continue at the same level of service as currently being provided for in 1993. Woods expressed that this is a very good project and that it's important for the City to work collaboratively with the Kent School District in expanding the service. SEPTEMBER FINANCIAL REPORT Acting Finance Director Miller reviewed the summary financial report for the period ending September 30, 1993. The meeting was adjourned at 4:55 p.m. 3