HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Operations - 08/23/1993 BUDGET COMMITTEE MEETING August 23, 1993 PRESENT: Jon Johnson - Chair, Leona Orr, Jim White, Tony McCarthy, May Miller, Cliff Craig, Chief Angelo, Chief Crawford, Alana McIalwain, Lin Ball, Jim Harris, Ken Chatwin, Raul Ramos, Dee Moschel, Jayne Leet, Kathy Peters, Connie Epperly, and Bill Doolittle. The meeting was called to order at 4:03 p.m. by Chairman Johnson. DULY FINANCIAL REPORT Acting Finance Director Miller distributed and reviewed the summary financial report for the period ending July 31, 1993. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM UPDATE Acting Finance Director Miller updated the Committee on the Capital Improvement Program. She noted for White that in about a month the City will have a list and know what is needed as far as how many fire trucks and reserve trucks are in each building, the condition and age of each, whether they should be included in the general fund or capital improvement fund, and whether the City should sell bonds (voted or non-voted). McCarthy explained how replacement vehicles for the Fire Department have been done in the past and gave some options for the future. Lin Ball was present to ask for withdrawal of a request for $130,000 from the Capital Improvement Fund for single men transitional housing. She explained that if the McKinney grant comes through, the City's share won't be necessary, and if it doesn't come through, the project won't be viable anyway. Ball expressed support for allocation of that money to the Community Health Center. Upon Orr's question, Johnson suggested looking at the preliminary budget and capital improvement program before making a recommendation to the Council. White left the meeting at 5:00 p.m. FUNDING FOR COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTER Dee Moschel, President of the Kent Community Health Center, presented information to the Committee and requested that the City look into the possibility of purchasing the two lots adjacent to the current facility for expansion of the Health Center. Jayne Leet, Executive Director for the Health Center, explained that she has talked to one of the property owners who has indicated a willingness to sell the vacant property, but the main concern is that the property may already be listed. She noted that the additional property would be adequate for their expansion needs. ORR MOVED to authorize the Kent Community Health Center to negotiate the acquisition of that land and send it to the September 7th Council meeting for approval. Johnson seconded and the motion carried 2-0. Upon McCarthy's question, Johnson clarified that it should be placed under Other Business on the agenda. WHITE RIVER HISTORICAL SOCIETY FUNDING REQUEST Linda Cowan, President of the White River Valley Historical Society, submitted a request for appropriation of$2,500 for the 1994 fiscal year. She explained that the mission of the Society and museum is to be a regional resource representing the valley, and noted the benefits to the City of Kent. Johnson noted that no action is necessary at this time because it's a 1994 budget item. GREATER KENT HISTORICAL SOCIETY Alana McIalwain, Administration Manager, noted that the Greater Kent Historical Society is requesting $5,592 for the 1994 budget. She explained that the expenses are outlined in the packet and noted that the Neely-Soames Home is being discussed as a possible historical site which will probably be pursued next year. SUMMARY OF INITIATIVES 601 AND 602 McCarthy noted that the first page in the packet summarizes Initiatives 601 and 602. He explained that the sales tax amount has not been assumed in the City of Kent's budget, and if State taxes are rolled back, the City could save $380,000 in State utility taxes in the water and sewerage funds. He noted that the real impact to cities will not be known until after the November election. The meeting was adjourned at 5:20 p.m.