HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Operations - 06/28/1993 Y` BUDGET, COM IITTEE MEETING JUNE 289 1993 PRESENT: Jon Johnson - Chair, Leona Orr, Jim White, Tony McCarthy, May Miller, Cliff Craig, Chief Angelo, Ramona Fultz, Alana McIalwain, Sue Viseth, Adriane Kelly, Jim Harris, Fred Satterstrom, Cheryl Fraser, Patrice Thorell, Diane Lewis, Jean Parietti, Bill Doolittle, and Charlie Kiefer The meeting was called to order at 4:08 p.m. ADDED ITEM Acting Finance Director Miller distributed an Equipment Rental Take Home Vehicles List for the Committee to review. She noted that this list is also included in the 1993 Budget. MAY FINANCIAL REPORT Acting Finance Director Miller distributed and reviewed the May Financial Report with Status of Vacant Positions for the period ending May 31, 1993. White presented McCarthy with copies of Initiative 601 and 602 along with the City of Seattle's analysis and he noted that if the impacts are as heavy as they appear then parallel budgets might have to be considered. McCarthy stated that the Finance Department will look into presenting an even more conservative budget. GROWTH MANAGEMENT ACT CAPITAL FACILITIES Fred Satterstrom, Planning Manager, explained that the request for funding covers two items, the Capital Facilities Planning and the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), for professional services to assist the City in implementing the Growth Management Act. He noted that the Planning Committee recommends approval of both items, and that the Growth Management Act requires the Capital Facilities Planning whereas the Environmental Impact Statement(EIS) is the City's requirement. Satterstrom informedthe Committee that a one-day workshop was held with Henderson, Young and Company to update the City on the requirements for the Capital Facilities Planning. He stated that it is a very complex task in which the City will need help to meet all the requirements in the time frame permitted by the State. He explained that the request is for approval of up to $70,000 for professional services in preparation of the Capital Facilities element, and approximately $50,000 for preparation of a Programmatic EIS. Satterstrom noted that these figures are based upon similar efforts being undertaken in other comparably sized cities in King County, and that it is possible to reduce the $70,000 figure by negotiating a contract where the City can do some of the work internally. He added that the EIS is for a comprehensive plan, and that when the City of Kent nominated themselves as an urban city they were also committed to doing an EIS. He expressed that an EIS would probably be necessary to withstand any challenges. McCarthy noted for White that the plan would put all Growth Management Plan mandates under one umbrella with the possibility of other individual plans needed at a later date. Orr noted that the new Growth Management Act will not allow CIP projects to be approved without money in the budget, and that she feels this is one of the most important ways for money to-be spent. ORR MOVED approval of this plan, the hiring of a 0 0 7V consultant, and that a firmer budget be put in place and brought to the Operations Committee for approval. McCarthy noted that this item can be placed on the July 20th Council Meeting Agenda under Other Business because it's already been to the Planning Committee and now the Budget Committee. ORR THEN MOVED to recommend this plan and that the dollar amounts be decided at the July 20th Council Meeting. White seconded the motion. Satterstrom clarified for Orr that the money for the EIS cannot wait until the 1994 Budget because it has to go to the Planning Commission by March and then be approved by Council before the summer. He explained that all the EIS work has to be completed before any hearings are held. ORR MOVED to follow the same process for the EIS as recommended for the Capital Facilities Planning. ORR MOVED to approve the RFP process and recommend that Council approve the RFP go out with a top dollar value set at $50,000. ORR RESTATED HER MOTIONS as follows: (1) Recommend that a budget be set up for doing the Capital Facilities Plan to be brought to full Council on July 20, 1993; and (2) Recommend that the RFP process be authorized at the July 20, 1993 Council Meeting. White seconded both motions and they carried 3-0. PROTECT LIGHTHOUSE Cheryl Fraser, Parks Department, and Diane Lewis of Project Lighthouse presented the Committee with a request to develop a teen recreation program. Fraser noted that other community resources will be asked and some have already committed to contributing to the project. She noted that the Kent Ministerial Association will provide a meal during the recreation program in the evenings as well as vans to transport teens to and from the facility, the King County Anti-Gang Unit will provide training for the staff, and both King County Police Departments have agreed to participate also. Lewis noted that all agencies involved will be asked to contribute either goods and services or capital to the project. Fraser explained that a start-up date of August 1st is requested because the originally planned date of July 15th cannot be met. She explained the plan to the Committee, and she noted that the request before them is for approval of $44,026.00. She assured the Committee that Project Lighthouse is not just a City program but a larger, well-coordinated program where a variety of community resources will be pulled together. Fraser noted that Phase II of Project Lighthouse includes the Youth Center Committee's RFP request for another $30,000 which pushes the amount of this project up to $75,000 total. Upon White's question, McCarthy clarified that the money would come out of the General Fund, if approved. McCarthy noted that the Mayor supports the program and making the Youth-At-Risk Coordinator full-time only if there is a definite commitment from the School District and the King County Police Department because he doesn't want the city to fund it alone. White stated that he cannot support the program without set numbers and that he cannot support additional labor costs because the City needs to live within the existing budget. ORR MOVED to recommend approval of this program with better number figures going to the full Council on July 6, 1993. Johnson seconded and the motion carried 2-1, with White opposed. 1994 BUDGET CALENDAR Acting Finance Director Miller noted that June 28th begins the budget process for 1994. She stated that the Finance Department will be working on and fine tuning the financial forecast. She pointed out that a tentative workshop has been scheduled for either 8/19 or 8/26/93 to discuss departmental presentations, and Council to prioritize the 1994 Budget. It was agreed upon that August 26, 1993 would be the best date to hold the workshop. 2 r PUBLIC HEARING FOR T14E CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN ADDED BY ACTING FINANCE DIRECTOR MILLER Acting Finance Director Miller requested an additional action item be placed on the agenda to set a public hearing date on July 20, 1993 for the Capital Improvement Plan. Johnson noted that two public hearings should be set because some people will be on vacation and unable to attend the meeting if only one day was scheduled. JOHNSON MOVED to set two public hearings dates, one on July 20, 1993 and the other on August 3, 1993, for the Capital Improvement Plan. Orr seconded and the motion carried 3-0. 1994-1999 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Acting Finance Director Miller briefly went through the CIP priorities set by the Council. White stated that he would support the overall CIP program, but that he has a problem with the amount of money being spent on transitional housing because it is drawing everybody like a magnet. He recommended that the Commuter Rail Facility item be placed lower on the list since the RTA will not be set in place until next year, and that it be replaced with the needed Fire vehicles as noted by Chief Angelo. Upon Orr's question, Angelo noted that it would take about $550,000 to start a reserve fund for replacing Fire vehicles and/or equipment. She noted that she could, also, support moving the priorities as suggested by Chief Angelo. The meeting was adjourned at 6:05 p.m. 3