HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Operations - 05/24/1993 BUDGET COMMITTEE MEETING May 24, 1993 PRESENT: Jon Johnson - Chair, Leona Orr, Jim White, Tony McCarthy, Roger Lubovich, Dave Haenel, May Miller, Cliff Craig, Chief Angelo, Barney Wilson, Ramona Valdez, Alana McIalwain, Becky Fowler, Sue Viseth, and Jean Parietti. Chairman Johnson called the meeting to order at 4:05 p.m. APRIL FINANCIAL REPORT Acting Finance Director Miller distributed the April Financial Report with Status of Vacant Positions for the period ending April 30, 1993, and reviewed the report with the Committee. Miller also noted that the Department Heads have been told today that the financial forecast for the 1994 budget looks like a "hold the line" type of budget. McCarthy informed the Committee that the Department Heads have begun the process for the 1994 budget but that a Council Workshop might be requested for the first of August to let the Council know what the City's financial status is and what, if anything, can be included in the new budget. MUNICIPAL COURT - BUDGET FOR SETUP City Attorney Lubovich explained that $250,000 has been set aside in the 1994 C.I.P. for remodeling and improvements to establish a municipal court. He noted, however, that the municipal court must be established at the beginning of the calendar year, and that the 1994 C.I.P. would not be timely for a January 1, 1994 start-up date. Lubovich stated that the request before the committee today is for consideration of a proposal to utilize budgeted but unreserved 1993 C.I.P. funds for 1994 should the Council approve the implementation plan. ORR MOVED approval of$250,000 from the unreserved 1993 C.I.P., for establishment of a municipal court, with a plan for the cost savings to be transferred back into the C.I.P. fund up to the amount used. White seconded and the motion carried 3-0. Lubovich noted that this item will be sent to the Public Safety Committee meeting on June 7th and to the full Council. on June 15th under Other Business. UNFUNDED FEDERAL MANDATES White noted that he had requested the City Attorney's Office to prepare a resolution for this item. He explained that this item comes out of the Nation Cities Weekly magazine which requests additional political pressure with a copy sent to each one of our Congressional Delegates. He noted that it deals with unfunded federal mandates which cities are always faced with, and the need to continu to express concerns over federal and state pushing mandates but never providing the funding to achieve the mandates. WHITE MOVED approval of this resolution. Orr seconded and the motion carried 3-0. Johnson clarified that this will be added to the June 1st Council Meeting under Consent Calendar. The meeting adjourned at 5:00 p.m.