HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Operations - 03/22/1993 BUDGA COMMITTEE NU E T S March 22, 1993 PRESENT: Jon Johnson- Chair, Leona Orr, Jim White, Paul Mann, Tony McCarthy, May Miller, Cliff Craig, Chief Angelo, Barney Wilson, Helen Wickstrom, Rose Nelson, Alana McIalwain, Don McDaniel, Jean Parietti, and Bill Doolittle. Chairman Johnson called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. FEBRUARY FINANCIAL REPORT Acting Finance Director Miller distributed and reviewed the summary financial report for the period ending February 28, 1993. STATUS OF VACANT POSITIONS McCarthy updated the Committee on the status of vacant positions in the City. He noted that there were 33.8 total vacancies as of March 17, 1993 which were fully funded positions with money in the budget for the whole year. He explained that the Executive Committee has authorized the rehiring of 13 positions because of safety issues and worse case scenarios. He noted that the City staff is currently at 520. Upon White's question, McCarthy explained how target levels were established to determine when a department reached a critical stage. White expressed that he felt each department should be looked at individually to determine what the staffing levels should be at a given level of service. McCarthy noted that several options are being reviewed to avoid layoffs which include a possible reorganization, job rotations, and internal shifting of employees. White stressed that the public is going to have to be willing to buy off on a different level of service, except in the public safety areas, as determinations are made as to what happens in the City based upon what there is to work with inside the City. FUNDING FOR YOUTH CENTER STUDY Paul Mann, Chairman of the Youth Center Committee, noted that the Resolution in the packet has been to the Operations Committee, and voted upon unanimously at the Youth Center Committee meeting of February 24, 1993 to be sent to the Council for approval. He noted that the Resolution requests authorization of up to $30,000 to retain a consultant to perform a feasibility and needs assessment study for the establishment of a Youth Center facility in Kent. Upon White's question, Helen Wickstrom, Parks Admin. Supv., explained that the Kent Commons is a community-oriented facility with scheduled activities and that the youth can't just drop in to use the gym, hang out, have dances, play games, or do recreational activities any time they desire. Mann clarified for Orr that the Youth Center would include ages 6-12 years as well as teenagers. He noted that the feasibility study will include a whole range of ages, determine whether the O'Brien site can be adapted for a youth center, as well as the possibility of looking at the purchase of two locations for the different age groups. Mann noted that the City will work hand-in-hand with the School District to make sure no duplication of study is done and that the $30,000 will come out of the CIP fund. Johnson and Orr stated for Doolittle that they have definitely seen a demand for this type of project. White requested that before the RFP's are sent out, the Council be given the opportunity to review. ORR MOVED to recommend approval of this resolution and send it on to the full Council. White seconded and the motion carried 3-0. KOREAN WAR MEMORIAL FUNDING McCarthy noted that this item was brought to the full Council on April 21, 1992, granting approval of$1,500 based upon whether funds were available. Jean Belcher,TRADEC,passed out an updated corporate contributions list and noted that no funds have been received from the City of Kent because of budget shortfalls and unavailable funds. She noted that they have been in contact with the Mayor for the past few months and he had suggested they come back to the City to see if funds are available now. She noted that the original request was for$1,250, but that the Council raised it to$1,500. Upon White's question, McCarthy clarified that these are the same funds that were approved. Orr expressed concern because she was not kept informed of the fact that the money was never distributed. SHE THEN MOVED that funds in the amount of$1,500 be made available for the Korean War Memorial. White seconded and the motion carried 3-0. BUDGET CHANGE FOR COOECTION FACILITY SECURITY 0 Lorna Rufener, PD Lieutenant, noted that this item was brought before the Executive Committee on February 17, 1990; regarding an attempted break out at the Corrections Facility on January bth involving a US Marshall •inmate. She noted that the Police Department has been working with US Marshalls and Gilbert Security to look at the overall security of the facility. She explained that because the Facility is doing 76% more bookings, has an increased workload and activity, and the types of prisoners that are being housed, security improvements are needed as follows: 1) Two cameras on east side of building exterior; 2) Interior cameras in laundry area, A and B units; 3) One additional monitor in control; 4) High security roll bars installed in the vents; 5) Roof lighting/beacon; and 6) Security Tool Chest, for a total cost of$21,000. She clarified for White that the funds will betaken out of the Criminal Justice Fund. WHITE MOVED for approval to use$21,000 from the Criminal Justice Fund to make security improvements to the Kent Corrections Facility as listed above. Orr seconded and the motion carried 3-0. ACCEPTANCE OF TRAFFIC SAFETY GRANT Lorna Rufener, PD Lieutenant, noted that a letter was received from the Washington Traffic Safety Commission, dated February 22, 1993, explaining that$2,348 are available in the DWI Traffic Safety Grant funds because of underruns during fiscal year 1992. She requested the Committee's acceptance of these funds to be used for programs and costs of purchasing supplies for the Drinking Driver Task Force. WHITE MOVED for acceptance of $2,348 from the Washington Traffic Safety Commission to be used for the Drinking Driver Task Force supplies and programs. Orr seconded and the motion carried 3-0. 1994-1999 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Acting Finance Director Miller explained that each department had prepared a draft summary listing their CIP priorities in the order of importance and trying to stay within the budget. She noted that each department has `gone back to see if any new items should be added and that this mini-update is provided just to show the Committee and Council what is being done. She stated, however, that the primary concentration will be on the 1994 CIP and that department heads will go over the detailed backup pages to make sure everything agrees before being sent to Council for review. McCarthy clarified for White that $300,000 has been set aside under "Sidewalks Rehabilitation" for the next five years and that this update shows how much money is available for those items. Miller noted that in the next month the detailed lists will be mailed out, revenue projections will be put together, and the Planning Department will be consulted to make sure that everything is in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan and the Growth Management Act. DEPARTMENT HEAD PAY PLAN PROPOSAL McCarthy stated that the department head pay plan proposal was discussed last year during the Budget process and that the Committee was told it would come back to them before the plan was implemented. He noted that the Committee, at this time, is being presented with a modification to the plan to see if it is something the Council desires and then will be presented back to the Mayor for adjustments, if any, to be made. He explained how this plan works as follows: 1) Department head pay will be within range on the department head salary schedule which defines the minimum, control point and maximum; 2) Department head salary schedule will be updated at the beginning of each fiscal year based on the Seattle CPI-W for the previous July to June; 3) New department head positions will be paid an amount between the minimum and the control point; 4) The control point will be considered the maximum base pay, with pay above the control point being considered merit pay; 5) Department heads being paid below the control point will be eligibi for annual cost of living increases and step increases-W to the control point. Cost of living will be up to that provided to the non-represented employees. Step increases will be up to 5%. The amount will be determined by Budget availability and the department,head's performance evaluation; 6) All department heads are eligible for merit pay. The amount will represent a percent above the control point. The amount will be determined by Budget availability and the department head's performance evaluation. Merit pay will be shown as a separate line on the pay stub. Merit pay is above the base pay and the amount will be reevaluated each year; 7) All department head pay adjustments will take effect on 4/1 of each year. McCarthy noted, however, that the Mayor has asked that this plan be deferred until substantial progress is made with the union contracts. ADDED ITEM Chief Angelo noted, as an information item only, that the City has received an increase in the Public Safety Emergency Medical Services/King Country Contract based upon the number of calls and population. He stated that the Public Safety Committee will also be informed of this item. The meeting adjourned at 5:50 p.m.