HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Operations - 11/09/1992 City Clerk CITY COUNCIL BUDGET COMMITTEE,,MINUTES NOVEMBER 91 19921 4:00 P.M. PRESENT: Jon Johnson - Chair, Leona Orr, Jim White, Norm Angelo, Bob Cline, Bill Doolittle, Bob Cline, Cliff Craig, Brenda Jacober, Linda Johnson, Charlie Lindsey, Andy Comes, Tony McCarthy, Alana Mclal , May Miller, Dee Moschel, Jean Parletti, Raul Ramos, Nancy Woo, Don Wickstrom, Barney Wilson. Committee Chair Jon Johnson called the meeting to order at 4:05 p. u Kent Downtown Partners'hlp jKDP) Funding. Cont. Acting Chief Administrative Officer McCarthy stated that in addition to the$25,000 budg6ted the KDP has requested funding for next October, November and December with details included in the agenda package. He noted that there seems to be a question as to whether the original funds were seed money versus an ongoing appropriatlod: Linda Johnson of the Kent Downtown Partnership addressed the,Committee. She asked that the City continue to help support the Partnership until they are solidly on their feet. Ms. Johnson continued that they have put together a mission statetivint as well as goals for the organization and are looking at grant funding which takes ti'rl*ind1he KDP finance committee is working on. Ms.Johnson stated that the Partnership supports the downtown and has worked the last six weeks with the media to promote downtown advertising. A gift certificate program has also been implemented to bring business to the core area. She pointed out that the Partnership is not looking at funding forever from the City. Committeemember Orr asked if the funds from January 1st to December 31 st, 1993 contained any of the City's funds and if so, would there be matching funds to the request. Ms. Johnson replied that the Partnership has$25,000 In contributions for 1993. Orr asked if the KDP took over the Saturday Market, would their be additiono'i expenses to run the Market. Johnson replied that they are not looking at the Market as an expense the KDP feels it can be profitable without added expenses. Committeemember White stated that he'didn't know when matching funds became ongoing. He stated that he was hesitant to talk about funding for next year when' he had no Idea where the money would come from. during further discussion, Orr',noted that she had served on the Enterprise Committee a few years ago and stated that the recalled a one time only matching as apposed to a three year program of 50/50 matching. Andy Comes stated that the KDP Is not asking for the City to comMft to a set amount of years but rather to be supportive. He stated that the main hope is to have commitment from the Council for the Kent Downtown Partnership to help make a pcjrive change with the KDP. Dee Moschel related that her experience with Kent Downtown Association was different because It was a strictly volunteer program. While the KbA did small projects, without permanent staff it could not be outstanding. Moschel expressed,her concern that the KDP die due to lacking$7,000. She noted that in-kind contributlorw cannot pay wages or postage, etc. White stated that he didn't have a problem with the program but where would the City get the money. McCarthy noted that in a$33 million budget$7,000 Is rather minor. The Council could use funds from eliminating the position In Community Events:''ilieCarthy pointed out 1 CITY COUNCIL BUDGET COMMITTEE MINUTES NOVEMBER 9, 1992, Cont. that long-term the City will need a whole lot more$7,000 savings If the economy gets worse. Orr asked If the$25,000 in contributions shown for 1993 was In addition to the contributions in 1992. Ms. Moschei stated that Is the goal. Orr suggested that the item be brought back In six months. She noted that she supports the idea but has a problem with drawing a line on money at this time. White suggested a supplemental budget could be done in six months to evaluate the request with other needs of the City. Johnson asked if there was any action. White proposed to continue with the budget process and asked McCarthy to evuate where the request would be'plugged into the budget. After further discussion, the item was set aside to the next meeting. Business License Ordinance McCarthy reviewed the history of the increases in business license fees for renewal. The fee was raised in December of 1982 at which time It was increased from $12 to $25 and increased up to $50 in 1984 where it has stayed. The proposed revision would raise the renewal to $60. The renewal notice goes out the 1 st of December so a decision needs to be made in order not to miss the opportunity to do it for 1993. Some businesses pay when they receive the notice but it Is not actually due until the end of 1993. Johnson stated that It seems unfair that large businesses pay the same as small businesses for renewals. White added that with small businesses struggling to make it, now may not be the time to hit them with another $10. Orr suggested a tier system such as 0 to 10 employees having a lower rate 10 to 30 employees higher, etc. During further discussion,McCarthy suggested leaving the renewals the same for 1993 and look at changing the following year. White eked for a comparison to other cities. Johnson requested that McCarthy make a recommendation for the Committees consideration to put on the agenda for the 17th. Capital Improvement Program McCarthy distributed a memorandum from the Chief of Police stating his request for revised projects for the CiP to meet criminal justice purposes with a $100,000 net reduction of the original projects. McCarthy noted that the rCtaining CIP projects are footnoted as to their origin. This program will not use all funds alable with the remaining funds possibly being used next spring for the six year plan. White asked if the resolution for a circular buwand sidewalk improvements heard at Council was the same project listed, Publics Works Oliector Wickstrom replied that it was but there is no money In the fund to pay for pt. Whltd; quested that the word "downtown" be taken out of sidewalks and the Downtown Parking Garage Study be removed and the funds transferred for use in sidewalks and in-city transit planning. A discussion followed of the municipal court, McCarthy Indicated that the original funding had been deleted and reallocated. A optional plan has been developed in the remodel of City Hail to incorporate the municipal court if that decision is made. White Indicated that he was not sold on the municipal court but was against having It at City Hall because of the lack of parking. McCarthy replied that there are two or three other scenarios for that eventuality. Orr asked about the Relten/Maclyn Slide Protection listed. Wickstrom stated that funds 2 �Y 0 • a.- a - w, CITY COUNCIL B-U , ET COII MITTEE44 UTES NOVEMBPER 9, 1992, Cont. would be used to fix erosion problems. Orr stated that she agreed with eliminating the Downtown Parking Garage and the need to work on sidewalks whlch I a;greater need at this point In time. Orr asked how the Comprehensive Plan and Groves',Management Plan will fit in since they must be adopted by the summer of 1993. Mcdiiihy,responded that concurrency with departmental and citywide comprehensive plans havo'been added to the project summaries to meet those requirements. White agreed t6 ft"partance of long range planning particularly in the Water'Pund. The need for an ongok*i6i alk program was discussed particularly surrounding school areas. Assistant CityAAttorney Brubaker noted that the problems created by the street trees breaking up theVilewalks is creating a potential liability for the City. Johnson stated that an on-going program similar to the street overlay would allow for identification of the problem areas and'thon Old out the work. Johnson suggested establishing a fund for emergency vehicle repkm�onent as they wear out. Fire Chief Angelo stated that due to the increased volume In cafto engines that were projected to last fifteen years plus some reserve years are only bating nine plus two or three reserve years. White agreed that there was a need to start'fu�ng Police and Fire vehicles. McCarthy noted that cars are replaced through the equiMprit Mental program. When asked Angelo stated that there will be a need for three public 0 vehicles In the next two years or so. After review of the equipment rental fund and F�rlivahicle needs, it was requested that the figures for replacement of the ladder truck and SmInes be gathered and finance options be brought back to the Committee. Angelo stated that If It comes down to a choice between staff and equipment the staff is the greatest importance. Bill Doolittle questioned the sidewalks identified for ADA and when CIP projects would be done noting that in the 1992 CIP a number of projects have not been completed. Raul Ramos responded that a survey of the entire downtown sidewalks has been completed in conjunction with public works. Ramos noted the urgency of upgrading the sidewalks with the completion of the new senior housing project as well as an additional private project for housing an additional 125 seniors in Kent's downtown. White noted the need to weigh these needs against kids going to school. Wickstrom responded to the question of uncompleted projects stating that problems with outside agencies were holding up some projects. Doolittle asked if any alternate trees have been decided upon for replacement of the problem trees. White indicated the sidewalk program could adc s the tree needs. Ramos noted that Puget Power has a tree arborist on staff who has,been volunteered to work with the City free of cost. Johnson noted that if a CIP for 1993 only is to be adopted the Conuaittee needs to make a recommendation. White requested that the changes discussed be mede sod brought back to the Committee. After a discussion of the Municipal Court, it was requested that any reference in the 1993 CIP be eliminated. Added Item White stated that after reviewing the revenue and expense assumptions from the four year forecast he had noted that 1989 and 1990 were up years and 1991 and 1992 were down. White stated he had requested Finance to run the forecast based on an average of 1991 and 1992. 3 0 CITY COUNCIL BUDGET COMMITTEE MINUTES NOVEMBER 9, 1992, Cont. McCarthy stated that the new forecast averaged 1991 and 1992 figures and deleted vacant positions. Under these assumptioans, 1993 looks better and the remaining years look worse because of the sales tax, etc. The forecast shows 1996 with an ending fund balance of $305,085. If the forecast held true, something would need to be doe such as deleting vacancies as they occur. The City has averted 1.9 positions a month loss due to attrition. A third forecast was run under the assumptions of no growth and the deletion of vacancies as they occur which shows the fund balance being okay in 1996. White stated that it Is hard to call what will happen for four years but one year Is pretty safe. Johnson noted that the Revenue Committee in the State House Is projecting a larger deficit. Johnson indicated that 1.9 vacancies may include Fire and Police or other critical positions. The Committee concurred during further discussion that a conservative approach needs to be maintained. McCarthy informed the Committee that at the next meeting he will present the October update which will include the November s�#es tax revenues. After a discussion of the next meeting time_for the Budget Committee, Johnson Informed the members he will inform them when the meeting time is set and adjourned the meeting at 6:00 p.m. 4