HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Operations - 10/19/1992 CITY COUNCIL BU ' ET COMMITTEE OCTOBER 19, 1992, 4:00 p.m. PRESENT: Jon Johnson - Chair, Leona Orr, Norm Angelo, Vern Dwight, Robb Dreblow, m Bill Doolittle,Laurie Evezich,Iry Hamilton,Wayne Hobbs,Linde Johnson,Tony McCarthy, Don McDaniel, Alana Mclalwain, May Millet', Dee Moschel, Patrice Thoreii, Jean Parietti, Nancy Woo. Committee Chair Jon Johnson called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m.- Community Events Administrative Manager Mclalwain informed the Committee that members of the Kent Lions Club and Kent Downtown Partnership were present to discuss the optlion of their respective organizations running the Kent Saturday Market. Mclalwain noted that Nancy Woo and herself have met with the organizations to share ideas on the Saturday Market. While reviewing the information provided In the agenda, Mclalwain noted the functional job description of Nancy Woo which shows that 36% of Woo's time is dedicated to running the Market program. Representing the Kent Lions Club, Iry Hamilton informed the Committee that they can take over running the Saturday Market and plan to make a profit by doing :'' He noted that the Lions Club has the expertise to do It and are willing to do it. Representing the Kent Downtown Partnership (KDP), Don McDaniel distributed the KDP's proposal for running the Market. McDaniel noted that KDP feel that the Market is an Important ingredient in the downtown economic development arid'wish to participate in order to stimulate the downtown. McDaniel stated that when the board reviewed the proposal it was suggested that there Is the opportunity for some In*Ind services to reduce expenses and possibly turn a profit or at least break even. In reviewing the KDP proposal, McDaniel stated that the KDP would appoint market vendors as weO as one City of Kent staff person. McDaniels requested that the City support the Market through use of City space and the use of the umbrellas, portable toilettes, etc. In addition to reporting to the Mayor and City Council annually, the City would have a staff person` involved with the Market Board as well as the current member of KDP.' Committee Chair Johnson asked if the Kent Downtown Partnership planned to use existing staff to run the program. McDaniel stated that it was planned to us l)lroctor Linda Johnson and perhaps a combination of resources in the future as needed. Committeemember Orr noted that the rents to the vendors area kat low now partially because of the City subsidizing it. Would the KDP be able to keep°thb game rates to attract the types of vendors the market currently has? McDaniel responded that the Market Board would include vendors to address these types of issues. The Board feels that reductions can be made in other places such as printing without raw, rents. Orr asked if the market would continue as a non-profit program and if not where would the excess funds go. McDaniel replied that the object would be economic growth in the downtown. Any extra funds could be used to enhance marketing and promotion strategies. Orr asked how the KDP planned to use Nancy Woo and her expertise. McDaniels stated 1 CITY COUNCIL BUDGET COMMITTEE MIAf October 19, 1992, Corm. that the spot on the Saturday Market Board would allow for her support through that avenue. Mclalwain reviewed with the Committee the breakdown of reventaas,4 expenses which nets out to a $10,000 cost to the City for the Saturday Market proaretp including salaries. McCarthy outlined his community events revenue analysis. He noted that his figures did not include any salaries. In reviewing the revenues for Saturday Mar t he noted that the 1993 figures were through September. During further discussion, It was noted that events like Canterbury Falre and the Balloon Classic have never charged staff time to the events. Johnson asked� e Thorell if she had any salary figures. Thorell responded that she didn't have the 111"M. s with her and that staff also work on other events such as Kid's Art Day and HQ6"iil along with other responsibilities. Johnson stated that he would like to look at the q .pf staff time to have events. McCarthy noted that the original Saturday Market figures had not taken Into account the $5,000 for Cornucopia charged under Community Events or other,PONX144 such as Town Hall Meeting. Community Events Coordinator Woo stated that sh a,always taken a conservative approach and worked can keeping expenses down.,.,. the noted that the Saturday Market has had a 26%increase in all areas. Woo also noted the number of phone calls, letters as well as the petition, in support of the program by,vendors and citizens. McCarthy asked the KDP if a decision had been made on future n such as umbrellas and ongoing items such as electricity and advertising. McDaniel replied that after a transition period the organization would take over expenses. Johnson stated that the Warner Group Study had recommended- ring Community Events to the Parks Department to eliminate duplication of servl ,,He noted-that the City's revenue forecast doesn't show, any growth while expendd; contlnue to grow. Perhaps it is time to not provide some services to maintain essential,services. He stated that he felt the Committee should make recommendations to Councill ainwhat programs will continue to be funded and work with administration, other departments, businesses and citizens on options. Johnson requested that Patrlgb Thorell,providgVIS numbers for the Canterbury Falre and Balloon Classic Toth estimated staff time and t ,cast of staff time. Iry Hamilton of the Lions Club stated that he felt that his organization could make a profit with their all volunteer staff and that they would not ask for anything the City. He also noted that any,profit would be put back Into the community. Permanent Funding Suburban C 'ys ration CAS - McCarthy reviewed with the Committee the history of the proposal or,,.pe"anent staffing for SCA. The SCA Board has not made a final recommendation but it Is possible it will go through in the near future. McCarthy noted that at the last meeting�pf,the SCA there was a concern with some of the cities over the formula for expenses to beopharged to the cities. A discussion followed regarding the proposed position, costs a;W,,$CA support of the current proposal. 2 0 CITY COUNCIL B DCET COMMITTEE MINUTPS October 19, 1992, Cont. Future Meeting Dates Committee Chair Johnson requested that the Budget Committee most every Monday until the 1993 Budget is adopted. Orr concurred noting that she will be urowileble next Monday but will be available every Monday after that. After a brief discussion of future agenda items, Johnson adjourned the meeting at 4:50 p.m. 3