HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Public Works/Planning - 08/14/1995 PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE AUGUST 14,1995 PRESENT: PAUL MANN GARY GILL TIM CLARK STAN WADE DON WICKSTROM KRIS LANGLEY TOM BRUBAKER ABSENT: JIM BENNETT 212TH STREET HOV - AGREEMENT Wickstrom stated that this is an accounting issue in that we have received a Grant for approximately $3 Million dollars and we need to formally establish a budget for this so that the money can be receipted. Committee unanimously recommended authorization to accept the Grant in the amount of $3,495,493 for the South 212th HOV Lane project and establish a budget for same. SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Wickstrom explained that this is a yearly event; actually we are behind schedule at this time. This was to have been done by the first part of July. Wickstrom referenced the 6 Yr Plan in the agenda packet and said that there is nothing new in this plan; the Council has already seen the Traffic Improvement Plan associated with the Growth Management Act. He said we need to go back and add the ISTEA Grant for the bus shuttle system of approximately $400,000. Committee unanimously recommended setting September 5th as the Public Hearing date for the Six Year Transportation Program and adoption of same. LID 330 SEGREGATION - ASSESSMENT #6 LID 327 SEGREGATION - ASSESSMENT #45 Wickstrom stated that these segregations are related to Van Doren's Landing and this is merely an additional segregation so that properties can be sold. Committee unanimously recommended adoption of Resolution # for the segregation of Assessment #6 in LID #330. 1 Committee unanimously recommended adoption of Resolution # for the segregation of Assessment#45 in LID #327. ADDITIONAL ITEM: (TIM CLARK) 212TH STREET HOV LANE - TRAFFIC PROBLEM Clark noted that the channelization of the traffic during the construction on S. 212th is a very irregular pattern in terms of the flow. Clark said that all of the trucks were attempting to make left hand turns thru the greater density of traffic. In so doing, they created a number of problems. He asked if there is a more efficient way to handle the traffic flow; also, is it possible to indicate "no left turns" during certain time periods? Stan Wade, Construction Engineer stated that we have recognized the problems; we have consulted our traffic staff and the contractor and between everyone, we came up with the present traffic plan. Wade explained the project to the Committee, noting that we are on schedule; he stated that as far as the trucks making left hand turns they are moving with the signals at the intersections. Clark stated that part of the problem is that the trucks are turning into the businesses and not going to the intersections. Wade said we can't keep them out of going into their businesses. Clark stated that the traffic is also backing up at the railroad tracks and asked if there is something further we can do there. Wickstrom said we will look into the situation again. CITIZEN COMPLAINT REGARDING SIGNAL-TIMING (PAUL MANNI Mann referenced a letter of complaint to the editor regarding the timing of our traffic signals. Kris Langley explained how the timing of the signals are set to maximize the number of cars thru any given intersection. Meeting adjourned: 5:00 p.m. 2