HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Public Works/Planning - 07/10/1995 PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE JULY 10,1995 PRESENT: TIM CLARK TOM BRUBAKER , JIM BENNETT GARY GILL DON WICKSTROM ABSENT: PAUL MANN Miscellaneous Project Funding Wickstrom explained that we have two signals (James & West Valley Highway and 228th & West Valley Highway) that have been malfunctioning, The problem has been traced to some wires in the cabinets. He said that when we rebut the intersections we tried to save money and retained the existing cabinets. which are prewired cabinets. To fix the problem, we have ordered new cabinets. at $10,000 each. Wickstrom further explained that we have two federally funded 1projects (Frager Road guardrail and the pedestrian signal installation at Central Ave & Pioneer, for which the local match has not been budgeted. The match is $10,200,17,200 for Frager & 3,000 for the pedestrian signal.) Wickstrom said that there are funds remaining from the 259th & Central Ave signal project fund, ($10,136), the Green River Bridge at Central Ave project fund ($18,729 remaining) and the Frager Rd & 212th St. Channelization project fund ($1,335 remaining). Committee unanimously recommended establishing a signal cabinet replacement project fund in the amount of $20,000 and the transfer of the monies thereto, and also, to transfer $7,200 to the Frager Rd guardrail project and to transfer $3000 to the Central & Pioneer pedestrian signal project from the completed project funds as noted. Metricom Franchise Clark asked Brubaker what we would gain from this franchise. Brubaker said that we have a right to charge a franchise fee. However, any franchise, fee we impose will be listed on the subscriber's bill as an additional charge. Brubaker stated that every subscriber to the Metricom network will get a monthly subscription fee plus a City of 1 Kent franchise fee as well as a utility tax. Brubaker said that in lieu of paying us for the power for these units, we asked Metricom for one free subscription for every 10 units installed. Metricom didn't feel comfortable with this idea. However they (Metricom) did suggest giving us, outside of the franchise, two trial subscriptions with two modems. In this way the City could experiment with it and see what needs we may have. Clark said that he would like language included in the franchise that if they sell, whatever is installed would revert back to the city. Brubaker said that Metricom wouldn't go for that. Clark reiterated that if they change the name the City begins all over again with negotiations. Upon the City Attorney further negotiating with Metricom regarding transfer of ownership language and, after researching what types of franchise fees are charged elsewhere and implementing that structure, Committee concurred with placing this franchise ordinance on the next Council agenda for the second reading and adoption. ADDED ITEM: Inter-City Bus System (Bennett) Bennett wanted to clarify that we do have $200,000 in a fund for an inter-city bus system. Wickstrom noted that this was previously approved by Council. Bennett suggested leasing the service rather than contracting a bus service. Wickstrom said that part of the money we have is to match our grant with METRO. Brubaker stated that in the preparation of the contract and/or lease, it is important that they are heavily insured, and the other problem to solve is whether to lease or contract. Brubaker is waiting for direction on this. Meeting adjourned: 5:10 p.m. :2