HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Public Works/Planning - 03/13/1995 PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MARCH 13, 1995 PRESENT: Paul Mann Roger Lubovich Tim Clark Gary Gill Jim Bennett Jack Spencer Don Wickstrom Mr & Mrs Rust Surplus Equipment Wickstrom referenced a list of heavy equipment items we are requesting to declare as surplus and auction at the State Auction. In response to Bennett,,, Jack Spencer stated that there isn't any way in determining how much money we will dot for,these mowers. He stated however that the larger equipment will go for about $1500. Spencer stated that money received from auction sales will go into the Equipment Rental pool. Committee unanimously recommended that this equipment be declared as surplus and authorize the sale thereof at the State Auction on April 29th. 26th Place Street Vacation Wickstrom said that we have received a petition for vacation of a portion of unopened right of way on the West Hill, west of Pacific Highway on 26th Place. He ridted that we have the petition and it meets the requirements and therefore we need to act,on it. Committee unanimously recommended adoption of resolution to set:the hearing date for the 26th Place South Street Vacation. Traffic Concerns in the Lakes DevelgpMjot ,t Wickstrom stated that at the last meeting, the Committee had intro**"d a problem at the Lakes Development with regard to speeding. He said the Traffic sbw is looking into this and we will report back to Committee,on our findings, at a later date. Drainage Utility Rate Increases Wickstrom said that we haven't put all the numbers together yet we are still reconciling some accounts which may mean we can start off with a bigger cash",w,into the program, therefore cutting the rates more. He said we should have this batik for the March 27th meeting. Wickstrom stated that when we met with the financial consultant they looked at 1 the combination of a three year program .spread out over a three year period using Councilmanic bonds or possibly a utility rate bond issue where we cut our coverage factor down. Wickstrom said that the impact of that would be a reduction in the rate. Clark asked what the trade-off would be. Wickstrom said essentially it would be playing one off the other; we hope that Council would authorize either the sale of revenue bonds or Councilmanic bonds, depending on which one presents the best rate picture. He said for the revenue bond, we would not even be approaching the bond debt; in Councilmanic there is $39 million to date . At the time of selling, there would probably be $9 million more with the annexation. With Councilmanic, we don't need to generate more cash than we need to pay off the bills and the financial consultant said we could reduce our debt coverage on our revenue issue. Clark stated that with the pending Boeing layoffs, there is a danger of local recession and that could impact tax collection. He said his concern is that if we sign on to this increase in indebtedness, we could find ourselves 'strapped'. He said if we were running a 'hold the lire budget' and it does shrink, we could find ourselves with a problem, Wickstrom said the utility will generate the revenue to cover that debt, not the general fund. Committee unanimously agreed to continue this item onto the March 27th Committee meeting for action. Water Quality Wickstrom referenced a memo in the Committee packet from our Water Superintendent explaining the type of testing that we do on our water system. In response to Mann's request for the testing, Wickstrom stated tha Cryptosporidium has never been found in our groundwater supply. In response to Mann, Wickstrom said that testing for chloroform is done monthly in 52 different locations. Wickstrom noted that if the State determines that our groundwater sources are really surface water supplies, we could be faced with having to build treatment plants. That could be a'significant cost. He said we have a certain amount of lead time before they (the State) make this determination -we are working on supplying them with data. Based on the dat ,fhat we have taken, it doesn't appear that it meets their criteria but we won't know that until they make their final ruling. Mann expressed that he would be more comfortable knowing that our sources were more controlled. Wickstrom said.that to put in a treatment plant would cost us $1 million per million gallons per day and would this really benefit us? Wickstrom said that regulations are becoming more stringent and yet the cost to comply is escalating, especially when you build a treatment plant. Wickstrom said the problem of water rights.exists - there is a backlog equivalent to a moratorium. There are numerous districts throughout the state that are on a,moratorium even though they have wells to develop -they can't secure the water rights. 2 a i „der In response to Mann, Wickstrom said the only new water source in the region is the Tacoma Pipeline #5 project as far as additional supply to the region. The only other potential source is the Auburn Aquifer. He stated that the state has completed a study on the Duwamish/Green Basin in terms of water rights and amount of-water available. As a result of that study, they feel that two recommendations will be adopted - 1) no more surface water rights and, 2) no more shallow groundwater rights. Meeting adjourned: 5:00 P.M. 3