HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Public Works/Planning - 01/23/1995 e.
JANUARY 23, 1995
PRESENT: Paul Mann Tom Brubaker
Tim Clark May Miller
Jim Bennett Robert Taylor, MCI Metro
Don Wickstrom Brian Lauler, MCI Metro
Gary Gill
MCI Metro Franchise Agreement
Brubaker stated that pursuant to the previous Committee, he had made some changes to
the draft franchise ordinance. He said that there were two basic changes; the description
of the facilities from the telecommunication system to a fibre optic cable together with
necessary appurtenances - the idea being to clarify the purpose for which this system is
being used at this time and more importantly, clarification that the system is going to be
installed for the sole purpose of conducting a telephone business as defined by the
applicable RCW. Any use outside that will require an addendum to this franchise or an
entirely different franchise agreement. Brubaker further explained that the other major
change is that this has been drafted as a 5 year franchise rather than a 10 year franchise
although it is automatically renewable at the end of the 5 year period. This draft includes
some restrictive language which requires MCI Metro to provide the City with written notice
of the automatic renewal date 6 months prior to the renewal date.
Brian Lauler noted they (MCI) preferred that the language"telecommunication" rather than
'fibre optic cable" remain in the agreement because MCI cannot assure that 100% of the
installation will be fibre optic. Committee concurred that "telecommunication" would
remain in the agreement
Committee unanimously recommended authorization to set February 7th as the first
reading (review) of the MCI Metro Franchise Agreement followed by the second reading
on February 21 st with the appropriate language as set forth.
Drainage Utility Rates
Wickstrom explained that we are proposing a 6 year Capital Improvement Program which
totals $25,455,00 over that six year program. He stated that the first three years '95, '96
and '97 address our flooding concerns. Wickstrom said that previously we were looking
at just financing the first year rate however we have a major project, which is the Valley
Detention, and that could take two years to fund because of its size. We are proposing
to look at '95 and '96 rates - the '96 rates would not go into affect until January 1, 1996
but it would be part of our recommendation to include those two year rates increase.
Wickstrom said that the '95 program is primarily concentrating on the Valley Detention
project (a $9 Million project) and the flooding up on Garrison Creek. He said that we have
constructed the trunk system up thru the Benson Shopping Center however, all that does
is push the water down into the valley. He explained that a big part of resolving the
flooding issue is constructing a detention system at the top of 98th Ave. Wickstrom further
said that '96 is strictly financing the Lagoon project and '97 is to finish financing of
reconstruction of the culverts along Mill Creek. With said reconstruction the flooding
problems along Mill Creek from Bowen Scarff to the Senior Center would be resolved. To
do so will require that we replace all the existing culverts that cross the various roads and
some of the driveways. In order to do that,we will be spending about $800,000; in '97 we
will have the balance of the money to complete it. Wickstrom said that by the end of'97
we should have all the flooding issues addressed that were originally brought forward. In
'98 thru the year 2000, we will be primarily addressing water quality problems.
Wickstrom stated that the'95 rate increase is a basin by basin rate; it varies with the basin.
It has a basic charge that everyone pays and if a resident is in a basin that has alot of
capital improvements than that basin specifically pays for those types of improvements.
Wickstrom said that our proposed rate increase varies from a low of$0.49 per month/per
single family residence to as high as $2.70 per month. The '96 rate will add another$0.41
per month to as high as $0.82 per month/per single family residence. Wickstrom
referenced a Table which shows the net impact for various class of customers.
Wickstrom explained that the other issue in this rate increase proposal is that instead of
forming the ULID which we were originally looking at to help finance the Valley Detention
project, we want to put those costs into the rate structure. He stated that the only reason
we looked at a ULID in the past is because when we started the project, we didn't have
a Drainage Utility. He said if we were to do a ULID, we would not be able to construct the
project this year and in order to implement it we need to get the project under contract by
May. We will be moving 600,000 yds of material and groundwater is a key factor. In
order to move that amount of yardage in one year we have to begin now; we couldn't get
a ULID formed with all the preliminary meetings, hearings and protests. Wickstrom said
that in retrospect, we feel it is easier to implement; we just fold it into the rate; we can do
the project this year and start to show some proof of the money that we will be spending.
Wickstrom said that if the Committee concurs, we suggest that a public hearing be held
and take testimony.
In response to Clark's question on funding of the Lagoon project, Wickstrom stated that
the rate increase for same is to be born by the customers within that basin. He said the
primary reason we are asking for a two year rate increase; one now and one which would
automatically go into affect January 1st is, that would enable us to award the Lagoon
project as one contract. He said that otherwise we would need to.break it up into a $9
Million contract; and a $3 Million contract but because the way the project all fits together,
it doesn't break up that simply. He explained that the big bulk of the work is excavating.
It doesn't lend itself to separate out $3 Million worth of the work and have a separate
contract in 1996. Clark said that in essence we are asking to fund two projects in one.
Wickstrom said that approving a rate in'95 and approving a'96 rate will allow us to award
the Lagoon project as one big project. Wickstrom stated that if we don't have approval of
the second year rate increase, we can't guarantee that we would have the money; the
plans and specs would then have to be cut back in such a manner to get one contract
under$8 Million and than another worth $3 -$4 Million the following year, which would be
much more difficult to get good bids.
Wickstrom explained that the ULID related to a specific basin; the, balance was to be
financed by the remaining portion of that same basin. We merely separated out a little
portion of this bigger basin to finance its share by the ULID vs. a rate increase. In
response to Bennett, Wickstrom said that everybody in Mill Creek basin is paying for this
particular project because it is benefitted and impacted by everybody within that basin.
Bennett opened discussion on the manner in which the"Action" requested on this item was
worded and took exception with a portion of it. He said he would not vote at this time, to
accept rates until he hears from the people that are affected by these rates. Clark stated
that this was the purpose of the hearing.
Committee voted 2-1, to authorize setting a Public Hearing before the full Council on the
Drainage Utility Financial Plan & Revenue Program. Further, should no significant
testimony be offered requiring modification thereto, Committee recommends adopting
same including implementation of the first and second years' rates.
West Titus Street - Street Vacation
Wickstrom explained that this is a portion of Titus Street, west of 5th Avenue wherein we
have received a petition for vacation and this is a request to set a public hearing date for
that vacation request.
Committee unanimously recommended setting a hearing date for the Titus St. street
Charge in Lieu of Assessment - 116th Ave Watermain
Wickstrom stated that this portion of 116th Ave is a part of the 277th Corridor; the
developer will be regrading that area associated with the development of Kingstone Plat
which will expose the existing 12" waterline. Wickstrom explained that we relocated the
main to the west and put it along 117th PI and tied it back down into the watermain on the
south end. He said that there was a Charge in Lieu of Assessment on the main to begin
with and in its relocated area, we are requesting the relocation of that Charge in Lieu of
Assessment to the new fronting properties. Wickstrom noted that these properties will
only be paying the 1975 dollar amounts that we originally established.
Committee unanimously recommended recording the Charge in Lieu of Assessment and
collect the specified fees at the time of permit application.
Frager Road Guardrail Installation
Wickstrom explained that this is a guardrail for the balance of Frager Rd.; it is an ISTEA
grant for$72,222 and we are asking that the Mayor be authorized to sign the agreement.
Committee unanimously recommended authorization for the Mayor to sign the agreement
and establish the budget for same.
St Improvements/No Protest LID Covenants
Wickstrom explained that this was an issue that came forward when we formed the Rust's
LID about whether or not we should start requiring improvements up front vs. grant LID
covenants. Wickstrom referred to three Ordinances which allows us to require up front
improvements and specifically Ordinance #2224 which allows us to require certain
improvements with a building permit. That particular ordinance authorizes the use of No
Protest LID covenants as a means to do so, particularly when the adjoining or abutting
properties are substandard. He noted that this is the direction we have been following
over the years and we have formed a lot of LID's. Wickstrom referred to a list of LIDs in
the Committee packets. The covenants also had a part to play in these and that totaled
up to about$32 Million worth of improvements; the LID paid almost$25 Million. Wickstrom
noted that he strongly felt that we wouldn't have these projects if we took a parcel by
parcel approach. We would end up with a hodge podge of misaligned and mismatched
pieces of improvements because these developments don't occur adjacent to each other;
nor simultaneously. Over time, there are different engineers doing the design of a
particular road section; the engineer's design needs to not only address the existing
conditions but it also must meet an ultimate plan which in some cases, we don't know what
that ultimate plan is for that particular road section. He also went on to say that different
inspectors and different plan reviewers would be involved on the City's behalf; so when
trying to combine all these together for a well finished product, its difficult to do when
talking about a parcel by parcel approach.
Wickstrom again noted that we have slot of LID covenants and we implemented alot of
improvements ($32 Million); we would not be able to come up with the $24 Million. Not
only did we implement alot of LTD's, there have been a number of,developments which
required improvements where they have abutted up to existing Improvements and it was
a matter of simply telling them to carry on the typical improvement. VA,okstrom said it has
been a combination of a case by case analysis on each individual project. In the long
term, LID's are a critical factor for us implementing our infrastrucuuear, they have been in
the past and will be in future. They are part of our Six Year Street,Plan to finance those
improvements that are needed to meet the Growth Management Act. Hei,noted that LTD's
have also provided the financing in terms of economic development.
Wickstrom further stated that this has been a successful program; the:City has benefitted
significantly. He suggested that perhaps the Committee would want to hold a public
hearing and invite the development community in to hear what they have to say about
which way they want to go.
Committee unanimously concurred that this item should be brought .to the Council retreat
of February 3rd for discussion. Holding a public hearing would be decided upon after
Council has discussed it further.
Added items:
Restrooms at the Golf Course
Bennett stated that a permanent restroom should be installed in the golf course. He
requested that Wickstrom look into this.
Contractor Funds on City PrQiects
Mann asked if there is a way to monitor where the money comes from for backing
contractors on City projects. He referred to a situation in New York where 'mob' money
was used to back some of the projects going on at this time. Brubaker said that we do not
have any mechanism at this time to monitor any criminal activity horver, there may be
some way to determine who the financial backers are on a project.
Earthquake Preparedness
Mann asked what steps we could take to determine if our utility ,infrastructures are
earthquake safe. Wickstrom stated that we have the funding to detwinel the weak points
in our infrastructure however we do not have the staff to follow thru attos time. Committee
concurred unanimously that they support the need to resolve this issue.
Meeting adjourned: 5:45 P.M.