HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Public Works/Planning - 10/13/1993 s,,• � �t' , M t t a� PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE OCTOBER 13, 1993 PRESENT: Jim White Tom Brubaker Jim Bennett Robyn Bartelt Don Wickstrom Mr & Mrs Rust Gary Gill Steve Caputo Ed White Roger Lubovich ABSENT: Committee Member Paul Mann Kingsport Industrial/196th Middle Leg Condemnation ordinance Wickstrom said that we have been negotiating with the property owners for several years. The property is located on the west side of the Burlington Northern tracks, east of Western Processing. Wickstrom said that we may need to condemn in order to obtain it. In response to Bennett, Wickstrom said it is not finalized at this point due to money and the property owner wants zoning changes. He explained that the zoning changes would give the owner more flexibility on the use of his site however, this is not within our control. Brubaker said that we hoped that we could negotiate a reasonable dollar figure to purchase this but at the same time, if we are unable to do so, because of the zoning and dollar issues, we want to start on the condemnation, as the property owner is well aware. Brubaker stated that we are requesting authority to begin the condemnation process which begins with an ordinance, 30 days later the ordinance becomes effective and we file the condemnation action. In response to White, Brubaker stated that it will also provide a tax benefit to the property owner however, the owner would be exempt from a excise tax payment either way. Committee unanimously recommended adoption of an ordinance authorizing the City to proceed with condemnation at Kingsport Industrial on 196th Corridor, Middle Leg. Sidewalks at Sequoia Jr. High School Wickstrom stated that we developed an estimate and met with the various property owners and they were basically negative however, the school is not going to protest but they will not firmly support this either. He said that the school's intent was originally to put in an asphalt sidewalk. Under the covenant, the school will have to replace this with a full half-street improvement and 1 essentially will be throwing away money. Wickstrom said that since we have almost 80% in covenants we should do the improvements. Bennett feels that if all they were asking for was to asphalt along one side, and there was so much negative response, Bennett feels the timing is off and there should be a better time to do this. Wickstrom said that we are proposing to pay 30% (approximately $39, 000) and our out-of-pocket cost for the asphalt would be about $10 -$12 thousand dollars. White said that this was originally started by the school P.T.A. and students. Wickstrom said that in his experience, there is never a good economic time for an LID. Committee unanimously agreed to authorize staff to proceed with the formation of an LID. METRO Sewer Rate Increase Wickstrom explained that Metro is increasing their rate by $2 .28 per 750 cu. ft. of sewage discharge and we are proposing to pass that on. Wickstrom went on to cover the information contained in his memo. White asked if Metro's rate increase was something we can negotiate with them. Wickstrom stated no and explained that Metro will bill us at the higher rate independent of what we do with our rate. Wickstrom said, financially the Sewer Utility cannot absorb this rate increase. On $12,000,000 in revenue, there is only $500,000 in unencumbered funds for which some of that goes towards the annual Capital Improvement program. Wickstrom noted that within the last year the Utility absorbed about $600, 000 in cost increases as attributed to the City's Utility Tax change (charge the Utility versus the customer) and the State's Budget Balancing Excise Tax increase. Wickstrom noted that in 1995, besides another Metro increase, there may have to be a City increase. In response to White, Wickstrom said that Metro furnishes a flyer and the City explains, on that flyer, that this is Metro's increase. Committee unanimously recommended adoption of the ordinance passing on Metro's rate increase with the effective date of the rate being January 1, 1994. Ordinance Repealing Chapter 8.02 of Kent City Code Lubovich explained that this is a deregulation measure. He stated that about 2 years ago we dealt with street occupation ordinance. At that time there was discussion about real estate signs and licensing etc. , and this item became quite controversial for a while and for that reason, this new ordinance has been drafted. Lubovich said that he is recommending deregulating some of the measures in the Street Occupation Code. He explained that this new ordinance repeals Chapter 8. 02 dealing with political signs; 6.08 Street Occupation Code; Resolution 1303 regarding fees relating to occupation permits; and Chapter 9.36. 040 dealing with street closures. Lubovich stated that we are consolidating any regulation 2 r „r of use on public right of ways with our current street use code, which basically deals with construction related street use permits; deregulating any portable sign on public rights of way requiring no permits or fees. Discussion followed regarding enforcement of the Ordinance and Lubovich stated that the Public Works Director has the authority of enforcement. Committee unanimously recommended adoption of the Ordinance repealing Chapter 8.02, Chapter 6.08 and Section 9.36.040, and amending Chapter 6.07. Downtown Wheelchair Ramp Improvements - Accept as Complete Wickstrom explained that we had a contract with Gary Merlino Construction for immediate work associated with wheelchair ramps in various locations and the project is now complete. White asked if we are required by ADA to be doing those on James St. In response to White, Wickstrom said we are required to do them all and essentially under ADA, we will have to bring all Avenue sidewalks up to ADA standards. Committee unanimously recommended the Downtown Wheelchair Ramp Improvements be accepted as complete. Central Avenue Improvements - Accept as Complete Wickstrom explained that this is an acceptance of a contract with West Coast Construction as complete. Committee unanimously recommended the Central Avenue Improvements project be accepted as complete. Recycling Yard Waste Contract Wickstrom stated that our existing contract expires on December 31st, which includes a two month extension. He said that in getting a new extension df the existing contract, Kent Disposal submitted some costs and we didn't have any way of making a comparison. Wickstrom said we sought RFP's as a means of determining a fair rate and in doing so we received only one other submittal from Waste Management. Wickstrom said that depending on how we implement the contract, if we go with Kent Disposal we will need a utility tax rate increase on garbage service, if we want to continue to subsidize recycling. If not, we would have to have the customer pay it directly to the recycler. Wickstrom said the preferred option would be to continue subsidizing the recycling program and to add as a separate bill, the yard waste program. If we were to subsidize the yard waste program, there would be a substantial increase in the utility tax on garbage service. Wickstrom said that under the yard waste program we are proposing to make it mandatory not to allow yard waste into the garbage as required by King County. Wickstrom said the service would be 3 • �'1w voluntary. White asked why Waste Management is different from Kent Disposal. Wickstrom referenced the comparison table and said essentially Waste Management is providing a three bin separate container and Kent Disposal is continuing with their 90 gallon commingle toter with 20 gallon glass container; Waste Management would collect weekly and Kent Disposal collects every other week; Waste Management cost is $2 .55/ month and Kent Disposal cost is $4 .98/month. Further discussion followed with comparisons between Kent Disposal and Waste Management on frequency of collection, type of yard waste collection and cost per participating customer. Committee suggested that this be studied further and brought back to Public Works at the October 20th meeting. Steve Caputo stated that Kent Disposal would like to protest Waste Management's response to the Request for Proposal in that it is totally non-responsive to the guidelines that were given. Canyon Ridge Plaza - Bill of Sale Committee unanimously recommended acceptance of the bill of sale on Canyon Ridge Plaza and release of bonds after expiration of the maintenance period. Peterson Short Plat - Bill of Sale Committee unanimously recommended acceptance of the bill of sale on Peterson Short Plat and release of bonds after expiration of the maintenance period. Traffic Signal at Jason & James The resident of 615 N. Jason St. stated that the neighbors on James and Jason do not want the street light at that intersection. They feel it will make a dangerous situation worse. The resident's representative stated that they do not want the barricade system installed in front of their properties. White recommended that staff look at the model for three lanes on James. Executive Session: 6:30 P.M. Meeting adjourned: 6:45 P.M. 4