HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Public Works/Planning - 09/22/1993 PUBLIC 'WORKS COM% TTEE SEPTEMBER 22, 1993 PRESENT: Paul Mann Paul Scott Jim Bennett Chief Angelo Don Wickstrom Operations Superintendents Tom Brubaker Ed White & Staff Gary Gill Mr & Mrs Rust Stan Wade Bob Sandwick Tim Heydon Marvin Leukalau ABSENT: Jim White James Street Safety Improvements Ed White stated that at the request of Paul Mann, staff reviewed James St. again to determine the best locations for two additional signals. Staff recommended two locations, those being Alvord and Jason and staff is now waiting for further direction from the Committee. White referenced that one of the Dragnet Systems is installed at the intersection of 94th & James, specifically the southwest corner (the Susanj property) . White said that possibly two additional Dragnet Systems will be installed on the corner of Jason & James, depending on the homeowners desire to have this done. White said the buttons will be installed in a short period of time. Downtown Infrastructure In response to Jim Bennett, Raul Ramos stated that he is on the Regional Justice Center Committee and that Downtown Infrastructure program is being interfaced with that project. 1994 Budget Requests Wickstrom stated that the budget requests have been separated into what impacts the general fund and what impacts the utility fund. Wickstrom said that the first item is a $70,000 request for a Cross Connection Control Inspector. He said this program is required by State law. We have adopted an ordinance to that affect and tried to implement some portions of it with our existing staff,- however we have never been able to implement a full program. Wickstrom explained that the cross connection devices protects the water systems from contaminating our customers water supply. One of the things required in this program is an inventory of all the cross 1 connection devices that are in the system and to have them yearly inspected and certified that they are still operational. We are also required to inspect buildings for illegal cross connection systems. Failure to do so could result in a contamination of our water system and could lead to fines on the City up to $10, 000, if the violation causes a health emergency. Wickstrom said that we have looked at other cities and most of them have at least one or two persons whose sole duty is the cross connection program. In response to Bennett, Wickstrom said that this program relates to new construction as well as existing buildings. Stan Wade explained that we inspect new construction and even at that, we are not certain we are catching everything. Wade said that we need to retrace some of the steps of what cross connections are out there now and do an inventory of the entire city, as well as keep up with the new construction. Wade also clarified that the $70, 000 is the initial cost for the first year. The actual cost to fund that position from year to year would then drop to about $55, 000. Wickstrom stated that this position would be funded out of the water utility, not the general fund. A detailed explanation of each of the remaining items, as listed in the 1994 Budget Requests, was presented to the Committee by Wickstrom with Tim Heydon providing additional information on the request for the Street, Sewer/Storm, Water and Equipment Rental Divisions. Mann asked if the problem of contamination near our water supply still existed. In response, Wickstrom stated that we are still in the investigation stage. He said that will be a difficult clean up because the Landsburg Mine is an old mine shaft. The initial investigation showed that there was no contamination near the site. Reith Rd/Kent Des-Moines HwyfMeeker St. Intersection Reconstruction White said that in order for our Accounting Section to establish a budget, we need a recommendation from Council for the Mayor to sign the City/County Agreement and authorization for establishing a budget for this project. Committee unanimously agreed to recommend establishment of a budget and authorize the Mayor to sign the City/County agreement. Wickstrom stated that even though this is a grant funding, the State still has to approve our plans and they are very slow in responding to us. 45th Place Street Vacation Bennett noted that this item has been to Council and was referred back to this Committee. Bob Sandwick, Attorney for the owner of 2 the property in question, presented a sketch showing the existing road and the proposed residence. Sandwick said if the cul de sac was going to be put in, it would put in a cut of about 5-1/2 feet, which would be about 20 feet away from the residence. In effect, this would deny any access by that residence to the existing garage. The intent of this was to show that as a practical matter, putting in a cul de sac in that area would not be feasible. Sandwick said the request at this time is to vacate that portion of the cul' de sac. Wickstrom said that we concur that if a cul de sac was built within the right of way shown that we have, it would definitely damage the building on the west side. He stated that we are now looking at a "hammerhead" that would extend to the north. We would want the owners to at least provide a topo field survey so we could explore this alternative more and make sure it would work for us, as a City, to provide a turnaround. Wickstrom stated that we could support the vacation with some conditions, for example, they first need to provide us with a field survey of this area so we could plot out the actual right of way needed for this hammerhead. We would also require right of way from this property owner as well as payment for our existing right of way. Wickstrom stated that this may be a means_ by which we could support a 'vacation, but this scenario needs to be explored more. At this time Chief Angelo stated that cul de sacs and turnarounds are a very critical part of the ability to delivery emergency services. Angelo stated that he cannot recommend, as a general policy, to eliminate and vacate cul de sacs. However, based upon the Public Works Directorrs­recommendation that it is impractical to build this, but to proceed with the hammerhead, Angelo said he concurs with this. Angelo stated that if it were at all possible to build a turnaround, that would be his' ricommendation. - k%_ . The Committee directed the Public Works Dept to work up some possible conditions of concurrence with the hammerhead type of solution to this situation and also, directed the Public Works Dept to come up with conditions relating to approving the vacation. Committee unanimously agreed that if a solution can be worked out that is acceptable to the Public Works Dept, than it can be moved forward to Council as an Other Business item. In response to Bennett, Wickstrom noted that this does not have any relationship as to when the hammerhead gets built, - only that what we want now is to preserve the option of building a hammerhead turnaround. R.V. Overflow Parking Wickstrom said that we have looked for available sites and concurred that Naden Ave, off of Meeker Street, was the best 3 possible location for an R.V. parking area and if Committee wanted staff to pursue that, than the next step would be to do some cost. _ estimates. Committee unanimously recommended that staff move forward with this r and come back to Committee with cost estimates. Meeker & 2nd Avenue Bennett stated that on 2nd Ave, south of Meeker on the west side, there is a sign posted with two spaces identified for parking and further down there is no identification, creating confusion for the motorists. Bennett requested that Ed White bring a report back to him on this. White stated that the current policy from the Police Dept is that unless a sign is posted, they will not write a ticket. White stated that something more definitive should be in the Code which he hopes to do as part of the Downtown Study. Country View Estates - Bill of Sale Committee unanimously recommended acceptance of the Bill of Sale for Country View Estates and bonds released after the one year maintenance period. Traffic Signals on James Street In response to Mann, White stated that he talked with several of the neighbors who were strongly opposed to the signal at Jason & James. White said staff has located where the signal should be and is now waiting for direction from the Committee. White- said that staff did not receive any feedback from Alvord neighbors. Committee recommended that further study be done on the signal at Jason & James. In response to Bennett, White stated that he had a meeting with the neighbors on James St to listen to their concerns on the safety issue and staff is preparing responses. Meeting adjourned at 7: 10 p.m. 4