HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Public Works/Planning - 04/21/1993 PUBLIC WORKS COM MTEE APRIL 21, 1993 PRESENT: PAUL MANN ED WHITE JIM BENNETT JOHN BOND TONY McCARTHY ROBYN BARTELT GARY GILL MAY MILLER TOM BRUBAKER MR & MRS RUST CHIEF ED CRAWFORD ABSENT: JIM WHITE DON WICKSTROM James Street: Safety Improvements Bennett stated that in his opinion, the real safety issue on James . Street is the left turns into the Church. Chief Crawford stated that yellow lights do work in trying to take care of specific merging problems. Gary Gill stated that staff is planning to install additional flashing lights closer to Summit on James St. John Bond said this installation will be completed in 60 days. Gill explained that Ed white is planning to contact Ron Benson from City Transfer and revisit the issue about alternative access in and out of the church site because they had talked to staff at one time about acquiring easements from property owners just east of the church parking lot site and constructing a new driveway access up onto Alvord St. This then would take them to an intersection which would help solve that problem. Water Conservation Plan Robyn Bartelt stated that approval of Kent's Water Comprehensive Plan is contingent upon the City having a water conservation element. This plan has been prepared based on the guidelines from the Dept of Ecology, Dept of Health and the WA Water Utility Council. Bartelt further stated that this plan details how the City intends on meeting the goals of the 6.5% water reduction by 1995 and 8% by the year 2000. Bartelt noted that also included in the plan is a projected budget impact and it is estimated that it will be incorporated into the 1994 budget. Bartelt explained that some of the major costs would include printing and distributing a quarterly newsletter, which would be printed in-house, and technical studies which will be showing the consumption history on the utility bill. Bartelt said that the plan itself basically addresses key areas such as public education, technical assistance programs, systems measures and incentives and requirements. 1 Bartelt stated that she feels that public education will be one of the key areas to reach the public. Bartelt stated that as recommended by the Public Works Dept. we need to adopt the plan by ordinance. Brubaker asked the Committee if they wish to move forward on this plan, he will draft an ordinance and include it in the packet for the next Council meeting, May 4th. Committee directed Brubaker to draft an ordinance adopting the Water Conservation Plan as an element of the City's Comprehensive Water Plan. Bennett made a comment at this time stating that the small change theater was an excellent idea. Bennett also made a comment relative to the pressure reduction paragraph in the plan stating that he is concerned with the lowering of pressure because most fire mains are built to a minimum standard without an extra "cushion" . Gill explained that we have a computerized model of our water system that we use thru CH2M Hill. Thru this model we can do a very in-depth analysis as to what a system can deliver for fire protection. This is a primary element in the design of our entire water system. In response to McCarthy, Bartelt stated that the quarterly newsletter would be going out with the utility bills. In response to Bennett, Bartelt said the budget for this comes out of the water utility fund. Parking Restrictions on 100th Ave SE Ed White stated that staff received a request regarding a site distance problem in front of Ashley Terrace Apartments on the eastside of 100th Ave. SE where a truck had been parked. As people exited the apartment complex, they could not see to the right around the truck. As a result of that request, staff posted "no parking between signs". White stated that the apartment manager wanted to use this area to accommodate the overflow parking. White suggested to the manager that the City is willing to allow parking at this location provided the manager make the necessary improvements, those improvements being `to install a drainage culvert, within the existing roadside ditch, widen and pave the roadway shoulder for parking and install a curb and an asphlt walkway adjacent to the parking strip. Gill stated that they informed the manager what needed to be done in the way of plan submittals for this and the City would approve the improvements based on his plans. Gill stated that to date, we have not heard back from the apartment manager. At this point White commented that developers over-develop property without consideration for adequate on-site parking. Committee directed Brubaker to prepare a Resolution which would reinforce the City's current parking policies. 21 Restricted Parking Ordinance Ed White requested that this item be tabled until a meeting is held between Public Works, Police, Planning and Connie Epperly and Sharon West, to work out a better solution to this problem. Committee unanimously agreed to table this item until staff reports back with results of the meeting. Safeway/Langston Landing Ed White displayed a drawing showing left turns in and out of Safeway and K-Mart onto Washington Avenue. White stated there are two possible options to the problem, the first option being to allow left turns into K-Mart and Safeway but restricting the left turns coming out. White stated that the second option does nothing for Safeway and gives, K-Mart the same options that they have right now. Safeway would be restricted to a right in, right out, only. Gill stated that there is approximately 1300 feet between Willis St. and Meeker St. The only plausible way of trying to space it enough so there would be adequate turn-in pockets at each intersection and still provide safe turning movements into and out of both sites mid-way between the intersections, would be to put a signalized intersection at a common driveway. Gill stated this would require state approval for a new signal; it would also require Safeway and K-Mart to reconstruct their driveway access points. After further discussion, White stated that he will make the necessary contacts at K-Mart and Safeway and along with the Legal Dept and Police Dept, present them with our options and see if something can be worked out. Committee unanimously agreed with this plan of action. Reith/Cambridge Tank Painting Gill stated that this contract is complete and is ready for final acceptance. Committee unanimously agreed to accept the project as complete. Downtown Infrastructure Due to the absence of Raul Ramos, Committee unanimously agreed to postpone discussion of this item. Vehicle Auction Committee commended staff in the results of the sale of the surplus vehicles at the State auction. There was no further discussion. 3 Bills of Sale Committee unanimously agreed to accept all Bills of Sale on the following projects: 80th Ave S Paving/Repair Sanitary Sewer Extension; Alley Between 2nd and 3rd Avenues Watermain Extension - 900 Block of 2nd Ave. , Meeting adjourned at 7: 00 pm. 4