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HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Public Works/Planning - 06/03/1992 0 PUBLIC WORKS CONMITI'TEE JUNE 39 1992 PRESENT: JIM WHITE TONY MCCARTHY PAUL MANN DICK GILLISSE JIM BENNETT PATRICE THORELL DON WICKSTROM BILL DOOLITTLE TOM BRUBAKER HOWARD WOODWARD GARY GILL DIANA WOODWARD ED CHOW JOAN JANSEN ED WHITE Chestnut Ridge Annexation Wickstrom explained the annexation was initiated by the property owners of the area. It involves about 190 acres. We have received a 10% petition for annexation and according to State law, the City has to act on that petition within sixty days of receipt. Wickstrom added that we hav49 not completed the financial analysis of the annexation but would have that available for Council at their public meeting with the petitioners. It was recommended the date for the public meeting be set for July 7 . Ms. Jansen who is chairperson of the annexation committee commented that they are excited about the possibility of annexation primarily for additional police protection but they want to become a part of the Kent community. She commented that Renton was also considering annexation of their area and there is little enthusiasm on the part of the homeowners to become a part of Renton. She added she thought the assessed valuation of their area, approximately $38 million, would bring in additional revenue for the City. Howard Woodward who is president of the homeowners association spoke in further support of the annexation. Jim White stated that the general rule of thumb is that annexation of single family property does not generate as much revenue as it costs to service whereas warehousing is about equal and retail is a plus. That is why a financial analysis is essential for the Council information. He added he thinks the City should be annexing and bringing in those who have a Kent address, are served by Kent schools, Kent parks department programs and Kent utilities, Kent fire and possibly even police. The Committee unanimously recommended approval to set July 7 as date to meet with the petitioners. Public Works Committee June 3, 1992 Page 2 Street Closures Ordinances - Balloon Classic and Canterbury Faire Wickstrom explained these were housekeeping ordinances in order to be able to close the streets for these events. The ordinances are the same as has been adopted in previous years. Patrice Thorell stated that the only difference was that closure of Russell Road from Meeker south to the dike was added to the ordinance for the Balloon Classic. The committee unanimously recommended adoption of the ordinances. 1992 Asphalt Overlay Wickstrom stated that three bids were received. The low bidder for all the schedules was Lakeside Industries with M.A. Segale being the second low. These two bids were within $400 of each other. The budget only allows us to complete the first four schedules of the project. In calculating the bids submitted for those four schedules, M.A. Segale would then be the low bidder. Jim Bennett asked if we had that option. Wickstrom clarified that the specifications clearly state that we have the option of deleting schedules. Paul Mann referred to a Reader's Digest article citing the problem with the poor condition of streets in the United States is that we award to the lowest bidder He questioned if we always award to the lowest bidder. Wickstrom responded that State law requires us to accept the lowest responsible bidder. Jim Bennett stated he feels the citizens might be better served by other than the lowest bidder. He referred to the process in Europe of selecting a mean of the bids received. Tom Brubaker added there is some latitude in the statute if we have substantiation that the lowest bidder is not a responsible bidder. Gary Gill added that regardless which contractor is awarded the contract, the specifications require certain quality assurance and quality control requirements to be met. The Committee unanimously recommended approval to 'award the bid to M.A. Segale for the first four schedules of the project. North Park Sanitary Sewer Wickstrom stated that eight bids were received with the low bid submitted by Robison Construction. The project rebuilds two sections of the sewer servicing the North Park area. This is a joint project with Metro as a pilot project to determine a method of controlling infiltration/inflow into the sewer. Eliminating infiltration/inflow lengthens the life of the treatment facilities Public Works Committee June 3 , 1992 Page 3 or reduces the size of future additions. Metro is paying 56% of the cost of this project. Wickstrom added we are recommending award to Robison Construction. The Committee unanimously recommended accepting the bid of Robison Construction. Used Oil Collection Event Wickstrom stated we applied for a grant to hold two used motor oil collection events. We have received grant approval paying for the costs involved in holding the event with no match from the City. Since the grant agreement will not be signed in time to hold the first event in July, the Health Department has given us authorization to expend funds prior to signing the actual agreement. The initial costs would come from the Environmental Fund which would be reimbursed by the grant. The Executive Committee has approved this approach. It was explained that two sites would be available on July 18 with one site being the city shops area and the other the East Hill fire station on 116th. Participants would be able to bring their used motor oil for disposition. The Committee unanimously recommended adopting the used oil collection grant funds that are made available and to proceed with this project. Dead Tree Short Plat Wickstrom explained that a water extension and some street improvements were constructed by the developer of the Dead Tree Short. Those improvements are completed and the developer is now asking for the City to accept same. The Committee unanimously recommended approval to accept the improvements. Interagency Agreement with Kind County - 196thf200th Corridor Wickstrom stated this agreement is for the design of the west leg of the 196th corridor from Orillia over to WVH. This is a joint project with the County. The County is willing to pay their share of the project from the middle of the river over to Orillia. We have a TIB grant and street utility funds to pay the City's portion of the project. The Committee unanimously recommended approval for the Mayor to sign the agreement. Commute Trip Reduction Interlocal Agreement Wickstrom explained this is an interlocal agreement with the County which enables us to secure State funding for the Commute Trip Reduction Program we are required to implement. The City would be eligible for approximately $130, 000 over a two year period. There are approximately 64 businesses in Kent that exceed 100 employees. Public Works Committee June 3, 1992 Page 4 Jim White confirmed that the Chamber has reviewed this. Jim Bennett asked about staffing for the program. Wickstrom explained that we have a consultant who is developing the program. Tom Brubaker brought to the committee's attention that they have a draft of the agreement. We should be receiving the final form before the June 16 Council meeting. In order to meet the required time frame for signature, he asked for authority to make any minor modifications that may be required with the understanding that if any substantial changes are required we will bring it back before the Committee. The Committee unanimously recommended approval for signature of the Commute Trip Reduction Plan interlocal agreement upon approval of the final form by the City Attorney. Central Avenue Improvement (Lowe to Titus) TIB Grant Wickstrom stated we have received a construction grant from the Transportation Improvement Board for the improvement of Central between Gowe and Titus. This is a one-block widening project which adds a right turn lane at Gowe and Titus as well an overlay from Willis to Smith Street. The Committee unanimously recommended approval to accept the grant and authorization for the Mayor to sign. Cornucopia Days Ordinance This ordinance is similar to what has been adopted in previous years authorizing street closure for Cornucopia Days. The Committee unanimously recommended adoption of the ordinance. Ed White asked if there were another way to effect these street closures for the various festivals without going to Public Works and Council each year. It was determined that, adopting the ordinances each year is the best way. Jim Bennett commented about possibly finding another site for the Balloon Classic so revenue is not taken from a revenue producing facility. Canyon Drive Barrier Jim White stated he had been contacted by a number,,pf citizens as to why we did not install the jersey barriers finer up Canyon. He asked staff to look into the costs and possibility of installing additional barriers further east on Canyon possibly .up to 101st by the high school. Wickstrom stated we could look at the project for inclusion in the six year street program. Tom Brubaker added there would possibly be condemnation issues to address and should be considered as part of the costs. Public Works Committee June 3, 1992 - Page 5 Other Bill Doolittle thanked the Public Works Department for being responsive to issues he had brought before the Committee. He asked about the status of the downtown parking ordinance. Wickstrom stated we are still planning to go before one of the committees of the Chamber before bringing it back to the Committee. Ed White added this was part of our downtown parking utilization study and we are in the process of issuing an RFP for that. Responding to Doolittle's question about the 30-minute parking stalls on Gowe, White responded those were a temporary measure to respond to a merchant's request. Jim Bennett stated a citizen had commented to him that trucks go down to the end of James Street at Russell Road and attempt to turn around causing the ground to slide in toward the apartments. He asked about the possibility of making that a "no access" for large trucks. Wickstrom responded that The Lakes have applied for a short plat which involves extension of Lakeside Boulevard west over to Russell Road. That section of Russell between James and the Neely House would be turned into a recreational trail. If this short plat materializes, that section of road could be closed in the near future. Jim Bennett asked about the effects of the water situation on Kent. Wickstrom responded that Kent does not have a water problem at this time. Our 212th water treatment facility should be on-line in, July which will add 5 MGD to our system which should give adequate supply to get us through the summer. We also are expecting conservation on the part of our customers because of all the publicity. Wickstrom added that he will be meeting with King County regarding the City's water comp plan. Because it does not contain a formal water conservation element, King County may not approve it. If that is so, Wickstrom stated he may be back before the Committee requesting funds to develop and implement a conservation plan. Wickstrom distributed a summary of revenue received from disposing of equipment at the auction. Jim Bennett stated he would like to meet with all departments involved in the equipment rental program to try to identify what problems there are and what remedies if any are available.