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HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Public Works/Planning - 05/06/1992 CITY CLERK PUBLIC WORKS COMMI' ' MAY 69 1992 PRESENT: Paul Mann Ed White Jon Johnson Mrs. Rust Don Wickstrom Bi,11 Doolittle Tom Brubaker R. Wayne Thomas Ed Chow Water Main Relocation Wickstrom explained that the State will be widening SR 516 between 132nd and 160th Avenue S.E. We have two transmission mains that lie within the project limits. Originally, the State requested we remove our transmission mains out of the area which would have been quite costly. Through negotiations we have reached an agreement for modifications and adjustments at a cost of approximately $556, 000. This also includes adjustment work on our water main in the area of their SR 515 project. There are funds available in the unencumbered water utility fund; thus, there is no general fund impact. Wickstrom added we are pretty much required to relocate under terms of our franchise with the State. ,,'The Executive Committee has concurred with the request to transf6f;,the funds from the unencumbered water funds. The Commitfl"� I unanimously recommended approval for the Mayor to sign the igreement and to transfer the funds from the unencumbered funds of the water utility. Petition for Sewer - Derbyshire area Paul Mann stated this was on the agenda at his regAost. Wickstrom responded that staff has just received the petit'idn. Normally, after receiving a petition, a cost estimate would''be prepared and an informal meeting held with the property owners at which they would be advised of the costs. If there is still interest in proceeding with the L.I.D. , we would then go before` Council and ask authorization to form the L.I.D. Wickstrom commented the area has needed sewers for quite some time. We recently con0tructed a sewer L.I.D. in a neighborhood close to this area. Paul*ann stated he has been to the area and feels it is certainly a health hazard. Mr. Thomas stated he had circulated the petition in the area. While he is not a resident, he is speaking for his grandmother who does live in the area. On that particular block, there are three septic systems that are currently in failing situations. Most of the residents of the area are in favor of the proj'40t. Residents on 120th Avenue are not as supportive as they are not experiencing any septic system difficulties due to the topography of the area. _Public Works Committee May 6, 1992 Page 2 Wickstrom explained the reason he proposed the change to the moratorium was so that we could address these types of situations. Paul Mann asked if there was some way to address it as a health problem. Wickstrom stated that if the Health Department declared it as a health risk, we could form the L.I.D. even if there were 100% protest. The usual L.I.D. process would require a 60% protest to defeat an L.I.D. However, in other situations the Health Department has been very reluctant to take this step. Wickstrom emphasized to Mr. Thomas that it will be important for the supporters of the L.I.D. to -attend the Council meetings when the project is discussed. Mr. Thomas commented about the water system in the area. Wickstrom explained that if the L.I.D. goes together, the City would rebuild the water line at the same time and share the cost of the road restoration with the property owners. As to timing on the project, Wickstrom stated he would have an engineer available in a couple of weeks to begin work on the project. Paul Mann asked for an update on the Kent Covenant Church application. Wickstrom explained he will have this same engineer work on both projects simultaneously. He will prepare the estimates and meet with the property owners to determine whether they support the project. Traffic Signal 72nd Avenue and S. 180th Wickstrom explained that in 1988 we formed an L.I.D. to install a traffic signal at 72nd Avenue and S. 180th. However, the placement of the signal would be in the city limits of Tukwila. We have been working with Tukwila since then in developing the necessary interlocal agreement so that we could proceed with the project. We now have the agreement signed by Tukwila in that they will allow us to construct the signal in their right of way and we will turn it over to Tukwila for operation and maintenance. Wickstrom requested authorization for the Mayor to sign the agreement. The Committee unanimously recommended approval for the Mayor to sign. Meeting Change Tom Brubaker informed the Committee that since the regularly scheduled time of the Public Works Committee meeting is being changed, the Committee should pass a motion establishing that. The Committee unanimously passed the motion establishing the meeting time for the Public Works Committee to be the first and third Wednesdays of each month at 5:30 p.m.