HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Public Works/Planning - 09/17/1991 • • ' +t CITY CLERK PUBLIC WORKS COMMITT HE September 17, 1991 PRESENT: Jim White Carol Morris Leona Orr Jim Hansen Steve Dowell John Bond Don Wickstrom Norm Angelo Tom Brubaker Roger Lubovich Doug Sutherland, Bruce Rayburn, Joan Crueger, Mike Sharp, Frankie Keyes, Jack Wagner, Franklin Teter, Keith Carpenter, Bill Doolittle, J. Scalzo, J.R. Hof fnauer, John Kiefer, William Joy, Edward J. Pawlowski, William Carleton Sea-Tac Sewer Service Doug Sutherland indicated their request is to provide sewer service to property within the boundaries of the City of Sea-Tac. He indicated their original proposal included sizing the main such that it could serve all of the unsewered property regardless of whose jurisdictiorr it eventually becomes. Additionally, the proposal addressed Kent's concerns about development impacts by its proposed design. Sea-Tac would construct the sewer system at its expense and would need an easement to connect to Kent's sewer stub on 212th on the east side of the river. Mr. Sutherland stated they have been working on this request for some time and would like to be able to move ahead. Wickstrom clarified that Kent would not be granting an easement for their connection but a franchise which can have a duration as well as set conditions. Dowell raised questions about the area to be served by. Sea-Tac as well as the zoning of the area. Wickstrom clarified that the first step was to determine whether Committee is willing to allow service. The next step would be to identify what conditions should be tied to the service. Orr asked that since it appears the line would run through the 392 acres that is currently in the County, would that allow the County to develop the property using the sewer. Wickstrom stated the franchise could be conditioned to servicing the existing boundaries within the City limits of Sea-Tac with any future expansion, either outside its boundaries or to newly annexed areas, subject to renegotiation of the franchise. Wickstrom confirmed for Dowell that the engineering of the project is feasible. Dowell stated he felt that the Public Works Department would be working on the engineering end of this but it seems the people who do the planning for the City of Kent would be the ones to make the determination whether to even consider it. Carol Morris expressed concerns about whether conditions on the franchise by which Sea-Tac would restrict itself from providing services would be enforceable. She indicated she would like to research the matter. Leona Orr indicated the =6, Public Works Committee September 17, •1991 Page 2 Planning Committee has briefly discussed the request but there have been concerns raised about how to mitigate the impact to the City if development is opened up in this area. Dowell stated that if this is feasible from an engineering standpoint he would have no problem sending this to the Council for a decision but he felt that the Planning Committee should be reviewing it first. Orr stated that it appears this will be a very expensive project to construct and that doing so for one development does not make economical sense and she feels that other development will have to occur to help offset the expense and that could have negative impacts on the City. Jim White stated he thought that the last time this was discussed that Administration was asked to develop further information on the request. Jim Hansen stated that Sea-Tac had asked to split the issues and address only the sewer connection request. Hansen stated he felt the issues were inseparable particularly given the planning implications in two areas - one, the potential density to support the costs and the other is a potential contradiction of CouncillIs 1983 agricultural land policy. Dowell suggested that the Public Works Committee recognize that the project is feasible from an engineering standpoint. Orr stated she would support such a motion with the condition that this is in no way a recommendation for approval of this extension. After further discussion, Dowell moved to approve the engineering concept of the project; and the engineering concept only, to the Council for the October 1 meeting. The Committee unanimously approved the motion. Assistance with Side Sewer Repair Mrs. Crueger addressed the Committee concerning a side sewer repair she had to make to her rental property. She asked for assistance with the cost of the repair since the break in the side sewer was under the street. The repair of the side sewer required cutting the road and restoring it. Mrs. Crueger indicated the cost for the total repair was $5, 637. She indicated that the rest of the street is in poor repair. Wickstrom explained that the property owner is responsible for repair of the side sewer up to the ,main, including the tee. Carol Morris and Tom Brubaker clarified that the property owner has fee title to the property to the middle of the street and the City has an 'easement for street purposes so the side sewer is still on her property. With the existing City ordinance which requires the property owner to repair the side sewer -up to the main, there is no way we can offer financial assistance without it being construed as a gift of public funds for private purposes. Public Works Committee September 17, 1991 Page 3 Wickstrom explained for Dowell that we reduced the size of the street repair required in order to minimize the cost and that portion which had to be restored is equivalent to what existed prior. Carol Morris recommended that Mrs. Crueger file a claim through the City Clerk's office and let the City's insurance carrier deterTine if the City has any liability. The Committee concurred. Loading Zones John Bond explained there are three areas to address. There is a 15-minute parking stall on 4th by City Hall which we are requesting to change to a loading zone to enable trucks serving City Hall to park and unload. The other is on Gowe by Ben Franklin. A loading zone could be created away from the existing crosswalk. These two zones can be created with signs and pavement marking. The third is on First Avenue by George's Appliance. In order to create a loading zone for businesses in this area a parking stall south -of the existing loading zone would have to be removed. Currently when trucks are loading in front of the appliance store the Stop Sign is obscured. Jim White stated he had no problem with the loading zones on 4th and Gowe but is concerned about the loss of a parking stall on First given the parking situation downtown and asked if there was another way to address this area. John Bond indicated that a loading zone could be created on the side of Gowe west of the railroad but that it could not be used for parking. It was suggested that proposal be reviewed with the owner of the appliance store. Bill Doolittle commented about the lack of parking around City Hall for the public and the City vehicles in the City Hall lot. Dowell moved that the loading zones be approved with the change as discussed for the one on First Avenue and that the City Administrator review the parking situation at City Hall and consider using space in the Centennial parking garage more efficiently. The Committee unanimously approved the motion. Extension of Utility Services Wickstrom stated this was referred back to the Committee for discussion on the definition of application as it pertains to the resolution. Wickstrom stated that the L.I.D. request form that was received prior to adoption of the resolution states that their signature does not commit them to an L.I.D. but simply indicates their interest and that they would like further information. Carol Morris indicated that if they came in prior to enactment of this Public Works Committee September 17, 1991 Page 4 resolution to make application for an extension of water and sewer service then that can be allowed. Wickstrom clarified that if they do not proceed with the L.I.D. process, then we would not be able to address service with a new request. Mr. Sharp stated that on March 6 an application was made for a water meter hookup for property owned by Doris Ramsted. There was a misunderstanding in what was being requested and while the issue was being cleared up, the resolution was adopted. Wickstrom explained that the hookup being requested by Ms. Ramsted requires a main line extension to service a piece of her property. Mr. Sharp explained that Mrs. Ramsted is proposing to sell this five acre portion of her property. It Vas further clarified that the original application was for a hookup to the main which is already at her property line. Carol Morris explained further that hookups are not addressed in the resolution only extensions. So if her request was for a hookup, even though it required an extension, we would have to approve the application,. The Committee unanimously approved allowing the hookup. After some further discussion, it was determined that the Attorney's office should issue a legal opinion on this matter. East Hill Annexation Wickstrom stated this matter was referred to the Public Works Committee for a recommendation to the Council at the time they meet with the petitioners. Wickstrom indicated that moving ahead with the annexation would give us some control over implementation of the 272nd/277th oorridor project and it also honors the position we have with the Boundary Review Board. In the 70's, , the Boundary Review Board denied our servicing outside the City limits as they thought we should not just take the utility revenue but provide the other services as well. Through negotiation, they agreed to allow us to service ' outside the City limits as long as we secured covenants supporting annexation. Should the City deny this annexation, the Boundary Review Board may reconsider their past position. If we can't service it because they are denying our services then you open the area up to other utility districts. This area in particular is not so amenable to other districts but the entire eastern franchise area has potential of being serviced by other sewer and water districts. The costs are relatively realistic as to the revenues generated and what we anticipate it to cost to service the area. Wickstrom continued that when the impacts of the overburdened Kent Kangley and Canyon Drive are considered, implementing the corridor project would relieve a V Public Works Committee September 17, 1991 Page 5 significant amount of the congestion. The cost to service the proposed annexation area becomes pretty small when it is compared to what it costs the City to mitigate impacts on Canyon Drive. Wickstrom added that he would also recommend modifying the boundary as shown on the map included in the Committee's packet to include a parcel that originally was not within the proposed annexation boundary but is under the same ownership as its abutting parcel. Thus, this would avoid splitting the parcel. He would also recommend the annexation area be subject to the City's indebtedness. Items to be considered are whether to proceed with the annexation at all, the boundary and whether you want to adjust it, and whether the area should assume the City's existing indebtedness. Jim White asked what assuming the City's indebtedness would do to the property taxes. Wickstrom explained, referring to the information in the Committee's packet, that the overall effect of annexation to the City versus remaining in the County is almost a wash. Overall, the property owners would save $1. 34 per $100, 000 valuation by being in the City. Dowell asked about fire and police coverage. The area is currently served by Fire District 37. In an emergency, responses by both police and fire would be whomever can get there the fastest. The costs shown for Police are based on a cost per call. Mr. Pawlowski wanted to know if there was a law which prevented a city from annexing property to put a road through. Tom Brubaker indicated these were two separate issues. Once an annexation occurs, the city has jurisdiction over the area. A second process can take place then for approval of the road project. The annexation does not guarantee that the road project will occur. It was noted that when properties are annexed into the City they come in automatically as residential, 20,000 square foot lots. The Planning Director reviews the area and makes recommendations as to appropriate zoning for the area within one year. Dowell inquired about the funding for the corridor. Wickstrom responded that the funding package for the corridor includes money from State grants, the $5 million in Councilmanic bonds and the mitigation agreements that have been executed by developers to mitigate their impact , to the city's transportation system. Wickstrom indicated for Dowell that on a best case scenario it would be approximately three years before construction could start and the project would take approximately two to three years to construct. Mr. Kiefer commented that he felt that the people in the area should be notified as to what is taking place with the annexation. Tom Brubaker indicated that during the process of collecting the 60% petition, there will be community meetings held explaining all the elements of the annexation. There E Public Works Committee September 17, 1991 Page 6 was an inquiry �as to how the boundary of this annexation was developed. Wickstrom indicated that the Public Works Department looked at what would be a reasonable boundary to consider without splitting properties. Dowell asked about the status of the 272nd/277th corridor and whether the Council will, be hearing some discussion on it soon. Wickstrom explained that the EIS has to be completed and any appeal process.finalized before it can be brought before Council. Wickstrom stated that the traffic modeling has been completed and the draft EIS should be completed in approximately three months. A member of the audience indicated that the corridor would definitely be an informational issue that those impacted by this annexation will want to know about. Leona Orr moved that the Public Works Committee recommend proceeding with the East Hill annexation with the boundary modification as recommended by the Public Works Director and subject to the City' s existing indebtedness. The Committee unanimously agreed. Jim White asked Roger Lubovich his opinion about what Council can or can not hear, on the corridor project. Roger Lubovich indicated that his predecessor had issued an opinion that no Council member could communicate with residents' in the community regarding the corridor because of the SEPA process. He continued that he will be reviewing that opinion in that it is his understanding that case law indicates that only at such time as there is an appeal pending should this communication be restricted. He stressed the case isn't real clear so he wants to look at it again and provide the Council an opinion at the next Committee meeting. Authorization for Condemnation - Dover Court StoX& Drainage Wickstrom explained that we have a project designed to reroute the drainage system in the Dover Court area to relieve an erosion problem. We have been unable to obtain two of the necessary easements in order to proceed with the project. Wickstrom explained that we will continue to negotiate with the property owners but are requesting authorization to condemn if negotiations are not successful. The Committee unanimously recommended approval. Authorization for Condemnation - LID 338 - WestviRK Terrace Wickstrom explained that we have been unsuccessful in obtaining an easement on one parcel in order to proceed with this sewer LID. We would like authorization to proceed with condemnation if we Public Works Committee September 171, 1991 Page 7 continue to be unsuccessful in our negotiations. The Committee unanimously recommended approval.