HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Public Works/Planning - 08/20/1991 OXTY CLMM
AUGUST 20,.1991 -- -- - -- ---�-
PRESENT: Jim White Carol Morris
Leona Orr Gary Gill
Steve Dowell Ed White
Don Wickstrom Mayene Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Rust; Marty Nizlek; Russ Stringham; Don Rust; Norton
Posey; John Milton; Dennis Clark; John Shaw; Ethel Vodder; Delyte
Tharp; Ed Tharp; Bill Doolittle; Lyle Price
Dennis Clark Concerns - Flooding .on Woodford
Mr. Clark addressed the Committee concerning the flooding from Mill
Creek in the Woodford Avenue area. He commented that when the
creek was dredged four years ago, the soil from the dredge was
moved up on the easterly side of the creek making it higher than
their side. Don Wickstrom presented a video of the flooding that
occurred in January of 1990 and in April of 1991 demonstrating the
effects that the Upper Mill Creek Detention System has. He
explained that the recent improvements to this system ,increased the
storage from 15 acre feet to 90 acre feet. Wickstrom explained
that Mill Creek is maintained by Drainage District 11 and the City
has no authority or easement rights to do anything to that channel.
Gill stated that the City had met with the Drainage District last
week and the District is developing a long range plan for their
whole system trying to prioritize the maintenance. Difficulties
they are facing now are getting the permits from DOE and Fisheries,
disposing of the spoils, etc. Wickstrom reviewed the drainage
improvement programs that are proposed for the next six years and
the problems with permitting, spoil disposal, etc that are inherent
with them. Wickstrom expanded that the City's standard is to
design for a 25-year storm and these last few storms have been
close to 100-year storms. White asked what could be done to give
some immediate relief to the problem. Wickstrom suggested they
contact the Drainage District to determine if they could possibly
remove some of the material on the east side and place it on the
west side to keep the water from coming onto the residential
Guiberson Street Reservoir
This item was tabled until the property owner could attend.
Public Works Committee
August 20, 1991
Page 2
Street occupation ordinance
Wickstrom stated he had contacted the cities of Seattle, Auburn,
Tukwila and Renton whether they allowed sandwich board signs, their
standards, fees, etc. None of these cities allow these types of
signs in the public rights of way. Wickstrom stated he would like
to see sandwich board signs allowed on private property according
to the zoning code. It was determined that the issue of signs on
private property is being addressed by the Planning Committee.
Wickstrom stated that at this time we have not developed any
standards or fees for signs in public rights of way. The ordinance
presented at the last Committee meeting could be moved ahead
without the standards and fees incorporated. White suggested an
annual permit, limiting the signs to a certain size and one per
business. Mr. Stringham added there should also be something about
minimum size, sign material and construction. Morris suggested the
criteria and fees be adopted in a separate ordinance so that the
fees can be adjusted as necessary without amending the original
ordinance. Jim White suggested that Mr. Rust and Mr. Stringham
work with the Public Works Department in developing the standards.
Mr. Stringham stated he has already submitted a list of suggestions
to the chair of the Planning Committee. Dowell was concerned about
the City's liability if someone were to trip over one of the signs.
Carol Morris confirmed she had covered the liability issue in the
ordinance. Mr. Doolittle suggested the signs posted on trees and
utility poles be addressed as well. The Committee unanimously
recommended adoption of the street occupation ordinance.
Marty Nizlek Concerns - SR 516 and Reith/Meeker
- S.W. 212th at Frager and RusRell Roads
Nizlek addressed the Committee concerning the illegal right turns
that are being made from Reith to SR 516. He was requesting that
a right turn lane be added at this intersection. White stated that
would eliminate the shoulder of the road and he would not recommend
doing so. Nizlek stated that about 40% of the green time of the
signal is given to Reith and Meeker and about 60% to SR 516.
Nizlek indicated he felt that no further signal timing changes
would effect any improvement to the traffic backing up on Reith
Road. Ed White stated he is still working with the State on the
signal timings as he feels the timing cycle length is too long. He
stated the backups are so spasmodic and short term that it is
difficult to determine if the changes to the signal timings are
effective. Nizlek concluded that he felt a minor modification
constructing a right turn lane, getting a variance from the State
to eliminate the shoulder, would eliminate the backup and reduce
the need for the amount of enforcement that is taking place. Mr.
Public Works Committee
August 20, 1991
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Milton from WSDOT stated he felt they have done what they could to
adjust the signal timing. He stated he didn't think it would be a
problem to use the shoulder for a right turn. After considerable
discussion, Don Wickstrom stated he would review the situation to
determine if further changes need to be made.
Mr. Nizlek stated he was curious about the status of the
effectiveness of the turn restrictions at S.W. 212th at Frager and
Russell Roads. Ed White stated that a significant reduction in
accidents has occurred. He stated he would like to monitor the
effectiveness of the turn restrictions a bit longer before having
to install the islands as recommended by Mr. Nizlek as those
islands do pose difficulties for emergency vehicles.
Extension of Utility Services
Copies of the proposed resolution were distributed to the
Committee. Jim White stated this proposal resulted from the
annexation proposal that was submitted to the Council a couple of
weeks ago. Orr stated she was still concerned about opening it up.
If we allow service for one project then we would have to allow for
others. There is no guarantee an annexation will go through.
Wickstrom stated that currently if there were a request for utility
service for anything greater than a single family residence on an
existing lot in the Kent school district, the County would probably
deny the request based on their school capacity ordinance. The
school district would indicate they do not have the capacity; thus,
the development could not take place. This would apply to plats
and rezones. Orr asked what would happen if the property was
already zoned for multifamily. Wickstrom stated there is one 5-
acre parcel in this proposed annexation that is zoned for
multifamily. It was clarified that if the annexation is approved
that property would come into the City as R1-20, 000 until the City
sets the zoning. Dowell suggested this resolution be sent to the
Council without a recommendation. Morris pointed out that
paragraph C had been changed from -the resolution presented at the
last Committee meeting. That change was an attempt to address the
concerns Leona Orr had expressed. Wickstrom stated it required the
property would have to have submitted a 10% petition and we would
have to have sufficient outstanding covenents representing 60% of
the valuation. Jim White suggested that Leona review the zoning
with the Planning Committee. The Committee unanimously recommended
sending this to the Council without a recommendation. Leona Orr
stated she would be adding this resolution to the Planning
Committee agenda.
Public Works Committee
August 20, 1991
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196th Corridor
Wickstrom explained we have been attempting to acqukire a particular
parcel since 1989 and have had funds reserved since that time. It
appears we are now close to settlement and we are requesting
authorization to transfer the funds from the Street CIP to the
project. The Committee unanimously approved the request.
Water Crossing S. 222nd - Condemnation for Right of Wily
Wickstrom explained we have a water main from North 4th going east
to the railroad tracks and a water main on 222nd going west to the
railroad tracks. We are proposing to tie the two together which
would eliminate a severe water hammer problem we have at Liquid Air
plant. We have been negotiating with the railroad but they are
only wi,,V.1ing to give the City a permit which does not give us any
permane1it rights. We are requesting authorization to proceed with
condemnation should we not be able to reach agreement with
�Burlington Nor ern. The Committee unanimously approved the
request. I,� -
Underground Storage Tanks Removal and Installation gf Above Ground
Wickstrom explained we had previously awarded this project but the
contractor was unable to obtain the proper insurance. We rescinded
the bid and readvertised the project. The low bid received on the
second ad was $7,300 higher than previous. Wickstrom stated we are
mandated by Federal law to remove the tanks; thus.. he requested
transferring the additional funds from the unencuobered water and
sewer utility funds and to award the project. The Committee
unanimously recommended approval.