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HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Public Works/Planning - 08/06/1991 PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE
AUGUST 6, 1991
PRESENT: Jim White Ed White
Leona Orr Ed Chow
Steve Dowell Carol Proud
Don Wickstrom May Miller
Carol Morris Jerry Hayes
Gary Gill Jerry McCaughan
Richard L. Costanzo, Safeway; Phil Davidson, Tollef son-Davidson
Properties; Hal Eden, Carlson/Ferrin Architects; David Markley,
TSI: Robert Crittenden, TSI; Dan Balmelli, Barghausen; Arthur
Martin, Alex Cugini; Jerry Crawford, Jack Cosby, Warren Secord,
Russ Stringham, Lyle Price.
Langston Landing
Jim White stated it had been brought to his attention there were
access problems associated with the development. He indicated he
had asked staff to see if they could work out solutions to the
• problem. Ed White explained the development is proposing to have
access off Meeker between the Firestone Tire Store and Family
Circle Drive-In. Ed White demonstrated that the main access to the
development is on Washington with two driveways. An additional
right-in, right-out driveway is proposed for Meeker Street access.
Staff is recommending a 24-foot wide driveway access on Meeker with
two radii that are spiral in order to accommodate emergency
vehicles. Easements on both sides of the access would be required.
Jim White asked about the impact of this on the driveway into the
Tire Store. Ed White stated it is suggested the two driveways into
the Tire Store be combined into one large one to provide access
into the entire site. The large vehicles could still get into the
furthest bay.
David Markley stated there were a couple of issues being discussed
with this project. One of the primary questions is the access off
Meeker. Another relates to the turning radii being required at the
entrances off Washington and another relates to the depth of the
entrance "throat" into the shopping center. The City has required
50-foot radii at the entrances be designed into the plan. Mr.
Markley stated this is appropriate if there is a high volume or
predominance of truck traffic. There will be truck traffic coming
in and out but will not be the predominant traffic. He continued
that the State guidelines indicate 30-foot radius is appropriate
when the predominant type of vehicle is a single unit vehicle. He
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August 6, 1991
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stated he felt the 30-foot radius is appropriate for several
reasons. One is that the 50-foot radius allows higher speeds into
the driveway. One of the entrances is right in front of the
Safeway entrances and exits. Additionally, a 50-foot radius is
quite a distance for a pedestrian to cross. He summarized that
they feel the 30-foot radius adequately accommodates the times the
large tractor/trailer trucks are entering and no through traffic is
affected because accel/decel lanes will be constructed on
Mr. Markley addressed the entrance "throat" item. The city is
requiring a 100-foot depth to the entrance throats. The entrance
immediately in front of the store is designed with a 96-foot
throat. The second entrance is designed for 84-feet. While the
100-foot throat is a desirable goal; however, Mr. Markley contended
there would be no more than two cars in the throat during the peak
volume period. Even if there were four cars in the entrance there
would be only need for 80-feet. He stated he felt the storage is
provided even though less than the 100 feet being required by the
City and he felt there would be very little, if any, potential for
vehicles to back onto the street.
Mr. Markley stated the development is requesting that left turns
off Meeker into the site be allowed. The left turn volumes off
Meeker into the site are forecasted to be 40 vehicles per hour. He
stated he felt the access could be designed to force the right-out,
preclude left turns out and allow the left turns in and retain the
driveways as proposed. Mr. Markley suggested, since there is no
history of problems with left turns off Meeker, a conditional
approval allowing left turns in and if safety problems or accidents
occur then a revised solution will be accomplished. He continued
they concur that theoretically left turns can be a problem but
there is no evidence of that and in many cases it never
He concluded they are requesting that the radii be reduced to 30-
feet from 50-feet, that the throats be allowed to be slightly less
than 100-feet, and that a conditional approval for left turns off
Meeker be allowed and if a problem is identified that all parties
get together and design a solution to meet a specific problem.
Markley further explained the right-out only design for Dowell.
Orr asked about the traffic volumes on Meeker and whether there
were left turn lanes. She expressed concerns about the traffic
backing up on Meeker when cars are attempting to make a left.
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August 6, 1991
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Mr. Secord who is the owner of the Tire Store stated that he would
not be able to get the large vehicles into the end bay with the
proposed driveway redesign. Also he would not be able to get the
large tractor trailers into the back part of his property. There
was considerable discussion regarding access into Mr. Secord's
Mr. Doolittle supported the 50-foot radius on the driveways. He
suggested the landscaping and sidewalks be eliminated.
Jim White stated he was concerned about the left turn in off
Meeker. Ed White stated he was concerned what would occur as a
result of the stacking of vehicles attempting to make a left turn
into Langston's Landing off Meeker. Mr. Markley stated the
stacking would occur whether the left turns were allowed or not.
If they can't turn left off Meeker they will go on down to the left
turn pocket to turn on Washington. He added that when the vehicles
are turning left at the light there is no opposing traffic except
those turning right off Washington onto Meeker thus natural gaps
would occur. Wickstrom stated if the left turn were prohibited the
vehicles would go down to Willis and enter the development from
Washington. It is a question of how much additional traffic you
would put on Meeker and how far that would back up. Gill stated
that when they were videotaping the area, there were drivers
getting so frustrated with the lack of left turn pockets at West
Valley, they started turning into the oncoming lanes and driving
for several hundred feet in the opposing traffic lane to cut back
over into the left turn pocket. Orr commented she thought the DNS
prohibited left turns. Wickstrom stated the DNS states right-in
and right-out unless the Public Works Department approves
otherwise. Orr questioned whether they were discussing* something
they could not change. Wickstrom clarified that ' the DNS says
right-in and , right-out subject to the Department approving
otherwise. If the Department approves right-in, right-out only,
the Council would be acting on an appeal of, an administrative
Jim White asked if widening Meeker Street was a possibility. Mr.
Davidson stated it had been explored and the cost was prohibitive.
Ed White added that Meeker Street is currently a substandard street
with 10-foot lanes. The City has previously listed Meeker Street
widening as a project on our TIP but the problem is monetary. What
The City is proposing is an attempt to get the traffic off the
substandard street on to a facility that is more able to
accommodate the traffic. West Valley has 11-foot lanes, has a two
way left turn lane and has an accel-decel lane on the, west side and
with this development would have one on the east side as well.
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August 6, 1991
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Don Wickstrom suggested that he be allowed to review the left turn
proposal by the developer before any decision is made. It appears
that the left turn off Meeker has become the primary issue. Jim
White asked that the concerns of Mr. Secord's business be kept in
mind when reviewing any proposal. Dowell suggested the matter be
scheduled for the August 20 Council agenda and if the issued is
resolved by that time, it can be removed from the agenda. Leona
Orr added that the City already has a problem with driveway widths
into parking lots and shopping centers. She asked that these
driveways be large enough that the trucks and vehicles can get in.
Mr. Davidson said he concurred with that and he would make sure
they are wide enough. The Committee unanimously concurred that the
matter be placed on the 8/20 Council agenda and if resolution is
reached before that time, it will be removed from the agenda.
Extension of Utility Services
Jim White stated he was suggesting that we allow the extension of
utilities if an annexation has been initiated for a given area.
Orr said she would not support anything that would contribute
further to the transportation problems. Morris asked if White
wanted the extension allowed for any property. White asked if it
could be done for single family and not for multifamily. Morris
replied not unless there was a rational distinction to be made
between single family and multifamily. Orr asked if there were any
guarantees that the Boundary Review Board will approve an
annexation even if we have all the signatures. There was
clarification of zoning on areas that are annexed into the City.
Orr stated she would like to see single family homes built but if
the City can't extend services to one classification without
extending to another she would be hesitant to open it up until the
urban boundaries are designated. Dowell asked what options were
available. They are: wait until the annexation is complete or put
in a well. However, the well could only be for one home. A
community well could only be developed if the City gave a release
that we would not service the area. White stated maybe now is the
time to find out if our annexation agreements are valid. White
asked that Carol Morris prepare an amended resolution,
incorporating Orr's concerns, and bring it back before the
Committee. Orr added that it could possibly include conditions
that we have the required signatures and the 10t petition
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August 6, 1991
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Street Occupation Ordinance
Carol Morris stated that at the last Planning Committee meeting
some people were expressing their concerns with sandwich board
signs and the problems resulting from the Planning Department's
enforcement of the zoning code. Carol continued that she had
indicated if the sandwich boards were placed on public right of way
the Planning Department shouldn't even be dealing with them and
that the Public Works Department has jurisdiction over the public
right of way. The Zoning Code addresses only private property.
Dowell asked if that meant you could put signs on public property.
Morris stated that if we allowed such use we should assess the
person who is -using the public right of way. The ordinance she has
prepared gives Public Works Department authority to review the
type, size and location of signs. The ordinance also addresses
indemnification, insurance problems, illegal signs, assessment of
fees, and revocation of permits. It was determined that the
ordinance did not establish criteria for the sign or permit fees.
Don Rust stated he had suggested''a committee be established
consisting of staff and interested citizens to work this out rather
than establishing another regulation on the books. He wanted to be
able to provide input into the development of the ordinance. Jim
White stated he has previously asked the Chamber of Commerce
numerous times to develop a committee to address this sign
ordinance. But nothing has been done there either. Stringham
commented that no support had been marshaled previously to change
the ordinance. There is now a group of several business owners who
are concerned with this. Stringham stated he had presented over 20
signed copies of regulatory review requests to Jon Johnson. Jim
White asked that the costs and sign criteria be included in the
ordinance and it be brought back before the Committee on August 20.
Mr. Rust suggested that all signs, including real estate signs, be
tagged so they can be identified as legal signs. It was determined
that Mr. Rust's sign problem had to be addressed through the
Planning Committee since his sign is on private property. Dowell
suggested that the responsibility for signs be left in the Planning
Department rather than splitting the responsibility. Carol
repeated that the Zoning Code addresses use of private property and
is administered through the Planning Department. The ordinance she
has prepared deals with signs in public right of way which should
be administered .through.Public Works Department unless a decision
is made that ,the Planning Department administer that as well. Jim
White asked that Carol Morris prepare the appropriate ordinance so
that a Director does not have to be reviewing sign applications and
that the fees and criteria be specified in the ordinance. This
matter will be brought back before this Committee at their next
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August 6, 1991
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196th Corridor
Wickstrom explained we have received notice from TSB of a grant for
design of the 196th Corridor and we are requesting authorization
for the Mayor to sign the grant agreement. The Committee
unanimously recommended approval.
Reith Road Guardrail
Wickstrom explained that we had previously budgeted funds to place
guardrail on a section of roadway on Reith Road. Vehicles are
missing the guardrail and going over the edge. He requested
authorization to transfer additional funds from the Frager Road
Guardrail project and to construct additional portions of guardrail
on Reith Road. The Committee unanimously agreed.
Guiberson Street Reservoir
Since the property owner concerned with this item haFd to leave the
meeting early,` this item was rescheduled for the neat agenda.
Wickstrom explained that Finance had expressed concern that the
Public Works Department had proposed increasing revenue rather than
cuts to meet the budget call. The material included in the packet
detailed the additional cuts the Department would propose.