HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Public Works/Planning - 05/21/1991 PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MAY 21, 1991 PRESENT: Steve Dowell Carol Stoner Leona Orr Ted Knapp Don Wickstrom John G. Kiefer Tom Brubaker William Joy Gary Gill Charlie Kiefer Ed White Randy M. Judkins Stan Wade Homer M. Doolittle Suzan Amundsen Hans A. Freiwald Richard Chase Jim Leonard Roger Lubovich Bill Doolittle Tony McCarthy Don C. Rust Ann Watnabe Lauri Anderson Combined Stormwater Detention/Enhanced Wetland Facility Wickstrom commented that approximately two year ago the City received a grant application to do a study on conversion of our existing abandoned sewerage lagoon into a wildlife habitat and storm drainage retention facility. • The original concept was developed during the Valley Studies in 1979 . The largest hurdle has been financing of the project. With creation of a drainage utility, new financing options were available. The completion of 64th Avenue South was delayed until this study was completed. In order to finalize the report and receive our final grant funds from DOE, it is necessary to receive Council's approval of the report and authorize the Mayor to sign same for transmittal to DOE. Carol Stoner added that the Environmental Task Force has been working with the consultants, Public Works and Planning Departments on this project. She addressed the conditions that were felt necessary to have met before 64th was completed - those being 1) review and approval of the project by all the regulatory agencies, 2) financing was established, 3) land acquisition was complete and 4) a disposal plan for the dredged material was developed. Dowell asked about the financing. Wickstrom responded that half would be funded by the drainage utility through a three year rate increase for the properties in the respective basins, plus a ULID in the area. The ULID would affect those properties south of 212th, west of WVH and bounded by the river. The rate impact the first year would be approximately an additional $1.78 per month for a single family residence. Seventy-seven cents of that is related to additional M&O costs. Dowell asked about the item of planting oats to compensate for some of the lost farmland. Amundsen stated there was no cost involved Public Works Committee May 21, 1991 Page 2 in planting the oats and to compensate for the seed source for the wildlife. Dowell referred to a comment in the Executive Summary which referred to Kent's previously allowing development in wetland areas. After considerable discussion, it was determined that the sentence would be modified. Dowell asked if a site for disposal of the dredged material had been selected. Wickstrom responded that we have a site in mind but we will to enter into negotiations to secure the property. Wickstrom added that we have had the material tested to determine that it is not contaminated. Stoner added there is one isolated area with a possible PCB level but that site will not be disturbed. Thus, any contamination issue is relatively minor. Dowell asked about harvesting the 12 acres of crop. Amundsen stated that referred to the property in the power line corridor. Dowell stated that the cost of the project is a concern to him. Businesses which pay 80% of the property taxes can not continue to exist if there are projects that continually eat away to their ability to produce products and employ people competitively. Stoner 'responded that it is a valuable site that serves dual purposes and there is a way to manage it for both uses and because of its unique location it means putting a lot into a small area. Dowell reviewed the proposed construction schedule which indicated construction of the remainder of 64th in June of 1993 or 1994. The Committee heard and addressed comments by Mr. Freiwald, John Kiefer, Charlie Kiefer and Randy Judkins. The Committee unanimously recommended approval of the study with the recommended changes and authorization for the Mayor to sign the final report. Proposed L. I.D. - S. 218th Street Mr. and Mrs. Rust said there has been minimal contact with Trammel Crow on the issue. It was suggested that Tom Brubaker follow up on the matter. Mr. Rust stated they would prefer that the project be reviewed so that their assessment would be one they could pay themselves. Authorization to Condemn - 108th and 260th Wickstrom explained that the developer of the Canyon Ridge Plaza development was required to construct via, an alternate route, an additional east bound capacity through the congested 104th Avenue Public Works Committee May 21, 1991 Page 4 the City was not making an effort to annex those properties. They then stated they would not allow any extension without the City at least requiring no-protest LID covenants. Dowell requested that Tom Brubaker's memorandum be sent to the Council members. The Committee addressed comments by Mr. Freiwald and John Kiefer. John Kiefer, William Joy, Charlie Kiefer and Randy Judkins requested to be notified when the 10% petition for the east hill annexation is received by the City.