HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Public Works/Planning - 03/05/1991 PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE March 5, 1991 PRESENT: Jim White Tony McCarthy Leona Orr Ed White Steve Dowell Merrill Vesper Gary Gill Johnie Nall Tom Brubaker John Bond Carol Morris Jerry McCaughan Tim Heydon Mr. and Mrs. Rust Ed Chow Cheryle Noble L.I.D. 336 - East Valley Highway Widening Gill explained this is the last phase of the East Valley Highway widening from 192nd north to the city limits at 180th. We have held meetings with the property owners most of whom are in support of the need for the project. We have a lot of LID covenants from the developers who have already improved their property. We are asking for authorization to proceed with the project. Secondly, we are seeking authorization to proceed with condemnation on a few of the parcels where we lack right of way. We would proceed with condemnation if negotiations continue to prove unsuccessful. The Committee unanimously recommended approval to proceed and to pursue condemnation if required. Lot Line Adjustment - North Park The citizens have expressed concern regarding the impacts that any future development might have on the existing residents along First Avenue, Second Avenue and Third Avenue. White stated that one of the items that came out at the Council retreat as a high priority was a "massive street overlay" program. The areas expressly addressed were North Park, south of Willis, Scenic Hill and East Hill where we have virtually substandard streets throughout as part of the old street system. White continued, recognizing that Public Works has so many projects that are mandated and it will be difficult for them to work their way through that, how do we address this situation. North Park and south of Willis residents can not afford a large LID to take care of all the problems. What are the alternatives to financing these improvements---city wide bond issue, series of LID's, councilmanic bonding? White asked if staff could come up with some alternatives that Council could look at to address these. Dowell referred to a statement that one of the residents made that he was told that the citizens of the area would not be required to pay for improvements. It was clarified that referred to the improvements the developer would be making. Dowell stated this might be confusing and that the individual might sw PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MARCH 5, 1991 PAGE 2 think he would not have to pay for any improvements. White suggested that perhaps if we are going to overlay a street perhaps we could tie it in with an LID for sidewalks. It was clarified that if the developer proceeds with the development he will have to make full street improvements with curbs, gutters and sidewalks. White stated he was concerned about the impact of adding the additional homes to the area. Gill stated we can identify the needs, develop cost estimates to upgrade each one of the street sections and financial alternatives. There was discussion regarding access for the proposed new residences at the north end of 1st, 2nd and 3rd Avenues. Ms. Nobel commented that she and Ms. Newcomer had distributed 172 questionnaires regarding access to 4th. 73 of the 77 returned questionnaires indicated they were not in favor of access to 4th. Gill added that access to 4th was restricted for the planned Triangle Properties apartment complex during their SEPA review. Ms. Nobel commented upon the concerns of the neighborhood regarding traffic. Gill stated we would notify Ms. Noble before signing off any development plans for the area. Staff will bring back before the Committee an assessment of the needs, cost estimates and financial alternatives. White added that at the retreat it was suggested that the limits for notification for public meetings and hearings be extended to 1,000 feet rather than the existing 200 feet. Carol Morris stated she would work on that issue. Proposed L.I.D. - Hilltop Avenue Sanitary Sewer Gill explained this proposed L.I.D. is for a small area at the north end of Hilltop Avenue which is not presently served by sanitary sewer. The area is within the City limits. There are approximately 50% of the property owners in favor of the project. Some have expressed concerns over the failure of their septic systems. Dowell clarified there were no new county developments abutting this proposed L.I.D. area. The Committee unanimously recommended approval to proceed with the L.I.D. Authorization to Condemn - L.I.D. 335 - 77th Ave. St. Imp, 104th_/256th St. Imp. : 228th St. Imp. Gill explained we were requesting authorization to condemn for right of way for these three projects if negotiations are not successful. There are twd remaining parcels in L.I.D. 335 for which we need to acquire right of way; three in 104th/256th Street Improvement and one on the 228th Street Improvement project. Gill described each of the projects for the Committee. The Committee PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MARCH 5, 1991 PAGE 3 unanimously recommended approval to proceed with condemnation if negotiations for right of way are unsuccessful. Olympic Pipeline Franchise Gill explained that Public Works and the Attorney's office have been working on a new franchise ordinance for Olympic Pipeline as their old franchise has expired. Morris explained that she has added substantial clauses regarding hazardous substances, notification, spills, and cleanup. She noted that Don Wickstrom wanted to require a risk assessment of the pipeline system before approving the franchise in order to determine the current structural integrity of the system. The indemnification and insurance sections have been strengthened considerably. They are required to notify the Public Works Department and the Fire Department in case of accidental release or accidents relating to the pipeline. The franchise fee has been increased to $3 .00 per lineal foot of pipeline. Olympic Pipeline has reviewed the ordinance and is in agreement. Morris added this is a 10-year franchise as opposed to the old one which was 15 years and it does not allow them to construct any new lines under this franchise. The Committee unanimously recommended approval of the franchise. Street Utility Gill explained this is a continuance of the issues brought before the Committee earlier. We are requesting to establish the corridor funds to capture the available revenue, establish project budgets and authorize the staffing requirements. IBC and IPC have reviewed these requests and it is their recommendation to fill the clerical and Engineering Technician position as approved in the 1991 budget and to authorize one new engineer position. Personnel is to evaluate the Tech and Engineer position to determine the appropriate level. The rationale of upgrading the Engineer position is to be able to use that position to manage contractual engineers. McCarthy clarified that the Committee should make a recommendation as to the hiring of these positions. The Committee unanimously recommended approval of the IBC/IPC recommendation to proceed with hiring of the Office Technician and Engineering Technician positions as approved in the 1991 budget review of the Technician position to determine appropriate level based upon job responsibilities and to add an Engineer position at a level to be determined after review of job responsibilities. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MARCH 5, 1991 PAGE 4 Downtown Signs Jim White asked what the status of these signs is. Ed White stated he would have to review the files from the previous Transportation Engineer. It was determined that staff would contact Dee Moschel on this issue. Jim White asked if there could be a report back to the Committee at the next meeting. Tunnel for 272f 277th Corridor White stated that the media has proposed a tunnel for the corridor. White continued that the Council has not had any information presented to them regarding this technology. White asked if staff would invite the Robbins Company and any other company that might have information on the subject to give a presentation to the Committee. Gill stated that we have had our consultant, Wilsey & Ham, prepare a cost estimate on a tunnel which was completed in the last month. White stated some of the points he was interested in were whether it was feasible in this type of project and what the costs might be. Proposed L.I.D. S. 218th Street Mrs. Rust asked how they go about protesting this L.I.D. The procedure was explained to Mr. and Mrs. Rust. Mrs. Rust asked if traffic counts and pedestrian counts had been done to justify the need for sidewalks. Other Orr asked about the City appealing County projects w4en they impact Kent. Gill explained that we have previously done that up through the County Council level on several projects and our appeals were denied. The next step would have been to have taken our appeals to the Supreme Court. Ed White added that the County is now contacting us when a project is within our service area. Orr stated that perhaps we need to consider renewing our efforts to appeal County projects impacting the City.